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Good evening everyone.

I, antonio44, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Recently out of long term relationship, so a bit rusty. Working between europe and South America at present, loving it.

Had decent results when i was single, am now getting good results again but would like to improve. I get good results but i think most of this is only because I'm an interesting/high value guy, i'd like to try to improve skills. Right now all i do is meet women in clubs or online, talk casually with them about stuff i find interesting, tease them a bit, then take them home. It works often enough (closing about 70% of first dates)but I'm sure with a few tweaks i would improve.

Can be a bit lazy sometimes with women/ get bored if they don't want to come home immediately. Also sometimes get aa but not too bad.

Was a bit of a workoholic starting a business about 5 years ago, really starting to see the payoff now but want to keep growing and not get comfortable. And also keep enjoying the journey!


Short term:

  • Improve online dating results, optimize profile

    Get more comfortable/successful closing women in clubs

    Figure out how to text women, i often ignore them for days/weeks because i don't enjoy texting/am busy, this often upsets them enough to block me (especially latinas). I don't care if one does, but there is a pattern and it's not efficient.

    Maintain a few cool women to date and have fun with, do adventures i like with them to interesting places.

    Learn spanish to b2 level (about a2 at present but progressing fast).

    Learn to dance (enough to get compliments from latinas)

    Launch 2 more products for business (hardware)

    Spend my time more efficiently in life - Think how to optimize - e.g get cleaner/ avoid doing low value tasks that can be outsourced.

    Spend more quality time with the people most important to me

Long term:
  • Find suitable partner to have children with

    Get more land and forest it

    Scale business further

    Get houses on two continents
By the end of the year I want to cut my gut in half.

I, da baws commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
What’s up everyone.

I’m 29, just got out a hellhole depression for all of my 20’s. I missed out on a lot of shit and want to make up for it in my 30’s.

I, Jonah, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Goals (Tentative)
*start a log*
1. Get a job
2. Get a new body
3. Update wardrobe
4. Get a new vehicle (Motorcycle)
5. Get a new place
6. 25 lays by this time next year.
What's up everyone
I, oneder, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 35 years old living in Miami, FL

- Drop to about 12-13% body fat
- Then put on about 20 lbs of muscle
- Take my style to the next level
- Get some 9's and 10's
Hello everyone.
I, Matt, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

I am 23 years old from the US. Just looking to always improve myself and want constructive criticism where it can be given.
Like to get drinks
Avid outdoorsman
Like to have fun when it’s time to have fun
Hello gentlemen, first off...

"I, Brian Nussbaum, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

I came here initially because I want to fix my social life and have an amazing, kinky sex life and emotional/social freedom after 15 years of breadcrumbs - BUT - after being very sick for the past 2.5 years, it's more pragmatic to focus on my physical health and my money.

I am taking care of the finances currently with my day trading skills I've developed when laying in bed was all I could do and am about to get funded $100k in capital, so that leaves me with my HEALTH and PHYSIQUE (and still have a ways to go to regain normal health - still shaky)

Circa 2019 I had gotten very lean and was on a fantastic path (not even by choice, I could only afford to eat 1x a day, which ended up being beneficial. My Avatar is what I looked like AT MY BEST, and I want to first get back to that and then BUILD my physique. I have a specific goal : to build a chest so nice that I can confidently put a huge tribal tat that covers the left pec/shoulder/upper arm.

I will be going on keto with a twist. I've been on an all fruit diet to heal my body and so I will do "fruit til 4" and then steak, chicken, or salmon for dinner with a green salad. I am just starting to work out at home with a set of resistance bands and a dumbell.

So these are my MUSTS goals:

1) Get my money absolutely on point. $2,000+ per week via forex trading.

2) Balance deep cellular health and multisystem optimization while starting to BUILD my physique better than ever. To a place I've never gone before. KILLER BODY, a FUCKABLE, TOUCHABLE body. One I stare at in the mirror and say "you sexy fucking stud"

3) Fix my pathetic social life and learn how to become desirable, confident and get lots of cute 18-25 year olds (I'm 36 now). I feel I have a LOT to unpack within my pshyce. I'm NOT a virgin, but I 'm basically a recluse.

4) I haven't had a vehicle in over 10 years when my VW jetta crapped out. I am GOING to go out as soon as my finances and health allow and lease a brand new FULLY LOADED Jeep Sahara. Sexy ass ride. It will be the first of many on my way to earning 7 figures ;)

5) Then women. I'm not goona even type a bunch cause it'll be too long. All I will say is I will have an adorable girl next door kitten type (maybe 19 -25) who will call me "daddy" and adore me as I will her. She will be my main squeeze. And we will explore the shit out of what there is to enjoy. I STILL have hang ups about my parents saying "oh thats too young and blah blah blah" but it's honestly the only way I get turned on. And yes, I want to eventually have 3somes, etc. But for now I just want to feel and smell the warmth of a tight female body again.

