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  1. bluewater

    Photo Feedback - Best & Worse

    Exactly what I thought too
  2. bluewater

    Photo Feedback - Best & Worse

    Disclaimer: I'm a newbie. Man these are some cool photos, I'm guessing you're a professional photographer or something similar. First picture is good but you definitely look more masculine with a beard in the coconut picture without the knife (2nd best imo). Waterfall is great. (strongest imo)...
  3. bluewater

    What are some of your favorite fragrances/colognes you guys own?

    The ones I've tried and like so far: CH prive bleu de chanel Cr. Aventus Stronger w/ you But it seems from this thread that I should try Dior sauvage next
  4. bluewater

    Pictures Review + Feedback on Looks

    Newbie here with only a handful matches, but I'll drop my 2 cents anyway. 1st picture looks obviously posed/staged. 2nd: background is boring 3rd: guitar photo is actually good imo, and the background is good too 4th has the same outfit as the 3rd and is weirdly cropped 5th same as above, and u...
  5. bluewater

    Advice for building physique

    Thanks for the response! Yeah I'll minimise machine excersises, focus on compound, and will hire a coach again. I think there is another factor which needs addressing: sleep. I pretty much always sleep past midnight and wake up late. Eg. sleep from 3am to 10am. That is 7 hours of sleep. But...
  6. bluewater

    Advice for building physique

    Thanks Svadhishthana. I see what you're saying :) Perhaps I should be patient. I did get a coach to fix my form last year but would probably book a few more sessions next month to keep on track.
  7. bluewater

    Advice for building physique

    Thanks Ocean, for the response. I'm 177cm and 62kg atm.
  8. bluewater

    Advice for building physique

    Thanks for the reply PinchePendejo ! I should add that I've been lifting for more than 3 years so no noob gains left for me unfortunately. Lowkey addicted to gym haha. During when covid started I tried stuffing my self with around 3500 daily calories but that did not help too much. When Andy...
  9. bluewater

    Advice for building physique

    Attached my current state. I'm looking for any suggestions/critique to boost my physique in the right direction. I would like to get abs. For that I used to do open legs dragonflag negatives but had a rib injury during bjj so have to wait (I currently avoid exercises like that to avoid...
  10. bluewater

    Crimson’s Road to Losing His Virginity - CRIMSON JUST LOST HIS VIRGINITY

    Sorry didn't look at those before. The first one's great because you look cool. Third one not so much, it has a okay background but you don't look good in it. Not a fan of the second one either, the wall and the ground looks boring, although your pose and expression are great. Definitely keep...
  11. bluewater

    Crimson’s Road to Losing His Virginity - CRIMSON JUST LOST HIS VIRGINITY

    I couldn't say for sure as I'm also still figuring tinder out myself, sorry. I wouldn't use this as first pic or even second because it seems staged but really you'd have to try and experiment and see, who knows, because your abdominal physique seems good. What are your other photos? Those...
  12. bluewater

    Crimson’s Road to Losing His Virginity - CRIMSON JUST LOST HIS VIRGINITY

    Newbie here, please take with grain of salt. Physique is good. Pose-wise I'm gonna say your upper half looks somewhat natural but legs give away a "staged" feeling. I'm guessing it's because you're walking direction and looking direction both have a conflicting conviction. Photo could be...
  13. bluewater

    Help me pick my online dating photos

    Fyi I'm a newbie and here's my two cents: A lot of these seem a bit boyfriend like. You do have a great smile (although some smiles seem staged). Bling is missing in I think most if not all photos. TMA-009 seems great, quit natural with a great expression, 040 is good too. I'm going to try to...
  14. bluewater

    South Wales, UK

    Anyone live near South Wales UK? It'll be nice to meetup with people working on similar goals
  15. bluewater

    notAndy's AA Program Log - Day 46. Finished :)

    Thanks for recording these! I just started the program and going to watch your corresponding videos for confidence lol
  16. bluewater

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hi, I, bluewater, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Goals: Bring three girls home who I actually find attractive. Do the AA program.