DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

I bought the canon eos rp andy recommendeds, a used one at 800euros, paid with PayPal in 3 settlements, i also bought the 55mm lens Andy reccomends... Cheaper entry level cameras are more difficult to use

paradoxically more expensive cameras are better for people like us because the camera will do the job for you! You will still have to learn and try over and over but less compared to cheaper cameras
Thrice said:
I bought the canon eos rp andy recommendeds, a used one at 800euros, paid with PayPal in 3 settlements, i also bought the 55mm lens Andy reccomends... Cheaper entry level cameras are more difficult to use

paradoxically more expensive cameras are better for people like us because the camera will do the job for you! You will still have to learn and try over and over but less compared to cheaper cameras

Would you recommend a 55mm lens or a 80mm ?

I Squilliam got the EOS2000D. I can buy for 350€ at the moment with included a 50mm lens, I want to get that paparazzi vibe from the last KYIL article. So as I understand I need a really good background separation.

Also the concept of paparazzi is really cool, because it mean you’re somebody hanging out with guys that think that you’re worthy taking in pictures with quality gear
ovnidos said:
Thrice said:
I bought the canon eos rp andy recommendeds, a used one at 800euros, paid with PayPal in 3 settlements, i also bought the 55mm lens Andy reccomends... Cheaper entry level cameras are more difficult to use

paradoxically more expensive cameras are better for people like us because the camera will do the job for you! You will still have to learn and try over and over but less compared to cheaper cameras

Would you recommend a 55mm lens or a 80mm ?

I @Squilliam got the EOS2000D. I can buy for 350€ at the moment with included a 50mm lens, I want to get that paparazzi vibe from the last KYIL article. So as I understand I need a really good background separation.

Also the concept of paparazzi is really cool, because it mean you’re somebody hanging out with guys that think that you’re worthy taking in pictures with quality gear

80mm will look much creamier. Sexy af.

That said, your camera has a crop sensor, which means you might have to 1.6x your mm to convert what it will look like with your camera.

If your lens in question is "EF-S" the number will be correct for your camera. If it's just "EF" then multiply the number by 1.6.

Let me know if you need me to reexplain, not sure how clear I made it.
ovnidos said:
In the past, I took my grand camera EOS550D without the portrait lens.

Price will be the biggest issue, let's say a $300 camera (can be 2nd use no issues, so can be ~$600 new) and a $100 lens. Do you have one in mind?

I'm not a photography enjoyer, it's 100% a skill I want to develop for OLD’s sake. Do you got some in mind ?

What lens is that precisely? The EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 one?

Thats an okay to start with and to try stuff out. How tight are you on money? if you have options to save a bit more i would definitely recommend something like the Sigma 17-50MM F/2.8 EX DS.
This one has a fixed aperture on F2.8 which gives a great background separation effect + it works better in low light environments

You can get this lense second hand for 150 - 300. Might be something to think about!

I've added a quick test photo i made with that lens. The camera itself is a Canon EOS 90D. I made it with a high iso setting of 2000 (Which is something i would rarily use. But now for demonstration purpose)

I made my recent profile picture with it too. And thanks for mentioning the article!

Got some amazing pointers to work with.

And about the skill of photography. Its also just alot of doing and trying and making alot of crappy pictures! Even if you understand the theory it will feel weird and uncomfortable at first. But everything is at the start ofcourse!
IceMan & MILFandCookies & Thrice thanks for your comments, I’ll need to dig into this and benchmark a few cameras and lenses, will comeback with a bucket list later.

DAY 5 :

Dated a cute girl from Tinder.6/10 petite the kind of girl you want to pick up and move around lmao. Honestly I had no hope for her, she was so cold. Funny is that I took her number and she was cold on SMS that I got mad and said she was annoying and unmatched her. BUT she excused herself.

The date itself was cool, tbh in the date I’m not even trying to be flirty or whatever, we just talked.

At the end I asked her if she wanted to see my 3D printers at my flat. She said yes, so we headed inside. Then I kiss her, we make out blabla. And then the 1 million question : “what do you want from meeeeeeeeeee”. FUCK THAT QUESTION why can’t girl goes with the vibe. So basically we end up making out longer. Then she needed to give food to her cat, so I took her on my motorcycle and we went to her place. We make out more. There I manage to get her very horny and I manage to undress her. But this girl had no condoms at her place 😭😭😭😭

So I left with most blueish balls of my entire life it was even hurting.

Was nice talking to her it’s a chill and cool girl , but I think she really want a bf/gf relationship and that’s why she was so close to sex. Unfortunately for her I can’t give her that, so I told her I can’t say you’ll be my gf we need to discover each other more and then we’ll see. Your French boi doesn’t want gf anymore. Day fucking 5 and already 2 dates 2 makeout and others dates planned. And I’m only at 30% of what I can do, definitely need new pics to fuck more cuties !!
IceMan said:
And thanks for mentioning the article!

Got some amazing pointers to work with.

Glad you got something out of it ;)
ovnidos said:
But this girl had no condoms at her place 😭😭😭😭

Do this as soon as you read this message:

Take a condom and put it in the coin purse of your wallet.

