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  1. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    The funny part is that non smile is my default state (trying to cbt my way out of it). Planing reshoot the photos after losing the glasses with more active smiling photos, that is also gonna solve the problem that pancakemouse mentioned about the context of the photos. Probably gonna keep the...
  2. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    Just came back from the barber, gave the dude free rein to do as he saw fit and this is the result. I'm hella on the fence on this one, not sure if it is just me being use to something else. Your thoughts would be much appreciated.
  3. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    Time booked for a new barber
  4. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    I find this very interesting because I feel the opposite way, I found the gym picture the worst. I suspect I did a lost worse of a job filtering the 900 pictures I took as a result, probably selecting for a more glum look. I brought all the photos I could back from the trash, if my theory is...
  5. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    It is in the works, but don't feel like using my looks as an excuse not to try to get laid. Hitting the gym regularly and have some ok numbers (200lbs bench, 260 squat, and 330 dead), I was on the edge of being overweight a few months ago but this mornings weight in I landed at 12.5% bf so it is...
  6. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    Hello fellow humans, I'm still alive despite my silence. Life has been busy with school and work but has finally slowed down again so I can focus on getting a good tinder up and running alongside getting laid. My tinder has been racking in a few matches here and there and I have tried to...
  7. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    It probably gives of that vibe because it is true, but good to know it is an improvement. Honestly, mostly social anxiety. There were multiple times I had something in mind to continue on the current topic but stopped myself to just utter the words. Probably also related to the last point. I...
  8. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    Replaced the couch picture with a new. Did also have my first Tinder date. Matched with this thicc tattooed girl, used Andy's template got her snap and setup the date. Reminder was set to the day before the planned date so sent the confirmation text the day before and we ended up rescheduling...
  9. Faonin

    DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

    Thank you, I will be stealing this immediately.
  10. Faonin

    Looking for feedback on renewing style

    The size of most shirts looks of, either the shoulder width or just the way the shirt hugs the body. Looks like Radical agrees with me on this. A few things too look for in a shirt is that the shoulder seams sits on the edge of the shoulder bone, sleeve should land around the middle of the bicep...
  11. Faonin

    Tattoos, look maxing

    Sick tattoo, is it a specific mesopotamic(?) god? Have a simular ide brewing, and this makes me want to go get it done right away.
  12. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    So 1000 pictures in higher resolution and I still failed failed to produce a better picture, that is almost impressive. Thanks for the input will probably change it back.
  13. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    Quick update. Getting a lot more matches not than ever before. Found an auto camera app that does not just screenshot the preview windows so now I'm getting some better pictures. Just updated the gym picture with one that is higher resolution and added a BDSM picture for some spice.
  14. Faonin

    "Let's keep in touch"

    Great advise, just updated my clipboard with this. Also found out I translated that message like a fucking retard. It is a fucking miracle I even got a number.
  15. Faonin

    Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log

    Ait bois, it is time for me to step out from the shadows and actually start to take things more serious. I have finally put some pictures on my Tinder profile and some feedback would be greatly appreciated. Currently the bio states "I'm worth 88 camels, so I'm a steal" ish. Will probably...
  16. Faonin

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Anton, commit to taking myself and my goals seriously. Im 22 currently living in Goterborg, sweden. I found this website and forums though 4chan of all places. Currently working on my goals by hitting the gym, fixing my tinder, and attending lectures and working part time. Shorter term...