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Lusty's 5'4 fat to fit looking for love log


This cold is still mildly lingering which is annoying.

I have been fairly happy with the small little shifts, like everything runs in ebs and flows but I feel like I am getting more work done to balance out everything with no impact on my weight loss and gym goals, yes because of my cold I have not pushed the gym super super hard and hitting new PR's but I needed a little bit of a deload/slow down still did 170kg deadlifts for 2 reps which was my PR only 3-4 weeks ago, squats have been consistent at 100kg x3 but my back down set I managed to get 80kgx10 which is a mini PR, same with bench I backed down the weight and got 14 reps on a 60kg back down, all whilst having a runny nose!

Dating has been a little slow as I wasn't focused on it and I have not really been on the apps much.

I did get 1 more photo on the weekend with my mate went to a rooftop bar, ordered an espresso martini so hopefully there will be a good photo because he forgot the polarising filter on his lens so the glass might have a lot of reflections he said he will see what he can do but it was an epic sunny day here just annoying on a Saturday so many venues where packed that we went to.

I bought some new books from amazon so I am motivated to get some more reading and learning done, I feel like I am coming into the next phase or friction point with the family business soon, I know there are things where I still need to step up and improve, it can be frustrating as I do feel mildly isolated in pushing new efficiencies, improving marketing and so forth in the business but I do get the staff are staff for a reason and they are all super busy doing the doing. Then when it comes to marketing I am really feeling like I am on an Island but at the same time I can't blame my firm and the people I am with, I had two other accounting firm owners who own larger firms than I do connect with me and are wanting to pick my brain over my video content because they love it and want help which I thought was awesome because I can now pick their brain on the more operations side and internal structuring of scaling larger teams.

I know there are a few improvements I want to make which will get me from where we are to where I want to be which is 2.5mil in revenue (started at 1.25mil and currently I think we are on track for 1.5mil this Financial year)
But here is a little brain dump of things to do and implement:

  • Hire another staff member/s
  • Reprice all existing clients
  • Keep pushing managers to increase pricing on their clients
  • Improve internal systems
  • Find efficiencies in workflows
  • Improve client onboarding experience
  • Replace all images on the website with real photos
  • Improve lead capture on the website
  • Build a proper funnel with a VSL
  • Build a lead magnet
  • Get a proper CRM
  • Get a proper lead flow process and follow up
  • Build an automated email nurture system
  • Build a monthly newsletter and create content for it
  • Create a grand slam offer (Alex Homozi $100m offers I got the physical book now)
  • Build and run Meta ads
  • Start posting to Twitter or automate Twitter posting/Get staff to post
  • Come up with a few Niche to aim at using the 2x2 framework (2 obvious niche downs x 2 less obvious ones)
  • Increase video production output to consistently post 3-5 videos per week
  • Improve the quality of videos using AI to help, doing more research on viral videos
  • Make 3 types of video content - Engagement, Authority, Sales (Gain followers, Turn to true fans, Sell to fans)
  • Find competitors and use a fake account to go through their sales funnel and lead flow
  • Join CUB when it opens in my city and make a commitment to go to multiple events with the right people in the room
  • Go hard with sponsorships/sponsoring events
  • Build more referral relationships

Did 200kg trap bar deadlifts yesterday, two reps then failed to get it up on the next set so I am pretty sure I have found my limit with all this, I think I am crossing into the point where I can't really expect much in terms of strength gains and to drop weight as fast as I am as my body fat % is now much lower.

I was reflecting yesterday on a call and I actually feel super grateful today for all the past years of deep inner work I have done, as much as I felt it intensely during the covid years and 2 years after, I think it was sort of inside and deeply repressed in me. I still sometimes have a little fear popping up of life going back to that. There are still some improvements I feel in my inner emotional world as I still do watch porn but like right now that is my only like really strong vice that has some cleaning up to do when I sort of work out the trigger maybe or what it is to work on, maybe unplugging from validation or deeper self-love who knows I do know when I am sleeping with a few girls it does almost go away so maybe I just have more sex as a basic human need as it could be that I got healthier in my physical body which has made me hornier, but increased my need for sexual release.

