colgate's training log - mouse to bulldog

Watch the rage for sure. I get that rage as well. I just remember its the test its not me. The feelings are not me.

Ok so you were doing 270mgs a week and now your doing almost 900mgs am I reading that right? Personally I think 300mgs a week for 16 weeks is good. Test is not like sarms, sarms after 8 weeks hit a peak. Test you run for 16 weeks or longer. Its slower but the ceiling for gains is much higher.

Honestly 600 mgs of test would be plenty for you(derek had an article where people gained 17lbs/7.9kgs after 20 weeks), but if its your first cycle I'd say 300 max (5.2 kgs).

Since your new you can get away with doing less. As you get bigger the doses will need to increase to make gains. But as a newbie keep your doses as low as possible to still see gains. Its a marathon not a sprint.

Just my opinion keep up the good work dude.
MakingAComeback said:
Are you on big Troy's routine or what? You boys training together?

I'm doing whatever he says workout-wise, but we haven't actually trained together in a long time. Sometimes lacroix and I will train together but I'm usually just solo.
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153.6 lbs -> 155.0 lbs

Not as big of a jump as I wanted weight-wise, but I also didn't eat for about ~15 hours before I took the pic. I usually just take these progress pics as soon as I wake up, so maybe I had more water weight or lingering food weight last month. Additionally, I've gotten the scale to hit 160 a few times for the first time in my life so that's good.

Have been getting random one-off comments from strangers asking if I work out, you look fit, etc. Some random dude in my apartment complex even invited me to the pool like "there are tons of bitches out there bro you should come you're pretty fit". And then I went and was castigated for not coming to the pool more often by everyone.

If you compare my current pic to my older pics though, you can see I'm becoming a real chungus. So probably in August or whenever my baseline weight reaches >160, I'll start cutting. This will be the second time I'll have bulked->cut in my life so hopefully by early next year I'll be shredded, but also jacked. Then I'll probably bulk + cut again one last time. I don't know, we'll see.

I've also gone boxing 6 times this month. I switched to personal training lessons from the group classes and the difference was night and day. No longer does it feel like just a long cardio session, the trainer is actually working with me so I can eventually start sparring and fight. That will be months away, but it's something I look forward to now as opposed to an obligation. I even feel like wanting to stay in America thanks to boxing.
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My diet has basically turned into 1.5L of chocolate milk + giant bowl of noodles and meat which gets me in the 2500-3000 calorie range depending on the meat and noodles, so I haven't really been recording my calories lately.
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Finally, here's my workout log
5/24 - shoulders (9)
mc shoulder press - w/140x10/120x9/100x9/70x9f
db shoulder press - 50x4,45x5/35x9/30x9/20x9f
db side lateral raises - 20x9/17.5x9/15x8/10x9f
db trap shrug - 65x9/75x9/65x9

5/26 - legs (9)
sm squat - w/215x9/185x9/165x9/135x9f
sm hip thrust - 135x9 x3 -> why does lower back hurt
mc ham curl - 155x10/135x9/125x9/105x9f
sm calf raise - x

5/27 - chest (9)
mc chest press - w/175x9/160x10/150x9/130x9f
inc db chest press - 65x9/55x10/45x10/45x9f
db chest flys - 30x9/20x9/15x10/15x9f
slow reverse dips - 9/9/9/9f time it next time

5/29 - back (9)
mc lat pulldown - w/107.5x10/92.5x9/77.5x9/62.5x9f
db upright rows - 65x9/55x9/45x9/35x9f
db back flys - 10x9(hard)/7.5x9/5x9/2.5x9f
mc curl - 70x8/55x9/35x9/30x10f

5/30 - legs (9)
sm squat - w/220x9/195x9/170x9/145x9f
sm hip thrust - 135x9 x3
mc ham curl - 165x10/145x9/125x9/110x9
sm calf raise - 225x10f/225x12f/225x11f

6/2 - shoulders (9)
mc shoulder press - w/150x9/130x9/105x9/75x9f
db shoulder press - 45x10/40x9/30x10/25x9f
db side lateral raises - 17./15/12.5/7.5
db trap shrug - x

