Lusty's 5'4 fat to fit looking for love log

102.3kg broke my fast at hr 50 yesterday.

Back to just carnivore with grace, going to Melbourne on Monday I might hit 101kg before then who knows no big deal, giving myself grace and ease around the trip with a strong knowing when I get back we are back on routine, but there is a lot of motivation to stick to carnivore and minimal eating when I am in Melbourne to finally get under 100kg which I have not done since I moved cities so basically November/December 2021 I was under 100kg.

Back in the gym, had a good session today and got two videos out last week and this week, slowly getting more and more work done
Stuck to Carnivore (apart from a few seasonings and stuff when I was eating out) for my Melbourne trip and where I couldn't eat Carnivore I just fasted, I did drink a fair amount but the good news is... Drum roll.....

I AM DOWN TO 100.3kg I lost weight on my trip without watching what I was eating I was just smashing meat.

Super happy about this I also did 1 day game approach in Melbourne walking to my office just coz and also one at night on my mates bucks which felt good, I really need to do more in my new city where I live now.

I am now officially the lightest I have ever been in Brisbane since moving up here and so close to smashing through and out of the 100's

I didn't gym a lot in Melbourne was super busy, so I will be back to regular training now in Brisbane so I am allowing for the fact there might be some minor water/inflammation/swelling post gym sessions going back to hard training which could keep me at 100kg for a little longer than I want to as I train hard, but I am so happy to be so close to just telling 3 digits to piss off from the scales and come back to the 2 digit club and beyond.

Other crazy things I have been doing more meditation + visualizations lately and I kid you not, I have had Instagram for ages and ages and I get a woman who is fairly attractive (not super hot but cute) randomly follows me and sends me a DM asking me out for a drink I was in shock I saw it happen to a random friend of mine and I was like that would be cool if it happened to me and I started adding it to my visualizations and I got a cold DM like 3-4 days after.
Lot's of motivation to keep meditating, visualizing and then affirmations every morning. Also helps with motivation to stop so heavily relying on dating apps and women I am not super into and start meeting women who I want to sleep with.
100.3kg same weight again lol hit deadlifts, got 160kg wasn't the greatest lift but got it done the platform sunk a little so was a mild deficit to what I am used to so felt it harder coming off the ground.

So story time, for #77 I met this girl on this app "looking for marriage" conservative woman, 36 years old and like 5" taller than myself, she has only ever been with guys in a relationship and was like I won't sleep with you blah blah unless we are in a monogamous relationship and stuff, wouldn't even kiss me when I saw her, so I was just whispering dirty stuff in her ear and pulling her hair, then when she left she sort of went to kiss me as she got in the car and I said nah you don't want to kiss.

Bit of text back and forth, I was just staying completely honest that I wanted something casual and stuff and she gave me all this bs I gave some alternative views and was like I am easy just use me for your sexual frustrations until you find your husband, I thought I would never see her again because I was just being super honest to her questions even when she called me disgusting haha. Fast forward to last night she texts me saying she is finishing work the next day (today) and wanted to swing past because she had just been stuck thinking of me but we can't do anything but she said brush your teeth if you are lucky you might get a kiss. Funny part about that my fingers were inside her before we even kissed. Anyway she came over and it was on, end up in my room and we had a good time. The biggest ego boost for me was she said my cock was really thick which I have always been insecure about, but I was feeling hard as a rock from this carnivore diet working wonders. So that is #77, first time she has slept with someone outside a relationship. She told me to let her know next time I sleep with someone because then she will stop seeing me.... Might be soon I have a date booked for tomorrow and the day after.

The only odd part is the last 3 women have been like older than myself and taller lol usually the opposite of what I go for but I will take it and start dialing it into younger and shorter girls haha
100.0kg two days in a row, it's like it is teasing me to get under 100kg.

Heading out this Saturday night should be good, trying to get this girl I met 2 weeks ago to come to my apartment for pre drinks with my new wings I met who are cool and actually talk to people. Starting to really enjoy the idea of going out at night and meeting people again.

