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Lusty's 5'4 fat to fit looking for love log

So crazy shit, I went on a dating app just coz I was looking to come out of my break from dating in the new year. Matched with this girl, had good banter, she commented on my profile saying I am into short girls and said she was tall. I said look to be honest I don't mind too much about height if you don't care that if you are tall there is a high chance you are taller than me, she said as long as I can wear heels I don't care I just said I'll bring mine too.
She actually pushed for a date as I was going to stall her until the new year so I could do 6 months of no dating lol but she was flying out and I am flying out early next week and she wanted to catch up before her trip away.

Went and got a drink, just had some casual chats, I made jokes that it was my first date because I took a break because I found Jesus but then I changed my mind because I thought ropes and blindfolds was more fun. Made another joke I was a born again virgin.
Ended up back at mine, my couch was set up for me filming reels for my business I gave her a glass of water and as we sat on the couch I just said welcome to my onlyfans studio and she choked on her water and started laughing.

Didn't expect much really but ended up with the usual stuff on the couch then to the bedroom, the interesting part is I just took control even though she was 4-5" taller than me and she said she really enjoyed me being dominate.

She also mentioned that dating was hard being tall because short dudes are insecure and don't go after her and taller dudes she has met want shorter girls, man everyone in the dating pool goes after shorter girls, well I do love short and small women so I don't blame even the taller dudes wanting them as well. But yeah she said she liked shorter guys which was cool and I had an enjoyable time.

There goes #75

Oh also to anyone reading this FUCK YOUR EXCUSES I AM 113kg 5'4 and I got laid with a 5'9 girl on my first date from an app since taking a 6-month break. If I can do that then so can you, no fucking excuses only you are holding yourself back!
Lusty69 said:
FUCK YOUR EXCUSES I AM 113kg 5'4 and I got laid with a 5'9 girl on my first date from an app since taking a 6-month break.

Killing it man!

Looksmax blackpilled cunts ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED
ThePermanentFix said:
Lusty69 said:
FUCK YOUR EXCUSES I AM 113kg 5'4 and I got laid with a 5'9 girl

Feeling called out here, always use my fat and body as an excuse. Good job.

No worries, it is more effort, it is more shit than being leaner, that's why I pushed myself to get on top of my shit with therapy and other work I have been doing.

Also forgot to add I woke up this morning at 112kg on the dot so that's 6.9kg down from my peak just as I finished up some coaching and went carnivore and also happy it gives me a little buffer for my travels next week and Xmas festive so I don't have to stress over having a little desert or eating out for a couple of days, then get back home and carnivore, gym and crush it time!
Confirmed slay sniper, shot on target

Lusty69 said:
side effects, vs staying fat and what is the higher risk. For me personally, as I also have an autoimmune condition and don't trust western medicine after my experiences with the autoimmune condition and the whole COVID bs, still not vaxxed still yet to catch COVID. This drug is just not for me. I also know a lot of my stuff is emotional where I have overeaten well past my hunger signaling because it was mixing emotions for escapism and suppression.

Late reply but idk man.

I trust governments much less than the average person and make pretty much all my medical decisions myself without internalizing anything from the medical complex, only treating them as a very noisy advisory body. And have no issues with doing illegal drugs. And I hated everything about the government's response to covid and literally in March 2020 was being a Just And Noble Crusader for Holy Fuck How Does No One Realize The Lockdowns Are Retarded. And really hated all the masking and forced vax shit.

But still got the covid vax because the EV's there, covid damage x likelihood > vax damage x likelihood, even after "correcting" for medical bias and noisiness and uncertainty of reality. Like it feels good to have a unified worldview where the bad guys are doing EVERYTHING wrong, and that's very useful socially, but reality isn't obligated conform to simple worldviews of One set of bad guys who do Everything wrong, and sometimes that matters in personal decisions.

It's like in the year 1000 AD and you realize all the Catholicism shit is bullshit and question everything, correctly identify god isn't a thing, correctly identify the church is lying to people, correctly realize miracles aren't real... incorrectly realize Jerusalem doesn't exist, incorrectly realize Jesus never existed, incorrectly realize Nordic pagans must be right because they're the ones fighting Catholics. Hopefully the analogy makes sense even if you are actually a believer.