However to sum up I used to feel like there was an itch I just couldn't scratch, which led to binge eating, lots of porn and disassociation from life and I feel like that has greatly gone that unease it pops up here and there but just wanted to share for anyone who feels that, to keep going on the path because all the shadow work, parts work, therapy has helped me so so much where no my base line is just getting stuff done and feel pretty good in general from feeling shit 24/7

Really happy I got a photo of myself speaking on stage so I posted to IG, funny thing was a girl who ghosted me decided to start DMing me saying sorry about not replying and telling me she loves going to conferences to learn new things. Funny how that works haha.

The post is here: https://www.instagram.com/lawrencepetruzzelli/

I also used the integrated IG tools to remove a lot of the bot followers I had gone from 17.5k followers to 10.9k I think some in there are still bots but I want to boost engagement and get real fans who engage in my content rather than all this fake hamster wheel of buying followers and likes now that I post way more. Was a cool ego boost when I had 20k+ and the odd girl would ask if I was famous but time to build real fame!
87kg I have upped the amount of steak I am eating just a tiny bit for a couple of days as I was feeling a little drained but I did hit 6 pull ups yesterday which is a new best.

Been feeling great about posting a bunch of stuff only issue is I have two editors who seem a little slow with the amount of stuff I have sent them but hey one charges me $15USD and the other $20USD so I played with making a text only video to fill in the gaps, one in capcut with an audio and the other I actually did in app on IG and tiktok to compare how they go, I did a caption for people to read which went

CTA - Read caption
My story
CTA - Follow

I took the wording from another reel and took their script in the video to be rewritten as the advice piece and I wrote my story myself as something relatable in my life to the advice piece

So was a video of me working at my PC with overlay text

Don’t take advice from quitters ❌. Once a quitter is always a quitter. If you are looking to expand, to continue to learn, then don’t listen to someone who downgrades or has left the industry. Watch the source of your advice ⌚
Read caption below

Then the caption below was:
📢 Read caption below!

I used to take advice from people who thought small, tried ten things, and never followed through. They’d chase shiny objects and quit before reaching their goals. Now, I’m fiercely selective about who I listen to and who my mentors are. If they don’t have the results I’m striving for, their advice doesn’t make the cut.

This mindset shift changed my life. Losing over 32kg wasn’t just about looking good—it was about breaking free from the chains of being a wealthy but unhealthy business owner. My productivity has soared, and I’ve done deep inner work to avoid being the emotionally repressed man hiding behind vices.

Success is about being 1% better every day and never quitting. I’m living proof that by improving daily in health, wealth, and relationships, you can transform your life. If I can do it, so can you! 💪✨

Never take advice from quitters. Quit once, and you’ll quit again. Instead, embrace a winner’s mindset. Celebrate your success and promote it fiercely. If you’re getting hate, you’re on the right path. Dominate, don’t compete.

Follow my IG @lawrencepetruzzelli for more insights.

#SuccessMindset #NeverQuit #TransformYourLife #1PercentBetter #Motivation #Productivity #HealthJourney #WealthBuilding #Inspiration

But was a cool way to sort of repurpose someone else's content whilst adding in my own story and personal touch, I might try some more of these out if it performs well for my personal branding.

The other thing I did was use the spammy follower tool in IG to remove over 7k followers who were bots, I still have a few other bots and dead accounts following me I am down to 10.7k followers I am sort of not wanting to dip under 10k but I also don't want dead followers to be the cause of my reels not taking off or limiting my account from growing so I am not 100% sure what I need to do but I do know as I keep putting better content out that works it should help
Did 160kg x 3 reps deadlift today, trying to build up some reps

Overall training has not been as intense as I am really focusing on the business.

