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  1. chad_chaddington

    Better pictures with worse results?

    alright boys, i need some help. just recently bought a dslr camera. some of these are just some of my first shots with it, others i've had for a minute. need some input from you guys on what you think of these pics. what should stay? what should go? where to improve? its been a minute since ive...
  2. chad_chaddington

    Better pictures with worse results?

    thanks to all of you for the feedback and support. I'll keep trying and taking more pics. And you're right, I should've put this in the original post. My mistake. I'll keep all the new updates here and try to take enough new pics to update this every week or so. Does it take a little while to...
  3. chad_chaddington

    Better pictures with worse results?

    also, is this suit pic better than the one above?
  4. chad_chaddington

    Better pictures with worse results?

    Hey guys, Still relatively new to the forum. After reading Andy's tinder guide, I got a tripod for my iPhone 12 (I will try to get a DSLR cam soon - just using my phone for now). I've gone out and taken some new pictures after getting some feedback from you guys on my first tinder profile...
  5. chad_chaddington

    New DSLR -- need Tinder pic feedback

    the pics of you hiking and skateboarding are great. also i think your new haircut looks fuckin awesome. dont worry, your profile is probably pretty damn good. if you're being forward like you should be, sometimes girls might report you and tinder might lower your visibility for a little bit...
  6. chad_chaddington

    Be Careful What Music You Listen To

    listen to whatever you want to listen to. all i'm saying is that most music reflects the same social conditioning that I believe a lot of us are trying to throw off. at this point in my life, my goal is to be a player and so i am going to listen to music by players talking about being a player...
  7. chad_chaddington

    Genuine feedback on my looks

    you are a very good looking dude. Lots of potential here. Your style is bland and so is your haircut. If you lost 10-20 lbs of fat, you'd be a specimen of a handsome man. therefore, workout more dress edgier get a more modern haircut
  8. chad_chaddington

    Be Careful What Music You Listen To

    I have spotify so I've been checking out some of the pre-made hip hop playlists on there. I think one is called beast workout. Notorious BIG is a classic rapper who always talks about how badass he is. 50 cent, lil wayne, Jay Z, eminem. I've actually really enjoyed listening to a lot of Drake...
  9. chad_chaddington

    Be Careful What Music You Listen To

    Hey guys, I've been experimenting with what type of music I listen to lately and I realized the other night how profound an impact the music you listen to can have. Most of my life I have listened to older music; the hits of the 60s and 70s mostly, but popular songs from every decade. This...
  10. chad_chaddington

    rate profile pics

    i support the comments about a new haircut. try to find a more hip barbershop where they specialize in fades and things like that and go for something more modern. i think that could really help.
  11. chad_chaddington

    tinder profile feedback

    i feel you. 6 is actually a boomerang of me showing off my new ear piercings, but the image is just a screenshot of that so you cant really tell. I thought image 3 was kind of playful, but i see where youre coming from. I'd love to hear if other people thought the same thing.
  12. chad_chaddington

    Should I keep my facial hair?

    i think you look better in the clean shaved pic. maybe a very short stubble would suit you, but probably not more than a week without shaving. just my opinion
  13. chad_chaddington

    tinder profile feedback

    hey guys, just joined the forum the other day. found it from goodlookingloser. I love the content. would y'all be willing to give me some feedback on my current tinder profile? been putting more effort in lately and i think i have a good profile, but its still really tough out here. let me know...
  14. chad_chaddington

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, chad_chaddington, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 26, male - lay count ~ 40 - never been in a serious relationship - about to join the navy - masters in physics goals - have 3 hot fwb - eliminate approach anxiety