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3some2024 log

Here’s my latest Tinder bio

Idk if it’s just my phone but that looks hard to read. So I’ll also just paste it here:

When I was young, girls hated when I pulled their hair. Funny how some things change.

Visiting Vegas monthly 2024. Looking for a pair of tall blondes to blow on my…dice. For luck 🍀

If you’re not a tall blonde, but into magic tricks, I can teach you how to pick up a pair 👯‍♀️ and how to tie up those hogs until they’re squealing with excitement

Runner ups may be entered to join the mile high club, if you ask nicely 😇
This is V4. Goal is to make it more subtle while still being upfront about my intentions. Basically more clever/innuendo
3some2024 said:
When I was young, girls hated when I pulled their hair. Funny how some things change.

Literally every 2nd dude has this in his bio.

If you want something “dominant”. Keep it short and to the point

Avoid stuff like 😇

Reading it again. Sorry to be the one to reveal this to you but…

It is cringe af.

You are probably better off deleting everything honestly

Think about this:
How does the dominant cool guy behave?

Do you think he gives two fucks about some tinder bio. Does he even have time for constructing some elaborate one?

Probably not.

He keeps it short cos he does not have time and let’s his pics speak for itself.

Same applies for texting.
Spent $29 yday, zero today.

Week-in-review: started home workouts and been feeling massively better since.

Goal for this week is to spend 15+ minutes on a written reflection related to how to accomplish my goals in 2024 and beyond.
Okay so a quick overall review.

Week 1: no porn. Achieved. Have watched since then but not much and I'm probably on a week plus streak now.
Week 2: how-to-have-a-3some written reflections. Achieved. Stopped after that week though.
Week 3: I had four goals: mantra, no fap, budget, anime cap. Did well on all them, have kept all in mind since.
Week 4: new Tinder + other apps. Tinder bio achieved. Need to work on photos + other apps.

Week 5 (this one): 15 minute written reflection. Achieved today. It's perhaps disappointing that this is basically the same goal as week 2, but I did additionally start home workouts in week 4.

So this week I'll broaden the goals to:
#1: 15 minute written reflection on 2024+ goals
#2: exercise / heal ankle/hip/shoulder etc and ideally progress physical goals
#3: 15 minutes research per day (starting tomorrow)

I should also start tracking nutrition per day. I'm eating pretty healthy overall but I could be too low on calcium or iron etc.

Today I had a massage for my hip. Might've slightly made it worse, particularly the ankle. Not majorly though. And definitely didn't do anything major to fix it. Main interesting notes in terms of her diagnosis: said I have an obliquity (left hip is too high and right one is too low or vice versa) and I have 3 ligaments in my left ankle that are fucked as well as a tendon sheath.

I think both are getting slowly better with time. Biggest deal being minimal computer time and the exercises I'm doing. I've been refining day-day but def need to look up additional exercises to mix things up. Trying acupuncture Thursday, so hopefully that helps or at least doesn't fuck things up worse.
Sucks your hips and legs are giving you so much trouble bro. I'm not sure if it would help in your case, but Kit Laughlin has some really good stretches and movements in general. Though I'd avoid stretching the ankle if you have cooked ligaments in it and focus on strengthening it. My left ankle is pretty weak due to two big injuries on it when I was younger.
Felt pretty good this morning but I think I messed the hip up a bit working today. Was in a new way: one knee up / one down. I think my back / torso posture somehow stresses the hip when I’m hunched over on my computer. So feeling kind of fucked but I’ll just have to keep experimenting.

Tomorrow I’ll go to the office I guess. Or I might grab a wireless keyboard and mouse plus a ton of paper/magazines/books to get things to the height I need.

Did my reflection today. Main takeaway is I need to find a way to work as little as possible January-May (while still satisfactorily otherwise I’ll get depressed) and go all out approaching plus Chicago every weekend. I can afford it if I don’t do any special events and don’t spend much during the week.

Also I’ll need to actually buy a bed I think / figure out how to make my place believable to myself as a place I could have a 3some in.

Did the home workout. Spent zero dollars.

ThePermanentFix said:
Sucks your hips and legs are giving you so much trouble bro. I'm not sure if it would help in your case, but Kit Laughlin has some really good stretches and movements in general. Though I'd avoid stretching the ankle if you have cooked ligaments in it and focus on strengthening it. My left ankle is pretty weak due to two big injuries on it when I was younger.

