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  1. PinchePendejo

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Get after it. Knowing the life you’ve already built in Japan…there is no doubt you’ll become the man you want to be. It was a pleasure meeting up with you. Thanks for showing us the sights!
  2. PinchePendejo

    Hannan’s Log | GLL’s Lone Club Program

    I’m sure you’ll be fine skipping the beginning portion of the AA program. Honestly you can get away without doing some of the more silly drills like the banana phone, flexing like a beach dude, or the who is your daddy drill. Although I do look back on those fondly I really don’t think they were...
  3. PinchePendejo

    Beard transplant

    Never done it, but I was able to grow a semi-decent beard using minoxidil, dermarolling, and tretinoin.
  4. PinchePendejo

    Patty's Data Science Journal

    Interesting log. I’ve been a data analyst for the past 5 years so this definitely piques my curiosity. Good luck, bro.
  5. PinchePendejo

    Tretinoin: 5 Month Results

    Tretinoin is great. I've been using it for 5+ years. It's done wonders to fade acne marks/scars, even my skin tone, and repair sun damage. It definitely maintains that youthful look (although I'm a babyface so that'd probably happen regardless). Unfortunately for me, Tretinoin didn't prevent...
  6. PinchePendejo

    Constant anxiety from AA program

    I had this when I did the AA program. Although the anxiety would be alleviated once I successfully completed the drill for the day. It’s something you have to push through. Time, exposure therapy, and having good experiences (whether internally and/or externally) will lessen the anxiety.
  7. PinchePendejo

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    I went through a heartbreak earlier in the year with the first girl I genuinely had feelings for. I'm glad you had closure and ended your relationship with a bang. Mine ended on a whimper and by being "ghosted". She gave some bullshit reason after I called her out on it. She was on Tinder days...
  8. PinchePendejo

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    How did you kick her out? Did you guys just bang once (was it good sex?) and then you told her to leave? Did you walk her to her car? Not sure about the rest of the guys here, but 10:30pm is really early to kick a girl in my experience. Especially if you're going round after round. If I'm...
  9. PinchePendejo

    Crimson’s Progress Log

    Get lighting that you can dim. It helps set the mood. Can be fairy lights, LED strips, or just a lamp with a smart bulb.
  10. PinchePendejo

    Advice for building physique

    You have a good, lean physique already. I suggest gaining more muscle while being on a slight caloric surplus. Your bench press, deadlift, and squat seem rather low in weight. Think you should give linear progression a try as that’ll get you stronger very quickly due to noob gains while also...
  11. PinchePendejo

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Good shit on the surgery and boxing. I started boxing when I was 18 and did it religiously for 5-6 years. Glad you’re enjoying it.
  12. PinchePendejo

    Help with BDSM profile

    Your profile lacks congruency imo. Pic 1 - Quality is good, but the facial expression can be a bit better. Maybe try smirking? Pic 2 - Quite the jump going from serious, dominant BDSM guy to you cheesing it. Lacks consistency. Pic 3 - Stock photo of a girl in handcuffs right after your smiling...
  13. PinchePendejo

    Help me pick my online dating photos

    Lord Rey - Thanks, brah. Appreciate the feedback. The pictures are getting slightly higher quality matches, which is good. Still think I can be doing better though. I'll be updating my pics with more serious/masculine looking photos. Think the first step is to have less pictures of me smiling...
  14. PinchePendejo

    Help me pick my online dating photos

    Thanks for the critique. Really appreciate it. I went ahead and used some of your suggestions. I went ahead and requested the RAW files from the photographer because I really wasn't a fan of how they edited my photos. It's like it had this weird movie filter on all of them. Made it look way too...
  15. PinchePendejo

    Help me pick my online dating photos

    Ya I'd say I'm more along the lines of a LTR, but don't wanna pigeonhole myself into a bucket. Got them organized into separate folders for viewing. Thanks, brah. Feel free to use any of these as a jumping off point. I think a decent amount of them feel staged. I mean they're great photos, but...
  16. PinchePendejo

    Help me pick my online dating photos

    Updated the access. Had it on restricted...
  17. PinchePendejo

    Help me pick my online dating photos

    Sup bros, Just got my photos from my online dating photoshoot. Link is below: Any help would be great. Thanks.
  18. PinchePendejo

    Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%

    Dude don’t listen to those black pillers. Honestly just avoid that content altogether…it’s toxic. You just had a sexy 30 year old telling you she had a wet dream about you and then got to 2nd base in a car. That trumps your face rating. You’re wayyyy ahead of any black pillers. Fuck those guys.
  19. PinchePendejo

    Rate my profile?

    Quality of photos ain’t too bad and you’re clearly an attractive guy. The one big problem is that it looks you took all photos in your home (except the last pic obviously). Makes you look boring and that you have no life. If the photos had a more interesting background like a bar, coffee shop...
  20. PinchePendejo

    Prove me wrong

    It's really crazy how creative our mind comes up with reasons NOT to do something that frightens us. This is just AA and fear speaking to you. Only way to get over it is to simply do it.