DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

Squilliam & MattsCrib :

The one I've bought are the durex feeling extra which are branded as already thin.. Perhaps durex like everything in life is a low-cost solution and it exist some better solutions, I'm willing to try them. My roommate also mentioned a website where you can input your dick measurement, and it output you some brands that fit you :

Perhaps it's also a mix of performance anxiety & stress let's not put everything on this poor condom lol

Thanks my MAN, I'll read your log now that I'm back in da game
Hey man! Congrats for the lay. Pretty cool to see. And all those matches, man that's so cool! Real progress
DAY 96 :

I dated this cute girl, 7/10.

She flaked yesterday, but she proposes a new date today, so I accepted. But boys I don't know i fucked up, I didn’t pull.

To be honest I was like, I want to take time with this one, she’s a cutie, perhaps it’s not a good mindset. I was too afraid to fuck’up everything by asking her to come to my flat. Now looking back it’s perhaps a bad move that I did. Let’s see.

But a girl that please me physically + mentally is pretty rare
ovnidos said:
To be honest I was like, I want to take time with this one, she’s a cutie, perhaps it’s not a good mindset. I was too afraid to fuck’up everything by asking her to come to my flat. Now looking back it’s perhaps a bad move that I did. Let’s see.
No girl who is open to having sex early on is going to reject you purely for asking her to come over. The worst that can realistically happen is that she says no and that she wants to hang out in a public place again. If you inviting her over is enough to make her reject you flat out, you should be grateful because you just filtered out a girl who is clearly non-sexual and not one you are looking for.
It's fine dude, you don't HAVE TO sleep with her on the 1st date. I'd even say that high quality girls don't really do it (yes, it's judgemental). If you feel that for her, it's okay to take a bit more time (not too much though). A 2-3 date lay is not uncommon and I'd even say that it can help with retention.

You should, however, be physical with her, set a sexual vibe with her.

But don't beat yourself over this, you're learning. It's good that you managed to get a date with a woman that you find attractive.
ovnidos said:
@Squilliam & @MattsCrib :

The one I've bought are the durex feeling extra which are branded as already thin.. Perhaps durex like everything in life is a low-cost solution and it exist some better solutions, I'm willing to try them. My roommate also mentioned a website where you can input your dick measurement, and it output you some brands that fit you :

Perhaps it's also a mix of performance anxiety & stress let's not put everything on this poor condom lol

Thanks my MAN, I'll read your log now that I'm back in da game

And I am happy you're back, you're on a roll bro keep pushing!!!!!

You got this, I know you can do it.

DAY 100 :

DATE #7 :
ovnidos said:
I dated this cute girl, 7/10.

She ghosted me lmao, for once I was interested above to a girl lol. What a shame, it's the last time I don't try to pull.

But for answering Squilliam, I was interested at her in gf material term.. But I know it's pretty early to say. I don't know compared to my friends, I'm the only one getting 1 Date lays, the norm is mostly 2-4 dates lays even for a fwb.

Love life/Dating :

I'm back to school for 15 days, the last 3 days I was in the mountains with my prom. Then I'm back to campus for getting my last 12 of uni. During these 12 days we do a project. And in this group project there was a cute girl.

So I create a plan to get her, I wanted to log everything. I had a mastermind plan in my head, but as soon as we get back to uni she get covid and get back to her hometown. So mission aborted guys :(

On the 50 tinders matches, you dude did get 2 dates and 0 lays.

Another observation, Lay #1 and Lay#2 were bumble girls. As i said in some previous post bumble isn't very popular here, I think I get about 20 matches in 3 months of it. But the matches ratio to lays is INSANE. Perhaps the better investment is to take the bumble premium instead of investing in tinder ?

Mental health :

Like the last lay, I'm feeling fucking great and confident, I hope I won't go down like last time. But I'm feeling like girls that like me are no statistical anomalies. Gettin' first time lays isn't very uncommon on the forum. But here in France the culture is more about "serial-monogamy" if you'll. Just the fact of fucking two girls in the space of 3 months make a legend in my friend group.. I'm climbing out of my hole guys, I'm starting to made it thought.. There's more work to be done to get to my goal of 10 girls this year, there will be news downs and new highs, new difficulties, but I'll make it.