You're a smart guy and clearly went through a lot of time and effort to think this over, and your worldview is very consistent. You also have the autoimmune condition thing I have a blind spot around. So I'm not expecting you to take anything I say on faith here. I'll just point out some things that are probably obvious to you already:

- ozempic has been out for 10+ years
- ozempic has had extremely wide distribution including and is if anything biased towards the highest class people, eg boris johnson tried it - despite no government push for it and a slight cultural bias AGAINST it - thin ppl aristocracy want to kick the ladder out from under them hence its seen as cheating and people arent very open about taking it

... therefore canceling out the whole "cluster of single digit people died somewhere" reports. any drug that gets popular enough will either have genuine 0.0001% chances of lethal side effects kick in, or people will just randomly die in suspicious and clustered ways while on it, since people randomly die in suspicious and clustered ways all the time in a 8 billion people world and sometimes they're taking the same drug.

the other thing about

- ozempic has been out for 10+ years and widespread in use

is, aside from the whole thing with how medical phase trials work, a 10+ year phase 4 trial of real life use is basically enough to confirm insubstantial probability long term effects. there are extremely extremely few mechanisms that act on the human body that work in a "almost 0 deaths for years/decades, then suddenly a large amount die/get crippled/we find out they get punished for their sins of being too trusting/patriots are in control" way. there ARE some mechanisms somewhat similar to this like, asbestos lung, and nothing about reality guarantees this can't happen, but 10+ years of tracking it is enough to clear out the vast majority of probability of it happening.

- ozempic is a diabetes management drug
- metformin is a diabetes management drug

also strongly increases the likelihood of ozempic being benign and if anything long term helpful in unexpected ways - because metformin was given to people just to manage diabetes, yet in the long run was discovered to be, as of right now, the only drug in the world that straight up increases longevity for everyone. I know very smart people who are taking it with no diabetes literally just to live longer and they basically lie to doctors to do so - there isnt really any pharma encouragement or mass market demand for it

ozempic is pattern matching that behaviour, because it was developed just for diabetes, then discovered to be useful for weight loss, and is now being discovered to be useful for impulse control in general. whats the likelihood it turns out actually you ALL GET GIGA CANCER AFTER 10 YEARS! haha suckers!!! instead of sometimes we discover something like peniccilin that's legitimately useful with few drawbacks, and diabetes research is hitting useful targets in the body.

I could keep going about all the large and small biases trends and details that make it overwhelmingly likely for me that Ozempic actually works without any real likelihood of a hidden downside and if you're curious I can expand, but I'm starting to realize I need to be taking action irl rn instead of forumposting so let's move on


Lusty69 said:
I do feel that the work I have done emotionally over the past few years is starting to catch up along with a strict carnivore diet has been much easier to stick to than other diets, even keto diet vs carnivore. I have lost weight before I guess I just wasn't emotionally and mentally prepared for what the Government did so I went into an old trauma response pattern which made me fat in my teen's.

I could go into the details of all this, but broadly:

- everyone has a reason they're fat, yours is emotional, and everyone can spend time and effort on fixing that reason, and probably will in the long term
- we all die in the long term too, long term solutions are the worst solutions, except for no solution
- ultimately you're still fat right now
- you developed a lot of emotional management skills to handle the demons of overeating - don't you want to apply them to something more worthwhile than weight loss? are you attached to the idea of overcoming weight loss purely mentally instead of taking the easy way out? because I feel like you can absolutely take on other very worthwhile journeys that will involve pulling yourself together, so there's no reason to stick to weight loss as the only one

don't wanna come off unempathetic here, my personal life filters for very few fat people so it's nothing I have natural personal or sympathetic experience with, I'm mostly projecting my own impulse control struggles around other shit

Lusty69 said:
One thing I will look into it's a little harder to get in Australia because they ban anything that makes you more masculine, healthy or strong is TRT, I know going on TRT with my training regimen would easily shed weight quick and maintain the muscle I have now but it's a bit of a pain in the ass to get a script for then need to worry about what I do when I travel overseas

this is interesting

- losing fat makes you more masculine, healthy, and strong. ozempic clearly makes you lose fat. why isn't it banned. well I guess this points to a "the government bans good things, ozempic isnt banned, ozempic isnt good" logic... let me know if you feel that's accurate to reality
- actual trt-level trt will do barely anything for you
- """trt""" trt as in mini blasting will work ok, but it works less for weight loss than weight gain
- if you're taking """"trt""""" level trt, then you have to be consistent about your whole health risks thing by actually treating it as if it might have risks, and from there if both trt and ozempic have risks you might as well take the more directly useful one
september Hey man love the reply and the detail you went into it I really appreciate it and you have some very good points you have raised.