Cheers mate. I’ll check out Kit Laughlin tomorrow. Agreed that I need strengthening more than stretching but I’m also low on range-of-motion atm so it might help.
Spent zero dollars. Wrote a reflection.

Did exercises/stretches basically all day.

Came up with a new bio for Tinder. Set up a Hinge account and realized I have a ton of photos with potential. I’m going through them all now to identify the top photos. 700ish to go and have more on a flash drive back at my place (visiting family now).

To do:
- keep sifting through photos
- try using a face swap app with an IG model or ones that are edgier than I currently have.
- swipe a bit on Tinder, Hinge. Ask for feedback on Tinder/Hinge
- set up more OLD profiles
Spent zero dollars today. Did my reflection.

Swam 3m40s continuously (2 laps back and forth).
5 pushups.
No drums today.

Had an acupuncture/shock therapy appointment today for the hip. Think it helped a bit but not majorly. He thinks it’s my psoas, recommended I get something called pso-rite from Amazon and do 5 stretches once a day.

Got some emails handled and tried 4 different ways of working but in the end I just put my laptop on my lap and hunched over which hurt my back/hips. So I’ll keep at that tomorrow and maybe just quit for the day earlier to avoid getting lazy on posture. More so I need to find a set up without pain I can actually relax into.

Set up a TanTan account. Filled out all the Qs but wondering if less is more.

Swiped a bit on Tinder and Hinge.

Also I cut down my potentially decent photos to about 300. Need to cut down more and then ask for advice.
3some2024 said:
Also I cut down my potentially decent photos to about 300. Need to cut down more and then ask for advice.

Post 'em! We'll help you out.
Spent $28 today, did my reflection,

Swam 4m30s (three laps there and back or 6 lengths).
6 pushups.
No drums.

Swiped on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, TanTan today.

Set up a Badoo account. 17 photos (think they have no cap??) Refined TanTan because they were pretty annoying getting verified. Also got Hinge photo verified.

Further cut down photos by tossing out the ones that, while having some potential, give off more bf vs 3some vibes. Some of them anyway. Idk why since I’m not even deleting just removing from an album but having a hard time removing them.

Anyway cheers Joe. Hope you’re doing well. And for anyone else interested in providing feedback, here’s my current top 240 or so. I’m trying to use different photos for every OLD profile. Uploaded them there too (well will in 1 min)
I think the longboard one looks sick as and candid if you crop it in a bit. But wait for an expert's opinion haha. You have some pretty awesome ones in there from what I can see man.
Cheers TPF. I thought my physique doesn’t show great in that one so good to know you dig it.

Spent $99 today, like $60 over budget, oof. Still okay for the week and month tho. Car wash sub which I consider worth it since I like to wash my car often. And then a sub I should’ve canceled months ago. Canceled it today at least.

Did my reflection. Tomorrow I want to identify my #1 goal for improvement like I did today and consider goals within categories with levels to be more organized. And to remind myself about weekly goals and start to think about monthly/quarterly/year goals and steps to accomplish them.

Swam 9m20s today, 4 laps back and forth (8 pool lengths).

Drum practice: improved my left grip, hit 175bpm pretty solid, 180 bpm good for 2/3 the paradiddles, and 185 bpm just the first one.

7 pushups today.

Swiped on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, TanTan, Badoo.

Set up coffee meets bagel today.
I also have bad posture from hunching over my desk, doing dead-hang stretches and pull-ups/chin-ups made a huge improvement. They're also free if you find a tree limb or playground. Or you could buy a pull-up bar that slides into your door frame.

I don't know shit about drums, but as a metalhead I think drumming is pretty sick. What kinda music do you listen/play drums to?

Since your trying for a 3some you want to convey sex, the picture of you lifting dumbells shows off your good physique. Including the skydiving pic would display your boldness/adventurous nature. Surfing pic is cool, what girl doesn't like a surfer dude. I say this as someone who has NEVER used online dating, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
I like your Tinder profile. Great mix of exciting settings, activities, etc. although the dog photo looks very posed and fake, I'd delete that and replace it once you have a better one.

I recognize one of the photos ;) Knew you as RogerRoger, didn't realize you'd changed your name on the forums. I think you were literally my first paid client.

In the google drive folder there's a lot of potential. You're good at posing to look candid when you try, but most of the photos you're looking straight at the camera and smiling, or doing a cheesy pose... maybe 1 cheesy pose near the end of your profile to make you look fun and like you don't take yourself seriously, but that would be the max. You know how to pose to look candid, just do more of that when you have photos taken of you instead of pointing at something, or framing a sign, or looking straight at the camera and smiling. You've been traveling a lot and you have so many cool settings it would be great to take advantage of them.