6/4 - chest (9)
mc chest press - w/180x10/170x9/155x10/140x9f
inc db chest press - 70x6/55x9/45x9/35x12f
db chest flys - 20x9/20x9/15x9/12.5x9f
slow reverse dips - 5x9/5x9

6/5 - back (9)
mc lat pulldown - 115x9/100x9/85x9/70x9f
db upright rows - 70x9/60x9/45x9/35x9 BUY STRAPS!!
db back flys - 10x9(hard)/7.5x9/5x9/2.5x9f
mc curl - 70x8/55x9/45x9/35x9

6/7 - shoulders (9)
mc shoulder press - w/150x10/160x9/125x9/90x9f
db shoulder press - 50x10/45x10/40x10/40x9f
db side lateral raises - 20x9/17.5x9/15x9/12.5x9
db trap shrug - x

6/9 - legs (9)
sm squat - w/225x9/195x9/175x9/155x9f
sm hip thrust - 155x9 x4
mc ham curl - 175x10/155x9/145x9/135x9
sm calf raise - x

6/10 - chest (9)
mc chest press - w/190x11/190x9/170x9/150x9f
inc db chest press - 70x5/60x9/55x9/55x9f
db chest flys - 25x9/20x9/20x9/17.5x9
slow reverse dips - x

6/14 - back (9)
mc lat pulldown - w/122.5x10/115x9/100x9/77.5x9f
db upright rows - 70x9/60x9/50x9/40x9f (use straps even on failure set)
db back flys - 10x9(hard)/7.5x9/5x9/5x9f
mc curl - 70x9/60x7/45x9/35x9f

6/16 - chest (9)
mc chest press - w/200x10/185x9/175x9/150x9f
inc db chest press - 70x6/60x10/50x9/45x9f
db chest flys - 25x9/20x9/17.5x9/15x9f
mc tricep ext - 50x9/40x14/40x10/50x10f

6/18 - legs (9)
sm squat - w/230x9/205x9/185x9/165x9f
sm hip thrust - 185x10/185x9/155x10/155x9f
mc ham curl - 185x10/165x7/115x9/95x9f drop weight, stop using lower back
sm calf raise - 245x15f/245x10f/225x13f

Bonus leg pic for the boyz
Looking tough like a fucking bull, can't wait to see what progress you make this year. SHOW THEM WHO COLGATE IS


You have worked your GOD DAMN ASS OFF

Who deserves this more than you right now?

Life WILL reward your diligence

And I want to watch your rise to greatness from the front row

Pretty shocking how little I naturally eat when I'm not bulking.

Didn't lift or take roids the week I got eye surgery and I got caught up in going out too much and being quite unstructured since my gamecation friend was here.

Posting this update to "reset". I'll post future updates on the 5th of every month from now on

155.0 lbs -> 150.6 lbs
I was bulking up until around July 19, when I mentioned that I'm getting a photoshoot. Rags2Bitches told me I need to start cutting instead. I already have enough muscle and it's more important to get the "aesthetic low body fat" look over pure size for those, plus I need to lose some fat in my face.

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150.6 lbs -> ~153 lbs -> 149.0 lbs

compare to the last time i was approximately the same weight

I initially had a plan of "ok, let's just eat less than 1800 calories and get enough protein within that" and ended up eating approximately meals like this
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I naturally tend to eat few carbs for whatever reason. I just prefer fats and protein. There was even a day I only had 14g of carbs.

However, this is terrible for lifting. I've said previously that I successfully was doing keto about a year ago. But I wasn't lifting back then and was biking 15-20 miles in the mountains instead.

With low-carb/keto and lifting, I was failing my sets seemingly out of nowhere despite feeling like I had enough energy. And I couldn't sleep at all because I was so hungry and constantly struggling to stay under calories.

I also wanted to do more of an aggressive cut, so it didn't help that I was struggling even at 1800. That's when I decided to go for a high-carb cut.
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This was much better and now I feel more satiated each day, able to keep up the cut, able to lift properly in the gym, and my energy isn't randomly crashing throughout the day.

I'm posting this log early because Troy recommended I do this pre-photoshoot routine, which I will be doing starting today:

It's basically what bodybuilders do to look hyper-ripped. So I won't be going to the gym or boxing this week.

