READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

I’m alex, 33, from Sweden. I’m right now focusing on building up my body and bulking up for some serious muscle mass. I have great success on tinder but sucks at night game and I wanna become successful in nightgame.
I, SIlverWP, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

5'6 Asian guy in Canada
12% bodyfat

Sleep with 100 different women in my life
Make over 100K in a year and start my own online business
Get really good at pole dancing
Optimize OLD(online dating profile) through the help of this community.

Btw, is this forum still active?
Hey everyone, I'm pineappleapple, glad to finally join and meet everyone.

Get laid
Get better OLD photos
Improve sense of style
Fix sleep schedule
Stop procrastinating/ get ahead of the curve when it comes to work

I, pineappleapple, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hello folks !

I came here to step up the only aspect of my life I'm not happy and struggling with, getting laid.

I don't have precise number I want to achieve. I simply want to have great sex, connections and a lot of fun with (only busty) women. My main goal actually is to have 1 or more FWB, that's the absolute relationship I'm looking for.

I already work a lot with other aspects of my life and I'm on the right tracks, keeping developing to reach higher steps. But my game with Women feels like something is missing and I'm here to find this little thing. I use every layer possible to meet women (except IG), and I have a strong focus on real life meets.

I mainly came here to get help on the apps game but I certainly have a lot to learn about other daygame, nightgame or every thing else.

Thanks in advance to Andy and verybody who will help me achieve my goals. To everybody here, may the Light bless you all.

Last but not least :

I, GentleBlack, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
pineappleapple hey man

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Hey everyone,

My goals are:

- getting laid from cold approach
- getting into good shape

More on all of this when I make a post on the forums.
Hey brothers,

I, anglofrenchy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Originally from the UK been living in france for 7 years, divorced father of 2, looking for better results with girls

my goals:

-providing a great life for my 2 boys
-having greeat experiences with women, casual and relationships
-getting to 50 straight pull ups this summer, stuck on 30 for a loooong time

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What's up I'm Alastair aka Sewerdog

I'm 27 going on 28 and have had zero lays. I'm here to get this shit handled and face my fears of rejection, crush my anxiety and kill my depression.
My life has been going pretty well in other aspects apart from this one area.

Loose virginity
Get comfortable and good at sex
Get rid of ED
Quit porn
Start guitar teaching business
Play live music
Get my own place
silverwp said:
I, SIlverWP, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

5'6 Asian guy in Canada
12% bodyfat

Sleep with 100 different women in my life
Make over 100K in a year and start my own online business
Get really good at pole dancing
Optimize OLD(online dating profile) through the help of this community.

Btw, is this forum still active?

Welcome fellow Canadian. Hope to see you start posting!!
"I, Dave, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Hey, I'm Dave, 30, fit, socially very capable but in terms of cold approach just starting out. Started reading RP shit about 5 years ago and have massively changed my life - was suicidally depressed, a loser and no direction in life. Now I own my own business, put on 15kg of muscle, earning more, doing more and fucked a lot more women (mostly between 5-7s though, no really hot girls, hence the cold approach).

Goals (this year):
- Hit 90kg bodyweight at 12% body fat
- Make $350K
- Buy a house and apartment
- Make a new friend group
- Be able to cold approach any girl I want

I'm here and I'm committed.
Sewerdog Heya man

A profile pic of yourself is required to post here. Just posting it isn't enough.

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I, NightRoller aka "G----- like the Cracker", commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

21, 2 lay notches since I genuinely started taking dating seriously in May 2022.
Currently in Japan for the summer, usually in the U.S. (midwest); attending college.

Goals include, but are certainly not limited to:
+ Getting laid in Japan
+ Getting laid from cold approach
+ Developing solid cold approach skills
+ Gaining sexual abundance, experience, and confidence (they go hand-in-hand)
+ Decreasing my body fat/getting lean while still going to the gym (only seriously been using the gym for 4 months, don't want to quit yet)
+ Acquiring a Master's degree after finishing my Bachelor's and getting a functional stats-related job that leaves me sufficient time to self-improve
+ Finding an awesome girl to build a relationship with and grow alongside
+ Learn how to write reports and instructions well, such that others can learn from my experience (in the future)

Pancakemouse recommended these forums, and it seems I won't be disappointed.

