Adam's Deleted Log

Good shit on the job Adam! I'm very happy for you!

You must really approach the single digit fat %, looking good!
Fuck yea Knees Over Toes! I am a few months into ZERO, I love that stuff, I do it daily in addition to my gym workouts etc.
Enjoy my man, this is one of the best things I did for my movement and physical function. I tried a lot before but this just changed the way my whole body works, towards durability and robustness that will last a lifetime

I wouldn't beat yourself up too much. You failed, which is fine. But the important thing is that you learn from your failure and act accordingly.

I also struggle with binging. Here are some things I think might be helpful -

1) Noticing. Throughout the day, notice when you get a craving to eat. Try to determine if it is physically driven or emotionally driven. This is a skill you can put effort into and improve in. Once you can notice and differentiate, it will be far easier to actually affect change.

2) Meditate. When you meditate, you run into all sorts of temptations - my back hurts, my nose itches, I'm thirsty. Then, you notice them, and do nothing. You notice that these feelings eventually recede as you continue to sit. I think this is a good way to practice resisting the urge to binge.

3) Can you afford to just pay someone to keep you accountable? You're basically bodybuilding - why not pay a bodybuilding coach to keep you accountable?
Because you care, you will get this shit sorted.

It will come together Adam.

The healthier you get, the more leptin sensitive you are, the less cravings are a thing. These days I often can't actually be bothered to eat and feel just fine. No cravings really for me these days.

When I was a 250lbs beast, obese mess, fuck me it was all over the place.

Don't stress it, keep getting all your hormones balanced, stick to the diet and you will get healthier, kill cravings, and get to your ideal body.

IMO it's about nurturing our body and mind and keeping ourselves healthy in this process. Stressing it a lot is what I have a bad habit of doing and it just breaks your body down and makes it all harder.

Read this:

One of the few, non-gay books about binge-eating.

What's your meal structure like?
Adam said:
The book didn't post. Andy obviously only approves of gay books. My meal structure is usually a small lunch between noon and 1, some fruit after work, then a bigger dinner around 7. Closer to 9 on BJJ nights. My normal food is chicken, beef, vegetables that I cook myself. When I binge on junk, it's almost always in the late evening and usually on a Friday or Saturday when I'm inside with nothing social scheduled for the night. I think boredom is the main trigger, and at the time food seems a more appealing way to alleviate the boredom than pushing myself to exercise or call someone.


Never Binge Again, the Kindle version is free.

If you're not gonna schedule anything social those days, eat breakfast. Don't skip it. Some carbs and protein. You'll see that cravings go down.

You're right on the boredom part. I was a binge eater for years. I'd eat to the point my heart would hurt. Eventually I stopped because I decided to make my life more interesting. Plus, after becoming 33, I realized that time is running out. So, if I'm going to be in a brain fog after bingeing, I'm just robbing myself from doing the things that are important to me. Kinda lame I had to make those realizations at 33, but better late than never.
Adam said:
What's up lads. I found an online counselor for binge eating. Going to give her program a shot. Binging has been a recurring issue that's derailed my diet effort in the past, so if I can get this taken care of that'll be a big step.



This is a MAJOR WIN

You will unlock this piece of the puzzle for yourself and hammer onwards from there.

This is how you do it man, you make it a focus, you put structure around it, you get help, expertise, guidance, and you attack it.

If you've struggled with it for a while, get help and get this piece of the puzzle sorted. Otherwise it slows EVERYTHING down.

In my personal life, when I had extreme anxiety disorders and was housebound for years in my early 20s, I got help. I paid a good amount of money to go to a residential retreat for a week and it changed my life. I still had to execute what they taught me for 4 god damn years to get my life together, but I got the help I needed and now I am living life free from extreme fear, living with my roommate in a fucking awesome place, in Central London one of the coolest places on planet earth, coming back from being a fucking destroyed human being who was so severely anxious and phobic he couldn't even work for 4 years and had to rely on the angels that are my parents.

I am together as a person, work my ass off and am solid as a man. I still pay for wellness and health consultants to this day bro, I am working with a brilliant guy right now in achieving my body goals.

