Hey, I'm Zeyf. 27 old. I was I loner gamer addict, with social anxity and depression during my whole life. No friend, never had a gf, 4 lays in my life (living the dream)
I was hitting the rock bottom in october. I was complety lost, I was thinking of kill myself. But on a lazy night, lost in the youtube algorithm, I found a video who change my life, get my ass out of bed, and put myself on the selfimprovement journey.
I working a lot, every days was a step, quit all my addictions, starting to read psychology to understand myself and people (never open a book before), get some goals, improve my workout routine, going to activity to meet people, found new hobbies (hikking and photography), meditation, and a laid with a hot chick I never thought possible before.
But it's only the begining of the journey, there is still a lot of work. Andy blog give me a new adrealine rush to take actions.
So here my 2022 goal :
- Get 5 laid
- Start and finish the AA program
- Get +5 kg
- Improve and take care of my look
- Get tatoo (Always want, never take the step)
Long life goal :
- kill my inner loser, and become someone