3some2024 log

Cheers fellas.

Went to a cooking class this morning. Pretty swanky crowd. One law student seemed decent - crazy petite with tiny arms. We seemed smiley / open at first, but got icy after a bit.

Maybe it’s because we were kinda shafted on our dough, and the class ran 3 hours (advertised as 2). The thing I can control is I could have done a better job fitting in more naturally into the group and taking my tasks to completion instead of letting the other dude finish. Basically, being a better leader. I also could have been more conversational. I cracked a few jokes that went well. One tease the girl didn’t seem to hear, but maybe because it was too harsh.

On the plus side, I know I can improve if I try to. And I wasn’t sure if the cooking class would be all 40+ but there was at least one if not a few girls and an awesome ratio too. Also would help if I knew more cooking fun facts, but I’m definitely not planning on doing that sort of thing at home as a hobby.

Ran decent. Cut short because I tweaked my elbow doing an arm workout during a break. Need to up my nutrition pre-exercise. And better listen to my body.

Tonight I was torn between staying in and working vs going out. Ultimately decided Saturday night is not meant to be a work interval. Then I was torn between the purpose of going out being to bring a girl home, build a social circle, or make money.

Settled on all 3: went to two bars to assess a pub crawl route I can host in the future. I forgot my camera but next week I’m bringing it with and will try posting an Airbnb experience. Probably will be tough to bootstrap, but where there’s a will there’s a way.

Went to two bars and they were 100% black. I don’t mind per se, I’ve always had 1-2 black friends wherever I’ve been and I’ve banged black girls. But it was a bit unnerving the way people were looking at me. And none of the girls were hot. They also served drinks in plastic cups at the second spot and both the bouncer patted me down (tbf had a big jacket). I’m sort of South side but I don’t think it’s too ghetto per se. Not quite what I was expecting tho. At the papa John’s one dude chatted me up. Should’ve swapped IG, next time.

Not the worst to have a quick out though, I needed the food and crossed a few places off my list. Tomorrow back to working. Pretty conflicted whether to work social jobs for a bit to possibly make money but more importantly build up a social circle + meet hot girls and generally have life experiences (e.g., bartender, yoga instructor, photographer, pub crawl organizer, personal trainer, masseuse, hair stylist, chiropractor, pilot, etc)

OR to make as much as I can. Applied to a hedge fund position last week and a Director position with a salary range 200-290k. Going to apply to another director position that’s 200-245k tomorrow. Citadel offers around 240k base and supposedly bonuses are greater than base. Same with two sigma / DE Shaw (both NYC, base range is 165k-300k). The downside is idk if I’ll have weekends off and I’ll probably be back to working 60-100 hours per week. Which is fine, I’ve done that before and I’d only do one of those positions for a year or two. The downside is that I’m fairly certain it’s ~impossible to progress with my fitness goals when working that many hours weekly. Basically I find that 1-2 hour gym sessions per day basically are solely for recovery - and depending on how many hours I’ll need to work maybe I won’t be able to go every day.

Anyway that’s the dilemma.

Will probably post in a week or so.