3some2024 log

How-to-have-a-3some reflection: 6 day streak achieved.

Went to a massage therapist / bodybuilder today. Also included cupping which I've never had before. Looks like an octopus attacked me lol. My left rotator cuff is straight purple. Paid for an hour but it ran 1h40m. Think it was really good. She worked on my hip a bit too and I thought it was questionable but it felt pretty good after. My ankle also was fine afterwards for a bit.

Ate a lot healthier today. Had a glass of orange juice, steak, 2 eggs, green beans, carrots, corn, 3 cloves garlic, a yellow pepper, yogurt, berries.

Tomorrow I'm going to have all that (except chicken or fish instead of steak) and add some onion to the mix.

Also, I matched with one of those "Top Pick" girls on Tinder and she's been messaging me so far. So I think I'll visit Chicago next weekend. I'll do a massage / spa day while I'm there too.

Going out tonight, just hope it doesn't mess my sleep up too much.

Cheers ThePermanentFix - yeah I think I'll have to try a homeopathic doctor at some point. US doctors (at least general practitioners) just want you off their hands.
Yeah it is becoming a bit hit and miss here in Aus at times as well. Just trying to churn through to keep the income high. I am lucky I've had my doctor since I was a kid so they take their time and explore all options.
Reply to TPF: Yeah my pediatrician was really good too. Really went downhill after I moved + he retired.

How-to-have-a-3some reflection: 7 day streak achieved, weekly goal accomplished.

Admittedly much of this week was more of a reflection than truly how-to-have-a-3some.
I think the general reflections have been quite useful. But I also want to spend more time, working backwards so to say to really picture success.

New goal(s) for the week:
0. mantra: my #1 goal is to feel happy most of the time. Say this at least twice a day.
1. no fap (therefore also no porn)
i) I don't want to be ~dependent to fall asleep like I am now.
ii) my expectation is this will increase my testosterone and improve recovery: help with ankle/hip recovery.
iii) I'll also get more desperate/lower standards when I'm out whereas yesterday night I could've tried more twice.
2. Budget: $64/day on average. Chicago this weekend will be more expensive but at least M-Th I want to spend that much or less. Tomorrow I should buy a fruit peeler, floor mats, and beef. Don't need anything else.
3. Max 1 episode of anime per day
Goals for this week:
0. mantra: my #1 goal is to feel happy most of the time. Say this at least twice a day (achieved, 1 day streak)
1. no fap, didn't achieve it yesterday. I CAN today though.
No porn, did achive, 1 day streak.
2. Budget: $64/day average. Spent $3 today (achieved, 1 day streak).
3. Max 1 episode of anime per day (achieved yesterday, not today, 1/2).

Had an awesome day yesterday - but then I had wayyy too much energy when I went to bed. Couldn't sleep a wink. I did kegels earlier in the day to insta reels and stupidly I decided to continue that and grabbed my phone. Still couldn't sleep after the fap - so I fap'd again :(

Finally got to sleep sometime after 2:30am and had to get up at 9am - but I wake up daily at 8am from habit. Was a rather painful day so I nursed on anime. 2 episodes so not bad overall. Anyway, time for bed now.

I KNOW that I have the ability to not fap tonight. Onwards to that one day streak.
3some2024 said:
Max 1 episode of anime per day (achieved yesterday, not today, 1/2).

if you want to watch a bunch of anime, just do it in pure japanese, it will no longer become a "bad habit to break" and will definitely help you feel "happy most of the time" according to your main goal lol
Worst feeling when the fap doesn't put you to sleep man. Sleep issues in general just cause a cascading effect of fuckery over everything.
Goals for this week:
0. mantra: my #1 goal is to feel happy most of the time. Say this at least twice a day (achieved, 2 day streak)
1. no fap, achieved yesterday. I CAN achieve today too (1/2, 1 day streak; incidental no porn 2 day streak)
2. Budget: $64/day average. Spent $260 today, largely related to my trip this weekend (hostel, photoshoot). $263 so far this week ($448 weekly budget still okay).
3. Max 1 episode of anime per day (achieved so far tentative 2/3).

Ankle felt a bit worse after my drum lesson today but overall feels better I think than last week. Went to ortho today and X-rays showed nothing broken. Not suprised but still a good thing I guess. If it doesn't get better in 1-2 months he said he'll order an MRI to see what's going on. He seemed like a good guy. Was a long wait for a pretty short appointment though. Ortho appointment for the hip tomorrow morning, GN all!

colgate, yeah that is a boss idea, cheers mate. Would be fun to learn Japanese by immersion that way.
ThePermanentFix, yeah it's the absolute worst. Just goes to show it doesn't even help me get to sleep as much as I thought.
Goals for this week:
0. mantra: my #1 goal is to feel happy most of the time. Say this at least twice a day (achieved, 2 day streak)
1. no fap, achieved yesterday. I CAN achieve today too (2/3, 2 day streak; incidental no porn 3 day streak)
2. Budget: $64/day average. Spent $113.50 today. Lunch wasn't necessary but the groceries and ortho was. $376.60 so far this week ($448 weekly budget still ~okay).
3. Max 1 episode of anime per day (achieved 3/4).