My other little challenge is to let go of all my bs excuses if I am in gym cloths and have my backpack on to just go and approach some women when I am going to and from the gym if not I am trying to at least do 1 day time approach this week. Time to start building up some momentum
100.6kg I sort of expected a little bump in weight, to be honest, had a later dinner, and didn't take my morning poop but also pulled a new PR for this training cycle in deadlifts yesterday I usually do singles on my working weights last time was 160kg for 1 but yesterday I pulled 155kg for 2 reps which I am really happy with then did 3 sets of 125kg x 5 reps. After that went into a heavy leg workout following my mate's program we were at the gym for over 2hrs also managed to do 20 reps with slow and controlled descent and a deep bottom position with 140kg added to the machine (I have done 10 plates a side but not with this tempo and depth) so I am focusing more on longevity now and trying to get the most hypertrophy with the least weight on my joints after having numerous injuries in the past.

Was meant to have a date with a girl who randomly slid into my DM's but she postponed to the week after as she got called into an extra shift with work so we just moved it forward a week which I am happy about after the massive leg day I got home ate dinner, chilled and fell asleep at like 9pm. It also means I can sleep with the conservative girl another time because she said for me to let her know when I sleep with someone else because then she will stop seeing me and I don't want to go down the spiral of lies, she will swing past mine on Wednesday's for now because she has to drive through my suburb on the way home from work which will happen until I sleep with someone else, but then again she said she wouldn't sleep with me or kiss me outside a committed relationship and she changed her mind on that so who knows all I know is I made her super horny and she changed her mind.
99.3kg whooo hoo under 100kg, I am expecting to be higher tomorrow I got up at 2pm and was dehydrated lol

Right shoulder is a little sore so I didn't gym today. I looked up some exercises to do pre-bench because my shoulder pain has been consistent from barbell bench, I have injured myself there in the past so been slowly working back up in weight did 4 sets of 75kg x 10 reps and focusing more on reps to keep the load on the shoulder joint lower.

Went out last night, didn't drink just had Phenibut which was good, still a little reluctant to approach much, the place did have a lot of group sets and stuff, but my friends spoke to some people so I did end up having a couple of interactions with girls but need to really focus on approaching more. I did working on being a little more flirty and teasing which is good.
Lusty69 said:
99.3kg whooo hoo under 100kg

Nice man, keep going.

For the shoulder mobility, I recommend checking out the two free webinars from Mind Pump Fitness. They have good priming techniques before doing lifts.
Webinar 1 & Webinar 2.
Bman said:
Lusty69 said:
99.3kg whooo hoo under 100kg

Nice man, keep going.

For the shoulder mobility, I recommend checking out the two free webinars from Mind Pump Fitness. They have good priming techniques before doing lifts.
Webinar 1 & Webinar 2.

Thanks man I will defs check out these videos, I did a pre-bench shoulder routine from Squat University before shoulders today, then started with 2 rear delt exercises after that mobility and my right shoulder feels like it is magically fixed now so I think I will keep that routine in, I also had added 2 other exercises in at home with a band against the wall so seems all much better now.

Only slightly annoying news is back hydrated up this morning I was 100.2kg but scales said almost 0.8%bf lower which means I am just holding extra water usually when I see a rapid bf% drop so I have a feeling that tomorrow and onwards should be back in the 99's I do need to get back into some cardio as I have not done one of my big walks in a bit, should get ready one arvo and do some daygame as it starts to cool off a little coming out of summer I might be able to walk around outside and not sweat my ass off
99.1kg lets go pretty good drop, might have been aided by having sex last night and this morning with the conservative girl, she had some stuff on then was like can I see you early in the morning, then I was like just come over tonight and sleep over considering her Wednesday job is 12 mins from my house but she lives 1hr away.

She asked me a few times if I had slept with anyone else then called me a sex god lol, she is a great ego boost first girl to constantly tell me how long and thick my cock is feels really nice.

Training going well, pulled 170kg at gym doing deadlifts which I am super happy about as I am now just 10kg off my max, just need to work on my form and strength at the higher weights now as the form was a bit hit and miss, would have passed a strongman comp but a powerlifting event would have been a no lift. I also can do 2 pull ups now at 99.5kg bodyweight as that was what I weighed yesterday, my goal is to hit 5 pull ups next month, get a touch stronger but if I lost another 5kg should be able to do 3 more in a row.
99.4kg rest day yesterday

Feeling a little down yesterday and a little over online dating, had some girl give me a bunch of attitudes who were not even that attractive with a bunch of other women just ghosting and ignoring me so I am taking a break from online to focus on in-person game.