I was placed on this planet to FEEL, to EXPERIENCE, to SHARE and BUILD. And I Am going to do that. Cheers, gents!
I, mcamo, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hello lads, I'm Matt, 30yo from Aus. Have been on a big self improvement journey for 3 years so far. Focusing hard right now on achieving financial independence, and making my dating life a whole lot easier.

- 10k month
- Build 90kg aesthetic body frame
- Build a healthy rotation
- Have first threesome
**I, Nik, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.**

I’m a 24 YO guy in London, studying medicine and working as a tutor. I’ve been making strides in my journey of personal development and improvement and want to take things to the next level.

From my late teens, I struggled a lot with depression and social anxiety. I have made improvements to my productivity, social skills, confidence, looks and style. I feel like I am finally starting to taste the fruits of my labour. However, I want to continue this to live an even better life, both for myself and my loved ones.


- Romantic: I have a GF of two years that I love deeply. I want to further strengthen our relationship and improve our lives together. I want to spend many many years with her and continue to enjoy the time we have
- Social: I’ve become a much more socially adept person and have developed a pretty good social life. However, I’d like to work on my overall social confidence, charisma and continue to enjoy many fun, new experiences. I have lots of new friendships forming and I’d like to develop them further, whilst also meeting a like-minded tribe of people invested in self improvement
- Physical: I want to hit 1/2/3/4 on my compound lifts. I want to have a solid six pack. I’d love to take up a new sport (resonating with basketball atm). I also want to complete a nofap challenge of 90 days and conquer my pornography addiction.
- Vocational/Educational: I want to smash through medical school and enjoy as many professional opportunities as I can. I did excellently in my first year and have passed my second year quite well. I’d like to do even better in the next two years (the ones that really count), as well as develop my portfolio to be competitive, whether I decide to stay in medicine or not. I’m also running an online private tutoring website. I’ve made £1.7K last month, smashing through my 1.5K goal. My next step is to hit £2K in a month and eventually make a full time income working part time alongside medical school (and maybe expanding further if I do reach that level)
- Hobbies and other goals
- I want to learn Hindi
- I want to learn programming
- I want to get back into drawing and painting again
- I want to make enough money to be able to move out of my parents for at least a year
- I want to do more travelling in Europe with friends, my girlfriend or maybe solo
KillYourInnerLoser said:
1. Reply this this post with your goals, what you want to achieve, as well as this line:

Make sure you include this sentence: "I, [your name], commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

2. Add a photo of yourself as an avatar.

If you do not do these 2 steps, your account will be deleted within 3 days.


This forum is all about commitment and actually getting shit done. No theorising, no sitting around wasting time - we're here to actually get shit done. We take our self-improvement seriously.

As for mandatory avatars - it's hard for anyone to give you self-improvement and getting-laid advice if we don't know what you look like. (Plus all the reasons listed here).

If you don't want to show your face, crop it out/blur it out.

Think of this as you giving a promise that you'll actually work towards achieving your goals; we aren't interested in anyone who wants to half-ass this shit.

When you've done that, go read the Forum Rules.

Oh, and welcome. If you're here, we have no doubt you're gonna kick some serious ass and live an epic life. We'll do everything we can to help you hit your goals.

Hi all this is Reza from Sydney. My goal is to improve online dating and my self confidence

I, Reza, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, twonightstander, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Sup everyone, I'm Toni, 30M from Spain who just recently decided to quit my almost 6 year old job as an engineer to take a 2-3 year period to focus on fixing and perfecting my sex life.

After underperforming and wasting most of my 20s, I have decided that I have had enough of my excuses and decided to move away from all the distractions and time wasters by moving to a new country so I can go all in on this. It will be basically a make it or break it for me.

All my goals and subgoals that I have in mind will be directly tied to this, and will range from beating AA, maximizing my looks (gym + style), beating my performance anxiety & ED issues, perfecting online dating (both dating apps + social media apps), meeting cool social circles/connections in town, etc.

For the remaining of 2022, I will set the following short-term goals that I will complete by eoy (unless specified otherwise):
  • I will complete the AA program
  • I will approach 2500+ girls
  • I will beat ED
  • I will get 20+ new lays from cold approach/online dating
KillYourInnerLoser said:
1. Reply this this post with your goals, what you want to achieve, as well as this line:

Make sure you include this sentence: "I, [your name], commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

2. Add a photo of yourself as an avatar.

If you do not do these 2 steps, your account will be deleted within 3 days.


This forum is all about commitment and actually getting shit done. No theorising, no sitting around wasting time - we're here to actually get shit done. We take our self-improvement seriously.

As for mandatory avatars - it's hard for anyone to give you self-improvement and getting-laid advice if we don't know what you look like. (Plus all the reasons listed here).

If you don't want to show your face, crop it out/blur it out.

