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IRONWILL PODCAST EPISODE 12: How Psychedelics Changed My Life, Shamanism and Ancient Healing Tools For Modern Man [IronWill Podcast: Episode 12]

Bit of a mindblowing podcast from an interesting chap I met on my journey. Enjoy.

00:00 Danny's Journey: Growing Up In Essex, How A Random Act of Violence Opened The Door To Boxing
08:58 Personal Growth, UK Garage Scene, Moving to Ibiza, Shamanic Work,
30:29 Lfe-changing experiences through travel and a significant encounter with Ayahuasca after his first summer at Ibiza, and how Danny embarked on a backpacking trip to Thailand, Bali, and Australia
36:51 Psychedelic Therapy: Entering A Terrifying New Reality?
42:32 How Plant Medicines Transformed Danny
50:42 Holistic Healing, Plant Medicine, Tantra, Metaphysics, Naturopathic Medicine, the 8th Day Vegetarian Co-Op in Manchester
55:33 Ayahuasca, Self Talk, Detoxification
01:03:08 Self Love, Reconnecting With Nature, Outwitting The Devil
01:11:47 Self Awareness, Reaching Your Dreams, Mentorship
01:22:05 Cosmic Development, Peru, Maté ceremonies, Faciliating Breakthroughs, Synchronicities

Day 56.jpg


A good day.

Spent some good time talking to my body recomp coach. Powerful reminder of how there are so many levels to any game. He knew the exact adjustment I need to make, has thought several steps ahead, knows what to do when XYZ happens, and relayed important info to me that I needed to be reminded of.

Why I like having a coach: they are an expert guide towards success in a particular endeavour, and in entering into an exchange, they will peer into your process, on a ongoing basis, usually for me over a 1 to 2 year period, and keep pushing you through sticking point after sticking point. Because they have dedicated their life to their passion, have been through all the trial and error for you, and let you raise your own game exponentially. I'm really grateful.

We got to 100kg bodyweight, up from 90kg where we started. My own diet slipups when I was back in the UK, meant I added more bodyfat than I should have, and as this started at that stage, it kept going as I was still eating almost 4k kcals a day. We knew this was going to be a factor, we opted to just drive strength up massively.

And I am satisfied with that. Pushing 40kg dumbbells on flat bench for 10 reps, is a good feeling. Doing push presses with 80kg, when I used to struggle with 40kg, feels great. As the light poured into the gym this afternoon, I felt a real sense of accomplishment, and paused for a moment to breathe it in. And just reflect for a moment, for how far I truly have come as an individual....

For my body recomp, we're now going to commence a cut, which will bring me to 15% bodyfat, and allow me to add a little bit of size and strength while we're at it. This is because, my kcal intake worked up so high, that now we can pull out 700kcals, and it will let some fluid and fat flop off over 3-4 weeks. Adam said we'll then be subtracting 100kcal a week. Until we're at 15%. Good.

Will keep you all posted, and I believe I will look pretty damn good at that level of bodyfat. I've struggled with being a bit meh in the physique department for years, Hence, why I invested in getting coaching. Adam has just been so good, he consistently impresses me.

A guy who has put 20 years into something, with entire heart and soul, just cannot be replicated. He is worth every penny and I told him that today.

Timeline wise, I expect it will take a few months, and I will then be able to release that slightly better looking version of me, into the streets to day game again, when the time is right, and in front of the lens, to get some pictures that help me compete online.

All good.

Going to do some mindset work now, and study abundance thinking.

Catch you tomorrow,

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That is some legit strength,

Good job man
Thanks bro. Just kept showing up. We'll get there. I'm happy with the progress, and more to come in the upcoming hustle of 2024.

Indeed, strong af - awaiting the pic of Mac benching with two petite latinas as dumbells!
They are tiny around here, so small. I am curious about what it would be like to hook up with one of them, lol. We'll see what happens!
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DAY 57

Sticking at it

Thinking in abundance terms

And letting great outcomes unfold

What are you working on today?