I am also frustrated at myself for not doing any approaches during the daytime and barely doing anything at night time. Yesterday was a bit of an emotionally down day, I was at a business AI event but I left halfway through. Went for a walk I was dressed nice to do daygame, did 0 approaches, and got interviewed by some tiktok channel they had a tech start-up which is like tinder for getting a job, they asked me what I do and how much I make, I was weirdly nervous as and muddled up one of their questions but I guess it worked in my favor because they asked me how much I make and I gave revenue figure not profit when they asked me how much I make, considering our business runs at like 10% net profit after all our salaries and tax adjustments I did over state that 10x haha but I guess its good for content.

I feel like my porn habits are starting to become more and more of a red thumb because my diet is pretty dialed in, my gym is dialed in, but I seem to be doing a lot of escapism which is impacting other goals and habits by wasting a lot of time with porn, losing motivation after watching porn and sitting in negative manifesting states after porn like oh I wanted porn now I want to manifest no women into my life type vibe.

Now I also need to reflect on if porn is the symptom and the cause is me just not loving life/what I am doing or just a loss of motivation or perhaps a slump. Perhaps it is just me needing to let go of some pent-up emotions, and frustrations and just refocus on my goals and aspirations or reflect if I am on the right path.

One thing that a friend said to me which I am also digesting is "Don't do your men's work to be with women, don't do the work to get with women you need to do it for yourself"
The reason why I am slowly digesting this is because ultimately all this work I put into everything in life is centered around wanting women, wanting to get women.
Sure I have made up side quests that seem like they feel good and make sense but they are secondary to my ultimate goal of wanting women.
I can go list out a bunch of things I want with all my goals that do not center around women but if I am honest with myself if I removed the women from the equation and just focused on these other reasons I likely wouldn't be as motivated or wanting to do it. I am not sure if this will shift or if it is something that doesn't need to shift or be shifted and just accepted
Perhaps the answer could be to just double down on it and get much further on the path and purpose with less escapism

I guess if I had to ask myself what I want I can give a simple answer which is basically lined up with my goals

I want to sleep with lots of highly attractive women
I want to have nice things and a comfortable life
I want to be able to help people become successful and achieve their goals
I want to be big, strong and powerful

All the above has an element of linking back to women
I want nice things (items to get women) and a comfortable life (Good logistics and living arrangements to make it easier to sleep with women)
I want to help people become successful and achieve their goals to ultimately increase my network and brand to bring in more women
I want to be big strong and powerful to attract women

So how can I win/get what I want?
Go out more
Stop watching porn
Keep putting content out on socials
Film new content
Keep losing weight
Keep going gym
keep meditating and doing inner work
Read more books
Make more/new friends and keep building social circles

Who will I be if I do all of the above?
I will ultimately just become the highest version of myself and who knows once I experience the things I want what the next step will be.
I have a strong feeling I will end up being some sort of finance influencer and business man, but not sure if that will look like presenting on stages, mentoring people 1 on 1, mentoring other accounting firms, or just investing in companies and being part of multiple advisory boards.
97.0kg missed gym since Friday been a crazy 3 days and now I have a cold which I have not been sick in 2 years but I didn't sleep much and went out 3 nights in a row.

So quickish summary of the weekend highlights because my head is still under functioning on the tail end of a head cold and recovering from sleeping about 10hrs in the past 3 days.

