I, NightRoller aka "G----- like the Cracker", commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
21, 2 lay notches since I genuinely started taking dating seriously in May 2022.
Currently in Japan for the summer, usually in the U.S. (midwest); attending college.
Goals include, but are certainly not limited to:
+ Getting laid in Japan
+ Getting laid from cold approach
+ Developing solid cold approach skills
+ Gaining sexual abundance, experience, and confidence (they go hand-in-hand)
+ Decreasing my body fat/getting lean while still going to the gym (only seriously been using the gym for 4 months, don't want to quit yet)
+ Acquiring a Master's degree after finishing my Bachelor's and getting a functional stats-related job that leaves me sufficient time to self-improve
+ Finding an awesome girl to build a relationship with and grow alongside
+ Learn how to write reports and instructions well, such that others can learn from my experience (in the future)
Pancakemouse recommended these forums, and it seems I won't be disappointed.
Good to meet y'all.