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  1. FerWhitmore7733

    Haircut for me

    It looks really cool!
  2. FerWhitmore7733

    My first date ever!

    Until now, only a hobby. At first, I wanted to learn massage to have a quick job, but the covid situation went to shit in my country, and right now it's kind of hard to dedicate myself to this, I only attended a few people. I understand that in some first world countries it's a well paid job...
  3. FerWhitmore7733

    My first date ever!

    Oh, and I found that being a massage therapist is really attractive to girls. A lot of girls liked me on tinder simply for that thing. So, it helps.
  4. FerWhitmore7733

    My first date ever!

    Hi, buddy! Thank you! I fucked my first girl a few weeks after! (not the girl of this story though). I'll write a post in the near future. Yes, the "you and me" philosophy puts the girl in a place of partner, instead of a place of "enemy", or "someone to conquer", or "manipulate". It helps to...
  5. FerWhitmore7733

    My first date ever!

    Thanks buddy! I still have a long journey, but, as my grandma used to say, piano piano si arriva lontano, Step by step you get far.
  6. FerWhitmore7733

    My first date ever!

    Hi, Andy! I just see all the answers. I actually fucked my first girl a few weeks after this haha! I am really happy, I'll post the story in the near future. Thanks man, this means a lot to me! Sorry for the late reply
  7. FerWhitmore7733

    My first date ever!

    Well guys, I'm fucking happy. My first date! And it was better than expected. I matched on tinder with this cute girl, a few years older than me and really beautiful. We chatted for a short period and then I made the move: I invited her to have a drink. A lot of things I still can not...
  8. FerWhitmore7733

    Rate my Tinder pics

    Ok, guys, these are my first tinder pics. Taken with a proper camera. Yeah, in these photos I am lonelier than Stalin in friendship day, I'll add one with friends later. What do you think? Be harsh if that's required.
  9. FerWhitmore7733

    Tinder Texting template in Spanish?

    Hi! Argie guy here. In my case, i've changed the template a bit, because expressions like "sexy" or "flirtear" are not used in argentinian spanish, and would sound unnatural. Hola! Argentino acá. En mi caso personal, lo cambié un poco al template porque hay expresiones que en español de...
  10. FerWhitmore7733

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Yep, it's hard, but at least we still have love hotels though, I don't know the situation in your country, but here they're pretty common, we call them "telos", and they are really cheap here. But still, we need to work hard. We can do it buddy!
  11. FerWhitmore7733

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hi, I'm FerWhitmore7733, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm an ambitious guy with a really strange past that I shared with very few people. I'm really into self improvement. My first goal is to get laid a lot. I'm a kinky guy with a really high libido. I've been a porn addict, but I'm finally...