Adam's Deleted Log

Dumb bitch cancelling. Oh well. Cutting does suck but you do look good. So the good outweighs the bad. You trying to cut to 150?
Adam said:
The workouts he's got me doing will also be longer than the ones I've been doing. More machine stuff in addition to the standard DL/Squat/Bench/OHP. I'll have to move my schedule around a little to make time for the longer workouts, and to be honest I'm a little anxious about having time to fit everything into my schedule. But plenty of guys have made this work before me. I'll figure it out. Maybe I can move my gym sessions to noon when there's fewer people there since I work from home

What's the rationale behind longer workouts? What is your trainer's training philosophy? What made you choose him over other options?

Adam, keep going.

Tell us about your work on binging - did you check out Crisis' book recommendation? Did you have a session with that coach? What is the plan of attack here?

You can do it Adam, this year has been started the right way and this is good work.

It'll come together.

Adam said:
Finally got some medical-strength freeze spray and froze the shit out of the warts on my feet. I've got a huge blister on the side of my left foot but once it goes down I think I'm good to go back to jiu-jitsu.


I'm currently working on a wart on my thumb at the minute which I've had for many years. I've tried the freeze spray, but think it's too large and it's not strong enough the stuff you get from the chemist (in this country anyway as medicines are heavily regulated).

Currently hammering away at it with prescription-strength salicylic acid morning and night, plasters on in-between so it sinks in and a nail file to gradually work through the layers.

Does make me get a bit self-conscious, but it's good to see someone else talk about a similar issue openly on the forums so thank you for this.

Spider 🕷
Nice work on the date. Yeah no bars for her. I'm wondering what the best dates are for younger girls. But anyway nice work keep it up
Yeah.... I've noticed that because of masks its similar to online dating hangups. I'll meet some girl in the daytime and I see her without a mask and oh boy the lower half of a girls face is surprisingly important.

Yeah 30 minutes is fair or shit 20 then say something came up. Or be "shallow" and tell her that she doesn't match her pics. I don't blame you for doing 30 minutes. But I do wonder if people see you with ugly girls if it makes it harder to get hotter girls. Probably only important in smaller social circles.
Adam said:
Made my decision this week. I'm moving to Raleigh at the start of May. Philadelphia reinstituted their mask mandate. SMH. Not dealing with that again. They'll probably lift it again soon, but I don't want to live in a place where I'm just savoring brief bouts of freedom and wondering when the boot will come down again.

Other than that. Things are going well. 5/5 gym sessions last week and diet was on point.

You are so me from last year. I loved NYC and all it had to offer but the mask mandate nonsense and vax pass stuff became so much that I just sort of had it. One day I do want to go back to NYC but I worry if there will be an NYC to go back to. These cities are shooting themselves in the foot and being arrogant with their policies, thinking people won't leave for better places. At this point, who knows what is what anymore. Wish you the best as someone who has been there friend.
I've only been in Raleigh for a couple months but I'm definitely a fan. We had mandates for awhile but honestly most places don't care here unless you go to Durham(enforced vax passport checks, yikes). Holler at me when you're in town

Adam said:
Made my decision this week. I'm moving to Raleigh at the start of May. Philadelphia reinstituted their mask mandate. SMH. Not dealing with that again. They'll probably lift it again soon, but I don't want to live in a place where I'm just savoring brief bouts of freedom and wondering when the boot will come down again.

Other than that. Things are going well. 5/5 gym sessions last week and diet was on point.
Proud of you bro keep working

I did the future authoring program and posted it here

Thank you for your kinds words in my lot

You have been helping me since I got here and are one of the boys

I am gonna make it in life Adam, trust me, I work hard and the coaching Andy and my advisors from the group do with me is getting deep into my brain

I wanna see absolute killers here making bank fucking stunners and doing big things in this world

Let that be you

Btw I’m going to see Dr Peterson speak soon

Keep hammering,
Comfort kills.

I was uncomfortable for months being in a city that is literally 22.5 times bigger than where I spent most of my life

I was intensely uncomfortable to the point of physical sickness when I had to gut up and talk to girls in the day time every day for months

I was sickeningly uncomfortable with going to night clubs and asking girls back on dates

But when you face your fears and discomforts on the other side of that is the winner's club


If you're going to have an epic life, you need to get where the action is, and where you can really lay down a game plan for big things

In comfort nothing really materialises

The brain has to be in a certain state for you to expand

Sounds like things are going good dude. Do you ever watch bjj instructionals? They can be super helpful.

Wow moving to NC I'm excited for you. I look forward to hearing all your fun stories.
Oh I agree. I have a bunch of Gordon Ryan and John Danaher instructionals and it makes a big difference but its hard to watch more than 30 min at a time. I got the body lock instructional and I was able to pull a move on someone. Escapes are a go to for becoming good at first.

I'm a former wrestler so I leaned into my strengths and did a lot of mount and guard passing instructionals when really I should focus on bottom game.

For youtube theres a lot of good ones on Bernardos channel.
Adam said:
Haven't been posting here much since I got coaching with Andy and I've been posting on the Facebook group. Things are going well though.

Glad to hear things are going well for you

Adam said:
Goals for the coming week:

  • 4 gym sessions
  • One BJJ Session
  • Stick to Calorie Targets
  • Do 7 approaches
  • Talk to one girl in a location I'm less confident in (grocery store, bookstore, near the Uni campus)
  • Go on a date with one new girl

Good thing that you adjusted your goals for the next week to something more attainable, speaks volumes in terms of humility.