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My Mum called me today when I was coaching my guys on the beach.

I mentioned about Suze telling me she doesn't want to date any new guys, and then going to Tulum and changing her hinge location the second shje got out the airport lul.

She said girls don't do that for guys who are a serious prospect in their mind. She told me, just be cool with her, be friends with her if ya want, and then go to a new location and get a better gal. LMAO.

Mum is based AF.

She told me she is practising manifestation exercises to help me find a beautiful wife so she can have 2 grand children.

She is just a lovely soul. I look forward to achieving my goals this year, and going back and spending a month or two with them.

I appreciate these moments. Just put a smile on my face.

Checkin was above. Will kill these actions. Biz, gym, mindset. And some forum admin now. Need to get new members on here.

Mindset Development Work & Strategic Recharge

Spent the sunrise & early AM on my rooftop, visualising and doing affirmations. Was up there for 2 hours or so.

Hit the gym.

Off to the shops now & doing pure mindset development work all day today. And likely tomorrow too.

215lbs this morn. 10 more lbs and I think the bulk is done. Big one I need to get up is the deadlift. Has to be for high reps too. Let's see what we can make happen. I really want to crush 155-165kg for 15 reps or so. That sort of lift puts my max around 220-230kg. I think I could do 200kg or so now.

Greetings today from Low SMV Hell boyos

Mindset has to be dedicated to victory

There is a version of me who has at least fixed his image enough to get SOME attraction from non-troll ass women in the 3/4 range

Raising my image and finding a winning image means my apps go from zero matches to "something", approaches go from nothing to something happening

And we do not stop grinding from there

And we FINALLY start seeing this hard work pay off

Until then the grind continues



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215lbs this morn. 10 more lbs and I think the bulk is done. Big one I need to get up is the deadlift. Has to be for high reps too. Let's see what we can make happen. I really want to crush 155-165kg for 15 reps or so. That sort of lift puts my max around 220-230kg. I think I could do 200kg or so now.
Why are you deadlifting for reps
Why are you deadlifting for reps
Coach believes heavily in heavy deads for high reps as an overall mass builder

He’s done great work with me and I’m happy about the results

Will stick to our plan, put some more solid ass muscle on


Get a full sleeve

And do the other optimisations I’d need to make better outcomes happen

Good to see you posting Tushar
Coach believes heavily in heavy deads for high reps as an overall mass builder

He’s done great work with me and I’m happy about the results

Will stick to our plan, put some more solid ass muscle on


Get a full sleeve

And do the other optimisations I’d need to make better outcomes happen

Good to see you posting Tushar

I love DL's, but they're not ideal for leg hypertrophy since there's no eccentric portion. Just a short concentric, then a brief hold at the top, then drop. Plus you're super tall, so you're humping the weight up and then getting shear on your spine while lowering it.

Taller people benefit more from coming out of deep stretch, doing super-slow (2 seconds concentric, 4 seconds eccentric) one-leg presses, bulgarian split squats, foot elevated split squats, stuff like that.

But if you enjoy it, it's another thing. Whatever works.
My Mum called me today when I was coaching my guys on the beach.

I mentioned about Suze telling me she doesn't want to date any new guys, and then going to Tulum and changing her hinge location the second shje got out the airport lul.

She said girls don't do that for guys who are a serious prospect in their mind. She told me, just be cool with her, be friends with her if ya want, and then go to a new location and get a better gal. LMAO.

Mum is based AF.

She told me she is practising manifestation exercises to help me find a beautiful wife so she can have 2 grand children.

