Adam's Deleted Log

Adam said:
Today's Weight: 177.0 (whoa)

Very odd spike in weight today. The human body is weird.

Body weight can fluctuate by +/- 3to5 lbs in a week. (Even more if your switching from 1 diet to another).

I just use the lowest weight I hit during a week as that week's number. Its worked very accurately for me (I've lost 50 lbs in the last year).
Here's a graph of how you're weight usually fluctuates throughout a week.
I recommend chronometer for tracking calories. It even measures nutrients and often you can scan the food package and it will pull all the data from it. I am sure you are doing it already but be sure to take the same selfie and weigh yourself at the same time every week. Weight is important but letting the mirror be your guide is the real key to optimizing your physique.
Checking your weight day by day is stupid. You should look for a pattern instead - the pattern being it droping/growing long term. You wont lose or gain a noticable weight in a day even if you starve yourself or eat twice your usual calories.

I think someone here was ploting his daily weight, but then making another plot with average weight from the last 7 weeks. Now that is something you can use to watch your progress more accurately.
Thats what I was doing Lostcause

I took morning and evening weights every day. But only really looked at the weekly median numbers

Median is the one you want apparently for weight tracking
Our of curiousity where on the east coast? no worries if you don't want to share but there's a couple of us in the Boston area. Never snowboarded or skiied when I was a kid - went a few times in college and can empathize with falling!! Glad you got your goal, keep it up!
Adam said:
I did a long fast on Tuesday where I skipped breakfast and lunch and just ate dinner. I plan to do that again today.

Yeah let us know how that goes and effects the scale.

Have you tried aiming for bigger calorie deficits? How did those go?
Adam said:
Instead of fasting until 1 and having a big lunch, I ate a small "breakfast" at 11, then another small lunch at 2. My energy levels feel good

I did that experiment too, breakfast makes the rest of the day easier hunger wise for me. 1/3 of my calories for the day comes from breakfast.
Hey Adam. Can you include in one of your logs what your food+drink intake was? Not just the calories at the end of the day but what and how much. For your lifting, are you following a program?
Adam said:
I ate poorly over the weekend. We had a big snowstorm on Sunday and I got a little depressed from being inside and alone. I ate a bunch to feel better.

The days I usually eat poorly are days when I don't have anything that I need to do for the day and have nothing social scheduled for the evening. I end up playing video games for too long, feeling burnt out from that, and eating food to make myself feel better. Do any of you guys have that problem? I like having free time, but too much of it puts me in a bad mood and leads to self-destructive behavior.

I definitely feel you on having too much free time leading to destructive behavior - For me being productive, planning, and just doing things properly begets more of the same. I used to just get absolutely trashed every weekend because it was like ... well I have no obligations I'll just go full hedonist.

I'm the opposite for social stuff though - I'll frequently eat more or drink when I wasn't planning to if I'm people and we're eating or drinking.

Got lucky with the storm and wasn't hit bad...places 20 minutes from me got 2 feet and I got like 5 inches... but I can definitely empathize with what you're saying, to out of nowhere be cooped up inside all alone I would probably find an excuse to start eating or drinking etc...and then not stop because the seal is off...

The longer I've been here and taking myself seriously though I can definitely feel my mindset changing, I think if we just keep being serious about our goals and in the bigger picture be trying to make any progress, the cheat/bad/hedonistic days because more infrequent
Adam said:
19 days to goal deadline (170.0 lbs)
Today's Weight: 174.4

I ate poorly on Saturday night again this weekend. Same thing that normally happens. Too much free time, got bored and slightly depressed, went a little bit over calories, then said "may as well go all in tonight and start over tomorrow". I know that's a bad strategy, but in the moment it makes sense. Frustrating. I can get myself to work out consistently, but abstaining from something - especially an entrenched habit like boredom eating - is way tougher for me.

Don't feel too bad about single instances of eating above your goal (if cutting) or below your goal (if bulking). If cheat days help you get through the week, then it's worth taking them so long as you're able to increase your deficit for the other days of the week to make up for it.
Adam said:
I think I put myself in a bad mood by spending too much time scrolling twitter during non-busy times at work. I need to replace that with something else. Maybe read these forums instead or get up and take a short walk.

Why not install Kindle on your phone and read 1-2 short pages instead of Twitter?
You might like this book:

Combo of business, mindset and dating advice. Super easy to read and has volumes 2 and 3 in case you want moar.
Adam said:
3403 calories

I actually admire that you put that number out there. I would feel fucking embarrassed just to throw that number up. That's some real humility.

I haven't posted how many calories I eat in a day for awhile. I'll start doing that again now.
Adam said:
12 days to goal deadline (170.0 lbs)
Today's Weight: 173.8

Yesterday Recap:
1534 Calories. For the date: I thought we'd need to buy food with our drinks since that's been the rule in Philadelphia. But, apparently the bartender at this bar was ok with breaking that rule because he told us we could just get drinks if we wanted. So when I got back from the date, I'd just had a glass of wine since lunch and it was already late, so I just ate enough food to get my daily protein and ended up with low calories for the day.

Date itself was fun. Conversation was extremely easy, which made it easy to joke and mess with her. She doesn't have a car which is the case for most people in the city. She said she's looking for a relationship. I made it clear that although I want that eventually, I want to keep it casual at first for at least a month or two. Which is true. I think a girlfriend would be great for me but I'm not rushing into exclusivity.

Sounds like a great date! I've the same thing happen in boston with waiters not caring - they're definitely supposed to make sure you order food when you order drinks...I even specifically asked about it a couple times and the just didn't care....nice...
Adam said:
Has anyone else dealt with and hopefully gotten rid of the habit of binge-eating?

Yeah got rid of most of it. I still get it from time to time.

Track your triggers.

Mine are
- boredom
- Having a day where I don't want to be accountable to anything
- Lack of sleep
- Low motivation

Not a complete list. It's hard to catch because when you need to catch it, is also when you least feel like catching it.

I think what's helped me the most is pouring on painful reasons why overeating will be the death of everything I care about and all my dreams.

It's not an in the moment thing. Like I don't think that right before I think about eating something. I have to journal about it, like on the weekend, and then that feeling of disgust towards overeating lasts a few weeks, or months (depending how intense the feeling is). That usually stops the overeating for me anyway.
What kind of foods are your eating throughout the day? Could be you're eating poorly and not becoming fully satiated, and as a result your calorie intake skyrockets.

Before you snack as well, try and drink some water or something. A lot of the time people are dehydrated, and binge eat to fill that desire. What I've done to try and curb my binge eating is to try and eat better things to snack on. Popcorn is low calorie, and very filling, along with drinking 0 calorie sodas, and sparkling waters.

Also if you adjust your diet in the mornings and evenings as well. Substitute everything for lower calorie options. Light mayo over regular. Turkey bacon over Regular. These small changes add up over the whole day.

For example a breakfast of 2 whole eggs, 2 pieces of toast and 2 slices of bacon = ~500 calories
Where as 2 slices of turkey bacon, low calorie bread and 1 cup of egg whites = ~350. And is way more filling

I have a major sweet tooth, so the biggest change for me was switching to 0 calorie sweeteners. I eat French toast all the time to fill that craving, but substitute it for a low calorie alternative, using eggwhites, low calorie bread, and 0 calorie maple syurp. If your worried about sweeteners being harmful, then just research what different types of substitutes are better and healthier.

Hope this helps. Over eating was a problem I had in the past, but adopting a low calorie diet has given me pretty good results so far.