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Currently eating 3800 kcal per day and still barely gaining any weight. Not a problem most people would complain about I guess!

Hoping to get back into some very light squats and deadlifts next week following my back injury. Hopefully I will be able to do so pain free and then start to very slowly build them while continuing to use machines to train my legs and diligently doing core and low back exercises to strengthen the affected area.
Almost passed out after stiff leg deadlifts! Had to sit down for a bit. Great session though, tied my or squat at this bodyweight and went down a notch on my lifting belt.


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Currently eating 3800 kcal per day and still barely gaining any weight. Not a problem most people would complain about I guess!

Hoping to get back into some very light squats and deadlifts next week following my back injury. Hopefully I will be able to do so pain free and then start to very slowly build them while continuing to use machines to train my legs and diligently doing core and low back exercises to strengthen the affected area.
If you have access to a reverse hyper they're amazing for rehabbing and building up your lower back. Do them carefully though as they will traction your spine at the bottom
If you have access to a reverse hyper they're amazing for rehabbing and building up your lower back. Do them carefully though as they will traction your spine at the bottom
I'm doing reverse hyper tomorrow actually! I'm doing jefferson curls with dumbbells, reverse hyper and back extensions for my low back. I've been doing them for a few weeks, gradually increasing the weight. Still very sub-maximal though.

With a 170kgx5 squat you must be right around 200 for a 1rm? What's your best?
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Best for 5 was 180 but I weighed 115kg when I did that haha, I'm about 105-106kg right now so I'll be very happy if I can tie that!

If you're really sadistic you can superset reverse hypers with leg raises and get that invincible core. I slipped a disk about 13 years ago and it's never bothered me since so I highly rate them

1 1h on treadmill.
2 Neck extensions 3-4x15-20 +
3 Neck curls 3-4x15-20

1.11 - GYM at 11:30 am
Embrace the neckpill. When i started training neck it made a massive difference in my frame and how jacked i look overall.
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From yesterday:

Romanian Deadlift (DB) - 3 sets 45lbs x 15+
Leg Press - 3 sets 210lbs x 12
Leg Curl - 3 sets 85lbs x 12
Standing Calf Raise - 3 sets 117lbs x 12
Crunch Machine - 3 sets 152.5lbs x 12
10K+ steps
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Completely destroyed my upper body with this. 3 second eccentrics and pausing at the stretched position on each rep, felt good on the pec tendons.


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Shoulders & Triceps
-DB Press: 3 x 15
-Lateral Raises: 3 x 15
-Rear Delts: 3 x 15
-Skullcrushers: 3 x 15
-Pushdowns: 3 x 15
-Single Arm Pushdown: 1 x 15

45mins was up. Time to head.

Will try to do some cardio later.
When i started training neck it made a massive difference in my frame and how jacked i look overall.

I also train it because if I choose to start grappling again.
Better to have some neck gains for that.
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Jump Rope 15min✅

SB to Shoulder✅
5 lifts per side X 1min rest

SB to High Pull✅
5x3x1min rest

SB Bear Hug Carry✅
3xHalf Distance Yard-3min rest

SB lift from lap to chest height: (Vertical)✅
1x max reps(10)

Banded Good-mornings✅

Leg Raises✅
25 reps

Russian Twist ✅

Started doing Sandbag training using 100lbs. Very challenging with an object that shifts weight. Feeling primal as fuck lifting it.
Everything is always 3 sets for me, so I'm going to stop listing it until that changes. The plus sign means I did that or more in weight or reps within the set.

From yesterday:

Upper Body B

Pull Up (Assisted) - 30lbs x 14
Seated Shoulder Press = 40lbs x 12+
Seated Row - 127.5lbs x 12
Chest Press - 45lbs x 10+
Chest Fly - 75lbs+ x 10+
Preacher Curl - 52.5lbs x 9+
Tricep Extension - 82.5lbs x 11+
Crunch Machine - 155lbs x 12
10K+ steps
Greetings Gents -

Will be adding 30-45 minutes of early morning fasted cardio - on the exercise bike. I realized that this is part of the reason I wasn't seeing as much progress as I would have liked. So to add it to the routine + the 10k steps I'm already getting. This is in part because I impulsively purchased a 5.5 lb tub of MuscleTech mass gainer. Should be interesting to use in conjunction with the fat burner + fasted cardio in the mornings followed by a weight lifting workout.

I'll be logging my progress.

Til next time

Greetings Gents -

Will be adding 30-45 minutes of early morning fasted cardio - on the exercise bike. I realized that this is part of the reason I wasn't seeing as much progress as I would have liked. So to add it to the routine + the 10k steps I'm already getting. This is in part because I impulsively purchased a 5.5 lb tub of MuscleTech mass gainer. Should be interesting to use in conjunction with the fat burner + fasted cardio in the mornings followed by a weight lifting workout.

I'll be logging my progress.

Til next time

Do you not get exhausted by cardio in the morning? I do need more sleep, so that's probably contributing, but I find myself pretty tired if I work out before work.
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I also train it because if I choose to start grappling again.
Better to have some neck gains for that.
Nothing worse than that bobble head feeling from people cranking on your neck

I remember when my neck and shoulders became to big for people to darce me, that was a proud moment 😆
Well, there are multiple schools of thought. The first one is exercise actually creates energy. The second would be more aligned with yours. I believe if you power through it, the uncomfortable feeling would go away. Also, I find early morning cardio helps me wake up. I just logged 676 calorie burning moderately intense workout. We'll see if I can keep it up!
Jump Rope 15min✅

Ring Push Ups✅
1st Set 4-6-8
2nd Set 4-6
3rd Set 4

Ring Rows✅
1st Set 4-6-8
2nd Set 4-6
3rd Set 4

KB Swing 35lb✅
1st Set 15-25-35
2nd Set 15-25
3rd Set 15

1st Set 4-6-8✅
2nd Set 4-6
3rd Set 4

1st Set 3-5-7
2nd Set 3-5✅
3rd Set 3✅

Doing a four day routine: 2 days Sandbag(Mon,Weds) 2 days Kettlebell & Olympic Rings & Calisthenics (Tues,Thurs)

Felt really good. All sets done except for the pull-ups. Failed to do 7 reps on the first set.
1 DB OHP 1. 3-4x8-12 +
2 EZ curls 3-4x6-12
3 Neutral-ups 3-4x4-8 +
4 Hyperextensions 2. up? 3-4x8-12
5 Leg extensions 1. 5. 4. 3-4x10-15 +
6 Machine calf raises 3. 3x12-15
7 Peck deck 4. 3-4x12-15

6.11 - GYM at 6pm