She is just a lovely soul. I look forward to achieving my goals this year, and going back and spending a month or two with them.
Love this super positive bit after talking to your Mom. Let's fucking go!
Will stick to our plan, put some more solid ass muscle on
Hey Mac, you know i'm no expert and i've had a bodybuilding coach too, but this forum is for us to exchange views and brainstorm idea regardless of who's coaching us in the outside world.
I'm really afraid tall and skinny guys with bad genetics like me and you don't get anything out of big compound movements.

i saw definitation and muscle growth in my leg only when i stopped chasing strength and numbers and started using stable non-compound bodybuilding exercises like leg press.
Also your coach is letting you deadlift with a round back which is worrying

I understand you will keep trusting your coach for some time which is the right thing, everytime we try something we have to give it enough time to work before switching, just wanted to share my opinion even if i'm not expert because it was very obvious for me the fact that i started growing only when i stopped doing compound exercises and chasing strength like a powerlifter
So the metrics I monitor for my body are the physical measurements and my strength gains

If these go up, I consider it a W

I am not skinny now I have size and presence as I gained literally 25lbs, half of that was muscle, half of it was fat

I have gotten way stronger and bigger. I am very tall at 6ft5 so it will take me literally years to get muscular and big

But that willl change my destiny

Frankly, given my progress in strength and measurements is happening month ager month. I can’t make any adjustments

I do deadlifts heavy and for high reps which has a massive hormonal effect on my body

I do heavy leg presses for high reps, 5 plates a side super super deep for 20 reps

My shoulder strength has flown up. From struggling to push press 50kg in Budapest to smashing 80kg on the barbell overhead for reps!

On the shoulder press machine I did 90kg for 5 reps

This version of me is becoming a strong and muscular beast slowly but surely

My biggest downfall is lack of attractive archetype and I need to tap into some form or archetype that will work

The minorities that attracted the best quality were my brother and day 1 the gangster Timmy Turner the most handsome black man in the game and a true legend of Winner Within

And I also know a few others who are either Arab or black and are doing well

Speaking to these people, the issue is that I look like an IT worker or programmer nerd (not when I speak tho, then these hoes know)

My thinking on gym improvements is to add raw size and get lean to reveal a more muscular and dominant physique, allowing me to overcome my bad archetype to a greater degree (maybe 5%)

And then add a lot of tattooing and honestly I may have to experiment with some deeper tricks, starting to go by a new and less ethnic name (I can’t get any matches on the apps where my name is Ravi but where I changed it to Rob I can get some)

The problem has a solution and the fact is that with a serious and deliberate image transformation this can be unlocked

My opinion is the power building type training and muscular development WILL help when we cut me down

And then I will do a full style haul, I’ll get my brother to sort me out a whole image haul and I’ll get it sent to NYC where it can sit in my little bro Carls apartment until I arrive there

The step that also needs to take place is heavy tattooing

Thanks for the support as ever bros

I am not stressed about this and haven’t been sweating it for a while, I did a big test of all different locations in the dating apps and I really couldn’t get any match quality or volume so basically I had to be honest and just draw a line under that era

All my brain is engaged in all day every day is Joe to become better

More happy and grounded

More attractive

And more successful

I have an obsessed mindset and tinker with this shit every second of my life

Today I got up went to the beach for 90m did my visualisations written affirmations

And then spent a while brainwashing myself and thinking about the legend I wil become when I rid myself of the actual issues

Low smv
Bad archetype
Weak profiles

What drives me every day is if I gut up and grind today then in 6 months I will wake up more attractive, more confident and grounded, and.l more successful

I appreciate the thoughts but as I have demonstrated the metrics that matter ARE going

To change something in my training now would be foolish

Let’s get my upper arm development up, quads and ass up, chest and back

And we will test this when I leave Mexico.

Right now I am chilling with the beautiful and lovely people of mesico some of the friendliest and kindest humans god put on this earth

It’s good vibes here all day every day

Positive and limitless enegy

You can just work hard on self improvement and have faith this shit will pay off



Up, morning routine done.

Went to the gym with sunrise. Man I am absolutely smoked training wise after months of beatings. Barely had anything to give. Literally. Knew something was off, so just did a stretching session, and will try again tomorrow. Somerthing is up. Will hit my kcals, rest up, and if it happens again tomorrow, will chat to my coach about it.

I think the extremely intensive style of training may be catching up to me. Maybe I'll adapt. I don't know. That, however, was a concern this morning.

Not to worry. Will try again tomorrow and I think it won't be an issue.