It might be more of a consideration for me if I don't get on top of things.

I get what you mean about the long-term fix vs short-term fix, I have done multiple years of self-improvement and therapy now and I do feel like I am in a good place to lose weight without much impulse control needed like I used to. Doing carnivore has been super easy and all my binge impulses sort of just vanished or are very mild.

I have a feeling of giving myself some time on this journey I am turning 31 soon so if I am not where I want to be by 32 then I think you might be on the money of fuck it take a chance with using this drug to my advantage and just navigating the risks.

I did work out with Carnivore I am losing on average 1.5kg/week so I think I should be able to get under 100kg by February next year which will be exciting because since I moved cities I have not been under 100kg I got close down to 102kg before breaking up with my ex.

The other idea is I can cut down pretty quick on carnivore and then if I get stuck at say 80kg but want to go to 70kg I can then look more into either taking some ozempic to help get me closer to ripped status.
However right now if I am effortless losing 1.5kg/week on carnivore I don't see the benefits of ozempic until I stop losing weight, unless I wanted to use it for extended fasting to drop weight even faster but that will come at the cost of training which I have really started to enjoy again as most of my injuries are under management so I just want to build my strength numbers back up whilst also leaning out.
I was playing around with chatGPT to do some quick calculations for me as in if I can keep a rate of 1.5kg loss per week to 90kg then 1kg/week to 80kg then 0.5kg/week to 70kg what date would I hit my target weight of 70kg (My target is 69 but round numbers is easier)

And the date is October 29th, 2024

So bit of long-term planning is involved.

I do know from past data post a breakup and getting my shit together I managed to lose roughly 24kg in the span of 6months going from about 106kg to 82kg which was an average of 1kg per week where I would have 1 cheat meal per week, then it took me a little longer to get to 75kg, I did gain a little over a break period xmas and stuff to 85kg then went to 75kg in 12 weeks roughly so say 800g weight loss per week under 80kg.

Based on that I do think my plan to just try and smash the weight off quickly to 90kg and go from there

Super grateful for having connected with Adrizzle

Down to 111.4kg so 7.5kg down since getting my shit together dropped 2.7kg this week from carnivore and doing a number of 2hr+ walks + usual walking so 25,000steps 3-4x per week.

Sure I might have been coming around to hitting some goals or maybe the intention and having an accountability partner just added to and supercharged my results. Had a call yesterday and fuck I didn't realize until we went through the wins for the week that as much as in my head I was like oh yeah this is just a normal week of what I am meant to do there are a few things I probably should do better that fucking amazing inner voice that inner critic who is always pushing me to be my best but I didn't realize until I had the accountability call how last week was fucking good and I kicked some amazing goals. Crazy how our minds can just take over and go oh yeah nothing special and focus on the 1-2 things I could have done better.

One good thing as well was just reflecting ok this week may not be the greatest because I am flying and travelling, but a weird thing as I keep telling myself just have grace, you got under 112kg you have a buffer and not to stress over travel and Christmas because I know as soon as I get back home I have my super easy routine of meat salt coffee water (and a bottle of no sugar coke as a reward if I do a massive walk and am super thirsty) there is this weird sense of confidence but also because I took all the pressure off me, shame and guilt there is like no longer this rebellious part of me which wants to come out like a massive fat kid and eat all the junk because I am giving myself so much permission but genuinely rather than telling myself but deep down holding shame and guilt to be like oh fuck I know I shouldn't then another part of me will be like HAHAHA TIME TO REBEL AND EAT EVERYTHING UNHEALTHYYYY where as I am like yeah lets just chill and relax around this then there are parts of my that want to rebel against Christmas and go what happens if we just eat all the meats, I wonder if anyone will notice I lost over 5kg in around a month since I was last in Melbourne, do I tell them I only eat meat and fuck their vegetables, that inner rebel part of me has sort of shifted into rebelling against the festives rather than my weight loss journey.

Sure there are things I can do to get closer to my goals as my inner critic reminds me of but I think I will just write them down as a to tackle and move towards in 2024, right now I just need to relax and give myself grace to the end of the year.