I know I talk about this in a little dramatic way. But that's how I feel it, it's like a mission, I need to go thought this.

The thing I'm concern with rn is my inability to get laid on tinder. Despite having shirtless pics and none on bumble. And my inability to get better pics than my avatar.

Side note : Why bumble is banning ALL my shirtless pics, is there a way around ??

On mental health again, I feel like I can now divide a bit of my focus on other things, like I always wanted to get a perfect morning routine which goes like this :

>Get up
>Do the Wim Hof respiration
>mediate a bit
>Do vaccum work
>Write some gratefull shit in a book note
>Drink 1L of water
>And do all normies shit before heading to work/uni

but rn it's more like :
>scroll ig/tw
>get up fast and be late to work/uni

Meta/Forum Important !

I'm sorry I haven't been on the forum much in the last few weeks, I feel guilty. I don't profess being the most impactful member of the forum or be the center of the forum. But since the forum changed my life and get me out of depression by getting laid, I feel like just being part of this community is a duty, I don't want to use this community just for my own interest, I really want to be part of the ppl who keep it alive!
SpongeBob said:
You should, however, be physical with her, set a sexual vibe with her.

I've have to confess that I don't know/have the balls to do it in a public setting,
Hey boys,

I’m back to uni uni until Friday for a project. In my project groupe there’s a cutie, I’m trying to get her. It’s my mission until Friday, I try all things to be seductive around her, and get her as a “social” lay. Let’s see what happen, by reading her body language I feel she’s kinda into me but I can be wrong.

Every day since I’m back to uni I try to get more and more touch with her.

My plan is to invite her on a drink on Friday, if she refuse it mean that shes not into me if she accept, I guess it’s a yes, let see.

I’m my project group in kinda the “alpha” (I don’t like this term, that’s an other subject but you get the vibe), giving the task to everyone, planning everything and having the most speaking time, and making everyone laughs.

If you’ve got more tips and tricks let me know
ovnidos said:
@MakingAComeback thank for thinking about me, brother! I’m deeply touched. Here’s the big news :

DAY 94 : 2nd lay of the year which lead me to 3 lays ever

What happened since last post:

Damn boys, sorry for not updating you. I did use my boosts since last time, I had like 50 matches.

But facing this quantity of work and possible rejection I was stuck. like I described in my last post. But at some point I said enough is enough. So I went on tinder on my computer, did a spreadsheet and messaged all the girls at once. And try to analyse the data. As I did it three days before, I will not publish them until lays, or dead leads/dates.

Only think I can say rn, is that a personnalized text, will get me on average 4x the reponse rate than the “hey, your cute…”. But it take more time. Also the girl that answer the template are perhaps more DTF than the girls that answer the personnalized text, i don’t know yet.

the lay :

She’s a girl from Bumble, 6/10 thin waist, nice ass, cute face but not a model

As the messages she sent me were showing her as really dumb (she was), I wasn’t really interested. But she kept pushing for meeting up on Thursday. As I wanted to know if she was DTF, I sent her my fizeek pic that I did post on the forum few posts above. Which she answered : “Why are your hands white ?” (because of the shit I use at the gym for get my hands non-slippery). few hours or days later, she sent me a video of her in a tight dress.

Until the last moment, I didn’t want to meet her. But my roommate and @Rice hype me up to do so. As the planet aligned this night, none of my roommates were at the flat which isn’t very frequent, I said “Hugo, stop fucking around and lets go”. She asked me to come and meet her at her bakery. Which I answered, “yeah, and then we go take a drink at my flat?” and she said yes.

But as the girls sometimes tend to be really naive, I knew it could mean nothing..

I went to the bakery.

Here I’ve got to mention that she was taller than me, like 2cm. I was prepared to this eventuality. But thanks to @Thebastard log, where he mentioned that he fucked taller girls, and to @Rice who also mention it, I went with confidence.

we walk 10 minutes on my flat, I made her a tour of the flat and then we went sitting on the coach. We talk for like 20 minutes, her body language was awful. Leg crossed in the opposite direction, not even looking at me. I used my rings to put them on her finger, to get some physical touch.

And then, at some point, she talk a bit about her eye or some shit, she turn at me and BAM, I kiss her, we makeout, I take her to bed, a bit of foreplay. My dick was rock hard, then I put on a condom.

