DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

Hi my friends, guess who's back ?? :)

Let me first state that I'm sorry if I did disappear quickly and impolitely. As I've stated before, and I'll state here again : you guys saved my life, and I will always be grateful to you all. The precious advices you gave me literally changed my life for good. But your French Boi got too comfortable and started lacking, here's what happened :

The GF situation ;

In May after successfully fucked a few girls, I met one girl and after banging her a few time I decide to have a let say fwb++ type relationship. During this lapse of time, I mildly played with another girl. As I was getting tired by the constant treat on my ego that OLD was giving, I decide to upgrade my fwb++ to the title of exclusive GF. As today, I don't think it was a mistake, my first intention when going on KYIL was to land a valuable GF (still stated in my bio). So long story short we caught feelings for each others the relation lasted about 8 months. And a few days ago she told me she's polyamorous. And despite, she had nobody as a target (I believe but who cares) , she wanted to open back our relationship as a fucking poly amour relationship. Which I IMMEDIATELY stand against.

Long story short, a few minutes after that, I quit her and supress all our pics, convo, etc. No messages since Monday. And I don't plan to send one anytime.

I don't suffer tremendously from this situation, I was a lil sad the next day, but nothing more.

So what's next ?

When I said I did get too comfortable, I may exaggerate a bit, your boy never stops going to the gym, your boy did develop a huge affinity with reading really hard books. Your boy plan to leave the west for the tropics anytime he got remote income.

Girl's related, I don't really know what I want, sure I don't want a GF anymore I'm triple dosed about that. I don't want to send any texts message about where I am, how much drunk I am or ask the terrible question : "wHeRE u WAnT tO eAt tOnIghT".

I want to get that legendary PIPELINE that will get girls from my phone to my bed in EASY mode. But I know getting the skills to build that pipeline isn't the most easy thing to do in the world. Regardless, I think that my momentum was pretty good when I stopped, and that I'm indeed 50% of the way for getting that.

As being everyday on the verge of getting your ego crushed by some random fatty on tinder isn't the most, let say : agreeable, I also know that's when you live on the EDGE that you get the most of the life. I want to feel that drill and rush of adrenaline when I fuck a girl for the first time. And I look up to my KYIL era with a lot of nostalgia. So happy to be back!

Let's enter the technical stuff :

Logistics :

Fizeek :
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New tattoo on the front shoulder

Work :
I'm a full time engineer working a bullshit job, and get to work on-site : only half of the week. Let me say that when I'm home, I do literally nothing work related. My room is very tidy now, lol. But I've got that engineer money. Which allow me to go on dates, pay tinder premium and buy these nice players clothes, and perhaps even a camera(?)

Location :
Same city, same country, still very, very downtown, which mean : I'm exactly 54 meters from the first bar. (I measured). So girls can flake, I'll still be in pajamas in my couch.


In 1 year, minoxidil 5% give me a full bear, and I didn't cut my hair from a buzz cut since about 6 months.

Archetype :

See, I'm well aware that I'm small and muscular. So I need to attract girls that a) don't care about height b) like musculars guys c) are very hot lol.
So I think the buzzcut I was having before played I'm my disfavor, because It makes me look like military AND at the same time I wasn't “masculine” enough to attract girls that like “military” dudes. So here's what I'm aiming for :

the very next actions :
  • Get my washing mashing fixed otherwise I can't have clean clothes to go on dates lol
  • Buy the platform converses that add 6 cm again, because I destroyed the last ones
  • get white stripes for the tooth
  • GET MORE MUSCULAR as always
  • Get all the OLD apps and tinder platinum or at least boosts.
  • post here my progress!!
Yo, welcome back bro!

I was honestly wondering where you went. Good on you for sticking to your boundaries.
Squilliam said:
Yo, welcome back bro!

I was honestly wondering where you went. Good on you for sticking to your boundaries.

just installed tinder back as my account was suppressed i got about 11 likes in a few minutes which is if i recall well didn't happen last year lmao. I'm so excited !!

May also hop on roids not for girls but for going above and beyond what mother nature gave me
ovnidos said:
Long story short, a few minutes after that, I quit her and supress all our pics, convo, etc.
Knee jerk reaction, but you do you.

Do you think you could have negotiated the relationship back down to fuckbuddies?
Adrizzle said:
ovnidos said:
Long story short, a few minutes after that, I quit her and supress all our pics, convo, etc.
Knee jerk reaction, but you do you.

Do you think you could have negotiated the relationship back down to fuckbuddies?