At bar with mate, some girl randomly started talking to us, saying I think I know your mate to my friend, but she didn't recognize me I didn't recognize her.
Turns out it was the stunner that liked my IG photo and I dm'd her like 2hrs earlier.
Ended up chatting to her for a bit, some banter, then I asked deeper questions to the point where she fully opened up to me about all her traumas and started crying, she was defs on too much coke, she went to the bathroom and did another line came back was a little all over the place, I decided to grab my mate and ask him if our other friend was on his way yet and said we should go look for him out the front of the club, so I ditched, then 2mins later she basically followed us lol.
She ended up going home and was messaging me on IG, chat was erratic as, but I was like screw it she is like my exact type in terms of looks would honestly be one of if not the hottest woman I have been with if I slept with her, but she was all over the place from I'm not well to I'm in a cab home, to I don't go to guys houses unless I am their girlfried, to where do you live I want cuddles, ok I am booking a uber, oh what I am feeling dead give me 20mins, to oh what are you doing, where do you live again, oh take me out tomorrow so I was like ok when you get up lets get coffee at this place, then she is like I don't do coffee dates you have to take me out somewhere nice for dinner, and I am like yeah you are super attractive but everything else I am like I would sleep with you but never date you so I replied dw (don't worry) I think I triggered her hard because she went on to block me lol.
Then my mate poured a drink on some dudes head he was too drunk so wanted me to play security for him when he went to the toilet as he got paranoid the guys friends might do something so I was standing out the front of the toilet and had a girl come up to me and ask me if I was security and I am like yeah for "mates name" and she is like you can be my security whilst I go to the toilet to, I am like yeah ok whatever but I was at this point wanting to ensure my mate didn't pick any fights.
Saw that same girl later on, had a little chat she was annoyed at me for ditching when she was in the toilet I just said my mate was more important haha, she tells me she has a fiance but he is overseas and she is having a quarter life crisis, so I am like well his overseas and you are having a crisis so if something happens it happens not really your fault and she is like omg that's so true do you have instagram, so she grabs my instagram, I offer for her to come back to mine but she is like no need to see my friends, I'm like yeah cool, walk out the bar with her but then she actually does run over to her friends, and I at this point can't be bothered so I just say bye and give her a peck on the lips. End up chilling with my mates for an hr then get home wind down but only get about 4hrs sleep thanks to my body clock liking to get up early and strong sun that morning.

Feeling a little dead but good enough to go out after a few coffees and a gym sesh, caught up with this girl a slept with a while ago, but she was tired from working in the morning and she was a little bloated and retaining water wasn't sure why so I wasn't really feeling anything sexual with her, thinking of just cutting her off, I get along super well as a friend she is an amazing person and I really enjoy her company but everything physical I am just not really that into her.
After that head out with my mates from Friday, my drunk mate was scared to go back to the club we were at, we went somewhere else but it just was impossible to approach super loud and just awakrd bar set up.
My other mate and I just went to our usual spot, few other pickup dudes came along, I did one approach on my own got blown out hard haha, then just chilled and stuff, spoke to this other random dude who seemed cool, he was fucked off his head but was approaching girls so chilled with him a little.
Towards the end of the night, there is this gay dude always with hot girls my mate befriended so we went in and out of their group, buying the gay dude drinks, then we said hey let's kick on at ours blah blah as he was in charge of the girls. He said yeah sweet, so I did a side mission to get the vodka from my place as my mate had run out and then some juice (the gay guy's favorite drink) and they went to his in an Uber, then I rocked up with the drinks, so we had 3 girls a gay guy, my mate and myself.
First time for me pulling a group of people back somewhere, my mate is throwing in how amazing I am for rounding up all the drinks I brought over.
End up talking with this stunner who is 5'10 but I realise as I reflect there are so many limiting beliefs around the whole night I needed to work on, she was having heaps of coke so just chatted my head off, but was good chat she was super smart and had amazing life experiences for her age, I never complimented her on her looks but her intellect and she loved it, she was even later telling me how it used to upset her when she tried super hard to get good grades at school and her mum would ignore her grades and say they don't matter look how attractive you are you will find a rich guy and never have to work or study.
She was even comfortable enough to tell me to come to the bathroom with her and the gay guy and offered me a line of coke, I had never done coke before and didn't want this to be the first night so I was like oh I am all good i'm on this other stuff don't want it to react with it. But gay dude pulls out a $50 to do the coke and I am like nah nah in front of me you only do this with $100 bills so I gave him $100 for the bonding experience and a mild flex that I carry $100 bills on me.
ended up chatting all night, didn't pull any moves, but was good to connect, then the girls headed off at 11 am, I fell in and out of sleep on my mates' bed from 12 pm to 6 pm but bright sunlight barely slept, started feeling a head cold coming on. My mate is like lets go out again. I was going to bail but when I left I forgot my watch, necklace and bracelet at his so he is like oh well looks like we are going out.
I got a coffee on the way home which fixed the head ache, had a cold shower and went out again. Didn't eat all day long, good fast and explains why I am almost 3kg lighter since my last post.

