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3some2024 log


Nov 20, 2023
My #1 overall goal is to feel happy most of the time.
The most over-arching subgoals to accomplish my #1 goal are:
1. Feel satisfied with my work.
2. Get married and have kids.

I'd like to have a 3some (and join the mile high club before settling down).
I'm going to log ~daily (at least weekly) for self-accountability.

This week I'm making my #1 goal quitting porn before bed. I didn't sleep enough last night (and this happens a lot) because I stayed up watching porn. So today my goal is just to get ready for tomorrow for work and not watch porn. So far so good.
No porn streak: 1 day so far!

Felt good and was a pretty good day today.
Pretty happy with my work day today - largely on top of my grading, assignments, and emails.
Hit 190 beats per minute (+5 PR) on #1,#3 paradiddles (drum practice) and learned fill #1 up to 80 bpm
Looked at part-time online teaching jobs a bit as a side hustle and identified one to apply to. I want to see if I can stack enough of those in one semester to achieve my financial goals.

This week my #1 goal is quitting porn before bed. I KNOW I have the ability to not watch porn tonight - onwards to that 2 day streak soon.
No porn streak: 2 days so far!

Today is a good day (no work). Woke up, went to the gym, practiced drums. Got pretty frustrated at 175-185 bpm though, I'd like to not get frustrated even if I have trouble while practicing in the future. Not just for drums but life in general.

Going to work on my code a bit and then read while I fly.

This week my #1 goal is quitting porn before bed. I KNOW I have the ability to not watch porn tonight - onwards to that 3 day streak soon.
No porn streak: 3 days so far!

Already worked on my code a bit today. Read a decent bit. Going to work on my code a bit more and prep rest of this semester + maybe next semester.

This week my #1 goal is quitting porn before bed. I KNOW that I have the ability to not watch porn tonight - onwards to that 4 day streak soon.
No porn streak: 4 days so far!

Finished reading a book today and worked on my code a bit more.

This week my #1 goal is quitting porn before bed. I KNOW that I have the ability to not watch porn tonight. Onwards to that 5 day streak soon.

ThePermanentFix said:
You coding for anything particular man or just small problems for practice? Good job so far with the no porn
Cheers mate. The idea is if I build my own code I can apply for grants, do consulting, maybe even license/sell it
Yeah sweet, I was thinking of tackling coding/development after I get my CCNA and find some work. Networks (which is what I seem to enjoy so far) is heading quickly into automation and coding is just useful for basically all IT jobs.
No porn streak: 5 days so far!

Did more reading than coding today. Pretty useful since I learned my code had two fundamental mistakes.

Been getting decent Tinder matches in Chicago the last few days but no replies and a few unmatched me after a day of inactivity. OLD is pretty boring ngl. I’ll keep grinding it tho.

This week my #1 goal is quitting porn before bed. I KNOW that I have the ability to not watch porn tonight. Onwards to the 6 day streak.

ThePermanentFix said:
coding is just useful for basically all IT jobs.
Yeah anywhere there can be software. I founded a cybersecurity company last year. Network security is rapidly growing field and I’m bullish on quantum computing / PQC.
No porn streak: 6 days so far!

Was flying basically all day. Extra three hours from a delay which blew. Only three hour timechange but feel super jetlagged.
Still worked on my code a bit - mostly read.
Also google'd about having a 3some - and came up largely blank.
Andy's coaching page looked pretty gold. Will look at the vids later.

After tonight I'll have accomplished my no porn goal. For this upcoming week my goal is to spend 15+ minutes per day reflecting on concretely how to have a 3some in 2024. Ideally come up with what I should prep in the following weeks and also decide on the prioritization and how exactly I want to go about finding two girls.

This week my #1 goal is quitting porn before bed. I KNOW that I have the ability to not watch porn tonight. Onwards to mission success.
No porn streak: 7 days so mission ACCOMPLISHED!
How-to-have-a-3some reflection: 1 day streak achieved.

Summary of my 3some reflection:
There are five ways that I can think of to have a 3some:
1. Have a gf/partner use Tinder etc to find a 3rd (Andy's method)
2. Have a gf/partner and we find a 3rd at a bar/club/beach/cruise/comic-con/etc
3. Have two casual partners and introduce them to each other
4. Take two girls home from a bar/club/beach/cruise/comic-con/etc
5. Become a porn producer / cameraman / etc.

#5 should be the easiest to find girls that are down. Would probably have to move to Vegas and figure out a lot logistically on the legal side. I'm considering this as my safety net. If I don't manage a 3some by #1-#4 by Nov 1st 2024 (or some deadline), I might switch to this method.

#4 I'd expect to be the hardest. However, it would be the most badass way to accomplish it. I think it'd require me to really max myself out along one or more dimension so great impetus for improvement. However, it might be hard to accomplish within a year. I'm doing physical therapy on my ankle/hip so I don't know if I'll get a chad body in time. I'll think more about this tomorrow probably.