Once feelings were there I refuse to « downgrade » to fuckbuddies. There’s plenty of girls that can be fuck buddy no need my exgf to get my dikky wet
ovnidos said:
When I said I did get too comfortable, I may exaggerate a bit, your boy never stops going to the gym, your boy did develop a huge affinity with reading really hard books. Your boy plan to leave the west for the tropics anytime he got remote income.

ovnidos said:
May also hop on roids not for girls but for going above and beyond what mother nature gave me

welcome back
DAY 1 :

Sex life :

Did download and set up : Tinder, Bumble, Happn

Got around 10 matches and 10 likes on tinder, from that I’ve got a date setup tomorrow, another one probably next week. No matches on bumble nor Happn but it will happen anytime soon.

I wanted to buy boost but the boosters went from 30€/10 to 60€/10 in 1y wtf. I wanted boosts more than platinum but guess I’ll get platinum…

Is there like a VPN solution? Or smth?

I may also want to fuck on of my friend which seem pretty receptive to me. I know her from years and we already had an “adventure” 5 years prior. But I don’t know how to fuck a friend tbh I feel this too risky.

Gym :

Went to the gym to train arms, and didn’t had my elbow pain I usually have when I train biceps. Which is cool. Need to get theses kcal now to finish the day
DAY 2 :

Luv life:

I’ve got a date with a 4/10, it isn’t glorious but I was too cocky and now I feel in obligation to go on a date. I’m pretty sure that what will happen is the following : see her, be disappointed by her weight, don’t ask her to come to my place because she’s isn’t attractive enough. Then I’ll feel bad 1) because I lowered my standards 2) because she’ll probably feel it and feel bad also.

Here’s a few quality(?) pics I got, let me know what you think :
I hate the pics with the hard coffee t shirt but my ex gf loved these pics so much I’m wondering if they’re good
DAY 2 : DATE 1

Date from Tinder, 4, on the lower end of fat but not thicc sexy tho. She had that huge e-thot eye liner with fake eyelash which drive me crazy. We met at a bar 50 meters from my flat, drink 2 beers, ask her if she wanted to drink a third at my place, she accepted.

Make-out with her, then she gave me the lmr. I told her lets makeout on my bed instead of the kitchen. We go to my bed makeout a bit, then she said she's not very comfortable with the situation as it's her first tinder date. Then I proposed (nicely) to leave if she wants, and she did leave.

Analysis :

The date went well, but we're outside smoking and it was soo cold, so didn't have the chance to use my technic of touching her hand by talking about our respective rings.

Also, the general method we're using here is so brutal, most guys don't have the balls to pull and girl are accustomed to this. Every girl I've been with using the behavior learn here was amazed by herself on how easy she was giving herself to me. Regardless of that I'm not a man of 2 and 3 dates so I won't change a bit about that.

What I can change next time is stop smoking and go inside in winter bcz it's too cold. Also wearing a Jacket hide my most powerful attribute : muscles.

mental state :

Before going to the date, I was SO existed by entering the market again, the stress, the drill, I felt like being a fucking MAN. I was at the peak of masculinity, living on the EDGE of getting your ego DESTROYED by some fatty is the life I want to live. I'm FERAL MODE from now on, I love this game, I love every bit of it.

What's next ?

1 going to the hairdresser because my hair are long but grow out from a buzz cut, I should give them a style.

2 Tomorrow I'm going to hit legs with one of my closest girl friend. Let's call her the brazilian girl, we did make out a few time couples years back, and now it's the first time in years that we're both single. Even my fucking parent saw her and I last weekend and beg me to make a move on her lol.

But I'm not afraid of pulling/rejection of some random on OLD, but with her if there's rejection it's terrible. As all my social circle will know what happened etc... Let move slowly but surely. I'm completely a beginner in the 'social dating' I never went from friend to fwb except with her, but it was a couple of years back. And we never ever mentioned it.

3 couple dates planned in the following week, some will flake, obviously, but that's part of the GAME we're all playing here.
DAY 3 : Tried AGAIN to fuck my friend

She went to my place, so I could drive the motorcycle , for both of us to the gym. We hit legs, I almost pass out due to crazy intensity and drive her back to her place.

She hug me very tight on the motorcycle, more than even every girls I drove, even more than my ex-gf, but it could mean nothing. Idk AT ALL how to tackle this situation, I think I'm gonna give up on her because it's too risky, lol.

Unless she do a step in my direction.

Are I'm fucking retarded? I can get girls on tinder but can't do it the good old way, it's sad.
ovnidos said:
DAY 2 :

Luv life:

I’ve got a date with a 4/10, it isn’t glorious but I was too cocky and now I feel in obligation to go on a date. I’m pretty sure that what will happen is the following : see her, be disappointed by her weight, don’t ask her to come to my place because she’s isn’t attractive enough. Then I’ll feel bad 1) because I lowered my standards 2) because she’ll probably feel it and feel bad also.

Here’s a few quality(?) pics I got, let me know what you think :
I hate the pics with the hard coffee t shirt but my ex gf loved these pics so much I’m wondering if they’re good

Salut ovnidos. Désolé mais je pense pas que tes photos sont bonnes. Comme dit par MILFandCookies, tu dois faire quelque chose sur ta photo. Toutes les photos que t'as publiées sont fades.