And boom flat dick, like last time. We makeout a bit again but my dick stopped working… So I remove the condom, and my dick went back rock hard. So I guess my dick isn’t the issue but the condoms. I’ve got an average size dick. But some condom, perhaps squeeze my dick without me noticing it. I talk the issue with my roommate, and he said to buy king-size, I will and try them first time alone.
Tho, at the end I managed to put another condom with an hard dick and fuck her.

We showered, and went out eating a delicious kebab.

end of today story boys I’m so happy and proud, like last, time none of this shit would have been possible with your precious support shoutout to my bro @Squilliam !.

Well done Bro! Happy for you!
Hey guys,

I'm gonna exhort some of the shit i've got in my head since I left...

First, I feel awful not being active on the forum lately.. I'm not doing to "virtue signalling" of some sort. But this forum tremendously help me.

Back in September, when my ex-gf left me for another dude, i feel terrible. Tbh, I never told this shit to anyone, but I felt so bad that I started having 'dark thoughts'. I was thinking about how to kill myself even, I think a lot of guys here can relate, sadly.

I started to feel a better after lay#1 in january, but deep down I wasn't cured. After lay#2 (in late mars), I felt a lot better. I can proudly say that I'm now at 70% "well", about my self-esteem, ego, depression state, and overall mental well-being.

This, the forum, own it. This forum deserves the deepest respect of all. I remember one particular time, i stumble across an old pic of me before the gym, the time when i wasn't even looking like a man, I was looking like a lesbian girl lmao. So I was looking at this pic of me full screen on my computer, on my desk, and started crying so badly, asking my past "happy" self to come back, to tell me what should i told, if this sadness was ever going to go away. And it wasn't even my deepest..

My deepest time was when my ex-gf left me for this other dude, I was in my room in the navy base, crying so much undercover so the other guys won't see it, I punch so much my stomach after that I had bruise on it. I was running to my room to cry after my meal. I was doing my street workout and i turn face away of the others guys to cry between the sets.

I'm ashamed to have cried so much, call it toxic masculinity or some smth, but today I say it here so some guys can relate.

But to the guys here that are in this state, there's an exit to this state, I got out an feel fucking better.

What happened since last post :

1- I felt a really great connexion with "uni girl" I talked above, but she end up going back to her city, we talked a bit on ig, but the convo went down, too bad. as we say here "far from the eyes, far from the heart"

2- I did date a few girls but they were so lame, that i couldn't even pull, so whatever.

3- I did date and only date my lay#2, she's really dumb but have a fat ass, that's the last time I only date, next time she come to my flat and we fuck. end of the story.

4- Today I dated a Latina from Peru, we drink outside, I pull at my flat, then I kiss because I was feeling the "vibe", she accepted the kiss then she rejected me saying that we should wait.. As we were on the leave, I cannot escalate further after. She said that she needed time because she had too bad relations before.. But she liked our date, she agreed to came to my flat, and was even 1h late for her appointment with her friends, so idk.. So I took her on my motorbike to see her. Not to be a nice boy but because i feel like girls like motorbike, and I also take every excuse to drive lol

5- MY MOTORBIKE, I've bought a motorbike I'm so happy!!! I love driving it, I feel like the shit on it, tomorrow I'll probably go to take pics with my roommate and is crazy ass camera. Here's a pic that i took for you guys :
View attachment 1 (I'm even eating on it)

to conclude :
I don't like fwb relations, deep down I want a gf to take of me. I want to take late night drive with her, eat at restaurants, watch some movies while cuddling, I confess I want the bluebill dream.

I'll try to post daily from now on, because I'm not very active even on OLD apps
Hey man, we are all here for you. Don't be ashamed to cry. :)


You can get deep satisfaction with women and have them go nuts for you and give you a lot of healing and love

So many guys do it, I know many of my bros have this experience, with chicks really digging them and giving them a LOT of love

I wanted it to, but when I was in that relationship mindset in Jan, look what the fuck happened to me

I got fucking speared!

I remember one conversation I had with Timmy in our kitchen, which was officially the end of the nice guy era

"No more of this bro. I am going to become a pimp"

And within a few months of that, with extreme grinding, I now have gotten the affection, love and connection I wanted

The girls know I am 100% casual and want nothing to do with a relationship. And now I am getting what former me wanted.