I am trying something out which is a little difficult I am removing all the bot followers from my account was great for clout and dating but has been killing my content reach

So far gone from 22k followers to 8k using IG spam tools and manual removal

Video views have gone from 600 views to about 300-400 so not a huge drop off, it also means that my average like per 100 views is up, so just need to feel into the pain of getting dumped by the algo as I do the mass exit of followers.

The good news is I have gotten a couple of random new organic followers the past few days posting 2x per day, this is slow progress but I already have had 2 people call my office asking questions and booking in a time with me
85.7 Getting closer and closer to 80kg

Yesterday was a bit of a blah day I didn't go gym and sort of chilled out, I guess was getting close to my limits in terms of burning out but I am happy I still got a few daily habits done and still edited and posted a video as part of my 10 day tax tips

Also my two editors who were being a little slow both just sent me 12 videos in the past 2-3 days so now I have heaps of content that is edited to upload.

The reaction videos seem to do well, I have a couple in the first batch of 30 to film as I accidentally skipped 2-3 when filming and I already paid that editor for all 30 videos, $ 20 USD per video is pretty good.

Still slowly removing bot followers, seems to have not had much of an impact on my video views once I slowed down the pace of removing them, but also if I post high-quality comments on other people's videos with a similar audience to me I found a couple of people then went and followed me so I think that strategy is key to being discovered as many times I have noticed I can't get the Algorithm to send me organic business advice and tax advice as much as I say I am interested in this it only really feeds me property videos.

It is a little difficult on my ego seeing my followers go down but I know it is in the best interests of my future growth and reach.

I think part of the reason why I also was feeling a little out and down is I have not had my dating life on as a priority as I feel like everything else is sort of in the way, but I did have a date lined up for yesterday and last min she is like oh just not feeling it or some BS, idk just feeding into a high number of flakes and non replies on apps and stuff is extremely frustrating and annoying as I don't have the capacity and energy to deal with it all but at the same time I am substituting excessive porn use to fill that gap and void. I know that week when I slept with like 4 women in 1.5 weeks the porn use and need to watch it naturally went to almost 0, and then when my dating life isn't the way I want it to be my porn use goes up which then also zaps my energy as well.
85.6kg been a little off the training with a bad left pec and left knee, also took a minor diet break and been eating a little more food.

Emotionally I have been a little down/slow not 100% sure why, porn use up a little but also a touch stressed with busy time of year, trying to get things done and been pushing through my comfort zone of shit what do I need to be and who so I need to become to push the family business forward rather than sitting in the blaming people and stuckness which is causing me stress as well.

Had a super inspiring event on Thursday, met some famous people and my first billionaire haha some photos attached, pity Vince is so tall otherwise would have been a good photo for apps and stuff.

Also been a little ill which hasn't helped, I want to do so much, learn so much but I am just trying to focus on what is one small thing I can do consistently and right now that is just relaxing and reading my book more this weekend and letting everything else settle


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Been so busy have not gotten into the gym as much as I would like, I have upped my calories too as a little break from hard core dieting for 6 months having lost almost 34kg haha but my weight is still slowly trending down and I am eating meat until really full rather than 80% full.

Business training sessions, trying to get on top of work before 30th of June I am feeling very stressed out and sped up at the moment to try and get things done but also improve the business.

I am bringing a management meeting because we have not had one in ages along with a few other bits that I want to start leveraging the team more and bring them up to speed on things to give myself room to learn more and become who I need to be to better lead them and develop them as well to get this business much more profitable as we have decent revenue but everyone is super busy
84.5kg had a good gym session yesterday with my mate

Got the ball rolling on a few things at work with a management meeting, I realised I need to double down on working out how to better lead the team, being in a family-owned business I also see from that meeting how my Dad which ultimately it is still his business likes to take over and dictate rather than manage and not really see it for that but that something I need to navigate with it all as we transition to my ownership anyway.
84.9kg Been pretty good on this sort of diet break of not gaining weight but eating like 1.5-2kg of meat per day whilst also only been doing 2-3 days at the gym.