Nothing too crazy, place was a little quiet, we were completely dead, my mate was feeling it too. Ended up having one good interaction though my mate was speaking to this French girl and then I just locked eyes with the friend who came over and I chatted to her, then some girl she met that night came over, so I hit on the friend (she was hot) in front of her. Then the friend was like I am going to go get a drink, so the French one re-engaged in conversation with me asking me questions and stuff, then her friend wanted to go get a drink and stuff, and my girl is like I am so sorry I have to go then goes and gives me a big hug and kiss on the cheek and I am thinking in my 10% functioning brain, she likes me, so I ask for her Instagram and she gives it to me instantly. I messaged her yesterday and she replied straight away so I will try set up a date.

Fucking cooked, feeling sick, tried to get some sleep, lucky to have the day off apart from someone booking a sales call at 4:30 because of the mismatch in timezones from my other office location so my sales calendar had 1 slot in it, but I struggled through it. Slept at 6pm until 6am today with a 1-2hr break in between when I got up and did a few bits before bed.

Conservative girl wanted to come over but I told her I am too sick and to go next week. I must say she is a massive ego boost which I do miss. The head cold has triggered my Psoriasis too so I am not super happy with my skin, its extra flaky and itchy.

Side note I also got interviewed for some tiktok channel thing, they cut up my interview so much, but made it out that I make 1 mil per year haha, got so roasted in the comments was a little ego hit but I sent it to a few of my business groups and they all came in clutch leaving over 20 positive comments, the video did well though over 100k views and 1,000 likes, most of their videos do like 20-40k views and 200-400 likes then a couple in the 100k views and like 2-3 in the 1 million range.
Crazy how people hate from below and attacked me on everything from my jeans, my t shirt, my hair cut, my hair line, my weight, the way my hyper mobile knees bend in, but on the flip side I had people random send me a message saying amazing interview, had an old mentor see it on his feed and said man great video well done you are crushing it which was really nice.
I am now motivated to get some videos out again!

Over all this past few hours I feel fucking dead but super excited for life ahead, I am more on point this morning with my morning routine and goals, I think as much as my head is dying I am feeling just better in general, and super grateful and happy for the weekend and what is possible in my reality. I am motivated to double down on limiting beliefs that came up over the weekend which is amazing if I didn't put myself out there I wouldn't have had the opportunity to see possibilities and see it was just my limiting beliefs holding me back and manifesting negatively to near misses with women I would consider too hot, too tall... for me, time to piss them off
96.2kg sick from the weekend, lack of sleep and who knows might have picked up something from someone whilst my immune system was down with the lack of sleep. The first time I have been sick in 2 years is annoying, but it also means I took the day off work and my appetite has been quite low which means the weight is dropping off faster, I ate half the amount of food, as usual, yesterday compared to my normal day.

The positive is I can relax and listen to some podcasts and YouTube, whilst also embracing my lack of appetite to maybe hit 95kg by the time I go to Melbourne next week.

Hopefully, I am better by Friday so I can go out but I will make sure to try and get home earlier or be more disciplined when I get home and go straight to bed and not stuff around on porn for an hr or 2.

Only annoying part is I am falling a little behind with work stuff being sick, but I will have to keep working on getting more done once I am feeling better
95.9kg still sick, but symptoms have reduced to just a horrible headache which just means further behind on work but I can spend the day listening to podcasts, if the head gets better I will try read some more of my book learned optimism which I have been mulling over the past 4 months.

I think I will focus on getting better then heading out Saturday just 1 night this week.

Need to work out what is a good routine to go out on weekends but also crush it at work, be in a calorie deficit and hit the gym 5-6x per week with out getting sick.