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haven't looked at your log in a while BUT....
I would say she is a decent looking chick. Issue is, her age (35), and also, she's not taken care of her body right there's a LOT of sagging goin' on. Just way too much for me to be cool with that.

Lovely human

Super chequered past

End of the day, it is my choice, and this is not what I want.

Will handle that.

Other men, tended to experience better quality, when they improved their own quality.

If I could add a point to my SMV from a great body (moving myself from 5/5.5 to a solid 6/6.5) I should be able to get the quality level I'd like (6, normal person, not old, decent values, etc)

I am sure you can understand why I had to rip up the rule book on what the fuck I was doing. Cold approaching and using online dating apps for several years has gotten me, well, this kind of situation........lol

I have to solve this. There are lots of great women out there. I will be open minded to a way to meet them.

I am grieving a little that I put so many years into the methods I chose (cold approach, dating apps) and didn't progress enough in them

I will take time just to psychologically heal. It wasn't my fault and I did think this would work. Nevermind. There will be other ways.

I'll find a way. And I'll be back as ever.

I will learn to see things differently, and either find a new approach, or create my own.
dude that chick is hot

edit: kept reading. agree with your mom on this one that she's not serious material. but if you can get a girl at this level once, you can do it again.
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haven't looked at your log in a while BUT....

dude that chick is hot

edit: kept reading. agree with your mom on this one that she's not serious material. but if you can get a girl at this level once, you can do it again.
Ah thanks for your positive energy and support brother I appreciate that!

Haha, yeah, Momma is a legend and she was a really beautiful woman in her prime I saw a video of her, she was a legit model. My brother got the handsome genes, he's a model himself.

But me, I just want that ONE hot girlfriend and to just achieve my goals in my projects, to make IronWill an incredible business and to create a massive community, have a big audience, and do this shit that I LOVE!



How I Became Financially Free At 30: Childhood Hardship, Digital Marketing, and Purpose w/ Jono Poon[LINK IN COMMENTS]
Jono is a serial entrepreneur, who awakened to personal development in his early 20s amidst a team of digital marketers who dared to dream big, and has achieved a tonne, and impacted many lives for the better for having done on his journey.
Jono's journey hasn't been easy. He's evolved tremendously, doing fascinating things and making a significant impact on many lives.
I admire Jono not just for his intelligence and generosity in sharing knowledge, but for his resilience and spirit. From growing up isolated, battling language barriers, and struggling to speak with classmates, to overcoming bullying through martial arts, Jono decided early in life that he would become financially free by 30—and he made it happen.
00:00 - Welcoming Jono
03:02 - Jono's first role out of Uni, digital marketing, and a mindset shift towards personal development
07:39 - Growing up with no role models, isolation, culture conflicts, and language barriers
10:16 - Distinctive company cultures that awakened Jono, overcoming childhood conditioning, isolation, bullying
17:12 - Kickboxing, self-confidence, and friendships that transformed Jono's life
23:37 - Becoming financially free at 30 was AN OBSESSION
27:56 - Building an affiliate marketing company
32:20 - Resilience, decision to overcome anxiety and confront his demons, building true community
40:03 - Grateful for sponsored ticket to UPW, broadening perspectives and expanding horizons
01:01:06 - Core values: community, people, connection
01:16:29 - How public speaking changed Jono as an individual
01:29:01 - Relationship complexity, business challenges, cycles of life
This is a deep, truly solid episode of the podcast.
We will continue to speak with inspiring and intelligent people, learn more to smash our business and personal goals, and embrace the IronWill approach to human potential and transformation.
Watch the full episode below, and subscribe to my channel on YouTube.
- Ravi Sandhu


I enjoyed this episode of the podcast. Jono is a great guy, and I'm glad I have a broad and diverse network of different people, with different skills.

He's an entrepreneur. He was financially free about 7 years ago, and had all his money needs met for life.

He did it through his digital marketing agency.

He now just does passion projects, he left the UK for a bit to build a bar and entrepreneurs networking space in Vietnam. Dude generally wants to bring business and communication skills to Vietnamese entrepreneurs and help them create great organisations. I have a lot of respect for that.

