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  1. Zealhouse07

    Las Vegas

    Anyone from Las Vegas want to link up?
  2. Zealhouse07

    Gain muscle or lose fat? Unsure what I should be doing

    Agree you should always do resistance training. Tend to agree with pancakemouse, and I'm trying to do both myself right now. Here's what Scooby says: Assuming it's not possible to do both, where you're at right now, I would say focus on gaining...
  3. Zealhouse07

    Do you think the full-time PUA/hook up phase is worth it???

    So here's my thoughts after reading your replies: TL;DR the debate I'm having with myself is whether to do this full time and putting my main business venture on hold. Not worried so much about the risk of catching an STD. I would do everything necessary to protect myself, didn't even really...
  4. Zealhouse07

    Do you think the full-time PUA/hook up phase is worth it???

    "that level of focus will need to be preceded by your needs as a man truly being met and you knowing you did yourself proud as a man." This resonated the most with me. It is my greatest fear: that I will have some deep regret in my 30s or 40s eating away at me subconsciously if I don't handle...
  5. Zealhouse07

    Do you think the full-time PUA/hook up phase is worth it???

    I’m torn right now between working on my life mission/purpose and going through a pick up/party lifestyle full time. It was and is important for me to be able to express myself without inhibition to hot women I'm attracted to and not sound like a buffoon/be awkward. I tried to get that out of...
  6. Zealhouse07


    Thanks for the feedback my friend. I fixed it and they should all have numbers now!
  7. Zealhouse07

    CRITIQUE MY PICS Thanks a lot!
  8. Zealhouse07

    CRITIQUE MY PICS Thanks a lot!
  9. Zealhouse07

    Rate my pics

    The best ones are of you walking on the beach, with the one of you walking toward the camera taking the cake. The rest are "meh" in my opinion. I did Lasik by the way: really good decision. I was fucking tired of putting in/taking out contacts and sick of not being able to do contact sports...
  10. Zealhouse07

    New pics again

    1, 2, and 3 are the best for me. 1: best of the bench pics 2: interesting af 3: funny and you actually had good pose/facial expression
  11. Zealhouse07

    Let's rate my tinder pics

    20: well dressed, good pose, good and natural facial expression, well dressed 34: badass viking vibe 52/54/66: I don't know what it is about you posing with your friends but you just come off like a cool dude in those. I think these are the best 55: best one with animal 62: nice candid
  12. Zealhouse07

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    "I, Zealhouse07, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously." 23 y/o from the U.S. When it comes to relationships, my goal is to develop multiple casual relationships with women I'm attracted to. I also want to develop the belief and self assurance that I can easily attract a...