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  1. sundleboro


    I did the Approach Anxiety program last year to great success. I was doing it with Toast and Manganiello during covid and we all completed it. Unlike them, though, I haven't had such a good go at it afterwards. I've been on only a single date from cold approach, and after it didn't go well, I...
  2. sundleboro

    Crimson’s Progress Log

    Hey crimson, you have a really captivating way of writing. I'm rooting for you
  3. sundleboro

    Was hit by a car today lolz

    Wanted to give you an early congrats before you even wrote about it D Never mind you got another thread for it
  4. sundleboro

    Toast's Japan CA log - Reflecting on 6 Months of living in Japan

    I love reading about your adventures. Did that last girl give you her LINE? Her offering to come out if you pay for her is hilarious. What kind of alcoholic mindset is that
  5. sundleboro

    Toast's Japan CA log - Reflecting on 6 Months of living in Japan

    Great job Toast. They ever look at you and start trying to speak English? I had that "problem" when I was visiting, but you and I look a little different ;)
  6. sundleboro

    Was hit by a car today lolz

    Hi Toast
  7. sundleboro

    Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

    Really moving your feet, I like it. End of April is going to big for you then. Will you be alright stacking the deputy tests with the move out? Thanks for the couch to 10k program that I never knew about. Programs are the best. Wonder if there’s a gym program too, for getting back in the gym...
  8. sundleboro

    Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

    Did you know that it's my dream to have a girl say this about me? That's a badge of honor my guy. Sorry it didn't work out, but that's a testament to the program and your achievement if I've ever seen one. Even if it doesn't feel like it for various reasons. Congrats on the sheriff's test by...
  9. sundleboro

    Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

    Nah dude, that was spectacular. Fucking sucks to lose the first draft, but I bet it couldn't match what you just wrote. Toast man, you've been a road buddy and an inspiration. Your hustle the last couple weeks has been legendary. Scotty's supposed 6 hour days come to mind, and you blew it away...
  10. sundleboro

    Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

    They do but I found it a lot like the AA program, even before I started it. You suffer for one day, and then it’s easier to face afterwards. Every time I cut, I have to sit through the pain for one day at the start and go to bed without feeding it and then it gets easier from then on. Maybe it’s...
  11. sundleboro

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Now this is a hat level quote. A fat mom lady with a fuse attached. Rough man, but at least it stays exciting! This is really true. At least during the drills. I guess that’s why social momentum compounds and goes up exponentially. There must be two things going up at the same time for...
  12. sundleboro

    Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

    I guess the benefits are that when I overeat today, I know that I’m losing something (tomorrow’s calories). By actually eating less the next day or by intimidation, results in a lot faster weight loss for me. Man I can’t imagine throwing in 2 compliments on top of the cute. Two already feels so...
  13. sundleboro

    Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

    Continued... I'm Mr. Cool Cucumber. I'm Mr. Cool Cucumber. I'm Mr. Cool Cucumber. "Fuck off, it's not a nice jacket" Hahaha Holy shit dude. Knocked it out of the park that day. And two drills in one day? Must be a really good day. The Hong Kong girl who started talking about the background of...
  14. sundleboro

    Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

    Continued: No lie dudes, I made the mistake of thinking a guy was a girl a couple of times too. Lot of long haired fellows out there. One time it was a girl that I thought was 50/50 a guy, but went for it and it ended up being a girl. Whew The hospital day sounds hilarious. I'm picturing you...
  15. sundleboro

    Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

    Lmao dude I loved your variation on the glasses day, trying 3 different ones. I hope you did the challenges for that day at some point, I'm still reading. "Would you fuck me if I had nerd/hipster glasses on?" It's definitely the most aggressive one at that point, and you're a softie after not...
  16. sundleboro

    Was hit by a car today lolz

    Glad you're putting them here tbh. Lots of eyes on them here, random checkups, might be good. Rock on You're getting vaccinated already? I'm on list till summer, if I ever get it. Actually can't believe you and I haven't gotten it yet lol
  17. sundleboro

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Man I just watched your end vlogs and read everything. Can't say anything that you didn't already say better, and with more experience. The changes you're seeing are such an inspiration. I'm psyched you used my throwaway Nightmare Fuel line for the hat. As always, here for accountability now...
  18. sundleboro

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Gotta reiterate this. Forgive yourself. Put this advice into practice and it got me out of a rut.
  19. sundleboro

    GoodLookingLoser *temporarily hid* his YouTube Channel

    No fucking lie, a week ago I started downloading his whole channel knowing this might happen one day, but I got lazy after 1 video and stopped because I thought YouTube would always have them for the foreseeable future. Feels like some cruel divine joke.
  20. sundleboro

    Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

    I actually like 4884 the best for the photos. Can't believe you did day 25 in 50 minutes. I tried to beat it but couldn't bro I'm falling behind, I didn't realize how far you were ahead... I'm scared to read your reports lol. Alright alright I'll read them... Hurray