DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

Awesome work bro. Fuck that blackpill stuff, it's just an excuse for incels to deflect responsibility for not succeeding with women.

Blackpill is real. I am sorry about that brother.

People who have a visceral response to this are often soft cunts who live life in easy mode and will get the goods either way.

You are still good looking and will always out compete someone like me so take solace in that.

And I would be proud of you for this. I am happy you got a makeout for 15 mins! I got a few makeouts with a chick yesterday, but they were like 30 seconds. And she had like no lips at all, was quite gross tbh.

How is gym going? When do we get a physique update?

Squilliam said:
Awesome work bro. Fuck that blackpill stuff, it's just an excuse for incels to deflect responsibility for not succeeding with women.

Please don't dismiss the thoughts of others out of hand bro.

It's very inconsiderate.

I would appreciate it if you respected views that were different to your own.

Thank you,
MakingAComeback said:
Squilliam said:
Awesome work bro. Fuck that blackpill stuff, it's just an excuse for incels to deflect responsibility for not succeeding with women.

Please don't dismiss the thoughts of others out of hand bro.

It's very inconsiderate.

I would appreciate it if you respected views that were different to your own.

Thank you,
Is blackpill not synonymous with incel ideology?
Homie if you're not going to even listen to what I said, why would I listen to you?

Please respect my brothers log. I don't have time to address this LOL you know I do not have time, i am working my fucking ass off and have to eat for 10 mins before stretching and 2 dates.

Ovnidos, forget this stuff, keep working homie

MakingAComeback said:
Homie if you're not going to even listen to what I said, why would I listen to you?

Please respect my brothers log. I don't have time to address this LOL you know I do not have time, i am working my fucking ass off and have to eat for 10 mins before stretching and 2 dates.

Ovnidos, forget this stuff, keep working homie


I do respect his log. We talk on telegram pretty often and support each other. I actually just sent him a message to have him know that I wasn't trying to criticize him.

But point taken. Go have fun on your dates, I actually am starting to think I'm spending too much time on the forum and I should spend more time doing actual self-improvement.
MakingAComeback said:
I don't have time to address this LOL you know I do not have time, i am working my fucking ass off and have to eat for 10 mins before stretching and 2 dates.

I'm encouraging you to follow the advice you gave out earlier:

MakingAComeback said:
Please don't dismiss the thoughts of others out of hand bro.

It's very inconsiderate.
I would appreciate it if you respected views that were different to your own


Good work with the makeout Ovnidos
ok broooos let calm down, nobody disrespecting me :)

Idk if blackpill is real, what i know is that girls are attracted to the most handsome guy of the room (tall, muscular, rich all others qualities), as we are attracted to the best girls also. But imo blackpill think that this reality is static. If you follow blackpill ideology as I'm 5'5 i should get litterally no pussies which i not the case, hopefully.

MakingAComeback I think there's a misunderstanding about what's the blackpill. We'd improve ourselves, and we get more pussies than yesterday. while not being literal chad.

MakingAComeback said:
And I would be proud of you for this. I am happy you got a makeout for 15 mins! I got a few makeouts with a chick yesterday, but they were like 30 seconds. And she had like no lips at all, was quite gross tbh.

Consider this training, man !!

My best friend is here for the weekend. I just realise this guy do all the shit recommended here but like without the help of an online community. He's like a natural good looking looser, he can handle tons of rejections in a row in a night club, he talk to me about volume, and everything. So cool ill learn so much from him. He's like a big bro for me (I'm 22yo he's 27yo)

As I'm with him all the day, I'll do my log tomorrow, because we ended in a nightclub and got home at 5am with me and my 2 hours of sleep from last night. No happy ending this time, but pretty interesting you'll see.

Here's the fizeek update (Good lighting + biceps and back pump)
, not much changed. My lift are increasing (3*5@85kg on BP @ 62kg)

. But i don't loose weight anymore even with a deficit, which get me pretty pissed. If i increase the deficit, idk how i'll be able to go to the gym.
SpongeBob said:
What blackpill thoughts were popping out ?

"I'm too small"
"I need to be one head taller"
"I don't exist for girls here"
"My size make me a fucking beta"

tbh even in this mood i'm never like : "girls going for chads are sluts" ;" all girls want to be fucked by 2m guys"...

Also not blackpill but some thinking i had :
"i'm such a pussy for not even trying"

and last :
"is there a fucking guide for makeout in clubs ???"

Actually guys is there a guide ??
ovnidos said:
tbh even in this mood i'm never like : "girls going for chads are sluts" ;" all girls want to be fucked by 2m guys"...

That's good then. Bitterness hasn't taken its roots, so it's not too problematic.

ovnidos said:
"I'm too small"
"I need to be one head taller"
"I don't exist for girls here"
"My size make me a fucking beta"

Well your size is a disadvantage, that's for sure and we can't say the contrary, it'd be lying. But as you saw, it's not the end all be all, you managed to make out with a couple of chicks, showing interest from their part. With your body and a edgy style, you'll be able to balance your size issue.