You look very young, maybe even a bit too young for the typical girl. I'd like to ask if you have any interest in going to the gym and adding some muscle because that would boost your appearance.

Also, I'm not sure if growing a beard or stubble would work. I don't think you have the jaw to really rock the clean-shaven look but on the other hand, this makes you look like the rich accountant. If you like girls who'd like this male archetype, sure keep it. If you like different girls, it's something to consider.
Pretty productive day even with church + family dinner. Except my feet were killing me at church. I think my hip is getting better-ish but idk.

Main improvement today is I really organized the tracking of my weekly goals in my offline journal which I check multiple times a day (vs I’m on here once). I broke things down into
1. Improving my overall happiness
2. 3some goal
3. Finances

Admittedly there’s a lot of overlap but it still helped prioritizing everything.

I’m basically keeping my same weekly goals as last week since I forgot the research goal until today. I’m just going to add taking the anti-inflammatory because I think I took it today but can’t remember and then I’ll jot it down (vs not).

Spent $82 today so over the daily budget but did great for the week still.

Did my reflection. Going to make it a weekly-monthly habit of buying sex toys / cool stuff as excuses to invite girls home. Also decided to lower my standards to experiment with the toys.

Swam 9m35s, 8.5 Pool lengths total today. 1st set was 4 laps in 8m55s so decent bit faster than yesterday.

Drum practice: pretty decent improvement. Fell apart at 200 bpm but did decent at 195 bpm.

8 pushups today.

Swiped on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, TanTan, Badoo, CMB today.

3 new Tinder matches: 1 prob fake/scam and 1 meh but messaged first. I haven’t been following a template lately but think I ought to start tracking that again.

Set up a 3Fun account. Idk if there’ll be any real girls but it had more reviews than Feeld. Still useful as it makes me develop new bios. I think the recent Tinder matches is either girls bored w family or my new bio is better:
Will hold your hand down the street and grip your neck under the sheets. Prefer long wavy hair in public and a ponytail to tug in private.

Looking for an adventurous, free-spirited girl who’s down for 👯‍♀️🦄 and ✈️

warpednoodle said:
I also have bad posture from hunching over my desk, doing dead-hang stretches and pull-ups/chin-ups made a huge improvement. They're also free if you find a tree limb or playground. Or you could buy a pull-up bar that slides into your door frame.

I don't know shit about drums, but as a metalhead I think drumming is pretty sick. What kinda music do you listen/play drums to?

Since your trying for a 3some you want to convey sex, the picture of you lifting dumbells shows off your good physique. Including the skydiving pic would display your boldness/adventurous nature. Surfing pic is cool, what girl doesn't like a surfer dude. I say this as someone who has NEVER used online dating, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Cheers mate. Def appreciate the photo feedback. I thought the db pic was kinda basic especially since I’m more into powerlifting but good to hear you liked it. The other ones are some of my favs too.

Yeah I should give pull-ups/chin-ups/dead hangs a go. I love them too.

I started learning drums about 3 months ago with weekly lessons and don’t have a kit yet - I told myself I had to hit 200 bpm on my paradiddles before I reward myself with that. So I’ve just been learning basic drum beats (think We Will Rock You by Queen, Eye of the Tiger by Survivor etc) and fills.

I’m mostly into classic rock (the beach boys) and alt/pop rock (the killers/blink 182).

What metal bands are you into?
I love the beach boys! Never heard of the killers or blink 182 but I'll check em out, recommendations from other people is usually how I find new music (cause I don't use spotify).

What metal bands am I into? oh man.. this might take awhile :lol:

There's more but these are what comes to mind.
- soreption
- korn
- pantera
- megadeth
- static-x
- children of bodom
- lamb of god
- avenged sevenfold
- mudvayne
- ozzy osbourne
- metallica
- slipknot
- prong
- system of a down
- drowning pool
- helmet
- primus
- bodysnatcher
- amon amarth
Cheers mate, I dig Ozzy and Metallica too. I also don’t use Spotify and haven’t heard of most those groups so it’ll be cool to check them out 1x1 :)

Less productive day overall as I only got about 1/3 as far into my reflection as yesterday’s but still had a useful reflection, especially on the 3some side.