I'll post some pics of the pre-photoshoot routine results this weekend, and then I'll be back on the training grind next week.

I plan on actually just cutting all the way to Halloween so I can wear some obnoxious shirtless costume and go out and do nightgame like that on Broadway (people go above and beyond for Halloween on Broadway). That should get me down to 10-12% bodyfat rather than the roughly 16-18% I am at right now. Then I'll bulk over the winter when dating starts to take a nosedive through Thanksgiving and December.

This is going to take a long time to get good at. I've probably had a total of 15-20 private sessions so far. I've mainly been just learning a bunch of combos and the coach is fixing my technique.

The coach told me I can spar when I can do 10x100m sprints. I've actually done that before, but it's fucking brutal. I would like to do some kind of mock sparring though. Troy told me I can just find random people online who might be willing to spar with me. But boxing isn't a top priority for me right now, so I'll have to accept the very slow-burn improvement.

I have noticed that I've been randomly more "stable" and less mousy in certain real life situations. And certain people I didn't expect to will randomly find me "tough" and "intimidating", even though I'm just standing doing nothing. I'll spare the details of long stories for now, and you'll just have to believe me lol.

Finally, here's my workout log, as per standard

7/9 - chest (9)
mc chest press - w/200x11/190x9/180x9/150x9f
inc db chest press - 65x8/55x10/50x9/40x9f
db chest flys - 20x9 x4
mc tricep ext - 50x9 x4

7/10 - shoulders (9)
mc shoulder press - w/170x10/155x9/140x9/120x9f
db shoulder press - 55x6/45x10/40x11/35x9f
db side lateral raises - 20x9/17.5x9/15x9/10x9f
db trap shrug - 70x9 x4

7/12 - back (9)
mc lat pulldown - w/130x10/115x9/100x9/77.5x9f
db upright rows - 70x10/60x9/50x9/40x9f
db back flys - 10x9/7.5x9/5x9/2.5x9
sitting db curls - 20x20L,20x20R x4

7/14 - leg/fun day
squat - warmup to 255x3
deadlift - warmup to 325x1
bench - warmup to 195x1 (205x1 failed)

7/16 - shoulders (9)
mc shoulder press - w/175x5/145x10/125x10/100x9f
db shoulder press - 50x10/45x10/40x9/35x9f

7/18 - chest (9)
mc chest press - w/215x10/200x10/185x10/165x9f
db incline chest press - w/70x9/60x9/55x9/50x9f

7/19 - legs (9)
mc squat - 225x10/195x9/185x9/155x9f
mc ham curls - 130x10/120x9/110x9/90x9f

7/21 - back (9)
mc lat pulldown - w/137.5x9/115x9/100x7/70x11f
db upright rows - 75x9/60x9/50x10/40x9f
db back flys - 10x9/7.5x9/5x10/2.5x9f
mc curls - 75x8/60x9/45x10/35x9f

7/23 - legs (9)
sm squat - w/230x10/205x9/185x10/155x9f
sm hip thrust - 155x9 x4
mc ham curl - 135x10/125x9/115x9/95x9f
sm calf raise - 225x10f x4

7/24 - shoulders (9)
mc shoulder press - w/175x7/150x9/130x8/100x9f
db shoulder press - 55x8/45x11/40x9/30x9f
db side lateral raises - 20x9/17.5x9/15x9/10x9f
db trap shrug - 75x9/75x4

7/25 - chest (9)
mc chest press - w/220x9/200x9/180x9/150x9f
inc db chest press - 70x7/60x9/50x10/40x9f - drop to 55 and pretend it's a barbell bench press
db chest flys - 25x10/25x9/20x9/15x9f
mc tricep ext - 55x8/45x11/45x10/45x9f

7/26 - back (9)
db rows - w/55x10lr/50x9lr/45x9lr/35x9lrf
mc lat pulldown - 122.5x7/100x7/77.5x11/55x10f
mc curl - 70x8/60x8/45x7

7/30 - legs (9)
sm squats - w/235x10/195x9/185x9/155x9f
sm hip thrust - 165x10/165x9/165x9/155x10
mc ham curl - 140x10/120x9/105x9/90x9f
mc ab curl - 85x9/85x9/85x10/75x9f