For context the high-level to do's are feeling like this, but I will deep dive and journal on these more as I plan for a massive comeback in 2024, but for now it is stacking the small wins and the most important things which for me at the moment is losing weight and secondary to that is just making more money.

Get to 69kg
Focus on mobility and get back into some compound lifts pain-free
Whiten teeth
Work on sorting out my skin condition (part will be simple fat loss should help it but might need to go carnivore for an extended period to clear this naturally rather than maintain)

Build the business further but also look at ways to increase profitability and my productivity/efficiency (AKA getting more work done)
Buy my first investment property
Add 7 figures of new revenue to the business by bringing in new clients at a higher price point than our existing clients
Post 2-3x reels per week
Build a proper funnel and VSL
Fix onboarding process
Get a proper CRM outside of our client database to capture and nurture leads
Set up a newsletter system for existing and interested prospects
Push staff to increase fees of clients who are not profitable or low profit

Get better photos
Make my Instagram even better
Talk to more people during the day
Build a solid social circle
Network with cool dudes and other high-status people
Perhaps try going out at night a few times

Inner self & fun:
Meditate consistently
Explore new places and go on adventures
Been a little switched off with work stuff I think the Xmas period will be a good break to reset

I still need to post one of my edited videos and edit a few others, I might just try editing them when I am waiting for my plane this afternoon, I do prefer my Ultra wide 34" for cutting up videos before sending to my editor to do the rest.

The exciting thing about this afternoon's flight is that I have taken quite a number of flights as well as taking advantage of a double status offer when I went to Sydney and after this flight, I will be Platinum airline status.

Whilst for most sharing Platinum status is like a show-off thing for me it's actually a little deeper because part of my journey and coaching I did in the past was around family and their control, particularly being stuck in a golden handcuff situation and I had to let go of it all as many times I would put up with my families controlling nature because I wanted their wealth and status but it was killing me inside. Sure my dad gave me a nice car but I really had to let go and start focusing on making all my own stuff sort of the journey from being treated like a kid to a man. Sure my family still tries to treat my like a kid but now I set boundaries and back myself. So hitting Platinum airline status, it's like backing myself and not needing to rely on traveling with my Dad to have status and fly business class. I got my own credit card, sure I don't have the transaction volume and spending he does but I points hacked a lot of things and managed to get a number of business class flights as well as all my domestic flights by going with a different airline domestically I am basically getting business class trips for half the price of the other one and this in turn boosted my status along with a few other small hacks.

It's a nice boost of confidence in backing myself and not needing my parents to have status, make money or have success which I felt I always relied on. I am still forever grateful for them and the head start they gave me, all the things they taught me and experiences but now its time to just make my own and do my own thing, fuck I turn 31 soon and I am only in the past 2 years shifted to this so I am glad I went through internal hell moving through all the shit I did in the last 3 years with internal work and coaching. It's a little annoying that my comfort through that period of conflict and emotional turmoil was binging on food but I feel like all the work I put in the past, the trauma I healed, the letting go of shit, the disconnecting of control and acceptance of different stuff has allowed me to come around to a place where I really didn't go backward much and I have rebuilt to have some of the nicer things I used to have but without the handcuffs.

I guess I am a little financially worse off as I want to purchase a property next year and this other deal I had fell through and looks like I will get that money a little later than expected so I just need to weigh up holding off or accepting a hand out my family wants to give me to help me buy my first investment property, I guess I could just transfer the cash back when I get my lump sum paid to me from another deal but I just don't want the emotional hooks that come with that so I will just have to feel into it and spending some time with family this week should also help see how much they are trying to hook in and how respectful of boundaries they will be.

I also have been just noticing patterns around hunger and food, not sure if the switch to carnivore made it bearable to not have to stuff my face or if it is a lag from all the emotional work, but I also did stop doing emotional work to stir shit up and since then I have just focused on the doing of diet and hitting the gym so not sure if doing more emotional work will trigger eating again to self soothe, but I think in the mean time I will focus on more exercises to give to myself and build them up as a habit like meditation, going for walks, learning new skills then will play with activities to push my comfort zone like I do want to get back into dating and cold approaching which I know will just get easier and easier as the weight shifts
Don't exactly know how this is possible but could be a combination of things somehow in the 1 week I spent in Melbourne, I didn't feel like I binge ate but I know I did eat quite a lot more than usual but my weight increased by exactly 5kg to 116.6kg from 111.6kg.
I think it might be 4kg of water weight as a combination of going from Carnivore to Carbs, more inflammation around my entire body from the poor food but also allergies in Melbourne triggering my immune system so I am glad to be back up north, and finally not sneeze constantly, then also I think extra food/waste in my digestive system.