You'll get there, baby steps is the way forward
ovnidos said:
SpongeBob said:
What blackpill thoughts were popping out ?

"I'm too small"
"I need to be one head taller"
"I don't exist for girls here"
"My size make me a fucking beta"

tbh even in this mood i'm never like : "girls going for chads are sluts" ;" all girls want to be fucked by 2m guys"...

Also not blackpill but some thinking i had :
"i'm such a pussy for not even trying"

and last :
"is there a fucking guide for makeout in clubs ???"

Actually guys is there a guide ??
Honestly, those thoughts don't even sound very blackpill-esque. That just sounds like normal insecurity related negative inner monologue.

When I said blackpill, I meant the term that was basically synonymous with incel ideology. As you said, people who are blackpilled do not believe improvement is possible, and they think they are screwed due to their looks, and that no amount of effort will change that.
DAY ??:

Hey guys sorry for didn’t update, I just got a bad case of flu since Sunday.
I think it’s related to me going out way to much, being drunk too often, smoking to many cigarettes. Also on Thursday night I did get 2h of sleep, then the next day I went to night club again until 5am, and slept 5h. So it’s no surprise that I’m sick. I just fucked up my immune system.

As I’ve got more energy I’m back on OLD. I did get refund on my boosts on tinder but they didn’t removed them from my account, so I’ve got 10 free boost eheh.

SpongeBob said:
Well your size is a disadvantage, that's for sure and we can't say the contrary, it'd be lying. But as you saw, it's not the end all be all, you managed to make out with a couple of chicks, showing interest from their part.

I appreciate your honesty because I don’t like ppl saying to me being small is nothing lol.

Squilliam said:
normal insecurity

Yeah you’re right sometimes we spend to much time on internet theories. What I’ve got is a basic insecurity
DAY 77 :

Hey boys, I'm back to the daily logging.

I've got to confess that i'm bored talking with girl for a so poor matches to dates conversion. I was thinking that my text game was cool, but it's not so good if it doesn't get me many dates. Like everything that stress me a little, I postpone answering until the lead is dead :).

When I was sick, I wanted to have a gf to take care of me, and began to wonder if my quest was the good one. On one hand, I don't really really like casual sex, my personality is more girlfriend oriented. On the other hand, I know i need the skills of a Casanova to end up in the best relationship. So I've got to go through this to be happier later and do not end up with a toxic gf again.

I need to choose an archetype, and the one that correspond the most to the girls I want is the "frat guy". For that purpose, i need to change my haircut. and get more smaller torso and arms tats. I like tats so that's no issues.

Haircuts idea :
View attachment 1 or
(thanks pancakemouse).

Probably I'll go from the shorter waiting for the longer one.
"So I've got to go through this to be happier later and do not end up with a toxic gf again"


Get this squared away, become successful with women, and then enter a LTR with the type of woman you want.

Achieve your goals for 2022 at all costs.

You are fucking young and you can have a brilliant future. Take it step by step.

Your thinking on your image here is valuable and will bode well. I'll let the experienced guys chime in and steer you.

ovnidos said:
DAY 77 :

On one hand, I don't really really like casual sex, my personality is more girlfriend oriented. On the other hand, I know i need the skills of a Casanova to end up in the best relationship. So I've got to go through this to be happier later and do not end up with a toxic gf again.

This is same reason I joined here. Glad to see I am not the only one :)

Btw do you list ur height on bumble / hinge ? I am 5'4 and don't wear lifts.
Hey man happy to find another fellow short bastard,

I'll said, avoid saying height at all cost lol

Rice said:

I managed to don't said my height over there.

Rice said:

I don't use much hinge because it's not popular at all here. But I think you're in obligation to do so if i remember correctly.

Why u don't wear lift ? I don't either, but I've got the extra compensated converses, and i can say that ppl look at u differently with +6 cm, and nobody gave me negative feelings about this. And i feel fucking well wearing them.

I've also got some insoles, but the top of my foot is too "big" which is preventing me to wear them.

MakingAComeback Thanks Mac ! I can't help to have to toxic mindset of : "I'm not genetically able to do this lifestyle", and like some of us i wonder if i can have it... I don't talk much about this feeling over there, but it exists. I won't give up tho, because what else I can do with my life if not this, lol.
ovnidos said:
Why u don't wear lift ? I don't either, but I've got the extra compensated converses, and i can say that ppl look at u differently with +6 cm, and nobody gave me negative feelings about this. And i feel fucking well wearing them.

I tried using a 6 cm insole once and did not notice much of a difference outside of blisters and minor damage to my shoes. This was for walking around the mall with some friends though, I've never tried it on a date which is probably more important. Maybe getting built in height increasing shoes will work better.
DAY 78 :
Did message all the girls that were waiting for your boy ovnidos to answer.
Then gonna hop to bed.

See ya kings