He's also been very cool to me and a good friend.

I am glad I know lots of non-self improvement people too. This guy is happy just getting on with his life, married to the first girlfriend he had, who he met in Uni. He's enjoying his life and just being a positive dude, really isn't sweating all the things I am concerned with myself. I find that interesting.

When you get to know these people, you learn the struggles and pains they went through. It's common in business. Many of us go through hard years at the start, enduring a lot of shit, feeling a lot of stress, and we just push through and MAKE IT WORK.....

Day 57

Thunderstorm last night knocked out all the power in my area

A solid structure and a sequence you follow daily organises the chaos

Found a co working. Internet is painfully slow, will find a different one tomorrow.

And will get my work done no excuses.

It’s easy when you let it be.

I will reach the next level in IronWill and will find the layers that will get me there.

What you got for me today?



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Day 59

Closing in on the end of the spring

Many, many areas of my life got better

I had insights, I had real learnings

And I have definitely improved

Because I’ve been focused, invested in myself, and put my wallet on the line and MADE myself get better outcomes

They come….

You just have to keep chipping away

And you being brighter horizons and possibilities to your life than you could imagine

Doing the work from a place of flow, for 6 months, always creates a significantly different outcome in life

Get shit done today

And well enjoy the fruits of our labour in 6 months



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Hardcore gym session today.

145kg deadlifts x 13. No straps, no belt, no chalk. Just focus.

That was hard work!

Did some lat pulldowns, set the selectorised stack to 9, it's heaviest weight is 12, so this is not far off the full stack. Blasted 12 clean reps. Strong,

Then leg pressed, 4 plates a side + a 10kg, for a deep, deep set of 20. And then 5 plates a side, for a deep set of 8. Really changed my form up, to get max ROM.

After this, I had two hamstring exercises I have on my program, but was simply destroyed. My coach says, the deadlift and leg press is a priority on these days, if I have smoked those, it's OK to head home at that point, because the other movements will not create comparable levels of gains.

Why I am proud of this, was I went to the gym to do this workout Friday, and had only slept for 5 hrs the previous night. As I was warming up, I was doing 2 plates a side on deads, and it was just far heavier than it was supposed to be. So I knew, if I go for it in deads today, I will not be moving the needle.

Instead, I gutted up, took the short term psychological hit, and went to bed EARLY last night, got great sleep, and hit it this morning instead.

I didn't allow myself to lose the war in the head. Got up, and did the work. And was successful at it.

It will be these bone crunching workouts, which I just dread, which I will perform, month after month, for a further year, that will turn things around..........

I want shorter men to actually be grateful for a moment.

Building your looks as a 6ft5 guy, is long, long journey.

But it can be done................

There is a future where I have:

-A great biz
-A great body

That is all I want at this point in my life.

Changed my plans on NYC trip. Will only do 1 month there. I am not a believer in Game (bullshit IMO), and am not interested in learning that further, but I could get matches there, there were some women who I approached who were open to chatting to me, and I think I will be able to just improve my social skills and energy 0.01% if I am there hustling daily for a month.

I'll continue my development thereafter. I think this journey will just be a biz & body one from now.



  • macdaddy.jpg
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I am not a believer in Game (bullshit IMO)

we talked about this some months ago, i have to say that I never stopped thinking that attraction is created within one-tenth of a second when a woman first sees you. Every time I said otherwise, it was just because I didn't want to be called blackpill or disrespect the guys who believe in game and work hard to learn it like Pancake. But my belief never changed through the years, even when I wish it did.
we talked about this some months ago, i have to say that I never stopped thinking that attraction is created within one-tenth of a second when a woman first sees you. Every time I said otherwise, it was just because I didn't want to be called blackpill or disrespect the guys who believe in game and work hard to learn it like Pancake. But my belief never changed through the years, even when I wish it did.

I agree, and there is just no force more powerful than raw physical attraction and desire man.

All we can do as men, is just do whatever the fuck it takes to see if is possible for us to get that attractiveness and raw essence.