Hit a squat PR 110kg x3 and a reps PR for deadlifts of 150kg x 5 reps.

Business stuff has been pretty busy, I have been floating up and down in productivity but I am super happy I have been consistent with the video content uploads. Funny part is I then put a little energy to my hinge profile as I have a paid subscription so I just went and spammed the like button with profiles I liked.

Met this Brazilian lady who was studying accounting and enjoyed my content said it was attractive how intelligent my videos were.

She pretty much pushed the meet up along faster than my usual sort of 3-4 messages asking for my IG on hinge, then I said let's go to this bar, I don't drink alcohol she said that's cool and I had a diet coke and she had a virgin cocktail thing.

Invited her back to mine to look at the view and the pool, said it was cold and brought her back to mine. She started telling me I had too many clothes on was funny so we played on the couch and then went back to my bedroom. I that's #83 a very enjoyable and fun one!

But I must say I love the intention I put out that I only want to sleep with women I find attractive and I must say she was exactly my type, tiny 5'1 but a cute little booty and then these amazing sexy fake boobs my god they were so good. I honestly think she has got to be one of the most attractive women I have ever been with.

The other crazy part is I had to go real slow with her at first as she had not been with anyone in a while and the last girl that I found extremely attractive was the same sort of thing, so it's interesting to me that both girls who I found extremely attractive also had not been with anyone I wonder if just other dudes screw it up, coincidence as I am talking like just two experiences or I just visualised and manifested really attractive women that usually don't sleep with anyone but because I was just cool claim, collected and lead it forward with no judgement I slept with them both.
85.4kg have not been to gym and been on a little diet break after this busy period with work and focus on business I will flick back to some dieting, it has been great though to see myself being able to eat freely til I am stuffed and not gain weight on carnivore along with lower activity from walking and gym.

The little more effort into sending likes on Hinge paid off, I had a date with this cute brunette blue eyed girl, just chilled on my rooftop pool deck talking about random stuff then started making out then brought her down to my apartment and it was on I guess there goes #84
I am glad though I also raised my standard of women and it sort of has been coming in, I guess the weight loss has helped so much as well so when I lose even more weight will be great to see what effect that has too.

Also have another date planned tonight so this will be fun, see where that one goes but it could mean 3 new girls in 1 week. The only issue with that is then it is a little bit of a mental game if I then say focus on other things or like in a sense nothing happens for a few weeks a lot of internal things pop up around comparing myself to that prior week and going well you are not getting 1% better, it was something I was in a sense struggling with a little as back in late april/early may I think I slept with 4 girls in just under 2 weeks, then had no one after I got back from Melbourne trip, so I either have to become ok with the variability of just life of things going up and down or I need to work on what it would take to form a new baseline of making things less up and down and little more consistent. Either way I am not complaining about so far going on only 2 dates and sleeping with both of them.
83.7kg been a while since I have posted and updated here, it's a reflection of my life in the sense I am just tracking along doing my thing, a lot of stuff is at my new baselines like I am putting no effort into my diet other than just eating unlimited amounts of steak which means my weight isn't dropping super fast but it is still trending down considering I posted here a month ago and I am now down another 1.7kg, which is pretty good as I am tracking about 1-2kg/month weight loss whilst not trying. I do ultimately want to lose another 10-14kg to get abs.

On the dating side that is also in just holding pattern, a few matches and a few dates, made out with two girls but nothing much really, I had one girl who had not messaged me in like months got on a date she was stunning, made out, brought back to mine but she was like I don't do anything on the first date, we chilled for a bit but yeah went no where I set up another date for the weekend but she just disappeared again.

Business is where I am trying to push a little more, been working with a consultant to try and get some stuff done, been setting some new budgets, targets and other things which I have been pushing down onto the staff, along with a new staff member who seems to be working out well, I can get rid of two other not so good part timers as the goal is for her to be full time and replace them.
I am also working on learning a bunch of stuff, learning marketing and also flying to Melbourne to do an event to learn to speak on stage as I will be doing that in October for a sponsored digital marketing conference on the gold coast.