Good to meet y'all.

NightRoller said:
I, NightRoller aka "G----- like the Cracker", commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

21, 2 lay notches since I genuinely started taking dating seriously in May 2022.
Currently in Japan for the summer, usually in the U.S. (midwest); attending college.

Goals include, but are certainly not limited to:
+ Getting laid in Japan
+ Getting laid from cold approach
+ Developing solid cold approach skills
+ Gaining sexual abundance, experience, and confidence (they go hand-in-hand)
+ Decreasing my body fat/getting lean while still going to the gym (only seriously been using the gym for 4 months, don't want to quit yet)
+ Acquiring a Master's degree after finishing my Bachelor's and getting a functional stats-related job that leaves me sufficient time to self-improve
+ Finding an awesome girl to build a relationship with and grow alongside
+ Learn how to write reports and instructions well, such that others can learn from my experience (in the future)

Pancakemouse recommended these forums, and it seems I won't be disappointed.

Good to meet y'all.


Great to see you here. You have an impressive physique for only four months of lifting — likely means good genetics, which is auspicious for your further adventures in the world of hypertrophy! Did you delete your blog, by the way?
I, Jpoker02, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 22 (turning 23 in July), university student from Central Europe. Struggled with girls for most of my teenage years, mainly due to low self-confidence. Changed massively in the past two years or so and started taking dating a lot more seriously. Have been on 10+ dates in the past year through Tinder. Four lays in total (1 through Tinder).

My dating goals for the second half of the year:

  • 30 dates & 5 lays by the end of September
    Finish AA program by the end of September
    Cut down to 76kg / 10% BF while keeping (increasing) my current strength levels
    Update my style (have a set budget)
    Get new photos taken by 2.7.

Had to push myself a bit to even post here, but the community seems so great here. Hope to contribute to others eventually as well :)
Hello guys!
I'm dumpling, 25, currently doing a master's degree in IT and I'm in Europe.
I've always been kinda socially awkward and haven't been successful with girls/dating in general. One of my biggest issue, is my lack of having a group of good friends for a long time in my life. My current and long-term goals are(the first 3 are my main priority atm):
  • getting a part-time job besides my study -> get work experience and earn some money
  • build a group of friends and generally broaden my social circle to be less awkward
  • lose weight- I'm 170cm(5’7") and currently about 71 kg. My goal is cut down to about 63 kg with a low BF percentage through running(I actually enjoy cardio ) and bodyweight exercises
  • Become good or at least decent at dating/talking to girls and get some lays later as well
  • Starting some kind of social media presence ( probably YT) to have a side hustle

It's already a bit out of my comfort zone to post here, but the posts I saw before, seemed alright to me and not like some PUA stuff.
Nice to meet you :)
Hi guys,
I, Juan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm a shy guy from Argentina, I was the first half of my 20s only focusing on my studies/work and with almost no social life, so there was a lot I needed to change.
I made some progress in terms of girls but for sure I have to keep going.

My goals:
-I'm working mostly on my physique, trying to gain a bit of weight.
-Improving my online dating results, as I get some matches here and there, but not much and I'm not really attracted to them.
-Better sex life, as I struggled with ED for some time. This issue did get a bit better, but there is still room to improve.
Hi guys,
I, Ocean commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm a shy guy from Argentina, I was the first half of my 20s only focusing on my studies/work and with almost no social life, so there was a lot I needed to change.
I made some progress in terms of girls but for sure I have to keep going.

My goals:
-I'm working mostly on my physique, trying to gain a bit of weight.
-Improving my online dating results, as I get some matches here and there, but not much and I'm not really attracted to them.
-Better sex life, as I struggled with ED for some time. This issue did get a bit better, but there is still room to improve.