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  1. Adrizzle

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    I feel this too. And I can assure you that you will not explode if you let go. Godspeed brah
  2. Adrizzle

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    I wanna say some airy answer about it being whatever you want it to be. I feel like if you don’t want the relationship you don’t need the relationship. My views of my father - a trusted person who will always act for my best interests. Someone who I’ve learnt what to do and what not to do...
  3. Adrizzle


    Why are we donating to terrible causes? You could make it a win win by donating to a good cause. Or is it because we want the pain as motivation?
  4. Adrizzle

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Are you not matching with them or does it fall apart during messaging. Man photos look good. It’s insane you think you’re bad looking, this cunt with the perfect skin. I rate all of them (esp flower one even if it is a bit soft) you could use more variation in terms of outfit/location. A...
  5. Adrizzle

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    1/2 seem to similar, interesting fit. I would get rid of the group photo, I don’t even know which one you are Not sure what type of girls your going for but your profile photo is cool, kinda artsy ironic tumblr shit
  6. Adrizzle

    sony a7 iii camera

    Co signing Lusty69 comment (as a former owner of A7iii, 6400, 6600)
  7. Adrizzle

    Thrice log. Started TRT today. Next goal fuck a hot girl

    Yes this is infinitely more important than girls. Good luck bro
  8. Adrizzle

    Vic's Progress Log - What’s wrong with my Hinge profile?

    Oi dawg this is really important. Don’t beat yourself up too much about all of this. Is actually kinda good if you zoom out a bit. You abstained from porn for nearly 4 months! When have you done that before? Just work on trying again and see if you can beat your previous time. With the girl...
  9. Adrizzle

    Lusty's 5'4 fat to fit looking for love log

    You got this man. Everyone has been in the cycle of using to cope. Use that lists of replacements, in my experience you just need to interrupt the cycle and it becomes easier
  10. Adrizzle

    Svadhishthana's log

    you get what I mean. Somewhere in the pursuit of these wild unrealistic goals you find it. Andy has some good stuff on letting go Also as if you don’t have a motorcycle to throw on the back of ya van! You defs are living adventures
  11. Adrizzle

    I am worried its over

    Citation needed “If only I had money I’d be happy!”. Brah you seriously think you need 50K you “fix” your hair. Wtf you could just shave it for like $20.
  12. Adrizzle

    I am worried its over

    Do you have a log? Cos post in that. It’s over when you call it. This is gonna be tough love, but you’ve done 1 photoshoot and some new style changes and your results arnt what you expected. Big fucking whoop. Look at MAC log, look at Squil etc. You have examples of guys going through the...
  13. Adrizzle

    Svadhishthana's log

    Hey dawg I’ve been enjoying ya updates really free man living. You wrote down the purpose of social connections is to know and be known. Your goal seems to be feeling free from social anxiety or nerves(please correct me if wrong). To me this doesn’t seem like the real end goal, like how people...
  14. Adrizzle

    brohankwon's Progress Log - funny piano song

    1st on with dat pink shirt is good. You get a mate to take these?
  15. Adrizzle

    Thrice log. Started TRT today. Next goal fuck a hot girl

    Idk what your end goals are but I think this is a terrible idea IMO. If you’re not able to sexualise with girls yet, looking more fuckboy will not help with this at all. This might become a negative - girls will expect you to be a fuckboy, ie a level of escalation/game and if you don’t display...
  16. Adrizzle

    Zars new log - actually taking this seriously

    You are describing every normal 19 year old. This is something you work on, no one is just born with it. Also check ya DMs 3rd last is my fav photo
  17. Adrizzle

    Lusty's 5'4 fat to fit looking for love log

    Fuck yeah dude, gotta update that avatar
  18. Adrizzle

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    1 is way better, also mix the pose up when holding the camera, both hands in front of you in small body language. Hold the camera with one hand 2nd better lighting on ya abs, mirnin btw They're not technically bad but nothing great about them. Defs throw them in if you dont have a lot of...
  19. Adrizzle

    Crimson‘s Journey to Self-Love

    Good to see ya here Crimson "Mix the skin with the metal Play a game with the devil " dude whatta line
  20. Adrizzle

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    This you usually wanna shoot eye level. It’s a good photo tho dude. Also think context a bit coffee with a more city/cafe background makes sense