MakingAComeback are there any rules on the forum about not using English? I want to make ovnidos my guinea pig to practice my French on here as well, si ça te va pour toi ovnidos.
adscftwtf said:
ovnidos said:
DAY 2 :

Luv life:

I’ve got a date with a 4/10, it isn’t glorious but I was too cocky and now I feel in obligation to go on a date. I’m pretty sure that what will happen is the following : see her, be disappointed by her weight, don’t ask her to come to my place because she’s isn’t attractive enough. Then I’ll feel bad 1) because I lowered my standards 2) because she’ll probably feel it and feel bad also.

Here’s a few quality(?) pics I got, let me know what you think :
I hate the pics with the hard coffee t shirt but my ex gf loved these pics so much I’m wondering if they’re good

Salut @ovnidos. Désolé mais je pense pas que tes photos sont bonnes. Comme dit par @MILFandCookies, tu dois faire quelque chose sur ta photo. Toutes les photos que t'as publiées sont fades.

@MakingAComeback are there any rules on the forum about not using English? I want to make @ovnidos my guinea pig to practice my French on here as well, si ça te va pour toi @ovnidos.

Hey thanks for the comment, we can chat French in private if you want but I made my log public so anyone can see it, especially small dudes like me so they can have some motivation. So let’s not make it french based.

Regardless if a french end up here and doesn’t understand English he can go fuck himself, if youre french and not speaking English.. bro WTF

Also these pics are ones I want to had, none of them are on my profile so if any of them could be secondary pics
DAY 4 :

Went to the gym hit chest, 2*7@42kg for DB press, pretty happy.

Got a date tomorrow with a 5/10, tbh i just go for the momentum. And if I fuck her it's nice, if she flakes it's not a big deal.

Did buy boosts, used one on this Sunday morning.

I need to face the true, the only way to move again, is buying a camera and learn to pose.

Date aren't the issue, pulling girls aren't the issue, I need more matches and more matches only come with better pics.
ovnidos said:
DAY 0 :

I'm on the forum since a bit of time now, I guess it's my time to make a log.

Who Am I :
Let me introduce myself really quickly. I'm Hugo, 22yo, last year of mechanical engineering.

Hobbies : Bodybuilding, Street-workout, all mountain related sports, reading essay; cryptos

Context :
I ended up here because my ex-gf cheated on me, and it broke all my self-esteem. She was my gf of 4 years, so I only knew here, and I sacrificed a lot of my "degenerated student life" for her. What gets me down is especially my height : I'm 5'5'' (166cm), I created a complex around it since we broke up.
So because of my height, I'll turn my log around this issue for proving everyone that you can do it.
To be clear I'm not complaining on my height, it's what it is, I'm owning it and for citing Andy I'm not "wrapping my all personality about this fact". I'm just gonna be another example that everyone can do it.

Current situation :

  • I'm on 3 apps (Tinder, Happn (very popular here), Bumble (not popular here )), with a very few success a few matches here and there, went on 2 unsuccessful dates, but received nudes from about 2 girls.
Here's my OLD setup(s):
DAY 31 OLD :

  • I'm in a 750k+ urban area

  • Living in a shared flat with friends

The plan :

  • Get better tinder pics, firstly because I think that this 20% effort will solve 80% of all my issues. (I'll add my current tinder profile for reference of where I started, no need to comment it guys, some of you already did it on a previous post of mine)
  • Get a more player dressing style
  • Look Maxxing in other areas
  • Gym is already a deeply rooted habit, I struggle more with getting rest days, so I'll continue this day

Achievement since the start of this log on the 27/12/2021 : (I'll edit this section for adding my achievement when an achievement occur)
Lays : 0 | 1 st OLD lay on the 18/01/2022 | 2nd OLD lay 29/03/2022 | 3rd OLD lay on the 03/05/2022

I've got covid rn, (27/12/2021), but wanted to do the log now. For now, I'm good, just a lil hitching in the throat. But my coroned step-mom and dad got 39.5°C, so we'll see where we end-up. I'm not vaxxed so it'll be hella a ride lmao see you in the other side. Currently doing soup for everyone
ovnidos said:
I need to face the true, the only way to move again, is buying a camera and learn to pose.

Cool man! Definitely a total gamechanger. Learning to pose is something i'm still struggeling with too. But the only way to get better is to keep practicing and feeling akward for a bit.

What camera/brand do you have in mind?
IceMan said:
What camera/brand do you have in mind?

In the past, I took my grand camera EOS550D without the portrait lens.

Price will be the biggest issue, let's say a $300 camera (can be 2nd use no issues, so can be ~$600 new) and a $100 lens. Do you have one in mind?

I'm not a photography enjoyer, it's 100% a skill I want to develop for OLD’s sake. Do you got some in mind ?