7/31 - combo (9)
mc chest press - w/220x10/200x9/180x8/140x9f
mc lat pulldown - w/137.5x9/122.5x7/92.5x9/70x9f
mc shoulder press - 140x11/130x7/105x9/80x10f
inc db chest press - 55x6/45x7/35x9/25x10f
db rows - 50x10lr/45x9lr/40x9lr/30x9lrf
db shoulder press - 40x11/40x9/35x6/25x10f
colgate said:
I was bulking up until around July 19, when I mentioned that I'm getting a photoshoot. @Rags2Bitches told me I need to start cutting instead. I already have enough muscle and it's more important to get the "aesthetic low body fat" look over pure size for those, plus I need to lose some fat in my face.

photo_2022-08-01 04.40.16.jpeg
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150.6 lbs -> ~153 lbs -> 149.0 lbs

Can I convince you to shave that goatee?
pancakemouse said:
colgate said:
I was bulking up until around July 19, when I mentioned that I'm getting a photoshoot. @Rags2Bitches told me I need to start cutting instead. I already have enough muscle and it's more important to get the "aesthetic low body fat" look over pure size for those, plus I need to lose some fat in my face.

photo_2022-08-01 04.40.16.jpeg
photo_2022-08-01 04.40.28.jpeg
150.6 lbs -> ~153 lbs -> 149.0 lbs

Can I convince you to shave that goatee?

I usually shave it. Sometimes I randomly don't, but I'll try to shave it more often. It's not a conscious decision to keep it for sure.
colgate said:
I'm posting this log early because Troy recommended I do this pre-photoshoot routine, which I will be doing starting today:
Screen Shot 2022-08-01 at 04.38.40.png

It's basically what bodybuilders do to look hyper-ripped. So I won't be going to the gym or boxing this week.

So the water cut is ok, my concern is that you add carbs way too late and you are glycogen empty (it will make your muscles look fuller)
Have a read at this
So I'm t minus 11 hours from my photoshoot with MILFandCookies, and 20+ hours into my no water, no carb day.

the no water day was completely fine until I hopped on the plane to austin. knocked out the entire flight and then suddenly i was in hunt to kill mode.

tossed and turned in bed for like 2 hours until i decided fuck it let's do the pump workout in the hallway lol!!!! so i did 200 pushups and 100 leg raises in around 20 minutes.

Here's a progress pic directly after that
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149.0 lbs -> 145.5 lbs

and here's what I'll be doing up until the shoot
I very quickly regained back to my pre-photoshoot cut weight within 2 days (as expected since i artificially lowered it).

However this huge cut! brought me back below even my photoshoot cut weight.

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~149 lbs -> 143.4 lbs

This is actually lighter than the weight I was when I initially left for Nashville.

I also went to the bougie-instagram model gym to test my "powerlifting" maxes for fun. My previous records were 255 squat/~175 bench/335 deadlift at around ~143 lbs (natural).

Now I can do 275/210/315 at ~146. The bench blew up because I've been doing a lot of chest exercises, but my deadlift kinda dropped because I don't really do deadlift-adjacent exercises in my apartment gym at all.

I'm posting this now because per Troy, rather than continuing to eat at a maybe ~800 calorie deficit, I should do a bulk/cut recomp cycle all the way to halloween for maximally desirable results. And not go so crazy with the bulk phase. So maybe 2 weeks of ~2600 calories and 1 week of ~2000 calories.

I've also started tracking my calories and macros relative to my weight and strength in a spreadsheet so I can also better understand my body and not become a chungus! again:
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I also sent my dad my fitness progress (first pic is from 2017 btw)

143.4 lbs -> 149.0 lbs

I had done some reflection on how my appearance is received and realized that I was getting more compliments and comments when I was at 155, even with the increased body fat.

colgate said:
Have been getting random one-off comments from strangers asking if I work out, you look fit, etc. Some random dude in my apartment complex even invited me to the pool like "there are tons of bitches out there bro you should come you're pretty fit". And then I went and was castigated for not coming to the pool more often by everyone.
I noticed that even though my face looked more attractive and I was more ripped for photos, due to my 5'5" frame I wasn't getting these random comments from strangers about my appearance any longer.

