DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

Holden said:
Wouldn't it be better to take this shot at dusk or dawn?
Yes, it's called golden hour. I'm not an expert but I think cloudy days are also better. I believe there are also attachments for your camera you can buy for shooting in harsh daylight.

If anybody more experienced than me (Adrizzle?) can speak more on the attachment stuff, I'd appreciate it.
I did for the last shoot I'm gonna post the pics as soon as I can.

Holden said:
background too bright? Wouldn't it be better to take this shot at dusk or dawn?

It's better to do during the so called "golden-hour", but I wasn't avaible at that time. And I'll try to fix that in photoshop.


I do agree with you, taking a professional with me could be the best option. But as everybody on this forum, our styles, shape, fuckboy attitude are constantly evolving. I saw it as a better investment, ‘cause I’ll be long term in this game. To learn how to pose and take pics myself. For now it’s not perfect but as with any skills I’m gonna improve :)

DAY 135:

Alright boyos,

On sunday I did spend the 4th night at lay#3, she's gonna leave town next friday for good. For a town 2h drive from mine. She asked me what are we - because we did spend lot of time together and do more than sex together. I did answer “Idk, thinking about defining us, or thinking about the future can kill the vibe, lets just see what happens. As now I can say that I like spending time with you.”

I know I didn’t respect any, black dragon, GLL, or our community “rules”. Your boy is a sweetheart and he just want sex&cuddles. I see her as often as possible and I’m just “me” with her, not strategy or anything. But your boy also know that if he let his guard down too much, he gonna get hurt :,(

About the size difference (none)issue, she did NEVER mention it, even as a joke. She’s 171cm and I’m exactly 166,5cm. I feel like our previous french president (sarkozy) and his wife (carla bruni) ehehe. It’s like I feel very very powerfull having enough clout to fuck a taller gals boyssss
Squilliam said:
Holden said:
Wouldn't it be better to take this shot at dusk or dawn?
Yes, it's called golden hour. I'm not an expert but I think cloudy days are also better. I believe there are also attachments for your camera you can buy for shooting in harsh daylight.

All these are correct. Everything looks better at dusk or dawn. But it’s not always possible. The short answer is to go out and shoot more.

Long answer, in that photo ovnidos has the light coming from back left. The camera is pointed at the sun basically. Sky is too bright cos it’s also exposing for a black bike. If the sun was behind the camera = no blown out sky. You could shoot tighter crop or high angle. Shoot from the front of the bike. If this was shot in raw you might be able to edit some colour.

ovnidos i think what you said was fine. You did good
DAY 136 :

I'm still seeing lay#3 tonight, I'm starting to feel that's a little too much.. I'm starting to have some realization after the euphoria of the first lay which now was last week. She's starting to wonder if we can get STDs tested, so we can remove the condom.. Which imply exclusivity in my book. Where am I heading bros idk.

Like I mentioned it last week, when I fucked her, her phone was tinder ringing all the time, now I never saw a tinder notification again.

Now that having a gf is at hand reach, I wonder if it's worthy to have one.. It's really strange, last post-nut clarity hit me really hard, lol.

In my euphoria, I also invited her to my house in the countryside this weekend.. Lets see how it goes.
ovnidos said:
I know I didn’t respect any, black dragon, GLL, or our community “rules”.

How many lifetime lays do you have? How many FBs have you had?

I agree with Chris GLL that it's a good idea to have a girlfriend really early on in your journey so you can learn sex. I did this myself. Only I regret is that I did it during my first 3 years at university and I missed a lot of opportunities that way.

So it's something you need to determine for yourself.

But actually, I think you just have oneitis and it's probably not a good idea to pursue a relationship with the first girl who shows serious interest in you.
ovnidos said:
Now that having a gf is at hand reach, I wonder if it's worthy to have one.. It's really strange, last post-nut clarity hit me really hard, lol.
Just be careful lol. Having a gf for "a bit" can turn into years. You could end up feeling very attached and breaking up won't be something you just do (if you'd want to). PLUS you just said she's leaving "for good" to a town 2 hours away. Don't do long distance. Just don't. Talking from first hand experience, plus a lot of second hand experiences from friends, it fucking sucks.

Since she's leaving soon, I don't think it's too bad to keep seeing her a bit more often than you usually would. I did that in Mexico with the chick I liked the most there before I left. But since you'll be far away, it won't be a "real" relationship anyway. And make it clear what you're doing.
Agree with Paw. Don't do long distance.
Holden said:
How many lifetime lays do you have? How many FBs have you had?

My dick got formally into 4 pussies :), it's not much but like you, I was with my 1st lay and gf early on, and miss a lot of opportunities at uni and, which I really regret during my erasmus.

I don't think that've got oneitis, but I do agree that this probably not a good idea.

Paw said:
Having a gf for "a bit" can turn into years

Ik, ik.. confort kill motivation, and I'm really prone to be a lazy scum when i've a gf

Paw said:
Don't do long distance. Just don't. Talking from first hand experience, plus a lot of second hand experiences from friends, it fucking sucks.

