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Hi, I'm Rene.

I, Rene, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

In the last 4 months I had 15 lays, a threesome and a bunch of other cool shit

I used to be fucking miserable. I was always full of drive and ambitions, but I felt unable to actually achieve any of it. Horrible combination. After seriously contemplating suicide in late 2020 I made a pact with myself. I decided to go all fucking in on improving my life for one more year before I am allowed to even think about ending my life. If this year is over and life still sucks, then I would be allowed to think about it again, but not before I actually tried for an entire year.

In this year I learned how to code, started my own IT-company with friends and made big fucking plans for my future. Life got awesome very quickly. About 3 months after the pact the idea of suicide already seemed absurd because life was so exciting.

In early 2022 I joined Andys coaching group and my sex life changed instantly. (From two lays in total and a 4+ year dry spell to getting laid multiple times per week).

My goals for this year are:
- Build an online information business with 10k+ in passive income
- Build a tinder profile that gets me about 100+ matches per week (already about 30 - 40% there)
- Work on my social freedom (do the AA program and the going out alone program)
- Continue coaching dudes and get so good at it, that my clients are happy to pay 5 figures for it
I, mostdope, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm here to get stronger, improve my self control, reject cheap forms of entertainment and instant gratification, and find more success with women and with the first steps of my career.

lets get some shit done.
- I want to have sex at least once a week with a girl(s) I'm genuinely attracted to
- I want to have 1-5 friends with benefits
- I want to build lean muscle, drop down to 72kg and < 10% body face
- I want to have a threesome

I, Harry, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I, TKO, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I want to commit to make the best possible version of my Tinder profile (I prefer to take over challenges 1 by 1) ;)
TKO yo mate, here's the sentence you need in your intro if you don't want your account banned in 3 days:

"I, [your name], commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."
Hi, I'm Midwestguy.

I, Midwestguy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

My goal is to have sex with at least 5 HOTT women this year. I seem to have mild success with women who are average looking/below average looking (which is better than nothing), but I want to start having sex with women who I am actually attracted to. I will try online dating, daygame, and nightgame. I live in Nebraska, USA. Looking to see if there is anyone in the nearby area with similar goals
I, Leon, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals being, at the time of posting this message:
- Fix my sleep schedule
- Change my job situation
- Drop to 15% Bodyfat
- Lose my virginity
Hey Guys,

I, Andre, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 37 and I'm working remotely, so no fixed location, although you will find me mostly in the EU
I'm here mainly to work on self improvement as I reached most of my "mid life" goals, but i tend to slip back into old bad habits ( boring eating, cigarettes, skipping gym) so my main focus would be right now
1) re establish the habits that made me winning in the past
2) Regain the position I had before
3) Improve from there and not fall back

I, Michael, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals:

1. Get laid with couple of girls I find cute and attractive.

2. Build a system using tinder & other dating sites to be able to meet cute and attractive girls, and be able to take them on one date and sleep with them after it.

Be able to do it both in my origin country and when traveling.
And achieve it both by having an appropriate online profile and interaction, and by learning to get there when I meet them.

3. Eventually be able to do so every once-twice every week, although it might take a while to get there.
Wizard mate, you need to upload a pic of yours to continue using the forums. Otherwise we'll ban your account in 3 days
Hello Guys!

I, Adam, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals:

1. Drop weight from 220lbs to 190lbs (currently 212lbs after 4 weeks), while maintaining muscle mass as best I can

2. Get Laid with someone I genuinely find attractive

3. Get out of my comfort zone and meet new people, male or female

4. Get more confident when it come to taking photos of myself and accepting my flaws (you may notice in my photo I have turn in my right eye, I always notice it in photos and I'm overly self conscious about it)
I, Sammy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My Goals:
- Get to 80kgs (I'm currently 98kgs)
- Get 2 Lays by Christmas 2022
- Get 3 amazingly ridiculously awesome Tinder Photos by Christmas 2022
"I, its_not_over, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goal is to get girls, simple as that. A Girlfriend or just some short term things.
Maybe improve my social life also like cool friends to party with etc.
Improve my looks alot
Thats it

I, bluewater, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

  • Bring three girls home who I actually find attractive.
  • Do the AA program.
I, NoMoreRegrets, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

-Get at least 1 FWB this year
-Get over Approach Anxiety and social inhibition in general (sometimes I can approach and other times I just can't)

I, Edward, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

- Get over my ex
- Be able to approach women during days and nights
- Work on my Tinder and IG profiles
- Get laid with one fuckable woman in 2022
- Most of all stop theorizing and get into action

I have wasted too much time now and will go all in on these goals, whatever it takes
Edward said:
- Get over my ex

Spider Jerusalem

It's tough, but it gets easier. I think pretty much every guy on here has been through it and has come out the other side doing better, so hang in there and ask if you need any advice or anything

Welcome brother


I Phil90 commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

Hi ! I’m Philip 31 years old, originally from China, and moved to Canada 5 years ago. I work as an arborist. I’ve struggled with social anxiety for most of my life. The past few years it seems to be getting worse and worse.

My goals are:

-Stop procrastinating. Have been struggling with procrastination since 2018 as i got my second master degree.
-Get over social anxiety. I’m afraid to be the center of attention, public speaking, make eye contact, can't handle phone calls.
-Fix my sleep schedule. My sleep has been messed up since the pandemic began.
-Start NoFap
-Get better job
-Change apartment
-Learn to flirt - I am very very shy, never had a relationship.
-Find a girlfriend - I want a girlfriend but i dont know how to get one.
-Learn programming - i remember i used to design simple webpages when i was in grade 9. and i have always been interested on learning programming e.g. Python but just dont have time...
-Quit smoking - I used to smoke 6/7 per day up until the end of last year, now usually down to 6 per week.