Now to meal prep, go to the beach & coach my group.

Sales. Content. Admin.

Rinse & repeat.

Simple, easy, flow..........




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Just gonna say, I feel really good man.

Intentional mindset work, letting go, and actively working on my beliefs, mindsets, and seeing the world as abundant, has helped not only my mood, energy levels, but also performance and productivity.

Yesterday was very productive. Killed it. It got to 8pm and I had some forum admin to do, but I opted to do that today instead, as I was feeling some resistance. After a solid 8hrs work, there's no need to push it. Will do it today.

The approach I have created, and which we're testing in the private IW group, seems to be the right one. Other guys are also getting good results.

Will do my check-in, in a bit. Will try that gym session today. Yesterday I just couldn't train. I will see what happens today.

Will make sure to get on a call with my coach this week and touch base, understand our next steps, etc. I am 216lbs now, so gained lots of weight, some muscle, some fat. I look like a right thicc boy now.

All good.

I am going to start doing research on tattoos this weekend, maybe I can get one done in Mexico. Saves me some cash. Improves my look a bit before going to NYC.

Thanks brah I will give it a go!

DAY 51/90

More we just show up, learn and improve, the better our outcomes get.........


Quick gratitude post for SCOTTY GLL

I am sad he dropped off the map and stopped speaking to us boys

But I know, he is on his own journey, and he will re emerge and be the human he needs to be

I don't think he will understand how so many of us idolise him, so he may not quite get that

But damn, just the few months I was able to speak to him, changed my life forever

I still think about those conversations, and honestly, he is still the king to me. I think he always will be.

That guy taught me what true drive and motivation and a give no fucks attitude can do for you in life, if nothing else, but just true core masculine confidence is enough to become a legend

I will tag him just to show deep gratitude and respect

I think if I didn't meet Scotty, and see him in person, I would have lost hope a while ago. Just seeing the insane gulf between him, and frankly, everyone else I have ever met, I realised what a true champion looks life, and I realised it was possible for it to be done with true dedication.

He showed me what true dedication to the game looks like.

He never complained. He loved it all. He went out into the streets, breathed in the air, and did what the fuck he wanted in live giving no fucks about anything at all.

The things I learned from him, I would never have picked up. The knowledge in his brain cannot be learned online, you have to seek him out and listen to him. Shit was crazy.

Wish him the very best, as I do for everyone who has helped me. Hope he is doing well out there wherever he is.

DAY 52/90

Feeling good

Making deep mindset changes

And I will effortlessly attract great things into my life and life an abundant life of great impact, community, connection and success



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Shot this morning.

If you follow conventional wisdom, you get conventional results. That's mediocre, ordinary, and run-of-the-mill. Average at best.

But you, who follow me, don't want that. And I didn't either.

Three years ago, in Battersea, South West London, I told my flatmate:

"In three years, I will be watching the sunrise from a beach in Mexico, running my own business, living how I want."

And here I am. It happened.

My truth to you is this: Conventional thinking about productivity and performance does not work for most people. It cost me a decade of potential, caused burnout, and led to horrendous mental and physical health challenges. I nearly lost hope.

Until something changed.

The shit I do on this forum, day in, day out, is genuinely how I banged dozens of girls, built a rotation, got a pretty chick who treats me well to date me, and live how I f**king want, whilst serving amazing people in my business who I literally cannot wait to speak to each day

I did this all off of pure HABIT CHANGE

I JUST changed my habits and day structure to align with how our nature works best, and what I wanted from life

That got me the best mentors, the best advisors, and got me in a place where I can contribute more to the human animal

Men like me love to be useful and serve others, it makes me happy, big time, and makes me feel like a winner.

I think that was why Andy trusted me with the forum, because he knew how much I truly care about helping other men, because in truth, I am grateful for the men who were there for me. Andy, Radical, The Bastard, Pancake, Rags, The Dom, The No Brains Crew, the IronWill Tribe.

I am now, going places in my life. Big time. Seriously. Watch me in a year or two, I am going to be a big time success.