Counter intuitive? Maybe

But this is how it has worked for SO MANY DUDES

You be the fun, sexual, happy, positive, sexy, care free dude who chicks wanna bone the fuck out of

.....And you will find what you are looking for

I met a gal Wednesday who really liked me, fucked her brains out, she came round for more Friday night, and she hung out with me ALL DAY Sat. We were in the park, enjoying the sun all day, making each other laugh, came back to mine and she was glued to my chest obsessed with my body (lol)

I know how this game works now and I take every win that comes and really enjoy it. This isn't my point tho.



Be active on the forum my guy, seriously.





ovnidos said:
First, I feel awful not being active on the forum lately.. I'm not doing to "virtue signalling" of some sort. But this forum tremendously help me.

It is what it is, you're back now and that's what matters bro. Welcome home!

ovnidos said:
MY MOTORBIKE, I've bought a motorbike I'm so happy!!! I love driving it, I feel like the shit on it, tomorrow I'll probably go to take pics with my roommate and is crazy ass camera. Here's a pic that i took for you guys

The bike looks 🔥. I miss riding, it feels so liberating.

ovnidos said:
I don't like fwb relations, deep down I want a gf to take of me. I want to take late night drive with her, eat at restaurants, watch some movies while cuddling, I confess I want the bluebill dream.

If it's what YOU want, it's what you want. You're still going to have to go through all the same processes of improving your SMV, talking to as many girls as possible (please don't fall in love with the first girl who you have some sort of connection with though) etc

My boys are always here for me as I can see 🔥🔥

TimmyTurner said:
it feels so liberating.

I don’t know where this feeling come from but you just want to blast speed and make some noice. It’s almost pure masculine energy I don’t know how to describe.

TimmyTurner said:
first girl

With the experience I had with my exgf, I’ve know got some very precise characteristics, and I’ll got south at the first huge red flag. I’m dealing with craps anymore.

As always so motivational, you did the fucking work like no one, I remember very well seeing that you where on the verge to succeed, know it’s done ! You succeed MAC DADDY eheh
DAY 126 : SMV work

I strongly believe that 20% of work is going to give me 80% of results.
So what should I do to increase my lay count ?

1- Gym, here’s my current physique.

Of course I can have a better one, but I think it’s good enough to be above 90%(?) of OLD men. I do also think that I’m lean enough, getting leaner won’t get tremendously better results, but I would need to sacrifice a lot to get to that point.

I also strongly believe that my diet is on point, because despite going out like 3 or 4 times a week, I manage to still have visibles abs.

Action : Don’t stop going to the gym lol

2- Better pics, I really need to create a lifestyle to attract these gurls. Based on my lifestyle it could be: gym, motorbike, mountain, nightlife. Summer is coming, I need to have this outside candid physique pic.

Action : -This weekend, I’m gonna head to the countryside with motorbike + camera + tripod and try to get good shots
-Watch more tutorials on :
- how to pose
-Portrait setting

I know the pics are going to get me results, but I can't manage the logistics to get them, even though I've got a good camera and a tripod. I’m really a master at procrastinating.

3- Dating, so far my strategy has just been, talk and try to be flirty(?), ask to come to my flat, to my flat. If yes, try to kiss. So I can get my rejection at home in private lol.
I can improve this by being more flirty or idk, I need date training.

Action : I don’t really know which actions I can do about this one, except going on date, guys any idea ?
ovnidos said:
Dating, so far my strategy has just been, talk and try to be flirty(?), ask to come to my flat, to my flat. If yes, try to kiss. So I can get my rejection at home in private lol.
I can improve this by being more flirty or idk, I need date training.

I really strongly agree with Andy / other people out here that kissing girls before taking them back to your place accomplishes nothing and possibly hurts you. Maybe being a little more flirty and establishing more tension makes them more likely to come back to your place, but beyond that benefits are minimal. Not kissing adds some plausible deniability that all you want to do at your place is make out. I wouldn't directly lie to a girl and say "I only want to make out" but having that context helps a lot of the time. I have never been able to pull a girl after making out with her, only before. That said, if she rejects the pull I'll usually just kiss her anyway because at that point fuck it.
Thanks for your reply, as I can see I'm not far off from your dating strategy, so it's good