I did and you're right aha
DAY 137:

I wasn't very active on tinder lately, and when I opened it, I was disconnected, and in fact my tinder was suppressed(?). I'm a bit pissed because I'd collected 30 matches which I wanted to talk in a same night. Tho, I had used all my boosts already, so no money loosed.

BUT, my ELO score was reset. And I've got like 20 likes in a few hours. Which really blessed my soul, proving that my pics are really better. Because before I had only 4-6 likes for WEEKS. So my attractiveness went 4x :).

I invited lay#3 for a drink with my friends, because your homeboy was proud to show that he fuck taller girls to his friends, eheh.

I then had a pillow talk with lay#3, and she said that she would be mad if I was seeing other girls.

question ;
How to last longer in Bed?
Like I can last a long time, but if i want to fuck really strong, the urge to cum come fast, so I have to take breaks which piss me off a bit.
Do with this what you want but you're playing with fire with the lay #3, acting like a stereotypical boyfriend. If that's not something you want, I advise you to be careful to prevent heartbreak and drama.

I've been with 71 girls and my friends have seen two of them in real life: my monogamous LTRs.

About lasting longer in bed: kratom. Other tips don't work for me, and I want to last longer AND enjoy myself, and don't think of dead cats or do arithmetic in my head lol. Alternatively just rub one out right before you have a girl over, or cum from a blowjob in round 1 and fuck her properly in round 2.

I used to make girls go on their knees and blow me as soon as they walked into my door, came in their mouth, and then let her into my apartment and poured wine etc. By the time we're getting to sex, I'm recharged and ready to go. Plus it's a nice BDSM-roleplay for her to pleasure you within seconds of coming over.
Holden said:
dead cats or do arithmetic

Damn, I always think about dead hedgehogs on the road, and solvin' matrix lol. I don't find girls that like cum in their mouth, I need to get more lays to find girls that like that.

MakingAComeback said:
Where you at?

Good question MAC! I'm sorry I didn't have the intimacy to post. I usually post from work as I've got time, but my PC died, so I was off computer for some time, also, i did spend the last we with lay#3.

Furthermore, I did exactly NOT what you guys told me to do. And I feel pretty weak for that. I've got this nice boy mentality. So wat happen this w-e.

I spent all the weekend with my lay#3, and we're closer than ever despite not being in a couple.

As Holden said, it's gonna end up in drama, and I'm gonna get my heartbroken and it will all by my mistake. But i needed that, this girl cuddle me, look at me with love eyes, massage me twice a day, is fun to chat with. But I know I should settle, but at the same time it's so comfortable. So idk what to do, but I won't say that you guys didn't warn me.

On the other hand, at work they are askin' me a lot so I can't apply to job abroad, I need to do that at home.


You have started to find success in getting laid, and you are moving like you're trying to get cuffed up and get in a relationship?


You spent all that time in the gym, all that time pushing past self doubt, those black pill thoughts, I was reading you thinking my god this fucker is going to go beyond all his limitations

Comfort is like a cancer. It will seep into your cells, it will began to manifest inside you and it will spread.

Comfort will pull you into deep waters.

And you will drown.

If the warrior life is not for you, I can respect it.

But what greater story is there than a dude who thought he was limited, rising above all challenges and betting the house on himself?

It's your life, I'm not judging you. But when I see potential, it makes me feel some kind of way.

MakingAComeback, you're right my G, especially about the comfort side of things. Retrospectively, I never progressed so much since september.

What happened in september :
Got a big ass tattoo
Improved my fizeek, that i'm fucking proud (best of my life)
Got a beard
Got a motorcycle
Got 3 lays +(1 make out yesterday ;))

I even felt it in my masculinity, it's as if my test raised up. I've read somewere that test level of men drop dramatically in monogamous.

MAC, I see you become a conference speaker, or write a book, you express your ideas really precisely, and it hit where it needs to hit.

On a positive note : Date report

Went on a date yesterday with a cutie. BUT she told me she had been abused (raped, car accident, beaten) by her exbf idk what to think about that, and the fact that she told me that on #1st date wtf, perhaps I shouldn't stick my dick in crazy at all what do you think boys ??. Other than date she seem pretty chill.

I went to get her at her work, and we went bouldering, where I could show my skills (I'm pretty good as i did a lot when i was younger), and even got shirtless because it was 30°C inside. Then I dropped her at her place, and make out to say goodbye. She gonna come at my flat on Thursday.

On a more sad note :
My grand-pa passed away this morning, they discovered him a generalized cancer 4 days ago. I don't know how much I'll be active on the forum. I'm going to the funeral on Friday. I'll try to be as joyful as possible on the Thursday date, to celebrate life as it's the most important thing to do.

see ya
My condolences my dude. Sorry to hear about your grandpa Don't worry about the forum, we have MAC holding the fort for you.

