Was hit by a car today lolz

Kind of a click bait title. Very ambiguous haha

I've been really lack luster this week since i have gone back to work.

The 2 weeks of maximal approach volume with extended times at the golden hours of the day, contrasted with my suboptimal approach hours compiled with working in the evenings, has lead me to become lethargic and not motivated.

Today i fully could have gone out from 12-145pm and approached for that time slot. Instead i sat at home and watched YouTube. Waste of time.

I have discussed with my bosses about transition to grave shift so that i can work over night, sleep during the day, and approach/date in the evening. Basically the optimal schedule. As well as a pay raise.

1/3 today.

Here's the kicker. The 1 contact I got today was from this really pretty girl in a wheelchair at my work. Right as work started I saw her as i was walking to the morning briefing. She was wearing some cute booty shorts and she has a pretty face and smile. after the morning meeting i walked up to her and talked for a little bit. She was working on a small mural on the wall at work. told her that i liked her shorts and they were cute.

Went back to work after this interaction and sat thinking about her for a while. About how approaching at work would be weird, how im fully in uniform, about how she would probably appreciate the compliment, and how shes in a wheel chair.

I thought more about it and the wheelchair thing is so dumb. She's pretty, she's a girl just like anybody else.

On my break i walked out and started reading Mike Mehlman's book. The chapter that i was on next was "the time to hesitate has ceased" like divine intervention i thought to myself. I have to approach. I've been thinking about it so much.

I walked up to her said hi again, said I thought she was pretty and that maybe we could get a coffee some time. She smiled reallly big and seemed happy. Really pretty smile as well. We exchanged phone numbers and then my break was over and i went back to work.

This has got to be the most nerve wracking exchange I've had in a very long time. Stewing in my thoughts about the approach, being at work in full uniform, thought of possibility of backlash from work if it goes wrong. A lot of variables could happen.

I am very glad I approached though. A lot of gains from doing an approach like this. Almost bailing and then going back for the approach nets more confidence then a normal approach.
Toast said:
I walked up to her said hi again, said I thought she was pretty and that maybe we could get a coffee some time. She smiled reallly big and seemed happy. Really pretty smile as well. We exchanged phone numbers and then my break was over and i went back to work.

Nice job man.
Big experience points there.

You could've easily said "ah fuck it".


That's actually really special what you did there. She probably has some self-doubt cuz of her disability.
That made her week I bet.

Now she'll ghost lol
Manganiello said:
That's actually really special what you did there. She probably has some self-doubt cuz of her disability.
That made her week I bet.

Now she'll ghost lol
100% will ghost. She was extremely receptive
I had been so lethargic and lazy since i went back to work. Was pretty much just being lame. Talked with the boys and they pretty much told me what i already knew.

Had to promise to myself to not be a lazy fuck and get out there and approach.

The next morning i worked out. which is something i haven't been doing lately.
week 6 day 2 column 3 of 100 pushup challenge completed.
Good way to start the day with something productive.

at 1145am i started to pack for work and get ready to leave. By 1215 i was at my destination to approach.

Walked around the mall and felt pretty good about approaching today.

It was seeming like a high contact acquisition day, like things were going well. I was approaching pretty much every girl i saw. Maybe let a few go by. but overall i would say i approached 90-95% of the women i saw who fit my criteria.

I was being more pushy as well.

Notable number i got was a really sexy girl wearing a skin tight red top, form fitting black pants, and some black boots.
Opened her up called her cute.
she said thanks
I asked her age and she said 28.
I'm like no way i could have sworn your 17
she laughs
asks what she's up to
said she's shopping (or whatever)
said we should grab a coffee some time
she said she had a boyfriend
I said that's fine we should still exchange.
and she agreed

The whole time I was talking to her she was giggling and smiling.
Pushing forward through her rejections was the key thing here. Not backing down and turning away.

The rest of the day followed the same kind of attitude. I felt like I was being more aggressive more pushy ,more insistent upon getting the contact. And the results seem to show that it worked.

At a certain point when a girl rejects you you just don't really care. The rejection has already happened so being more aggressive and more pushy for the contact nets the same result. But if she exchanges then that's a win.
Good shit on the week6 day 2 of the 100 push up challenge can't wait to see you pump 100!

You and girls with boyfriends, you are def good with getting these girls to give out their numbers anyway, taking notes! 😂
Master said:
Good shit on the week6 day 2 of the 100 push up challenge can't wait to see you pump 100!

You and girls with boyfriends, you are def good with getting these girls to give out their numbers anyway, taking notes! 😂
Haha thanks man. Just gotta be pushy and stand your ground. A girls default response is rejection. Over time they change into receptive. Just gotta pass the shit test

sundleboro 👋Long time no see
Went on a 3rd date with a chick. 33yo half black half white chick. Maybe technically 2nd date cuz the first one was when I had initially approached and insta dated and we walked in the park.

Had the intention of going for the pull within a reasonable time after the date started. We met up for some drinks around her place. When I first met her I kissed her right off the bat. No resistance there. We sat down and got out drinks, chatted for about an hour and then I suggested to go back to her house. It was 10pm and she said she had to be up at 7 for a work meeting. So I then suggested we go back to my place and chill for just a bit. Still the same answer. She said she was trying to be responsible. Went to another bar and got another drink. Chilled and talked. then the date was over and I kissed her goodbye and said we would meet up once she was back from her week long vacation.

