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  1. Ashsrt

    We have Liftoff

    Well fellas, I have updates. First the bad news: My weight hasn't budged, still in the 230's. More motivated then ive been in a while to workout, i just need to fix my eating habits. And now for the good news: I've started a new job and I absolutely love it. the pay and benefits are...
  2. Ashsrt

    We have Liftoff

    Thanks MILFandCookies I’m finishing up the easy peasy method today and I’ll read that too. My interview went great and I got a callback from another huge company for an engineering position. I did relapse once it’s just almost impossible to not casually peek and then boom. Missed the gym this...
  3. Ashsrt

    We have Liftoff

    Porn is hard to quit guys. When it’s part of your daily routine it takes a second to realize what your doing before you stop. Otherwise the past two days have been uneventful. I have an interview tomorrow so looking forward to that. Cheers
  4. Ashsrt

    We have Liftoff

    9/18 227.6 Good day, work and school. Got further in the easypeasy method, kind of surprised they say to continue porn until you finish the book. Too busy today to do that anyway. Got my meal plan on paper and tweaking it for what I need now.
  5. Ashsrt

    We have Liftoff

    I fell, and I’m going to get back up. This will be my progress log. Goals: Cut from 230 to 190 by end of January. Stick to my diet and workout routine with some modifications for my new schedule. Completely stop my porn dependency. 9/17/23 I worked on my car and a buddies car all day...
  6. Ashsrt

    I've become a loser all over again.

    Starting over sucks, but I know I haven’t hit my heights yet. Today was an amazing day, changed my oil, haloed a friend work on his car. It was also the first day in god knows how long I didn’t watch or think about porn. And A+ guide man, I’ve never felt more confident then I did when I followed...
  7. Ashsrt

    I've become a loser all over again.

    I definitely haven’t mastered that, and I know I have a lot left to learn. Time for round 2. And thanks for the link brother, I got the audio book and started listening to it.
  8. Ashsrt

    I've become a loser all over again.

    We can do this bro. We did it before. It’s just muscle memory. And thanks, I’m going to start doing that in the mornings.
  9. Ashsrt

    I've become a loser all over again.

    This just posted and I can see my old picture and my old goals. I've fallen so far. I'm so ashamed of myself.
  10. Ashsrt

    I've become a loser all over again.

    Hey Everyone, I've been away from the forums for a while, but I need to be here now more than ever. 9 months ago I had everything I wanted, a great job, a really cool fwb, and I was at my goal weight. Fast forward to now, and I've become a bigger loser than I was before. What happened? Well to...
  11. Ashsrt

    I got what I wanted, so why am I so unhappy?

    Haha, yeah bjj is awesome. I’ve loved seeing myself grow from a complete newbie to being able to hold my own against decent guys. That’s a fantastic idea, to set goals related to building actual healthy relationships rather then lay counts. Of course Part of me is scared because that involves...
  12. Ashsrt

    I got what I wanted, so why am I so unhappy?

    Thanks for the advise, I think I have been missing the human element of getting out there and building real, physical connections. And yeah, physical goals are always a must, keeps me in shape, grounded and honest.
  13. Ashsrt

    I got what I wanted, so why am I so unhappy?

    Thanks brother, the article pretty much nailed my headspace. Nows the time to regroup, analyze and plan for the next stage.
  14. Ashsrt

    I got what I wanted, so why am I so unhappy?

    Thanks man, you know I haven’t even considered that I did gain from this experience. I’m not the same person I was a year ago, and I’m honestly grateful for that. My immediate friends/family keep saying I’m way more social and personable. Thanks for saying what you said man!
  15. Ashsrt

    I got what I wanted, so why am I so unhappy?

    I can see what the poem is saying, and I guess my response is, imagine you set out in the wrong direction. But didn’t realize it until you got there. And still, the destination remains unknown.
  16. Ashsrt

    I got what I wanted, so why am I so unhappy?

    One year ago I was positive that’s what I wanted. It almost feels like a mistake now though. It’s a strange thing, yeah there’s always another girl but its damn lonely man.
  17. Ashsrt

    I got what I wanted, so why am I so unhappy?

    I guess I started this thing with the intention of not having anything serious. So I never let myself get attached to anyone. And I don’t know if I can anymore. I think the best thing is for me to just take a break and organize my thought. Thanks for the advise man
  18. Ashsrt

    I got what I wanted, so why am I so unhappy?

    Hey guys, its been a long time since I posted. Life's been pretty good, I hit my goal weight, met plenty of women and racked up more lays then my goal (1/month). Then for some reason, I just stopped talking to every girl that was in my rotation. that was about a month ago. I told myself it was...
  19. Ashsrt

    Okay, can we talk about daygaming? (My reservations)

    What’s up fellow New Yorker. I’ve been here my whole life, and while I used to think that yeah, everyone just minds their business it’s a fallacy. I didn’t realize it until last year around June. It’s ridiculously easy to meet people, anybody and everyone has a story to tell. The amount of late...
  20. Ashsrt

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Nice, same here! Keep at it man, getting under 220 is amazing. You’ll starting seeing veins in your arms and legs that you haven’t seen before. And your upper rib cage starts showing. Muscles start showing cuts. Don’t lose the momentum. Good luck!