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  1. SpongeBob

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Yeah congrats. You never gave up and prove yourself wrong
  2. SpongeBob

    Sewerdog's log

    Allow me to give some more feedback on that one. - The before and after picture is indeed a great idea. But like Zug said, it'd be better if the before and after are more extreme. - You have a good structure : Title -> Benefits -> Proof (picture) -> details of your service. - A good ad...
  3. SpongeBob

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Why are you rejecting yourself ? By not following pancake's advice (that he gave many times), you decide to reject yourself, because you're not trying to optimize your chance to get laid. You say you follow PwF, even him, in his videos mention the fact that you shouldn't go for the close too...
  4. SpongeBob


    What I think about would be to create a fake image based on real interest or based of something that we actually did but didn't manage to get a good picture of. For example, let's say that I recently did a trek in a mountain, but because of various reasons, couldn't make a good picture, I get...
  5. SpongeBob

    Trèfle's progress log - Mediocre dating streak after 11 lays

    Doing pretty good I'd even say. Glad that you got over that girl that tried to guilt trip you after having sex with you. You did nothing wrong, it's sad that she was unhinged
  6. SpongeBob

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    There you go. Now you have proof that you can make it happen. No more blackpill stuffs from you, you get young girls to meet with you and kiss you. Congrats
  7. SpongeBob

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    I think that I didn't even get 100 matches in the 2-3 months that I did online dating. Even with boost. Just to show you that you're really good enough. If you match with a lot of women, that means that your photos are not the main issue anymore. You can still improve them, but look for guide...
  8. SpongeBob

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    I don't think you should bring anything up in 2 weeks. I believe you spoke your mind, and she said let's try for 3 months. So just do what you've been doing and up everything gradually (if you were seeing each other once a week, you add one more date, if you were chatting every 2 days you chat...
  9. SpongeBob

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    That girl is mad cute. Congrats for approaching her.
  10. SpongeBob

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    If it can make you feel any better, that's just how it happens to me 95% of the time as well. It's not against you per se. They're just protecting themselves from weirdos. But I don't think I can convince you in any deep level. I also do think that you need professional help
  11. SpongeBob

    Looks feedback: Manbun vs shorter

    You seem to be overly concern about other people's opinion. I think that's the main issue here, moreso than the hairstyle. Both look good at the end of the day. I think the manbun is more polarizing, since it's less common. For the hippie thing, I think it also depends on how you dress and your...
  12. SpongeBob

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    - How did his mindset around women and dating evolved since the GLL era ? - Does he have a different strategy to meet women nowadays ? - What has he been focusing on since he stopped being with GLL ? - What are his plans for the future ?
  13. SpongeBob

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Yeah I understood, but still, how do you know ? I don't know how many cocks my friends from high school had in their life.
  14. SpongeBob

    On the path to a better self

    Weigh-in: 83kg Reached a new ceiling. Never been that "heavy", and the cool thing, is that I'm not even forcing myself to eat big portions, I've figured my nutrition so that I can put in a lot of calories without having to stuff myself. Started to do some weighed dips as well, I'm getting...
  15. SpongeBob

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    How do you know they experienced a lot of cocks ?
  16. SpongeBob

    On the path to a better self

    Weight: 82.1kg Progress in the gym is going pretty well. I can feel myself getting bigger. My pants fits more, my arms fits my sleeves a bit more. We're going to make it. Started my job in my new company. A lot of things to go through, but so far so good. I want to use that opportunity to...
  17. SpongeBob

    On the path to a better self

    Thanks MAC, yes, this is really trainable, I think I never really pushed myself hard enough to conquer my mental obstacle. A recurring theme in my life ----------- Weigh-in: 81.2kg I'm definitively seeing the difference in the mirror, even my girlfriend made a comment about it. I'm even...
  18. SpongeBob

    On the path to a better self

    Weigh-in: 80.2kg The weight is increasing, happy about that. Today I underperformed in the gym. Had to drop my weight on all exercises, I still pushed myself. I'm cooked. Will do better next time On a side note, removed all the app from my phone that sucked my attention. Instagram, internet...
  19. SpongeBob

    On the path to a better self

    This weekend, I surprised my best friend for his birthday back in France. Was a nice weekend. Because of that, only trained twice last week. Weight : 80kg (it is on a different scale though). Spent the weekend eating at restaurants, so not too healthy, but that's alright. Even though it was a...