Overall things are good, but no great, so it is about working out what my next steps are to turn things up a wick on the constant journey of 1% better.

I do know I have been putting off some inner work and looking into the porn stuff, sort of a chicken and egg with that of is it serving me right now because of other shit I need to work on, or is it just something I need to bite the bullet on, have a few shit weeks or find the tools to replace that habit then move forward into more energy and capacity for all my other goals and things I work on as sometimes I do find post nutt I just skip the gym, eat a little more than I usually would or just don't have capacity to do the harder stuff and opt to do some lighter work or some reading/study but not actually implement anything

PS I decided to write in here last time I wrote in was when I got laid and my little lunch time coffee date just ended up that way haha I guess that is #85
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84.3kg weight has been hovering between 83.3kg to 84.3kg just happened to be a higher day today, but weight has been slowly trending down whilst I am not focusing on diet and just eating unlimited amounts of meat, when I was dropping weight hard I was doing 500-800g of meat now I am doing up to 1.5kg of fatty meat a day and still losing weight just a little slower.

Everything else has just been in a similar sort of holding pattern of good but there just seems to be a part of me which feels like I can do a better which keeps poking my side not sure if it is just some inner patterns of my own stuff that I have not fully moved through in terms of feeling not good enough and my perfectionist self or just that I want to hit my big goals faster, or something in me limited myself to about 80% of the way and that last 20% is where there is that suffering, for example with the weight loss my goal is to get abs eventually I went hard from 119kg to low 80's which is the 80% which gave me the majority of the results that I wanted from life, better dating outcomes, movement is better in the gym and I found an easy lifestyle but once it was less of a burning pain I went into something more sustainable and easy but at the same time it is very slow going now losing about 1-2kg per month rather than per week when I know ultimately I still want to lose another 10kg.

On the dating side I am also doing the 10-20% to get 60-80% of the results just using one main app with some photos my mate/client who is a dating photographer took, he took some really good photos, I am even using a bunch I took weighing 95kg and they work well, I have a couple of newer ones on there are 85-87kg range, likely will completely re do all of them when I get to 75kg.

But yesterday was funny for #86 from hinge. I went on a coffee date wit this really skinny Asian girl she was born here and stuff but she was very quiet and shy, was super random, first date she barely wanted to kiss and stuff, might have been her shyness I got her back to mine, she was complaining about not being skinny enough and her butt being too small and some how I randomly got her pants off and she was just complaining about her body and showed me her boobs they were too small or something I just complimented her and said I liked what I saw but then she headed off. I didn't think much of it.

She also messaged me a few days after complaining about her job and saying something about wanting an emotional call or something and I was like hey I just met you, not really that person right now and just set a strong boundary.

Randomly out of no where she messages me yesterday and says lets get coffee, I was like yeah sure I need to shower first, then she messaged me saying I can watch. I was like ok so I just waited for her to come park at mine. She arrives and goes are you wearing that to coffee and I am like no I told you I need to shower, so we are going up to mine so I can shower, she was like slightly confused and I was like hey you said you wanted to watch. So I went up to mine, got naked, she waited in my room, I got in shower then she slowly came near the door I left open, I told her to come in, then she was like isn't this weird, and I am like nah it's kind of hot.

She then some how stumbled in my walk in robe on my flogger and wanted to whip me with it, and I was like that one is too big for you let me get a smaller one for you, and opened my sex toy draw and she was like in shock but curious, I was just letting her go through my draw whilst I was there completely naked, just saying hey try some out if you want and explaining what they did.