I am feeling ease of just going back to Carnivore now that's all done, got my online food order of meat delivered this morning, so I am confident that I will drop 3-4kg in a week from that bump up.

I think I also do feel there is a little more emotional work to be done with the more extremes, I worked through most baseline stuff for day to day and when things were just going average to well, but a few negative things also combined with my trip to Melbourne from triggering people to some stuff at work to a few health issues with my parents, which I think might have contributed a little to me just eating extra during the Christmas break in Melbourne, I am just feeling into if it is carrying over now that I switched environments or if its more just a thing to give myself some grace with then just get back on track because now our offices are shut but I also feel like I need to get a few things done which is lingering on my mind.

Then there also is a sense of needing rest but also needing to plan, journal, learn and get on top of things for 2024 to get ahead before getting caught up in the same cycle of what felt like busy but not productive that I have felt since COVID lockdowns rattled me, I know I have healed a lot, I feel more now and have moved ahead in many ways but I also feel just not where I was or where I want to be since then in a few areas which I do think are coming back together so it is likely me being hard on myself and trying to do 5 goals at once rather than just focusing on the most important one then they next one then the next one.
As expected weight is coming off as I go back to the usual programming of gym and food, trained my legs yesterday already down 800g even after a big leg workout.

Taking a few days from work stuff but also trying to work out what I will do each day, sort of having a feeling of relaxing but also I want to get on top of a few things for 2024.

Keeping my usual routine at home with gym and stuff which I like as it seems to help a lot with sticking to a good diet and workout routine.

Only issue is I have been filling in a lot of time with porn but if it keeps me from eating and stuff its fine, but I do need to start looking at my 2024 goals and planning for a great year without putting too much pressure on myself from my default of being super hard on myself and expecting the impossible instantly then failing and putting things off and falling into a rut.

My number one focus is weight, still feel a little frustrated with how much I gained over Christmas as it didn't feel like I went crazy with junk food and stuff, I felt like I ate more when I was overseas and managed to gain about the same amount of weight in a 4 week period than in 1 week, but I guess when I was overseas it was much warmer and I did more steps and workouts but still just a little frustrated that I could gain 5kg in 1 week.
114.4kg this morning so in 2 days went from 116.6 to 114.4kg = 2.2kg loss (4.8lb)

Crazy how much my weight can swing, I guess a lot of it is because I have a decent amount of muscle from years of gym and how I find it easy to gain size and fat quickly which I think does mean having high carbs to then low carb can create large water swings along with glycogen.

I also switched up the training a little to a more bodybuilding style of 1 second up and 2-4seconds down, lowered the weight doing this but fuck it's painful compared to just doing quick sets, but I think I really need to focus on longevity around my joints rather than trying to hit ego numbers.

I am feeling this sort of training done legs and back in this style and I can feel my hamstrings which do get doms a fair bit but my back where I never get doms I finally feel some muscle soreness when I squeeze my scapular together so I think the slow and controlled rows really lit up my mid-back.

I think I might start adding in my long ass walks again soon once I recover a little better from the soreness too, right now still doing around 7,000 steps per day with my usual morning coffee + walk to gym, but I know when I was rapidly dropping weight I was doing 20-25k steps
Feels good being in some sort of routine, also went on a decent walk last night, my legs are a little tight and sore though but I think I will do more accessory and ab work today at the gym.

Down to 113.1kg so that's 3.5kg down in 3 days only 1.5kg left from my Xmas weight gain, unfortunately, it doesn't look like I will start the new year under 110kg but I think with strict Carnivore until my next flight which is late February 2024 should help me get down to the low 100's.

I can't believe it is only 1 day away from the new year really, need to spend some time on goal setting today and tomorrow and then also I think I need to do a little self forgiveness and release on the feeling of lost time and like I am currently wasting time right now and the time wasted gaining and trying to lose weight for the past 3 years
1 Week back from Christmas travels and carnivore diet and I have gone from 116.6 to 112.1 = 4.5kg lost. So overall Christmas damage is only 0.5kg 1 week later, still crazy to think that I gained 5kg in 1 week and it will take me over 1 week of strict diet to lose it, even if a lot of it was water weight and stuff. Scales are super inaccurate for bf% but it is registering a lower bf% compared to pre-Xmas, so could be just a little added leg muscle as I can finally train with some decent weight on my legs without too much issue from my knee other than a little tightness in the left quad which is easily fixed post work out with the massage gun.