This is going to be controversial but I'm seeing supporting evidence that the rules are different for the manlets. Basically if you're normal-tall height, lower body fat and being ripped is better. However, if you're shorter, having more size (within reason) is actually key.

The ideal male body is essentially big and muscular, at around 160-200 lbs. I actually don't think this range changes wrt height. Therefore, at shorter heights I would say it's actually preferable to have a little more body fat if you're still muscular. The extra water+fat boosts the size of the muscles a little bit, so it's not the worst crime in the world to be a slight chungus in favor of being a larger presence. Obviously down the line you want to cut that body fat, but choosing between ripped ~145 and slightly bulky ~160, the latter might actually be preferable at 5'5".

I mean you can see from my posts since the 155 lbs one that my arms have been getting progressively smaller, even though my strength has been increasing.

Anyway, I don't want to derail too much into hypotheticals, but for now my new game plan is to just stick with bulking again at bw*18 kcal per day. So that was about 2650 since my previous log, and going forward it'll be 2700.

Workouts have been admittedly irregular this month, but here are the logs as per standard
## 8/7 - shoulders (7)
bb ohp - w/115x8/100x7/90x9/85x7/75x9f
db shoulder press - 55x8/50x7/35x9f

## 8/8 - chest (7)
bb bench - w/210x1/155x7
qmc chest press - 190x8/175x7/150x7/120x8f
inc db chest press - 60x3/45x9/45x8/40x8/35x8f
db chest flys - 30x8/25x9/20x8/17.5x11/17.5x9f
dips - 13/11/13/12

## 8/9 - back (7)
bb deadlift - w/315x1/340x0/340x0s/320x0
mc lat pulldown - w/150x7/130x7/110x7/90x8/80x7f
db rows - 60x8/55x8/45x7/35x7/30x7f
db back flys - 10x8/7.5x8/5x8/5x8/5x9f
mc curl - 85x7/75x7/65x7/55x7/45x7f

## 8/11 - legs (7)
bb squat - w/275x1,295x0/205x8/185x7/165x7/145x8f

## 8/15 - chest (7)
bb ohp - w/135x1/145x0/135x1
qmc chest press - w/200x4/175x8/150x9/135x8/110x7f
inc db chest press - 55x7/45x8/35x9/25x12/25x7f2
db chest flys - 35x7/30x8/27.5x7/20x10/17.5x9f

## 8/16 - back (7)
mc lat pulldown - w/145x8/130x7/115x7/100x8/85x8f

## 8/18 - back (7)
mc lat pulldown - w/145x8/130x6/107.5x6/85x9/70x7f
db rows - 65x8/55x7/50x7/45x7/35x8f
db back flys - 12.5x7/10x7/7.5x7/5x9/5x9f
mc curl - 70x7/60x7/50x8/40x9/30x9f

## 8/25 - chest (7)
mc chest press - w/225x5/190x9/180x7/165x7/145x7f
inc db chest press - 55x8/50x7/45x7/40x8/30x7f
db chest flys - 35x6/25x8/20x7/17.5x8/17.5x7f
dips - 9w/9/7/-10x5/-40x7/-40x7

### 8/28 - shoulders (7)
mc shoulder press - w/175x6/150x8/135x7/115x7/85x7f
db shoulder press - 55x1/45x8/40x7/35x8/35x9/25x8f

### 8/29 - legs (7)
sm squat - w/235x8/205x7/185x7/165x7/135x7f
sm hip thrust - 185x7x4/135x7f
mc ham curl - 140x8/125x7/115x7/110x7/95x7f

### 9/1 - back (7)
mc lat pulldown - w/152.5x5/130x7/115x8/100x7/77.5x9f
db rows - 70x7/60x8/55x8/50x8/40x8f
db back flys - 12.5x7/10x7/7.5x7/5x10/5x9f (use 8 to start next time)
mc curl - 55x8/45x8/40x8/35x8/35x8f
n += 1

my experience matches yours. way more attention at 155-160 25% bodyfat than 135-140 and 12-15%. brother i got fat as fuck and it just didn't matter. potential confounding factor i guess is the attention is coming in real-life settings where my community standing has also improved over time

optimal physique for 5'5 intuitively feels like around 160-170 and sub 15% which is right in the range you said
ok i owe this log an update

i had written at length in various parts of my log what was up with my fitness. but for continuity here, i'll write in the timeline in brief:

