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  1. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    i think i need to temporarily completely disconnect from the winner within space and exclusively focus my energy in the japan groups. feels like my attention is being overly divided otherwise, and seeing various conflicting data points from around the world is psyching me out. also i get too...
  2. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    from now on i will make updates the next morning instead of at night will serve as motivation to actually get out of bed in the morning, and i can lock all devices much earlier in the evening
  3. colgate / bulldog

    Vic's Progress Log - What’s wrong with my Hinge profile?

    check out santana row and the westfield across the street over in san jose. VERY hot girls and i had driven a girl home directly from an instadate at that mall. also san jose state university has a lot of cute girls
  4. colgate / bulldog

    Upstart's AA Program Log

    yooo i see you're in austin. i went on 6 dates and brought back 2 girls in a week from cold approach as a kinda skinny still-virgin when i briefly lived there, you can definitely crush it bro 👊🏾
  5. colgate / bulldog


    addendum: having a date for the week lets me -1 this per date who doesn't flake
  6. colgate / bulldog


    I'm going to take this one step at a time since i am completely unaware of my fidgeting and misallocated energy expenditures, i need a way to "record" such fidgeting. i'm not always going to have some wing telling me to knock off weird body movements. the only thing i can tell is if i hold an...
  7. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    good thing 1: did 15 approaches and got 3 contacts today. keeping in mind how jittery i was over the weekend, i had @lacroix film my approaches today. great improvement! he said my session was solid and my body language was a lot better. will post a video when he sends em to me thing to work...
  8. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    i mean look how dope my fashion looks, yet i'm rapidly darting my head around like a dope during this contact exchange my memory only tracked "i was waiting for her to show me the qr code". i have no recollection of rapidly looking around in alert mode these are the types of things you can...
  9. colgate / bulldog


    what: go to boxing 4 times this week when: by sunday 6/30 bounty: $100 feminist majority
  10. colgate / bulldog


    what: come up with a set of exercises or solid plan for working on tension handling/jittery nervous energy, and post said exercises as accountability when: by wednesday 6/26 end of day bounty: $100 feminist majority
  11. colgate / bulldog


    what: approach at least 7 girls or fail a pull, each day when: monday~sunday, 6/24~6/30 bounty: $50 feminist majority for each day this is not done
  12. colgate / bulldog


    done. 5-7 from monday-thursday, ~30 on friday, ~60 on saturday, maybe ~30 today too
  13. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    good thing 1: did probably 30 to 40 approaches today. got three contacts. thing to work on: basically the same thing as yesterday. I saw on video one of my approaches and even though I was standing still, I was looking around in my head was all jittery. and this is apparently was the approach...
  14. colgate / bulldog

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    i think i wanted to feel like i was "owning the space". that i could do it and just stay there without mousily ejecting instantly (because i would tend to do that). i think this was more of a personal exercise in discomfort than anything. there were times i felt i would get angry and reactive...
  15. colgate / bulldog

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    had an EXTREMELY nostalgic approach session today. i'm on a weekend street game bootcamp right now and i've been approaching like a mfer. today we were all thrown in shinjuku, which is one of the hardest places to approach in japan. while yesterday i felt i was actually enjoying approaching...
  16. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    good thing 1: i think i did probably 60-70 approaches today over three 2-hour sessions. i only got like 2 or 3 contacts from that, but damn feels fuckin GOOD to be out there approaching all day. i kept telling myself "be uncomfortable, be uncomfortable, be uncomfortable". thing to work on...
  17. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    also another point which was mentioned that probably everyone has heard before it's good to keep in mind what to improve on for bad interactions and all, but you should generally forget about it immediately and move on to the next girl i need to start (and have been) applying this to my life...
  18. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    good thing 1: did around 30 approaches and got 3 contacts today at the bootcamp. very few of the approaches were spotted for me and I spent more time roaming around the area and approaching myself. the anxiety of being "the one guy who didn't approach" was greater than any residual approach...
  19. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    this is very spot on and this issue is apparent in many different fields in my life. even at things i am fairly good at and/or have aptitude in, the moment i hit the point of any kind of resistance, i basically brickwall, stagnate, and quit. and that's just when i'm challenging myself to hone...
  20. colgate / bulldog

    colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

    good thing 1: did 5 approaches, instantly without any approach anxiety. thing to work on: I spent until 9:45 p.m. doing my work project, skipping boxing. this is definitely better than wasting my time, but I need to learn how to context switch better good thing 2: wasted zero time on any...