Ortho thinks it's my SI joint. Wants me to take an anti-inflammatory. Will plan to pick it up after the gym tomorrow if the pharmacy is still open, otherwise Friday. Hip felt better today when I switched chairs in the office -- but this chair fucks my shoulders. Since I just did the change the shoulders aren't too bad but it's really pretty frustrating. I probably just need to buy myself a desk to really fix this.
0. mantra: my #1 goal is to feel happy most of the time. Say this at least twice a day (achieved, 4 day streak)
1. no fap, achieved yesterday. I CAN achieve today too (3/4, 3 day streak; incidental no porn 4 day streak)
2. Budget: $64/day average. Spent more than for the week already...
3. Max 1 episode of anime per day (not 3/5).

Watched all the new shows that released today. Guess it makes sense that the top priorities I'm taking more seriously than the lower priorities. Also I'm thinking the bigger deal is to focus more on positives next week (written reflections again) than on not doing stuff. Because I tend to just be bored trying to just eat. So we'll see how that goes next week.

Got the number of a venezuelan girl from Tinder. I'm pretty busy this weekend but we worked on Saturday morning at a spot close to her place.

Main life-sucks moment today was the gym. At least 50% of the sessions I've had with this trainer I've hurt something in an entirely new/unexpected way. I'm not going tough out the rest of the sessions. I'm going to start swimming to recover / hopefully stay in shape. When I'm feeling better I'm going to just do calisthenics and powerlifting at first. No more of these bullshit machines until I'm not as fucked up.

Regarding my budget, my main takeaway is I might need to think about my budget for the month instead of the week. Good news is no more personal training so an extra $360/mo there. And I'm probably going to have to start meal-prepping / figure out how to cut down food costs. And I guess just one trip per month. Will have to think of other ways to cut down costs.
0. mantra: my #1 goal is to feel happy most of the time. Say this at least twice a day (achieved, 5 day streak)
1. no fap, achieved yesterday. I CAN achieve today too (4/5; 4 day streak; incidental no porn 4 day streak)
2. Budget: $64/day average. Spent more than for the week already...
3. Max 1 episode of anime per day (4/6)

Didn’t watch any anime. Drove to Chiraq. Took 4 hours and was exhausted. Still went out with my wing. Could’ve sworn he said he was 40 but on Bumble he’s 46. I guess age is just a number but I don’t like his demeanor either.

Anyway, lot of pairs of girls (3some pull opps). I was wearing a Rudolph sweater. Was decent but would’ve been better with a light up hat. Anyway I disqualified my self a few times opening (“sorry to interrupt”). Something for me to work on for sure. One girl was down and chatted me up first but ugly af. Somewhat main takeaway is I need more $$$. I’m sure that’s not totally true but I did have like 4 drinks tonight so at least $64 in addition to dinner etc….
0. mantra: my #1 goal is to feel happy most of the time. Say this at least twice a day (achieved, 6 day streak)
1. no fap, achieved yesterday. I CAN achieve today too (5/6; 5 day streak; incidental no porn 6 day streak)
2. Budget: $64/day average. Spent more than for the week already...
3. Max 1 episode of anime per day (5/7)

My tracking of time is off somehow. Anyway easy no fap since I’m in a bunk bed. Budget is tough while traveling. Hopefully I stay within my budget for the month.

Photoshoot today was pretty bad. Still got fun photos for IG and was only $80 so fair enough that it was meh since was bottom of the barrel price. Cute black girl was there too but turned out not single. Would be fun to hit on girls mid photoshoot in the future. Also thinking I might as well make money doing photoshoots of other people at this point. Then I travel, get photos of me, and get paid to do it. Also meet girls. Ideal.

Date flaked today twice. 3rd and last chance tomorrow. We’ll see.

Blackhawks game was fun. Hit on an incredibly attractive blonde chick at the entrance. Astoundingly was single. Wish I was smoother. My wing hit a n a couple girls and I joined him for one. Girl was 42 and at first I was thinking no way. But she was cool and we were vibing. Decently attractive. Married tho.