🇺🇸 america
september 2022: pulled trap injury from racking a squat had me out of the gym for 1-2 weeks. also general malaise and demotivation, roids dosages became intermittent

october 2022: realized i'm RETARDED!!!, hit the gym and the roids again. but then started window washing 7-10 hours a day for troy, which made bulking almost impossible with the calories i was burning
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btw i started recording my bodyweight in kg, knowing that i'd be going to japan soon.

november 2022: hanging out a bunch with september, who ended up staying in nashville past me leaving to japan. we actually worked out together on the regular (4x a week, legs, shoulders, back, chest) and we did hyperbolic stretching. but I didn't record it in the spreadsheet. also we were doing window washing and i'm sure my average calorie intake was below 2500.

also i realized it would probably be a while until i would have roids again so i took 3 shots the night before i left (750mg dose).

here's the last picture i took in america
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66.1kg -> ~68kg -> ~67kg
145lbs -> ~150lbs -> ~147.5lbs

🌎 🛫 🌏
👏🏾sayonara bitches!👏🏾
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🇯🇵 japan
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november 2022: i arrived in Japan on november 17. started working out at a local sports gym but no barbells and dumbbells only went up to 25kg. i also moved neighborhoods and after fumbling around, possibly due to the language barrier, i was able to register at gold's gym.

also i realized i was walking...a LOT. minimum 4km a day but sometimes upwards of 10km a day. that means my bulk calories have to be jacked up. i started with 3000 and got satisfactory results for the month.

switched to myfitnesspal rather than cronometer since myfitnesspal has japanese data!

no roids for the rest of this month but i had mentioned earlier i took a triple dose right before leaving so it was all good.

december 2022: started becoming a bit unsatisfied with my bulking and realized that there are days i might get waaaaay too much cardio from walking a lot and i didn't want to accidentally discourage myself from walking around and exploring "because it would kill my gainz bro". upped calories to 3500 a day.

also it's retardedly easy to get calories in japan for me, compared to america. i guess i just like the food here more. you can basically just go to the convenience store and pick up a random assortment of
- a bento box or some noodles
- onigiri and omusubi
- protein drinks
and easily get 1200-1600 calories per meal.
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yesterday: 3985kcal, 568g carbs, 121g fat, 157g protein

so that's the good news.

the bad news is my plasma ass got a left shoulder injury that's kind of nerfed my training now. it was from going too heavy (10kg for me) on dumbbell shoulder lateral raises. to prevent it in the future, i ought to be doing light weight and increase the reps for isolation exercises of small muscles, and increase the weight faaar more slowly.

i wrote about it here:

which means shoulder day is out for a while

and I'm discovering some other exercises i can't do/that got nerfed:
❌ any kind of horizontal row movement (dumbbell/cable mid rows)
⚠️ can't do 8-10 rep range bench press weight (was 75kg/165lbs last week) without kind of feeling the shoulder pain. today i cranked out 18/10/7?/5f (f = doing mini reps past regular failure) reps with 1 plate instead which seemed to be fine. so I'll have to do ~65% 1rm training for a while. i took it easy on the dumbbells too since it's nearly the same movement
❌ chest flies. i tried to do 1 rep at below my 8-10 rep weight (12kg) and i was like nahhhhhhh. switched to 10kg and felt like i was probably going to fuck up the shoulder before i got any kind of chest workout so i was like ok no

i'm going to consult the personal trainer again tomorrow and tell him my findings. not sure what he'll say so i figured i'll make a current update now.

but it looks like going forward (likely until i go back to america for a few weeks in feb??) i'm going to
- focus on stretching and flexibility and what they call "care" here in japan
- stop recording numbers in the gym for the time being and just focus on going to failure, within my injury (if i can! not sure what the personal trainer will tell me tomorrow)