Think of this as you giving a promise that you'll actually work towards achieving your goals; we aren't interested in anyone who wants to half-ass this shit.

When you've done that, go read the Forum Rules.

Oh, and welcome. If you're here, we have no doubt you're gonna kick some serious ass and live an epic life. We'll do everything we can to help you hit your goals.

I, Purge, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I want to loose my virginity

Just one main goal to shift my focus onto it
I, SpaceGhost, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey everyone, so glad to be here and taking action towards my self-improvement, my goals are:

-To be a Full Stack Web Developer by 2023
-Travel to at least 50 different countries
-Continue working out and eventually have huge arms
-Improve my finances and find lucrative side income

-Match with 100 girls on Tinder
-Sex with at least 25 women in 2023
-Improve cold approach game
-Interact with women from around the world
Hello everyone.
I commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 23 years old from the UK. Looking to make the best possible life for myself.

Short Goals:
- Reach 95kg (lost 13.7kg so far)
- Get Laid
- Learn to fly
- Get my own place
pancakemouse said:
Great to see you here. You have an impressive physique for only four months of lifting — likely means good genetics, which is auspicious for your further adventures in the world of hypertrophy! Did you delete your blog, by the way?

Nope, the blog is alive and well, and can be found here (I did change the URL slug to be less hefty though): https://nightrollergame.wordpress.com/
Hey I’m Anthony,

22 and from the UK, currently going into my final year of university.

I, Anthony Swift, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My Goals:
To get my shit together
To be more confident in all areas of my life
I want to meet and sleep with more women
I wanna try and experiment with as many different kinks/sexual activities as possible.
I want to start focus more and putting more effort into making money.
I want to stop wasting all my money on useless shit like takeout and alcohol.

Thanks for starting this forum!
Hi, I'm Lucy

35 from Sofia, Bulgaria.

I have two kids and currently working on a cofounded tech startup.
I've been on an SR streak for some time - not counting days just retaining

I, Ludmil, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My Goals
- Put some weight and muscle - 85kg, currently 77kg
- Get 15 lays until the end of the year
- Put two girls on rotation
- Have a threesome
- Finish the MVP version of my project
- Close second investment seed
KillYourInnerLoser said:
1. Reply this this post with your goals, what you want to achieve, as well as this line:

Make sure you include this sentence: "I, [your name], commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

2. Add a photo of yourself as an avatar.

If you do not do these 2 steps, your account will be deleted within 3 days.


This forum is all about commitment and actually getting shit done. No theorising, no sitting around wasting time - we're here to actually get shit done. We take our self-improvement seriously.

As for mandatory avatars - it's hard for anyone to give you self-improvement and getting-laid advice if we don't know what you look like. (Plus all the reasons listed here).

If you don't want to show your face, crop it out/blur it out.

Think of this as you giving a promise that you'll actually work towards achieving your goals; we aren't interested in anyone who wants to half-ass this shit.

When you've done that, go read the Forum Rules.

Oh, and welcome. If you're here, we have no doubt you're gonna kick some serious ass and live an epic life. We'll do everything we can to help you hit your goals.

I, TheWarriorInTheGarden, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey gents! I'm a 32 year old based in NYC. I've been focusing hard on my career the past few years, and now need to put the same attention and focus on women/dating. I have many goals to tackle, but the first one I want to address is my approach anxiety.
"I, Ash, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Hi Gents, Im Ash and I live near Bristol UK.

Im 30 and I spent my entire 20's in a remote part of the UK with not a lot going on so i missed out on dating and fooling around with lots of girls during that time of my life (did quite a bit of that in my teens but was young and not developed as a person). I ended up in a toxic relationship for 5 years from age 23 and couldn't bring myself to leave because i had no other viable options. Eventually I found my balls broke up with her and moved back to my home town (near Bristol) went full time with my business making and repairing guitars.

I immediately went into another relationship which also turned toxic and I was basically repeating this pattern, I could feel the same fear of not having options but managed to break it up after only 18 months this time. I keep thinking about the quote "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results" (or something to that effect) and so i have decided I am 100% doing something different this time around. This most recent relationship really got me thinking about what i really want out of life, as follows:

-enjoy my 30s being non-monogamous
-learn to approach women I find attractive, i prefer slim blonds
-get over myself, start to dissolve some layers of ego
-gain sexual abundance
-find a sense of confidence that I have options and can always find another woman
-social freedom
-AA program

-create a full time comfortable income from making high end guitars
-stop doing income only activities (that i don't enjoy)
-increase my output to 12 guitars per year
-make/sell a £10k guitar
-expand my shop
-take on an apprentice

-keep up current regimen, 5 or 6 day crossfit
-stick to current low carb diet
-keep alcohol to bare minimum, possible full sobriety (pretty much there already)
-gain muscle
-reach 10% body fat (currently around 15%)

Anyway probably missed some stuff but that's generally me. Over and out