She was super shy about it but was like ok I want to try these two, so I was like cool, I put a towel down on my bed and moved the pillows but she was super stiff shy and awakrd and I was like I can leave if you want alone time, then she was like well actually I don't know what to do can you use them on me, so I was like yeah sure let me warm you up, but she was like a non reactive stiff log as I just massaged her a little, so I started fingering her and using the toys on her, she made maybe the tiniest reaction but still very quiet and stiff, so in my head I am like wtf is even going on here, does she not like it, why is she being so weird, tried to put her hand on my hard cock and she is like no I'm not touching that, so I was like oh well fuck it I will turn this vibrator up see if I can get a reaction out of her.

Then she asked me to stop so I was like ok looks like its over then she asks can you fuck me really hard from behind, me confused as fuck I was like yeah sure, tried to get her to make me extra hard but she wouldn't jerk me off or suck my cock, so I just squeezed her butt and made myself extra hard had her in doggy then just put a condom on and went to town. Fucking weird as then after a while of me going for it she is like my pussy hurts we need to stop, so I was like yeah cool, get on your knees I want to cum on you, and I let loose a huge loan lucky I put a towel down as it all dripped off her and onto the floor, turns out she hates cum and she almost threw up from how much cum I put on her. Carnivore diet is crazy with how big my loads are. Then I was like want to get that coffee and she was like nah I am tired now I'm going to go home and nap, so I was like cool no worries and walked her back to her car in the visitor car park, she still didn't really want to kiss me and stuff super weird but I half managed to get a I enjoyed that out of her. So random and weird but she was really nice in doggy so small and petite made me feel like my cock was massive haha>

Also so funny I had to look back through my log to work out the dating thing and it's funny how my inner perception was like oh yeah have not done a lot this year on that but I have slept with 11 different women in the space of 7 months, I guess my old goals I would write around dating was to try and sleep with 12 women in a year, I don't have that goal now as I started to focus more on quality over the number, and only sleeping with women I wanted to, sure there have been 2-3 this year that were not super high quality but I was horny as so I was like ehh have fun, but there was a few I went on dates with I said I clear no to that I would have gone through with in the past to get my "notch count" up whilst I am also being more picky on apps, so I reflect on this as oh wait I am actually doing better than I thought with dating side of things
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82.0kg Things have been tracking nicely but just sitting with how do I step it up another level>

Since my last update I did get lays #87 and #88
87 was directly after a regular so slept with two women that day was good fun, one at 2:30pm then did a meeting and podcast before the other one came over and was number 87. Then 88 was just from an online app, pretty standard just drinks at my usual spot then back to mine.

Been focusing on how business and sex/dating are actually the same.

With business give out so much value they want to buy your paid stuff, in sex give so much she wants to suck your cock and begs for you to put it in.
Marketing and sales is the same, online apps is like running ads, the date is the initial sales call, then the close is the sale, I have noticed many sales techniques and marketing things are so similar as human psychology, cognitive biases are just us as human
83.1kg Still bouncing around the low 82's to low 83kg but eating a lot of meat like 1.5kg per day seems to be my keep weight stable point.

Had this latina with a big booty come over for a swim, was funny she misunderstood me and was like what are you a stripper about 3mins into meeting her so I grabbed her hand ran if over my chest and said you owe me $50, then she is like what no ahaha then I go ok here is your discount and just started making out with her. Sort of crazy how with some women just playing into the right energy and having fun you can start making out and stuff super quick still blows my mind and this was number #89
Ended up going for a swim, it was a little cold, then I said lets go have a hot shower at mine, went to mine I got naked and jumped in the shower so she just followed me lead.

Interesting with how everything is tracking, I am really focused on business but at the same time my dating life has been tracking along actually quite nicely without really trying super hard just on hinge really.

I do know there is a little more of a push with business stuff to get past the next sort of hump, we are on track at 1.5mil AUD at the moment but I really need to get the profitability up along with growing the top line to 2mil which is what we should be at given our staffing resources so I am adding in some new workflows and accountability for all the staff which they might not like but I need to really get into the weeds of are we inefficient, are staff taking the piss, are we under charging or all of the above.