All the best to you and your family
My advice about the abused girl? Keep it strictly casual if you want anything to do with her. Just bang her and that’s all. But I’d avoid that shit like the plague.

I dated a girl for nearly 5 months who was abused and coerced into sexual acts by an ex-bf, did drugs to get through it, and has PTSD. I stuck around because I genuinely liked her and she treated me well. That is until she tried ghosting me, called her out on it, she responds saying she is going through shit and can’t see anyone right now. She’s then on tinder a few days later. I was fucking heartbroken.

Learn from me when I say that these women are not worth your time and investment. Find a more emotionally stable girl to spend time with. They have serious trauma that has impacted them and you don’t want to deal with that shit.
Although to be fair your date at least told you when she wasn’t fucking hammered and on the first date (which is weird honestly). So it seems she’s more okay with her troubles.

Chick I dated could only communicate and open up about things when she was liquored up. Some food for thought, but I’m still of the opinion that you should date girls that don’t have that much baggage.
SpongeBob Thanks, my G !

PinchePendejo said:
you don’t want to deal with that shit.

That's what im thinking but the pussy seem so good that it worth the risk. But regardless of that trauma issues, I'm 100% sure that I don't want more fwb relationship with her.
PinchePendejo said:
(which is weird honestly).
it is i was uncomfortable lmao

I need to make my own experience i think, so I'll try to fuck her tonight either way
Very sorry to hear about your grandpa young blood.

He would be very proud of you, and the man I know you will become.

DAY 150:

Hi boys I’m back. Did all the family stuff that had to be done.

On Thursday 19/05/2022 : Field report of date#2 with dategirl#12:

So, it was the second date with the climbing girl from last week. I told her to come directly at my flat and skip the drink. Which she accepted. I came to take her at some subway station on my motorcycle on the verge of the city, so I can ride with her and came back to my place.

Side note : As with the tattoo, the effect of the motorcycle is hardly noticeable, or I will see it later on. Naively, I thought that all the girl would fall in my arms just because I sit on a big motor. Nah, apparently. Back to the date.

We head to my flat, and we smoke a cigarette, and went to sit on the coach. We chit-chat again, I talk about her hair, piercing as I can touch her and create some intimacy..

Her body language is very close : leg crossed in the opposite direction of me, not looking at me while speaking etc. At some point I just said fuck it, I made her look at me, and then kiss her. We kiss, we chat, we kiss, we chat.. Then at some point she is riding my D, while on top of me (still dressed).

She moans a bit, while saying “we should do that, we should do that”... Turn out she has an ovary tumor, and her pussy is bleeding since 3 weeks, so no sex is possible. We made out some more, and take my car this time and drop her at her place.

She did really give me the “love-eye” look, she asked me what I was after.

I answered :” lets just vibe, and see where we are heading”

The after date :
We did a bit of textin’, and she seemed very into me. BUT as I attended the funerals and did all the family stuff I did ghost her during 3 days. My head wasn’t at gaming. Now she’s really cold and distant. I lefted her on read, lets see what happen, but it’s now probably a dead lead.

The RedPill Theory:

Few days ago, I was watching some reels on ig. Then, I stumble across a reels of my ex-gf and the guy she left me for. So first move, block her on ig without going across her ig. Second move, think a bit. As I never went back to her ig, I never saw the face of the guy which stole my ex-gf.

And damn please believe me, he’s ugly af. Terrible acne, skinny to the bones, and is face isn’t that good. I’m not body-shaming or anything, I just want to highlight that she left me for a 18yo (she’s 22yo like me), that just start uni, doesn’t have a flat no muscles, no car etc..

I believe just because they had common point like anime and some other shit like that.

I’m not blowing my own dick or anything, I just want to say that all this hypergamy, blackpill, chad, jawline, muscle, 6’7’’. Isn’t exactly real, and we shouldn’t always count points like i’m a 6/10 or i’m 5’5’’ etc. She did left me for a guy which only advantages were : working in the same place as her, have common point, and be a bit taller than me(?). An example that the red pill isn’t always true.

As I watched their reels, I did remember that I’d always refuse to make such lovely shit, in 4y of relation we never poster a pic together on ig. Perhaps she wanted a puppet not a bf idk..

I’m not mad or jealous of this guy at all, he can have her, I’m currently fucking a better girl than my ex-gf in every way.

Tho, I’m still mad at her from all the shit I went through because of her. I still feel lot of hate toward her. It’s not something obsessive, I barely think about her on a daily basis now.

But I did more progress in my path to become a better me in 6 month without her than in 4y with her. I did accomplish so many things since September, I’m very proud of myself.

Conclusion :

Thanks, I needed to vent of that reel thing.

I’m just waiting for my paid, then I’m going to buy 10 tinder boosts. Bcz, since a few months I'm on low efforts on OLD apps, I'm not agressive enough, 7 more lays to GO !!!