The good news is my training has been great, been playing with quick concentric and very slow eccentrics, been ripping up my muscles with less stress on my joints I think I will stick to this sort of training, less ego lifting and getting more out of less weights I hope will reduce my risk of injury (although the weird times I have gotten injured were on back off days, likely fatigue related from my heavier days maybe).

I was training with my mate yesterday and rather than increasing the weights between his set and mine I just did really slow eccentrics which was painful but felt it worked stuff in places I never felt before.

Been doing my daily stoic journal my sister got me for Christmas which has been great to reflect and pay more attention to the lessons I learnt from reading the daily stoic last year but never really implemented longer term.

I am really focusing my energy on what is in my control and trying to let go of everything outside of my control as I do fixate on things that I can't change or control in the external world of events and politics. I do need to keep up with some stuff in the economic world to best serve my clients and I will create more reaction and opinion content in the future reacting to articles as they seem to be reels that have done very well on Instagram.

The other thing I am working on which my gym mate wants to do with me which is fucking awesome is get better photos for my Instagram and online dating profiles, he also wants to take some landscape photography but doesn't have a camera so I just said yeah take some photos of me and use my camera for your own stuff you want to post to your IG so he is super happy and excited. I feel like its an awesome win-win-win situation
111.3kg lets go, lighter than when I left for Melbourne now and super close to getting under 110kg.

Did an extended walk last night, I do feel like they help drop weight quick, could just be lower water levels after a big walk but I think I will try do the same again today, what do I have to lose I am basically on break from any work stuff so I can just chuck a podcast in and go as long as I can manage. Yesterday I went extra long as I made two 1 hour phonecalls with friends as some catch ups which was great way to kill time as well.

I am just super focused on this weight loss, and can't wait for it to just leave me, part of me wants fast results and I want to keep the rate of loss up that I have been, but I know in reality it will now slow as a lot of that was from the big Xmas gain, but I know I will stick to it just will have to accept it will take time to lose and focus on the long run, pushing it fast and hard is nice to see results but I also just need to manage that I don't burn myself out. Because I am not really doing any work other than for myself in term of just some self development stuff it does give me more capacity to go harder mentally with the diet stuff so I will make the most of the rest of the week
111.0kg now the lightest I have been in 6 months, and super happy I am just consistently losing weight quickly with ease for once.
The biggest thing I realized with carnivore is that I can finally put in 40-50% effort and get like 80-90% results vs all my prior weight loss attempts post covid felt like 100% effort for 10-20% results.

I also noticed I let go of my need for being perfect I am watching a lot more porn than I want to at the moment but I am not letting it derail me from my number 1 goal of losing weight. Where I went wrong in the past I would try and be perfect for all my goals, do it for a few days then slip on one thing and then let everything else go, where as now I am just like let me build things slowly step by step.

Andy's podcast really helped me with this and he did a podcast for me a while ago which is finally sinking in along with some coaching and stuff it's like the seeds were planted a while ago and now its all nicely coming together
100.4kg and the first time my scales as came up with a BF% in the 30's it was 39.9% but fuck that is a win, finally getting out of the severely obese zone and into Obease, next stop just overweight.

Took the day off from Gym yesterday and went for a walk with my mate in the morning, my legs got a little dead seeing the night before I did a 2.5hr walk but it has paid off with the continuing rapid weight loss.

Tomorrow I am going to ease back into doing some work so I will see how I go with capacity around all the exercise as in Gym + 2-3hr walk but I could always just shorten the walk a little.

I do need to start editing videos and getting them rocking I have not posted since before Xmas and I want to keep the momentum on my socials going and keep putting content out there learning what works and who knows might get a viral video going I can learn from to then generate more content like that.

I do have a date this arvo, little nervous on this one as we are very aligned with a lot of self-improvement stuff and she is very attractive, there are parts of me coming up going why did she pick me I am nothing special, I met her online surely there are all these other better-looking dudes hitting her up. Either way I think we connected well, she mentioned that she finds it hard to find people who are actively working on themselves like I was from our chats and is super excited to meet me and I added in a few flirty things with hints of D/s roles in the texts so I think I just need to relax, the bonus is I am over 8kg down which has given me a boost in my looks confidence.

