Adam said:
What's up lads. I found an online counselor for binge eating. Going to give her program a shot. Binging has been a recurring issue that's derailed my diet effort in the past, so if I can get this taken care of that'll be a big step.
This is a MAJOR WIN
You will unlock this piece of the puzzle for yourself and hammer onwards from there.
This is how you do it man, you make it a focus, you put structure around it, you get help, expertise, guidance, and you attack it.
If you've struggled with it for a while, get help and get this piece of the puzzle sorted. Otherwise it slows EVERYTHING down.
In my personal life, when I had extreme anxiety disorders and was housebound for years in my early 20s, I got help. I paid a good amount of money to go to a residential retreat for a week and it changed my life. I still had to execute what they taught me for 4 god damn years to get my life together, but I got the help I needed and now I am living life free from extreme fear, living with my roommate in a fucking awesome place, in Central London one of the coolest places on planet earth, coming back from being a fucking destroyed human being who was so severely anxious and phobic he couldn't even work for 4 years and had to rely on the angels that are my parents.
I am together as a person, work my ass off and am solid as a man. I still pay for wellness and health consultants to this day bro, I am working with a brilliant guy right now in achieving my body goals.
Over and over again, I have gotten the help I needed, paid for it, and then put in the often extreme work to make things work for me.
When I get rich, I will still pay for help and support.
Totally totally proud of you for getting the help you need to be the best man you can be.
Trying to be a lone wolf is loser shit. Everyone who is serious has the network around them to succeed.