Overall the date went fine, just like the last one. We seem to have good chemistry I think. Talking to her is easy. But this date brought to my mind the thought of not having enough approach volume and being reliant on one girl. Crisis_Overcomer brought it to my attention that i probably am coming off as boyfriend material and not a fuck boy, since i didn't establish that from the beginning.

I need to have several girls who I am talking to or constantly be approaching and getting more numbers as to not be so outcome dependent on one date.

Pretty much just waiting on work to switch my schedule so I can approach 5 days a week for like 3-4 hours ever day. Feel like im very stagnant right now with such low volume of approaches and work taking up the golden hours of approach and dating. All of my dates have to happen on Sunday which is no bueno
Been slacking as of late, but that all changes tomorrow.

Work finally adjusted my schedule so I have no excuse cuz of "lack of time" to approach.

Instead of complaining I chose to change things. It is 100% my duty to set my self up for success or to strive towards it. Anything else is an excuse.

I'm going to be working overnight from 1030pm-7am
Sleeping from 7am-2pm
Approaching from 3pm-7pm as well as dates within this time slot

My goal is to approach 5 days a week and try and hit 50+ approaches every session.
I think it is completely do-able, as well as maybe an under assessment of my capabilities given the volume is in the areas i choose to approach.

Possibly gunna meet up with sundleboro who has risen from the grave.
If not ima going to attempt a 4hour 50+ approach session
Smart move. I’ve been on the 3 to 1100pm shift for about 5 years and could make the same exact move as you if I turned out to enjoy the approach lifestyle. My shift allows me to do the AA program for 1.5 hours a workday, could be 2.5 if I slept much earlier.

Would you consider the early shift, like 7am to 3pm? Too early, traffic?
offwego I am not a fan of the day shift management and all the drama that occurs on the shift. But i did consider it when i was making my plans.

As well as I'm not a morning person. Morning shift is 630am-230pm
Id be taking a pay cut as well cuz the position I'm in is currently filled. Bumped down from $24/hr to $21/hr

All the logistics added up to going to overnight.
Toast said:
Id be taking a pay cut as well cuz the position I'm in is currently filled. Bumped down from $24/hr to $21/hr

Just turn one of the girls you'll start dating into an Only Fans model and keep 30%-50%. Repeat till you start living the pimp lifestyle.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Just turn one of the girls you'll start dating into an Only Fans model and keep 30%-50%. Repeat till you start living the pimp lifestyle.
Thb I would love that to happen. Maybe ill make this my new life's goal. To be an only fans pimp

MakingAComeback Thanks buddy
Went out with sundleboro and had a pretty fun time meeting him and doing AA drills as well.

Dude's a beast lol. Was doing things that I thought were anxiety inducing, Glad to see Frankenstein's Monster alive again and on a rampage.
Went 4/30ish today

0/7 at my first spot. Not really feeling any momentum. Was a grind. Stayed there for 30ish min.

Moved spots, went like 0/15ish. Started feeling better. Knew that i would get a number shortly becasue i was on a rejection spree. Low and behold got a number shortly after thinking that.

After was on somewhat of a positive outcome spree. was probably like 3/5 when i finished the day

2-2.5 hours for the whole day over 2 locations.

3/4 girls texted me back after i texted them. Very rare

Changing work to be able to approach was worth it. Glad to be getting back into consistent approach.
50+ approaches between the hours of 3-7pm is my goal 5 times per week.
Finally smashed a chick after a 3rd date.

Went to Chinatown with my date, Got some pastries. Then got coffee at some random boba place and then walked to a park near by.

Probably walked around and chilled at the park for an hour an a half.

Invited her back to my place to drink some wine and watch a movie. Watched half a movie and drank wine and chilled. Had her in my arm cuddling the whole time. Then walked to the corner store and bought some more wine.

Put on another movie (lol) and fuckin watched the whole thing. During the movie I kissed her and she didn't show any resistance. She wanted to finish the movie so we kept watching and making out a bit more. She was cuddling in my arm the whole time. At some point we were talking about how last time we hung out she asked why I didn't say specifically I wanted to have sex. I told her straight up that chicks are confusing to talk to and if I had said either yes or no it could have been bad or good. She was like yah, that's true makes sense lol. Then somehow she asked if I had condoms. At that point I knew I was in.

Finished the movie, kept drinking wine. Put on another movie and I'm like fuck this not watching another movie and was making out with her within a couple min. After that it was smooth sailing.

Moved to the bed, kept making out with her for a while and then started undressing. Feeling her up and sucking on her nipples. Then I started eating her out. This was actually the first time I've eaten pussy. Interesting experience, will do it again lol. Put a condom on and then stuck it in and fucked her missionary style for a while. Then I came.

She wanted me to fuck her doggy, but I told her I came already. She was like damn, I'm so horny, just eat me out more. So I did, as well as kept fingering her. Eventually I got hard again. She didn't care about the condom any more and just stuck it in. She was riding me and I made her cum and then I came in her as well.

Fun night over all. Fuckin movies tho lol. Might have to switch to listening to music instead. Did the math and i think that ive watched like 5 hours of movies/tv shows with this girl so far.
Good job. Just have girls sit on your bed, pour wine, and make conversation. Literally just don't put a movie on. It's stupid. You're not getting to know each other, you're in an awkward position to touch or kiss her, and if the movie is good, you'll both be distracted.

I tell girls all the time to come over "for wine and a movie" and I just don't ever put the movie on.

And if you really want to watch something with a girl, do it after you've smashed.