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Time to drive the bench back to 140


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Have been in the gym consistently for a month after not going for a long time. Moving the weight up by 1,25 kg each week.
1 Hack Squats 3-4x6-10 +
2 DB curls 3-4x6-12
3 Dips 3-4x6-8 +
4 Hanging knee raises AMRAPx3
5 Cable rows trian bi S 3-4x10-15
6 Rope triceps extension 3-4x10-15 +
7 Cable lateral raises 3-4x10-15

16.10 - 1h ZONE 2 CARDIO + NECK
17.10 GYM at 7:30 am

1 DB OHP 1. 3-4x8-12 +
2 EZ curls 3-4x6-12
3 Neutral-ups 3-4x4-8 +
4 Hyperextensions 6. 3-4x8-12
5 Leg extensions 1. 5. 3-4x10-15 +
6 Standing calf raises 1. 3x12-15
7 Peck deck 4. 3-4x12-15

18.10 20 min CARDIO SPRINT + FOREARMS at 7:30 am
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Thursday 17th November

Cardio: 30mins
Stability Training: Planks, Side Planks, Plank w/ Leg Lifts


Back to it.

On a new program, focusing on reducing bodyfat, improving health and function, and smashing this for 4 months.

Thursday 17th November

Cardio: 30mins
Stability Training: Planks, Side Planks, Plank w/ Leg Lifts


Back to it.

On a new program, focusing on reducing bodyfat, improving health and function, and smashing this for 4 months.


Mac's golds gym Cali arc begins
Felt aggressive this morning but had a peck cramp on my last set of bench.
Fortunately it's just a cramp but I abandoned benching for the rest of the session just in case, mouth felt dry even after drinking a lot so could be dehydration.
Also got greedy with upping the weight, when I was on test I got to 120kg 5×5 bench press pretty effortlessly but it'll take longer to get there again naturally.

I'm organising my diet so I go into a slight surplus the day before my heaviest sessions.
I might try an electrolyte tablet then night before I go to sleep to I don't go into morning sessions feeling dehydrated.


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18.10 20 min CARDIO SPRINT + FOREARMS at 7:30 am

1 Concept2 rower 20 min sprint
2 DB Foreams curls 3x
3 Deadhangs 3x

I fucking love rowers.

20.10 GYM at 3pm
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Got a pr 30 min distance?
Nope, I just started using them.
But considering what I did today it is probably around 7 km.

(Looked up what a good 30 min distance is. There is some work to do lol)
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Nope, I just started using them.
But considering what I did today it is probably around 7 km.

(Looked up what a good 30 min distance is. There is some work to do lol)

7000m is solid! I'm trying to crack 8000 if you want a friendly competition
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Trying to jump like a Maasai


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Are we using this thread for questions too? If so, what's the latest on SARMs? I used to run MK-667 (I know, I know, technically not a sarm) and LGD and Ostarine back in the day, in different cycles etc.

Had great results with them, but I never hear people talk about them anymore, which makes me suspicious. Did some research come out they cause cancer or whatever?

Or if not, why is no one using them anymore? I never had any problem with shutdown btw, which was the most commonly reported side-effect at the time.
Are we using this thread for questions too? If so, what's the latest on SARMs? I used to run MK-667 (I know, I know, technically not a sarm) and LGD and Ostarine back in the day, in different cycles etc.

Had great results with them, but I never hear people talk about them anymore, which makes me suspicious. Did some research come out they cause cancer or whatever?

Or if not, why is no one using them anymore? I never had any problem with shutdown btw, which was the most commonly reported side-effect at the time.

Yeah bro anything body & physique related, it's all happening here!

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All of that good stuff
Monday: Resistance Training (Full-Body Workout A) + Sauna

Leg Press: 1 x 6-10 reps (to failure)
Chest Press: 1 x 6-8 reps (to failure)
Pull-Down: 1 x 6-8 reps (to failure)
Overhead Press: 1 x 6-8 reps (to failure)
Leg Curl: 1 x 6-8 reps (to failure)
+Sauna (20-30 minutes post-training)
21.10 GYM at 11 am

Poor time management on my end.

Still did "pump" sets with grippers.
Also did bicep curls with bands.

GYM - 22.10 at 7:30 am
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