Over and over again, I have gotten the help I needed, paid for it, and then put in the often extreme work to make things work for me.

When I get rich, I will still pay for help and support.

Totally totally proud of you for getting the help you need to be the best man you can be.

Trying to be a lone wolf is loser shit. Everyone who is serious has the network around them to succeed.

Just my 2c, but I've never seen the quit gaming strategy implemented that way ever work. Especially for people who do it a lot, use it as an escape, and need it as an emotional outlet. You can't take *anything* you do for long periods of time repeatedly and replace it with nothing. You have to combine the cold turkey strategy simultaneously with a new pursuit, and the new pursuit has to have *a lot* of meaning to it. You need to be able to channel the pent up desire into something. Willpower is finite, you can use it to cross a gap, but its way better to setup systems that can still work in the absence of willpower. Anything that can only be kept up via consistent willpower is unsustainable. Find a worthwhile hobby or pursuit to put in its place.
Nashville is probably the US city I've had the best Tinder results in terms of quality + quantity (after Houston). The proportion of attractive women there is ridiculously high. I went to a bar in East Nashville called Rosemary and Beauty Queen for a date. The female:male ratio was, no joke (I counted), 10:1. Never seen anything like that in my life.

The only downside would be if you ever wanted to get into cold approach, the streets have fairly low volume, and I was never able to really figure out the nightlife, it seemed like lots of tourists in groups and families.
pancakemouse said:
Nashville is probably the US city I've had the best Tinder results in terms of quality + quantity (after Houston). The proportion of attractive women there is ridiculously high. I went to a bar in East Nashville called Rosemary and Beauty Queen for a date. The female:male ratio was, no joke (I counted), 10:1. Never seen anything like that in my life.

The only downside would be if you ever wanted to get into cold approach, the streets have fairly low volume, and I was never able to really figure out the nightlife, it seemed like lots of tourists in groups and families.
Have you tried using Tinder in South America? Really curious what kind of results you'd get
Adam said:
pancakemouse said:
Nashville is probably the US city I've had the best Tinder results in terms of quality + quantity (after Houston). The proportion of attractive women there is ridiculously high. I went to a bar in East Nashville called Rosemary and Beauty Queen for a date. The female:male ratio was, no joke (I counted), 10:1. Never seen anything like that in my life.

The only downside would be if you ever wanted to get into cold approach, the streets have fairly low volume, and I was never able to really figure out the nightlife, it seemed like lots of tourists in groups and families.

I've been swiping on Tinder while I'm here and yeah, definitely seeing a lot more hotties. Any neighborhoods in Nashville you'd recommend checking out? My Airbnb is in Downtown near Broadway. I've heard that the Gulch is a really nice area too

Depends on what you're looking for.

The Gulch is basic bitch central and has the hottest girls in town. The social life is centered around the large "luxury" apartment complexes, which house recent college grads and basically are like an extended college experience.

East Nashville is more hipster mixed with some young couples and young families, but hot girls as well.

I really liked this neighborhood called The Nations, which was completely rebuilt after the 2010 flood - but I wouldn't go there for the women.
Hahaaaa Adam is back in town and fucking WORKING

Glad you are posting regularly

Enjoy the transformation that will happen for you now you have discovered THE HARDEST MAN GOD EVER MADE, DAVID GOGGINS!!!

I have a signed copy of his book next to my bed, it is my prized possession. Dude is legit my hero. He inspires me to grind until my bones crack every freakin day of my life

Adam you will have a killer year this year, be successful, be one of lifes winners, enjoy the glory this life can bring

Im seconding Makingacomeback David Goggins book is truly great I think I'm on chapter 7. Its great work he has another book coming out. I'm looking forward to it.
Hey man. I'm living in Philly now. All bars and restaurants are required to ask for a vax card. Not all bar's are enforcing the order.

On the days you don't want to be there, THAT is the day you know whether you will be successful or not

You will move your life forward this year Adam and just keep showing up. You have a platform for a elite life, it's VERY realistic for you dude.

Keep working
