DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

DAY 156 :

Hey my G, here for the report.

Gym :
Training is starting to suck a bit. I'm still training 4-5 days a week, but the intensity is starting to get too much, especially on my elbows. As soon as i get paid, i'll by some supplementation for my joint.

Secondly, due to my poor diet, it's really hard to progress on the main compounds lifts again. I'll need to take back the diet side into account.

Lil story from Ovnidos :
I was kayaking with a few friends, and a couple I didn't knew but from my uni. At some point i get shirtless on the kayak because it was starting to get really hot.
( Side note here : I don't like to get shirtless in front of couples, it triggers the male competition, and they get aggressive if they're a bit complexed by their physic).

So, I was on my mono kayak, and I was talking with the guy in the duo kayak with his gf, and she said "omg you're back to huge". LMAO, then the guy proceed to get angry and didn't talk to me during all the afternoon.

What i want to express with this is that my physic have an effect on women, tho it don't get me laid by a snap of a fingers.

Rice the guy was our size, a powerlifter and have a terrific gf like every story you said lmao

Money :
The state decided to reduce my scholarship so i'm in a bit on trouble as the income i've got it 85% of minimal wage. I'll need to reduce the beer consumption to stay in the green zone. I'm a bit always stressed by money. regardless as soon as i get paid i'll buys boosts again.
ovnidos said:
So, I was on my mono kayak, and I was talking with the guy in the duo kayak with his gf, and she said "omg you're back to huge". LMAO, then the guy proceed to get angry and didn't talk to me during all the afternoon.
Here's my motorcycle photoshoot:
pancakemouse I'll be glad to hear yours advices ! thank in advance
Oi I did an edit cos I wanted to see if I could get soemthing. I think it works but a better start shot helps
Last photo would have been my go-to had it not been for the fact that you're off-center! Also downloaded them all and want to see if I can make some of em pop.
DAY 166:

I was really busy its time for an update

1/06/2022 :

I attempted my 2nd medicine student party in a nightclub this time. It was shit and i was too drunk.

03/06/2022 :

I attempted the last uni party. As it was very howt, a lot of guys were shirtless, so did I.
Few notes :
I was easily in the top 5% of the best shape of the guys that were shirtless. I only witness 2 guys more jacked than me, which is cool.
Being shirtless at a party isn’t the best way to make out.

A girl seemed to be attracted, or at least was looking at me. She was only dancing with an obese nerd. So I took my balls and went for it anyway. Got hard rejected. But felt fuckin’ proud of doing it !

Perhaps because, I was full of beer, and looking a bit disgusting, or she didn't want to appear like a slut on the front of her friend.

4-5-6/06/2022 :
Went to my lay3 place. She did bless me with shit ton of GIFT, most relevant is a vibrating cock ring lmao. As she lives 2:30h on train from my place (1€ train ride tho), we did agree on an open-relationship. So I’m free of continuing my 10 lays quest with on my side a superb and smart girl! very happy.

This weekend, I will be attempting a FULL WEEKEND of medicine student party, and we sleep over there. It’s going to be lit, hopefully I’m gonna get LAID.

Also on a bright note :
I’d solve my money issue as the state made a mistake in how it attributes my scholarship, so now I've got money to buy boosts and clothes. Cool.
ovnidos said: ... sp=sharing

Hey dude, nice ride first of all.
Please note that I'm no photo expert but what I can tell is that you are a good guy, but motorcycle photos should elicit a bit the opposite.
The background, light, facial expressions, poses, outfit are wrong IMHO.

I'm an hardcore HD fan (although i sold mine, fuc***g oil spills and maintenance) and did few shots for mine that get me a few comments on apps from girls (we'll we go together on the bike? or smth like that)
ovnidos said:
Went to my lay3 place. She did bless me with shit ton of GIFT, most relevant is a vibrating cock ring lmao. As she lives 2:30h on train from my place (1€ train ride tho), we did agree on an open-relationship. So I’m free of continuing my 10 lays quest with on my side a superb and smart girl! very happy.

Nice, congratz ! I'm getting jealous of you as a guy being "stuck" in a monogamous relationship haha. How did you convince her ? A few weeks ago you wrote that she would get mad if you were seeing other girls.

