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  • Users: d00m
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  1. d00m

    Another year halfway over - what did you accomplish?

    damn dude thats some progress, good work!
  2. d00m

    Another year halfway over - what did you accomplish?

    Almost everyday that goes by I feel like I haven't done anything and I'm not making progess so here's a little review of the stuff i actually have done so far this year/ FINALLY got my first lay started playing in a band again playing live shows going on tour got my own place regularly going to...
  3. d00m

    How to get a maxed out Dick?

    let's pool together our knowledge and resources to come up with the ultimate guide for penis enhancement and sexual performance. there are tons and tons of articles on this but they're scattered all over the internet and i want to have a one stop shop for all the best info on this stuff. so...
  4. d00m

    Best advice for boosting sex drive?

    what kind of test did you get that was sufficient for the endocrinologist to prescribe you something? did you just get your free/total test levels checked or was it something more comprehensive?
  5. d00m

    What do you actually DO on dates?

    I've reached the end of my rope here. I need some one to just tell me EXACTLY what to say and how to act. These girls arent going on second dates with me. The last one I went out with I just asked point blank if she wanted to see me again. She said no. The previous night I had gotten a girl's...
  6. d00m

    Anyone in DFW want to hang

    really need some friends working on the same shit as me right now
  7. d00m

    My strengths and weaknesses

    yeah getting my test levels checked is definitely on the agenda I just haven't gotten around to it. and its kinda expensive and I dont have health insurance, there are at home tests that are pretty cheap and available at the local store but those use saliva instead of blood so idk if that will...
  8. d00m

    My strengths and weaknesses

    Following up on the call to action from the recent podcasts. I'm just coming up with these off the top of my head and its hard to precisely delineate where one trait ends and another begins because almost all of them are very closely related. I could spend weeks (months) thinking through this...
  9. d00m

    I definitely want to go out with you again

    i hear ya man. guess you just gotta develop that thicker skin one failure at a time. that being said I have to admit i am pretty fucking irritated by the idea of a girl flaking on you after seemingly very explicitly saying that she was into you. obviously you can't control other people's...
  10. d00m

    I definitely want to go out with you again

    1. idk man that sounds like some voodoo PUA stuff. if i had enough girls lined up I'd definitely A/B test it cause i could see how there's some validity to it, but for now I'm just gonna err on the side off explicitly trying to get laid 2. i can see where you're coming from but most people on...
  11. d00m

    I definitely want to go out with you again

    well one reason is that we were in a public parking garage and someone actually did walk past us lol. but the main reason is i just hadn't quite worked up the courage. like i figured she wouldn't want me to be that forward. this same exact situation happened with the first girl i met from online...
  12. d00m

    I definitely want to go out with you again

    so i went on a date with this girl and we really hit it off. after we left the bar I kissed her and she was super into it. we end up in her car making out for like 15 minutes and Im kissing her neck, playing with her tits over her shirt etc but i knew i wasnt gonna bang her that night (cant go...
  13. d00m

    My current Tinder pics

    thanks man! Unfortunately I don't have any friends (at least none anywhere near me). Guess I should work on that, that might help especially a pic with a girl
  14. d00m

    When to text/pitch a meeting

    honestly I was probably just too scared and didn't know when/where to go. So you text them right after you get the number and pitch the meeting for the same day if possible?
  15. d00m

    My current Tinder pics

    These pics are doing pretty well so far (well at least in terms of getting matches...) but do yall have suggestions on how to go to the next level? Also how do you prepare pictures for dating sites (aspect ratio, file format etc)?
  16. d00m

    When to text/pitch a meeting

    Things are going pretty well on all the apps, getting tons of matches and a fair bit of numbers but I've only been able to go on 3 dates so far. A lot of the time when I get to texting I get the dreaded "can we wait until next week?" text. Im wondering if my timing is hurting me here. I pretty...
  17. d00m

    Can we text a bit?

    Matched with the girl, followed the template, got her number and pitched a meeting but then she sent a text saying she likes me but thinks Im coming on too strong and wants to text. Does she sound like a time waster or should I just indulge her? I know from plenty of previous experience that...
  18. d00m

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Aaron, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Hi guys I'm Aaron from Texas. I have been fortunate enough to get attention from and even be approached by girls for a long time (even more so now), but I've always been too shy and lacked the confidence to ever close the...