I must say I am excited for the future for once and don't feel like things are such a burden, I finally deeply feel that I will stick to this and lose this weight.

What ever the combination of events were leading up to this point, but since I have gone carnivore I just feel so much better mentally and physically it is crazy, I am finally starting to feel more like my old self again during the years I felt the best with out needing all the external validation, I think the years of my 20's I felt the best was when I had lost a lot of weight, was going out and talking to a lot of women and getting laid a bunch. Right now I feel great and I have this sense of all that is coming to me along with some other great stuff, but I don't feel like its something fully dependant on getting laid, it feels more deep and internal, the love for losing weight isn't only to get laid, sure its a good motivation but I am starting to actually feel more into doing this for my health and how I feel physically in terms of my joints and how I move vs in the past I know I would say this to try tie my weight loss to it, but I think I just hated myself so much I couldn't give a fuck outside of how it impacted my ability to get laid.
As Adrizzle called me I think I have turned into a sniper.

Took 6 months or something like that off dating, easing back in slowly and somehow managed to go on two dates and sleep with both of them on the same night, and both were taller than me, the one tonight only slightly like 1-2" taller.

Little bigger than her photos but had a gorgeous face that looked like a Disney movie character, had lots of fun and good chats with her about stuff leading up.

I guess my next focus is to start doing more in-person stuff, don't think I will do bars and clubs as I like my 10pm bed time, but might start doing some daygame. I just think the next focus will be choosing women I like more, the girl tonight her photos were great but yeah just a touch bigger and older than I want to be with, but I also know this will shift and stuff as I lose weight too and easier to screen that if I do more in person game.

Either way was great fun, had a really enjoyable night and time which is what matters right.

It's just crazy for me to think I took x time off dating, it will take me ages to build momentum and stuff, yes I am on way fewer apps, and running less volume but 2 great women both were older and taller but like I just got back into things am fat and short and still pulling women. I think just the perspective and reinforcement of I am nothing special and I want anyone on here who is complaining about not getting women you really need to look at yourself or maybe move city but I think it's more so you need to look beyond just blaming your looks

Remember I am 5'4 (really 5'3.6) and 100lb overweight using online dating without professional or great photos just headshots to not show my fat body and shortness and every single women I have gone on a date with I slept with.
Sure its a lucky streak and I expect it to end but still in perspective so many dudes on here are taller, leaner, better looking and complain about not getting laid.

Sure I did a lot of work on my social skills, I have life experience, I have done a lot of trauma healing and deep inner work, worked with and been through shit with my closest friend who is a men's sexual education coach. Maybe time to not hyper-focus on looks and become a more well-rounded man, otherwise I can't explain how I get many more fun experiences than many people I hear struggling, sure I have things to improve, but if your goal is simply to get laid, lose your virginity it's not that fucking hard!

I think I will keep going slow with the dating stuff though, I am liking the slower pace, might speed up as I get new photos and lose some weight on the online side, but I do want to push myself to get out of the house more.
Lusty69 said:
Remember I am 5'4 (really 5'3.6) and 100lb overweight using online dating without professional or great photos just headshots to not show my fat body and shortness and every single women I have gone on a date with I slept with.
Sure its a lucky streak and I expect it to end but still in perspective so many dudes on here are taller, leaner, better looking and complain about not getting laid.
Lusty69 said:
but if your goal is simply to get laid, lose your virginity it's not that fucking hard!

It's ridiculously easy to get laid. Quoting my dad "Everything gets fucked", but it's not easy to get laid with an attractive girl if you're not attractive yourself.

Now you can just go out there as an unattractive guy and fuck another unattractive girl but there's always the risk that you'll become known as the dude who fucks the ugly chicks which is basically social suicide. Furthermore, there are a bunch of dudes with higher standards who aren't genetically blessed but choose to work very hard on themselves and thus are not willing to settle with a standard girl.

This forum is almost one of the only places where these men can openly vent about their frustrations because society will just give generic advice to be yourself, just be confident, everyone is beautiful, blablabla. I think everyone deserves the right to complain from time to time, but only if those complaints fire them up to overcome their issues later.