Spent zero dollars. Inspired by Paid Renegade I’m adding one additional goal to this week: I’m going to invest $1/day, with the goal of increasing that to $2/day next week etc. I need to look into the best options but I think I’ll start with a 5.4% APY CD (or fund if I can’t continuously deposit) my friend showed me. Following week I’ll diversify to riskier investments and increase the percentage I put into the “winning” strat and keep trying new things each week. I also want to try the Corvette raffle as the odds are pretty good for the stingray while still being an affordable gamble for the month.

No swim today with the pool closed but I still got my joint rotations, calisthenics, and hip stretches done. Definitely improving there tho idk that it helps at all with the hip pain yet.

Drum practice: probably regressed a bit specifically on the RRRRLLLL paradiddle but I still did decent at 195 BPM and technically got 200 BPM done for the first two. I was stiff af tho, definitely still room for improvement.

9 pushups today.

Swiped on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, TanTan, Badoo, CMB, 3Fun, FB today.

Forgot Facebook dating existed lol. I have at least 1 like and one who wants to be “friends” which seems promising.

2 new Tinder likes: 1 looks decent, plus a top pick Latina match.

No matches on Bumble. I get likes but don’t pay for premium there.

Hinge is absolute trash. My Elo on Hinge must be bottom of the barrel or maybe you have to pay now? Have to do like 20 Xs for every like.

TanTan got a new match.

Badoo no one is close lol.

CMB I have 10 likes now but don’t pay for it yet, no matches, suggested girls are a decent mix.

3Fun I got two matches, one quite hot and reasonable distance, one a bit thicker than I like but ass looks incredible but kinda far. No responses to openers yet but I did switch my bio today so I’ll switch back to what they would’ve swiped on tomorrow.

I also started a Pure profile today (had more reviews than Feeld and they were the ad). They require payment to do anything tho. Saw on Reddit that after 30 days they offer a free week so I guess I’ll wait, sounds like their user base is smol.

By the way, I’ve been trying to improve my profiles (mostly bio but swapping photos here and there) on each app every day so it’s taking a while now. Think I spent 2 hours on OLD today. Which is okay but not really sustainable once work starts back up.

Also I worked from my phone today using Termius. Definitely way less efficient but better on my hip/ankle and easier to do with family events. Might be a game changer.
Yday went bowling with friends. Unfortunately was a late night and had trouble sleeping. I find if I go to bed after midnight (or maybe it’s some window between 10p -12a) I have trouble sleeping.

So I’m going to make this quick and go to bed.

Altogether great day despite not much sleep (had to wake up early to see off my sister):

My feet didn’t bug me this afternoon/evening. Which is interesting since I tweaked something in my foot while swimming today.

I think my feet are doing better because of the additional stretches the acupuncturist gave me yesterday (2nd session), primarily ones targeting my psoas.

In fact my hip was bugging me on the drive home but releasing my psoas by hand gave me some relief.

It felt like I tweaked my back a bit doing one of the new stretches today. So I’m going to move stretches back to being after I swim or at least some warm up (yeah was stupid of me).

But my back feels mostly fine now and overall feeling pretty good.

I’ve been working from my phone using Termius which was feeling bit tough on the neck. But I have some 90 degree glasses that helped that out. Overall feeling pretty good.

Numbers update:
Yday: swam 10 laps 10 minutes, 10 pushups, drums to 200 bpm-ish

Today: swam 12 laps 14m15s, 11 pushups, drums hit 200 bpm pretty solid for RL, LR, stopped RRRRLLLL at 180ish bpm

Wrote down top 20ish high-yield low-commitment CDs, and the clear winner is BMO Alto actually for their savings account: 5.1% APY compounding daily (paid monthly) no minimum, no fees, nationwide (online only). They also have the highest CD I’ve found (unless you live in Washington/work for Boeing) with no minimum deposit.

Updated my business bank account address to keep that updated.

Asked for a refund for SectigoStore EV Code Signing Certificate, fingers crossed that goes through but it sounds like worst case I get store credit to try again…

Created a Grindr profile - probably a mistake seems to be all dudes. But I’ll probably write an article about trying these 10-100 apps sometime so it might be funny to toss in. I was hoping there’d be lesbian couples but I guess they’re not shown to me. Maybe it’d be worth it with a paid account but the only thing I’ve paid for is Tinder so far and I definitely think other apps have higher potential.

The main way I can improve tomorrow is to complete some additional 3some-goal tasks I’ve been putting off.