#1 is second easiest and a bit more legit than #5. Any of #1-#3 sound possibly do-able but I'd have to revamp my Tinder etc. and I don't know if I'll really find any girls to date even until I move. I've been here for four months now and had 3 dates, none of them above my hotness threshold.

This week my #1 goal is reflecting on how to have a 3some. I KNOW that I have the ability to spend 15 minutes reflecting on paper tomorrow. Onwards to that two day streak.

ThePermanentFix said:
Preemptive grats on the 1 week streak and hitting the goal. You gonna try and continue it indefinitely?
Definitely not indefinitely. But there has to be a positive reason (such as related to #5 above) for me to pick it up again. Or at least I need to do so in a way that doesn't hurt my sleep or goals.
You're talking about a threesome but how's your sex life in general?

The only way I've found to do it consistently is to bring two girls together that I've been seeing individually for a while. But for that, you need success with women in general first

"I don't know if I'll really find any girls to date even until I move. I've been here for four months now and had 3 dates, none of them above my hotness threshold."

Sounds like your time would be better spent building up a sex life first. If you have a consistent flow of women into your life threesomes come almost by themselves, but if you have less than 1 date per month it's not going to happen unless you're extremely lucky.
How-to-have-a-3some reflection: 2 day streak achieved.

Summary of my 3some reflection:
I realized a lot of things today even before the dedicated reflection time.
1. Taking two girls from an anime convention sounds like the most fun. I'd need to have one badass outfit - or even better a ton of them. The plus side is that I'd be set for Halloween too. It'd be fun to go all out dressing up for St Patrick's day, Cinco de Mayo etc too. To test what's a top outfit I could use feedback from IG/Tiktok etc. Then I'd also learn how to build elite socials. The downside is all this would take a while to get elite at.

2. Taking two girls home after drumming would be ideal to work towards, because I'm learning drums anyway, so I might as well add fuel to the flame. It'd be a fun excuse to travel on the weekend for gigs too. Might make some money as well. Downside is it will take a while to get elite at it.

3. If I really make it a top priority, I bet I can find a way to heal up and build an ideal body.

4. I can work on being non-stop witty/funny/eloquent/flirty during my lectures - since I have to give them anyway. And students prefer a funny/witty lecture to a dry one.

5. I probably can build up a sex life in this small town if I really prioritize it. I just need to become a regular with a server/bartender and ask them out by the third or fifth appearance or something. If they bf then switch venues, rinse, wash, repeat.

The LEAST procrastination possible is via #5 above (basically what Holden was saying, which is also Andy's method).

So the remainder of my reflection I started to try to picture how success would happen / what it would look like. I haven't fleshed that out much. But my challenge for myself tomorrow is to go to Birdie's and flirt with one of the hostesses. They're complete bitches and that bar is a dud but they're attractive and if I somehow get banned it really doesn't matter, so it'll be a good practice round.

My #1 goal for this week is to reflecting on how to have a 3some. I KNOW that I have the ability to spend 15 minutes reflecting on paper tomorrow. Onwards to that 3 day streak.

My challenge for tomorrow is to walk up to one of the hostesses at Birdie's when I'm first walking in and say "What's cooking good lookin?" with a goofy smile or better a smirk and WINK at her. My heart is already pounding so if I even just deliver the line without ideal body-language execution I'll still count it as a win - for tomorrow at least. Basically no matter what she says I'll ideally follow up with "really?! I'm shocked. I thought for sure you'd rattle off the full menu from memory for me." As for what follows that I'll have to keep thinking. I KNOW that I have the ability to say that line to the hostess. And if it's a male hostess I still have to fuckin say it for practice - I guess I'd pretend to be gay. And if the hostess isn't there I'll say it to the bartender. And if that bar is closed for a private event tomorrow...I'll go to connor's and say it to one of the bartenders I guess. Even though none of them are attractive. We're all friendly so it'd probably be easier anyways. I KNOW that I have the ability to accomplish this challenge tomorrow. Wish me luck gents.
There is a meme around here of guys that join the forum with the goal of a "threesome." Generally it means that they read Andy's content, picked the flashiest/coolest-sounding thing and decided to run with it. As far as I know not a single one of these guys has actually achieved this goal.

I'll echo the question again, hoping for an actual answer this time: how is your sex life, and what is your history with women?

Your latest post shows that you have a questionable understanding of what is required to even have sex with one woman, let alone make it happen with two.

My suggestion would be to rename your account and log, ditch the threesome idea, and focus on an achievable goal.
3some2024 said:
My challenge for tomorrow is to walk up to one of the hostesses at Birdie's when I'm first walking in and say "What's cooking good lookin?" with a goofy smile or better a smirk and WINK at her.

This has to be a troll lmao but i like it. Goodluck.
How-to-have-a-3some reflection: 3 day streak achieved.