As soon as you use it, replace it.
ovnidos said:
At the end I asked her if she wanted to see my 3D printers at my flat. She said yes, so we headed inside. Then I kiss her, we make out blabla. And then the 1 million question : “what do you want from meeeeeeeeeee”. FUCK THAT QUESTION why can’t girl goes with the vibe. So basically we end up making out longer. Then she needed to give food to her cat, so I took her on my motorcycle and we went to her place. We make out more. There I manage to get her very horny and I manage to undress her. But this girl had no condoms at her place

Dude... first of all, YOU ARE IN CHARGE and you must have ALWAYS condoms on you.
It is a modern "nordic-western" mentality that girls have to buy condoms and keep them at their place.
While I do agree that safe sex is responsibility of both the male and female. You are in charge of logistics. Buy a 244pcs box from amazon and NEVER EVER leave your house without one. Std's and pregnancy aren't fun.


"What do you want from me" it's a question that puts guys in difficulty because you simply don't know what is behind this question.

You are asking her to speak overtly ( which women rarely do) that question was probably her anxiety of sex coming up flaring and her anti slut defence came up vocalising her anxiety.
pancakemouse Done, in every jacket, in my motorcycle, in my backpacks etc... condoms are free for -26yo here.

MILFandCookies said:
Glad you got something out of it

Bro, this article is AMAZING, and gave true inspiration to buy a camera, because I kinda don't like the staged “professional” style we see sometimes.

AskTheDom said:
"What do you want from me" it's a question that puts guys in difficulty because you simply don't know what is behind this question.

Usually I can get myself out of a situation like this by increasing sexual tension in the intercourse but with her this was so hard to change the subject! She was traumatized because she did already try blabla...

DAY 6 :

luv life :

Talked to a few girls on apps etc, but nothing worth mentioning. I'm so hyped up to get that camera and get more results. Tbh I don't want to spend that much money on that new "hobby" because I've got so much more time-consuming hobbies on the side. But as I said it's the ONLY way forward. I can cry about, yell about it nothing gonna change. Positive note is that I've got 2 friends that are on tinder that are interested in me mentioning that camera. So it will be 2 ppl ready to take pics of me if I take pics of them which is really cool. Because self-portraits have their limits.

Because I know that with this profile, regarding what I did last year, I can score a 6-7/10 every 1,5 months. My aim is to score 7s every month EFFORTLESSLY, and every weeks or so if I really want to. And score an 8 sometimes.

The girls of yesterday take hours answering my texts, I think it's over... Just sad I didn't get a lay just a unfinished hand job. I'm not sad because I know that in maximum 1,5 months I'll fuck a 6 or a 7. But It would have been crazy to fuck a girl on the fifth day of installing apps back..

Gym :

Just a random thought, there's something esoteric about squat. It's always difficult, pretty heavy and you take a DEEP breath, dive without much effort, and then you use ALL your body to climb back UP. And only when you're on the top you can breathe again, and the cycle continue on and on. What's also different than the others excercices is that you're much leg stronger than you think, you always got that last rep.
Manly Cockfellow working on my biceps, which is a weak point of me. I see you're crazy lean, I tried to go as lean as you put failed. I needed to sacrifice my social life to get from that ~11% bf to your ~7%. What's your esoteric trick ?

DAY 8 :

Date #3 with a 5/10 Dominican girl. 1h date, we drank a beer laugh a bit and tried to pull, but she said “nah thanks” to me asking if she wanted to drink a beer. She wants a bf/gf relationship and I didn't felt like “arranging the truth" : like fucking her while making her believe that we're going to be bf/gf.
ovnidos said:
@Manly Cockfellow working on my biceps, which is a weak point of me. I see you're crazy lean, I tried to go as lean as you put failed. I needed to sacrifice my social life to get from that ~11% bf to your ~7%. What's your esoteric trick ?

I avoided dairy for the ten days before I took my pic, so I guess if I have a trick that's it
adscftwtf said:
ovnidos said:
DAY 2 :

Luv life:

I’ve got a date with a 4/10, it isn’t glorious but I was too cocky and now I feel in obligation to go on a date. I’m pretty sure that what will happen is the following : see her, be disappointed by her weight, don’t ask her to come to my place because she’s isn’t attractive enough. Then I’ll feel bad 1) because I lowered my standards 2) because she’ll probably feel it and feel bad also.

Here’s a few quality(?) pics I got, let me know what you think :
I hate the pics with the hard coffee t shirt but my ex gf loved these pics so much I’m wondering if they’re good

Salut @ovnidos. Désolé mais je pense pas que tes photos sont bonnes. Comme dit par @MILFandCookies, tu dois faire quelque chose sur ta photo. Toutes les photos que t'as publiées sont fades.

@MakingAComeback are there any rules on the forum about not using English? I want to make @ovnidos my guinea pig to practice my French on here as well, si ça te va pour toi @ovnidos.

Makes it hard for moderation bro

Need to know what you're saying

You can post and English translation underneath?

Otherwise, do your thing :)

Day 9 :

Went to at my mom place in motorcycle and had a motorcycle accident with a car. Thanks God I’ve got only moderate stuff going on.

I’m gonna be off à fez days, tbh I’m shocked by what happened to me, I saw my life when I was flying above the front of this asshole car.

I was pissed off for my motorcycle, but now I’m only fucking glad I’ve got my 2 legs and my spine functioning normally.

Be careful on the road guys
DAY 15:

Administrative stuff is killing me regarding my motorcycle accident, especially the fact that when the accident happened i was 100km away of my day job during working hours.

and I'm trying in every ways possible to be sure that my employer isn't aware of that.

With that said, a car crashed into me, and I've got basically nothing except a torn ankle. Which keep me away from the gym unfortunatly.

My motorcycle reparation are way more expensive than my motorcycle. It's pissing me of A LOT. As that motorcycle was an extension of my being. For me it's comparable as losing all my muscle mass.