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67.2kg -> ~68.5kg
148lbs -> 151lbs

on the bright side, roids arrived today. but needles haven't, those are estimated to arrive next wednesday. somehow the needles were harder to order than the roids in japan (??????) and i ended up having to do international shipping from american amazon. but all of my japan training has been """natural""" thus far.

anyway, i'll post another update here at the end of January. not sure what the training plan from here on out is and i don't want to pollute this log and the forums with hypotheticals.

also I'm going to the middle of fucking nowhere in northern Japan (just look at some random small town in hokkaido and that's basically it) for Christmas weekend so likely no training there and not sure about the calories either
roids and needles have finally arrived!!!
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the roids came about a month ago, but my first order of needles got rejected so i had to wait another month to order a different set. but now i have 100 which means i'm good for the whole year. and i only ordered 2 vials of roids which means that'll probably last me until the summer

colgate said:
also i realized it would probably be a while until i would have roids again so i took 3 shots the night before i left (750mg dose)
november 16 was the last time i took roids. today is january 16. so i have literally been off of roids for 2 months.

that was definitely enough time, even with the triple dose, for the roids to wane. i didn't PCT because i didn't anticipate being off of roids for 2 months, so it's likely a lot of my random depressive episodes were indeed low T (although theoretically if i were to continue staying off roids, my body would resume generating natural testosterone around 3 months. something to be aware of in the future).

that being said, thanks to MakingAComeback's continued health tutoring and Thrice's wakeup group, i was actually able to rejuvenate my natural energy levels again thanks to mental health practices and improved sleep hygiene. i will make another post in my main log about that later.

colgate said:
which means shoulder day is out for a while

and I'm discovering some other exercises i can't do/that got nerfed:
❌ any kind of horizontal row movement (dumbbell/cable mid rows)
⚠️ can't do 8-10 rep range bench press weight (was 75kg/165lbs last week) without kind of feeling the shoulder pain. today i cranked out 18/10/7?/5f (f = doing mini reps past regular failure) reps with 1 plate instead which seemed to be fine. so I'll have to do ~65% 1rm training for a while. i took it easy on the dumbbells too since it's nearly the same movement
❌ chest flies. i tried to do 1 rep at below my 8-10 rep weight (12kg) and i was like nahhhhhhh. switched to 10kg and felt like i was probably going to fuck up the shoulder before i got any kind of chest workout so i was like ok no

i'm going to consult the personal trainer again tomorrow and tell him my findings. not sure what he'll say so i figured i'll make a current update now.

but it looks like going forward (likely until i go back to america for a few weeks in feb??) i'm going to
- focus on stretching and flexibility and what they call "care" here in japan
- stop recording numbers in the gym for the time being and just focus on going to failure, within my injury (if i can! not sure what the personal trainer will tell me tomorrow)
indeed i had gone on vacation

and then i came back to tokyo

i haven't been exactly tracking when i went to the gym or not, but i know i didn't do complete gym weeks (4x a week) between dec 27 and jan 6 (???) probably. i had also mentioned previously that i had a random neck fuckup too.

the pain there has pretty much completely gone, and now i'm going to basically avoid heavy squats (>75% 1rm) for a long time, until i see the need to do them and then get some kind of specialized coaching for it. experimented today with warming up my legs by ramping up to a pretty easy set of 10 that i can zone in the form and somewhat slow reps with (for me, that's 90kg/198lbs), do another set of 10 at an even easier weight (75kg/165lbs), and then head over to the leg press to push myself to the MAX instead.

i think the gym break and easing off on the load was a good idea because now i've been training without injury and enjoying it again

so here's a progress pic before i start BLASTING ROIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! again
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~68.5kg -> 68.6kg

i'm mainly glad i didn't lose a bunch of weight like i usually do when i take breaks

for comparison here's me at the same weight back in may
colgate said:
Pics taken on May 21 and updated @MakingAComeback.

also decided to get an inbody scan at the gold's gym for $5. here are those results
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also i want to look like this guy. not only is he the same height as i am, he literally has the same complexion that i do. i'm literally the indian version of this guy. now i just need to get as jacked as he is and copy his style.