I try my best to be open minded, and to try to keep the forum a place of open debate and respect for different ideas. So, I have to be careful, and just encourage guys to do the work, and see what works best for them.

I have tried this stuff, at the lower end of looks. As a male 5, nothing really works. You can do all the approaches you want, it just goes nowhere.

You have to, at least, get yourself to be a 6/6.5, for any of this stuff to work IMO. Something I was unable to do. But, may be able to do with a massive body transformation and cosmetic surgery.

Game, I used to believe in. No matter how much I wanted to believe, I could not get any of my actual metrics to improve:

-0 difference in women stopping for me now, vs at the start of the journey
-0 difference in the quality of women, it stayed the exact same as it was year 1
-0 difference in number of times women would exchange numbers
-Match quality and volume, GOT WORSE in year 3.

I learned the hard way man, having worked hard, and just hit at another dead end. Pivoting out of that chapter, I nowadays just work on my SMV, and think when I become a shredded and jacked bodybuilder looking mofo, things will improve man. In the 2 years that will take, I'm just going to chill, work on myself, and work on my business.

It's all learning at the end of the day. And I will keep improving, and getting better!


I want to share this amazing UFC fight, because it really mirrors my concept for how to achieve success in life.

Why I loved this: Jiri was getting his ASS BEAT. Rakic had a superb strategy, nailed the leg kicks and took Jiris base out. Every time he landed, his corner was celebrating, because they were one step closer to victory. You can see, Jiri's leg is gone by the end of round 1, and he couldn't really move, was wobbly, and obviously has been smashed.

Why do I love fighters, soldiers, warriors, people like this?

Not for even one second, did he think he was going to lose, or that he can't win. He didn't care. He prepared to fight until the bell rings, or the referee stops the bout. You can see how steely a human being he is.

Smashed up, damaged, but resolutely determined to get the job done, no matter what he has to do.

Survives the first. 2nd round, still getting his ass beat. Finds 1 opening, lands one powerful shot, and then just unleashes hell.

The job is done, again.

Victorious. Though you'd have counted him out on the basis of how it was looking for him, he didn't quit, gutted up, and just pushed himself forward.

Rakic was superior in skill and game plan that night, but Jiri had way, way, way, way more mental strength.

That is why he won.

I love that, more than you will ever know.

This is often how my journey feels like.

Working like a god damn demon, for years. Year after year, diligently chipping away, and just not giving in.

Often, it does sincerely look like it just isn't going to work out. Relationships wise, I am just not the guy I was, and don't even want that like I used to. I got the fuck over it.

But in terms of my life, and where it can go, I know there just are so many levels I can reach yet, and they will be done, through consistent hard work, and not giving in.

One thing you may not understand about me, is that I love self improvement.

I love the grind, I love the work, and I love doing the process. Day in, day out.

It's the process that matters to me.

Knowing I have given everything I can give.

I know I will succeed in business. I know I will build an elite body. I can give a f**k about the way women see me, because I know how I see myself.

I know, if I grind like this, until the end of my life, it will be an incredible life.

That is what success is about for me.

Knowing I have pushed my human potential to the f**king very limits of what I can possibly do.

It's going to be about business and body with me, because that is the only place I can compete.

So be it.

This week, as I start it out, I feel f**king great.

The weekend, saw some truly bone crunching workouts completed. I hit a bunch of PBs. FUCK YES.

This week, I will do the work, and truly show up and push myself.

Life and the Universe, will reward me, for my ongoing dedication and commitment.

More you put in, the more you get out.

Every month, my physique and looks get better.

Every month, my biz develops.

Every month, life gives me what I need to suceed.

Suze is back on Thur. Gonna just be straight up and honest, and tell her the things I didn't like, which are why I think we'll just be friends. I'll GTFO of this location, and go see big man V in Mexico City, learn some shit about biz, improve myself further, and keep fucking grinding until I get to the next level. No problem with her, she's a great gal, wish her well - she just ain't for me! No stress.

Too much abundance out here.