Told two girls at a cocktail bar ily. They were shocked/weirded out. So I’ll have to work on the delivery or just scrap that idea.
0. mantra: my #1 goal is to feel happy most of the time. Say this at least twice a day (achieved, 7 day streak)
1. no fap, achieved yesterday. I CAN achieve today too (6/7; 6 day streak; incidental no porn 7 day streak)
2. Budget: $64/day average. Spent a lot this past weekend, still need to assess...
3. Max 1 episode of anime per day (5/7 so far probably 6/8)

Date with Venezuelan girl this morning. Idk she's really hot enough to be that boring/annoying to text. Main thing is she doesn't go to the gym / do anything athletic anymore apparently. She's not fat but thought she had some muscle in her photos / was fit and was disappointed in person. Idk if I'll see her again.

Otherwise just drove home, bath, eating dinner now. Muscle in my leg is bothering me I think from the drive. Or maybe from all the Chicago clutching.

Was an interesting weekend. Idk for sure I want to live in a city. Wondering if the play is to live close to a metro line and in the near suburbs rather than actually live downtown.

Anyway need to do more reflection on what goals to set for this week. After I reach the 7 day streak on no fap (which I'll have to double check if that's after today or if I have to tomorrow too) I'll aim for 1-2x per week fap which I think is reasonable. One goal will definitely be related to reflecting more directly on how to achieve a 3some. Both steps to take NOW plus later. Another goal might be going swimming every day instead of the baths I've been taking.
Busted no fap streak yday Bc of binging IG reels. Anyway, 6/7 not too bad. Goal is to fap only on Monday skipping today.

I’ll similarly continue with my mantra, and budget but will only continue to log about the budget.

I decided my main goal for the week is to construct a new Tinder that’s 100% focused on 3somes. Will work on other apps too.
Could've sworn I posted yday but I guess it didn't go through. Made a new Tinder bio and thought I posted it here but maybe the picture was too big.

Anyway, good day today. Finally got my teeth cleaned. 2 hour home workout. Made notes for how to improve it a bit. Def need to wear shoes bc of my ankle/feet next time, bit annoying but it is what it is. Hip add/abds are going to be a game changer. And doing low range of motion calf raises / heel raises appears to be best for me.

Spent $33 today (dental appointment) and zero yesterday. One of the best things I can possibly do is prioritize working ergonomically at the office (and at home tbh) the next few days.
That is some cheap teeth cleaning man. It is like $120-$170 here haha. Would be curious to see the bio, I never know what to fkn write in em.
Good progress man I like seeing you try new things and improve your situation. Can't wait to hear that you got your threesome ;)
Re:nofap, if you want to make it one of or the priority in your life, you might check out some of Mark Queppet's video series or coaching options. He knows his stuff for quitting porn and fapping.
Pretty good day today, got most of my grading done. Spent zero dollars today. Four hours of meetings = sitting almost in a row though which sucked. Hip started bothering me. Thankfully I eventually just stood in the back instead of sitting b/c other ppl were. I need to be less conscious and just do what I need to do to remove pain when it arises.

Home workout today was 1.5 hours, bit better than yesterday, wore shoes for it. Ankle still bit annoyed right now. Tomorrow I'll be pretty busy and going out at night. But ideally I'll do a short workout in the AM and even better if I do a round 2 before going out. Ideally will ice the ankle 1+ times too.

Set my Tinder location to Vegas for now. Also thought a bit more about where I want to live this summer when I'm 12 weeks no-job 100% 3some focused. I was originally thinking Chicago. I guess any major city should be fine but I feel like Chicago is a bit more conservative and most ideal would be somewhere girls are really sexually liberated. So maybe Paris? Or London? Berlin? Or Melbourne? I'll have to do more research on that. Also figure out which has best cost of living and figure out ideal neighborhoods for an apartment. Might also go off of where is closest to the craziest festivals / conventions etc.

it's bedtime now but tomorrow I want to look at where + when there are anime conventions in summer 2024, especially if there are any hentai/harem ones.


ThePermanentFix, I have dental insurance through my work otherwise it'd be $250+
It could've been free but I paid for the fluoride (would've been +$50 w/o insurance), which I probably should've skipped tbh.

MILFandCookies, cheers, appreciate the positivity mate.

NightRoller, appreciate the help. I'm good though. I hit 6/7 days no fap and I went 7 days no porn twice in the past three-four weeks now. I don't actually want to zero fap. I'm more of shooting for 1-3x per week.
Didn't post yesterday as I worked, ate, went out, then pretty much straight to bed. Wish I had more time for a full workout bc my hip was killing me last night. I still did a few exercises here and there so better than nothing.

Spent $30 so still within my budget. Cancelled UberOne. Realized I'm getting charged for AWS monthly and need to figure out which account I used to cancel that.

Revised my Tinder bio a bit. Will post the latest one here in a bit.

Yeah I just started leafing through Andy's 3some guide, cheers bonzo34. Hope you get the 50 lays.