And I am going to give it all back to YOU

On this forum


Because I want to find the diamond in the rough, the guys who have potential, but just need the right mentor, right support, to become a fucking legend like I became

And we are going to push them to greatness, because we value men of integrity and purpose, and we invest in those men, and pull them to the top!

It's that simple.

Once you start winning, and crushing goal after goal, truth is, you just don't want to go back.

I am a humble man, from DIRT NOTHING. I am nobody, from nowhere. I am from an abusive household. I was a sickly child who battled chronic health problems. I suffered from severe mental and physical illness. contemplated suicide. I failed time and time again in my life. I was a virgin until I was 30. I was obese. I had no self esteem. I was beat down, defeated, and had so many problems, I did not know if it would be humanly possible to still suceed.

That was the path I went down, and the destruction I was headed for.

Until I decided, with tears in my eyes, that there was still ONE PERSON I could trust, who MIGHT be able to help me.....And3 weeks before my 30th birthday, I saw Andy launched his coaching program, and I was one of the first to sign up with that LEGEND. He stepped in at the last minute and gave me a hand up, and changed my life in ways too numerous to list.

Once I found the right mentor, who was able to help me with my problems, I was basically unstoppable from there.

I now, many years on from being coached by Andy, can see how truly ingenious Andy really was

He taught me about mindset, letting go, and the power of belief, and how you can change your life, by changing your psychological habits.

I resisted this, bitterly, for years, because I was not coachable enough at the time, but I spend countless hours pondering everything Andy would say to me.

And as you know, my goal now, above all else, is just healing, doing therapy, doing emotional release and letting go work. I don't even date girls anymore. I just run my awesome business, which is getting more successful by the month btw, and I just do my healing and inner world work each day.

Remember, I am an achievement machine......

Lost 100+ lbs
Virgin @ 30 & Banged dozens of chicks, had rotations, done all sorts of freaky BDSM shit, the job lot
Multiple promotions as a project manager, until I was 1 down from the CEO
Started my own business, built up a successful coaching practice, now fully location independent
Beat sticking point after sticking point
And continue to grow and improve my inner world

The journey is JUST BEGINNING

Because I came to learn, Andy was right about his take on me and my case.

And I will keep listening to his advice, and I will continue to grow.

Tomorrow, we at WinnerWithin will SERVE YOU

Andy, Radical, Bman, Manganeilo, Squilliam, and MAC DADDY will be on a live stream for you and will be giving you FREE COACHING


Come on, chill, relax, and let's just chat and enjoy our time together.

If you want to learn more about how you too can be coached by my first mentor, Andy Wells, you can find more about him below:


Beautiful time on the beach this morning. Lay there for 90mins, and just could feel how much I've healed, and how there was so much natural abundance and happiness, and less anger, pain, suffering.


I like supporting the local owned businesses, especially the ones where it is older people. I rotate a few spots for my morning coffee and always tip well in Mexico and give these people a lot of love. The Mexican people, are just great, and have treated me so well. I really appreciate it. In stark contrast to where I'd walk into a coffee shop in Budapest, and the owners heart would just sink, and they'd have such bitterness and anger towards me, it got so annoying man and I am so glad in other parts of the world, people are just normal and don't instantly dislike you for no reason.

Being here, actually supported my mental health a lot.

A reminder to minorities who are experiencing racism and poor treatment in various countries: just be smarter, work harder, be clever and cunning, and do the work to get out.

I wasn't aware at the time, but now, in hindsight, I can see what that experience was doing to my mental health.

Whereas here, in Mexico, there is no stress or strain. I can go where I want, and no one is offended or pissed off that I'm about. GREAT!

Just to experience peace, and be left alone, and not have to deal with additional negative emotions for no reason, is a great feeling.

End of the day, you can't allow anyone limited thinking stop you. I still achieved my goals, everywhere I went, because I am a fuckin driven bastard with an unlimited reserve of "fuck you, I will succeed"

I am just glad, right now, I don't have to deal with it. I am happy to be healing, growing, developing, getting stronger in the gym, and working on my MINDSET, the most important thing in life


Plan for the day.