1. Birdie's didn't have a hostess working. Just two dudes at the bar. Still said the line to the hotter guy at the bar. He basically ignored it haha. Just one 50/60+ chick and a family. Rather reaffirmed I'm better off waiting until I move. But maybe that's just procrastination. I should NOT go back there except MAYBE if it's a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

2. I should probably just try the Steakhouse with cuter workers next time.

3. I'll just say "What's cooking" to the first person I see - since I have the witty follow-up planned. Need to work on being LOUD, winking (I think I did this time but forget) and being charming/confident.

4. I NEED to get pain free.
To do so I should
I. Eat BEFORE the gym.
II. Lay in bed 8.5-9 hours consecutively and get into bed the same time each night (10pm tonight is the goal).
III. Log and improve fruit + veggie intake, make sure I'm getting enough Calories, protein, the right fats.
IV. Don't sit, nor stand in place too long.

5. Need to clean my place, build stuff, and get a bed. I can't really imagine a 3some in here right now.

6. Imagined a bit more dialog with the hostess for next time. Busy tomorrow though.

pancakemouse said:
My suggestion would be to rename your account and log, ditch the xxx idea, and focus on an achievable goal.
Funny, this sounds reminiscent of what someone told s3nga back in the gll days.

pancakemouse said:
I'll echo the question again, hoping for an actual answer this time: how is your sex life, and what is your history with women?
Been in monk mode the past 2 years (business). Before that I banged two girls during a 10 day trip to Colombia, banged a 9.7 Colombian at disneyworld, got 6 lays in 6 months, etc.

I'm pretty much ready to get married. Except for this.

Appreciate the well wishes @Olafsmash and @bonzo34.
How-to-have-a-3some reflection: 4 day streak achieved.

Honestly, I didn't think I'd keep it up today. I've been in pain all week and today was possibly the worst. Used to be just my left ankle and hips but now I feel it in my right ankle too and my right knee. I think that's from the limping / compensating. When I got home I took a bath which I haven't done in probably 20 years. Felt amazing though. Started with hot water and it felt good. Then I ran out of hot water but cold water also felt good. I had to get out after a while though. Maybe within 15 minutes of getting out the pain came back. I've been crawling around my apartment to try to stay off of it. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I'm going to ask them to check for nutrient and vitamin deficiencies. Also thyroid, testosterone etc. hormone levels. Even if that stuff is normal it'd be good to get a baseline in. Ideal if they can check cortisol too. Idk if there are tests for that though. I have appointments with orthopedics next week, one for the ankle one for the hips. Idk how much that'll cost though so might cancel based on the primary care visit tomorrow. Also wondering if it's lyme disease. I actually do have a bump on my left ankle, although I thought it was a pimple. And behind my ear.

The main thing I reflected on was how I could figure out what's wrong, without ending up in massive debt. I feel like building a muon / cosmic-ray detector would be ideal replacement for x-rays (if they're not too high energy anyway). And ultrasound would be ideal for more detailed modeling.

It'd probably be tough for me to actually make that stuff in my current state and it would take a while. So I'll probably just deal with whatever debt I accrue. Maybe my health insurance will cover it, but I'm not super hopeful.
How-to-have-a-3some reflection: 5 day streak achieved.

Went to the doctor today. She basically said I wasn't dying so take pain meds, problem solved. Fuck I hate doctors. She didn't even mention icing just straight to painkillers. Told her I wanted blood work done to check vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, thyroid, testosterone and general male hormonal panel, and STI tests. What she ended up doing was just vitamin B12, TSH, Free Test, and I think the STIs... when I give blood they check iron for fuck's sake.

Anyway, I've at least found dehydration is not the issue I have right now. My current working hypothesis is that I have some sort of vitamin deficiency. Had an orange juice so I'm at 100+% vitamin C now. Also took an adult male vitamin, drank an ensure, took fish oil (that one was a mistake imo), had a banana, clove of garlic, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

The vitamin C felt divine but that was also the first thing I had after fasting so it might also have been the sugar. The berries also felt great and huge jump in energy. I'm going to start using berries as a caffeine replacement I think. Going back to the grocery store tomorrow to add eggs, milk, onion, and pepper to the mix tomorrow. There was one chick at the grocery store who was maybe okay. I'm feeling a decent bit better now, maybe because I've been taking short (8 hour) work days. Going to hit the sauna then take another bath. Going to try listening to comedy and then go to bed early and I'm going to try to max out vitamins + nutrients tomorrow as across the board as possible. Also going to try cryo therapy and a massage.

I have two orthopedist appointments next week (one ankle, one hip), which I'll go to if diet doesn't fix things this weekend.
And admittedly this reflection was 99% health so perhaps procrastination. But my #1 overall goal is to feel happy and I guess I should clarify my goal is not to have a 3some at any costs (no more whales) but to enjoy a 3some. So getting pain free has to come first.
Doctors there sound so cooked sometimes. I've heard so many horror stories, sucks yours wasn't as cooperative. Hopefully you find a solution to your ankle and hips bro