Otherwise, I agree with AskTheDom about your photos. I'm sure you can look better if you give more of that bad boy vibe !
AskTheDom your pics you look sick man ! I’m willing to improve to get that urban/bad boy style.

Did you take the pics alone ? Because I did and it’s hard to get good results with this.

Lord Rey we did start as ONS —> Fwb —> as we get along very well sexually and intellectually, it was smooth. We aren’t engaged in anything. We just want to enjoy some good time without limiting ourselves with our relationship
ovnidos said:
As with the tattoo, the effect of the motorcycle is hardly noticeable

motorcycles are great to get numbers from other men😂 i get approached often by other bikers and we exchange numbers. but girls dont care apparently. anyway motorcycles are nice!
ovnidos said:
@AskTheDom your pics you look sick man ! I’m willing to improve to get that urban/bad boy style.

Did you take the pics alone ? Because I did and it’s hard to get good results with this.

Thanks bud! no i paid a photographer, no chance I would be able to produce such outcome by myself :)
MakingAComeback Lol you had me thinking he posted an update. It's so strange how people just disappear. Even if you decide to take your life in some other direction, I think I'd at least tell everyone, just a quick post.

Hope everything's alright though, you never know if there's health problems or whatever when people suddenly disappear.
Holden said:
@MakingAComeback Lol you had me thinking he posted an update. It's so strange how people just disappear. Even if you decide to take your life in some other direction, I think I'd at least tell everyone, just a quick post.

Hope everything's alright though, you never know if there's health problems or whatever when people suddenly disappear.
I just spoke with him on Telegram. He's doing fine, he said he's in a relationship now and hasn't had as much of a desire to use the forums.

He said he would come back if/when he's single again, I told him to come back regardless, because the forums are good for accountability.

It definitely is hard to not become complacent. After my last lay I've been a lot more complacent as well. He agreed that the forums are good for accountability, not sure if he's going to come back and post though...
hi guys,

Your boy don't have any health issues. And everything is ok regarding mental&physical health as long as I'm aware of it.
Holden, MakingAComeback : Thanks for checking in on me, it goes to my heart.

And you're both right, so let me explain my self and the direction I'm taking:

Luv life :

As you know, and it's written in my goals, in my very first post : my goal was to find a valuable girlfriend, having 10 lays in one year was a mean for it, not the real goal. I do have on rn, which is an amazing girl, and which is non-monogamous only on my side. While rn I don't have the desire to fuck other pussies.

Work :

I'm an intern until September (when I'll be diplomed). It's hell, I hate my job, I hate being there and everything that I do there. But people are nice. I did find another job which is really according to my needs, but I'll start on the 1st of October. So until then, as I've got a report of internship to do, I just stfu and wait.

Forum :

As always, I'll be 100% with you guys. As I stated many times in my log, I can't stress enough the fact that the forum saved me. You guys were my support and made me the man I am today. Without you I don't know were I would be.

But now everything is good, I don't know what to post on a daily basis, and at the same time, I don't feel qualified enough to give any advices about dating.

On the other hand, I've got other goals I try to achieve, like a bodybuilding cut, a better cardio, or I'll soon go to Turkey and try to fuck a maximum of girls to get my Turkish flag.

I mean is it interesting to post on the forum, would you guys be interested in seeing my daily weight/kcal/training and the evolution?

I've got another issue which isn't as important as dating issue: is to dopamin detox, without cutting my social life.

I do feel a bit guilty about not posting and not helping, I could obviously help in terms of bodybuilding/diet my dms are always open, and I'll always do programs for any guys here.

Again, I'm sorry for disappointment.
ovnidos Don't worry about it man, sounds like you're doing well and doing what you want, that's all that matters.
Happy to hear from you.

Glad to hear you are enjoying life.

Success looks like different things for different people.

You found what you were looking for, and that's great.

Not everyone has to climb mount everest dude.

Enjoy your life & be happy

Would love to see updates about how you progress toward you other goals, obviously if you don't find value for yourself in posting them there is no need, but I think it would be valuable to see on here.