I'll go do meal prep now, hit the gym and do a knees over toes workout, gotta keep this body strong and durable because I have quite the war to fight in the gym in the upcoming months.

Hit the store. Get some supplies.

Maybe get on the beach again, and do some reading. Wanting to read some performance books, The 12 Week Year.

I will then do a big healing slot. Reading The Untethered Soul, Journalling x 1hr, 1hr Breathwork + Emotional Release exercises.

Maybe a round of Emotional Freedom Technique work.

And then a Joe Dispenza meditation for an hour.

After that, I'll just do some life admin, some tasks for the forum, such as the intro post, WinnerWithin core tenets, other stuff to serve you guys.

I may put on monthly live streams where we can all hang out. Again, to serve you guys. This forum is my hobby and I am so, so happy you guys come to this website and post. You can have your own opinions and do your thing man, the moderation style here is low key and I am just a normal man trying to improve his own life and do good stuff in the world, so don't think I am going to have any issues with you or anything.

Everyone is welcome. All ages, nationalities, genders, whatever. The more the merrier. The motivation and drive I get from reading these logs every day is one of my favourite things in the world. So, again, a heartfelt thank you to the guys who post and don't just lurk, man.



Come down, make yourself at home, you will be respected, welcomed, and we want you to come and get involved!

We want you here, posting and becoming successful

I invite you to take part, and encourage you to achieve your goals!!!!


Happy about some of my friends doing well in life, seeing some great success come for their multiple years of hard work. Finally the Greek Troll left Greece and is enjoying his life in the beautiful Philipines, getting tonnes of action, and seeing the possibilities that hard working men can manifest. KING CRISIS! Not bad for a brown ;-)


In terms of my mission, really happy with my business and the work I do. Super motivated and getting excellent client results. They're winning, and it drives me to go even harder.

Going to experiment with a few business ideas and try to hit the next level. Realistically, I can onboard 3-5 more guys at my current rate, and then I'm going to have to double my prices man. Given the results I am delivering (guys on my program are making between 10k to 100k a month) and how much I offer (daily checkins, like in depth, text, audio, video, unlimited access to my obsessed ass lol, 2 x 1hr deep dive calls a month, 1 x 3hr group call, the 1 on 1 chat with me, the group chat with the boys and they're just hustling all day every day, sharing ideas and growth). I have definitely got a great business, and I don't think others are as high touch point or as hands on as I am. So, I will just onboard 3-5 more at my current rate, which puts me in a good place in my life, and then double the rate.

I may also put together a 3 month package, and then offer an ongoing monthly fee. That would be a good model also.

I invest all money I make, back into the business, and infrastructure to add more value, and deliver more results. Will hire an assistant soon and go harder. 2-3 years of pure focus on this business and making it world class, and delivering results that are deeply transformative, and I will know I've made a lot of difference to others and can know all of this work has changed lives for the better.


Suze still texts daily. Which is great. She clearly likes me tonnes. A new feeling.

We'll chat when she's back and just set the right expectations. She's a smart gal, I don't think she wants a relationship, she is an open relationship kinda gal anyway. But we have a good connection, and we can be in each others lives in some capacity. Low key, no worries. Not something I give much thought to these days..........

Weekend will just be, light exposure, grounding, DHA, lots of healing work, chilling out, and thinking about abundance and how to get to the top

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DAY 55

You can’t cheat the game

You can’t outwork your weak links

You will get stellar results when you’re ready to receive them

All failure is feedback

It’s an opportunity for you to LEARN

You can fail your way to the top

So long as you keep testing, refining, and are never, ever willing to give up

Success in any and all endeavours is f**king gauranteed for the person who is so steadfast in determination they are just not going to quit

End of story




Go make moves, and learn it….learn how to move, learn how to think, and up your game to elite

Step in the ring when hold your own

There is never any excuse to not get in the right and get in the fight


Get in the ring and box

Your outcomes depend on it