Might be need to slowly get used to it, or just be more disciplined with bars closing at 3 am, if I don't pull it means in bed by 3:30 am and sleep in the best I can, if I pull and don't sleep then I have to focus on just recovery or something to get through healthy for Monday.

Or maybe I have to drop my workouts down to 4x per week until I hit my goal weight.

Or I am just overthinking it all because I am sick and I just need to shift beliefs that my body is amazing and I can push through it all, as I did a bunch of affirmations and belief work and pissed off the painful cough and runny nose in under 2 days from pretty full on to now just a headache.

The other thing I want to work on is shifting beliefs because that's my biggest downfall in the game right now. So I might as well incorporate these belief shifts, yeah I know it is a little woo woo esoteric but I swear I have seen too much evidence now with belief shifting work.

Eg when my mate had a random girl DM him asking to take him out for a drink, and I shifted my belief that it was possible and I managed to manifest for the first time in my life an attractive girl who was my type slide into my DM's
Lusty69 said:
Might be need to slowly get used to it, or just be more disciplined with bars closing at 3 am, if I don't pull it means in bed by 3:30 am and sleep in the best I can

I'm not saying this as some curmudgeon, but staying out this late when the rest of your schedule is normal DESTROYS you. I feel like shit for the next 3 days. Even on the third day I am not 100% recovered from the stupidity of staying up that late. I just don't think its worth it. I can't function for too long afterwards. I might do it for the opportunity of a lifetime, but nothing else. I can't make the next week productive if I'm up past 230am. YMMV, but figure out what that number is for you, then stick with it.
Sickness weight loss insanity woke up at 95kg this morning, idk how much lean muscle mass I have lost from being bed ridden, I expect a little weight bounce back or maybe stagnation once I get back into gym but still crazy how I just lost 5kg in like 1 week with out doing a water fast I have only ever lost this much weight from water fasting for 5 days then gained 3kg back lol, so I expect either 3kg to come back once I start training or the next 3-5kg just take 2-3x longer to lose as I trade lean mass for fat.

I did recover from this pretty strong cold and head ache quite quickly which I am happy about, did a lot of meditation, visualization and manifestation that my immune system is amazing and super strong, which it is as I rarely get sick.

The only annoying thing is my auto immune disease has been activated hard core with the cold, lucky my joints are doing fine but my skin has really inflamed which is a little frustrating, I am thinking of either trying to get some naked sun light on my balcony for the small window in the morning, or trying to find a light therapy place here, I want to try and avoid western meds as much as possible as the creams stop working as soon as you stop using them and long term they thin out the skin, and any orals or injections destroy the immune system. Pitty tanning beds are illegal here otherwise I would go to tanning beds weekly, but then again I live in the sunshine state, I should maybe go to the local park and just get in my jocks stop making excuses and a nice tan would be good, just finding the time is a pain between work, gym and trying to go out.

Zug said:
Lusty69 said:
Might be need to slowly get used to it, or just be more disciplined with bars closing at 3 am, if I don't pull it means in bed by 3:30 am and sleep in the best I can

I'm not saying this as some curmudgeon, but staying out this late when the rest of your schedule is normal DESTROYS you. I feel like shit for the next 3 days. Even on the third day I am not 100% recovered from the stupidity of staying up that late. I just don't think its worth it. I can't function for too long afterwards. I might do it for the opportunity of a lifetime, but nothing else. I can't make the next week productive if I'm up past 230am. YMMV, but figure out what that number is for you, then stick with it.

Yeah it's a tough one, my wing is good at doing what we call kickons here in Australia basically after party which can be done either at mine or his as we both have super nice places, just his lobby area and building aesthetic is nicer along with a 2 bedroom place so we usually go to his which is a 10min uber, my place is walking distance from the club but only 1 bedroom (better for solo pulling) so it is a little more advantageous to stay to 3am because that is how we pulled the 3 girls and a gay dude last time, we made sure they all had an epic time, the gay guy is a regular at the bar we go to and always is with one of the most attractive women in the whole bar.
Also here is a progress pic thus far as I have basically hit 24.9kg down (I did take the photo yesterday but close enough haha)