Committing myself to the AA program


Nov 29, 2022

So I made a post a few weeks back talking about how I was getting perpetual anxiety from the GLL AA program. This anxiety made me quit for a few weeks.

HOWEVER, I do not give a fuck and I am going to re-commit to this program. I will only stop if the program is starts to traumatize me.

But for now, I will take the pain and commit hours everyday to the program.

I am going all in on this bitch and I will record vlogs for everyday. For now I'll probably just record audio or put it in a shirt pocket

Day 1: Made account

Day 2: Begin AA log

Day 3: Make an online dating profile
-> Have not completed this yet. Gotta go to martial arts class and will complete this when I come back.
Best of luck. Once you select some photos, you should post your dating profile here for feedback.
Day 4 diary entry:

Walked around Venice beach for 4 hours today. It was Christmas and it was PACKED with people.

There were so many hot girls around and I just wanted to do the exercise, but alas, it is hard as fuck as I have not done something like this in a very long time.

I walked around a lot, pussied out of many opportunities because I was scared. There were crowds of people. If I made a beeline to a hot girl to ask for the time, it would be obvious I was trying to talk to her and I wasn’t ready for that.

So I mostly talked to the hotties when it wasn’t obvious that I was trying to talk to them specifically. If they were right next to me walking it was easier to talk to them.

In the end, because I spent 4 hours walking around… even though I was really slow in talking to girls, I managed to talk to probably over 10.

Aside from the program I talked to this hot skater girl with tattoos. Just a normal convo. I also had a bunch of other normal conversations with randos - this is just as important to be as beating AA as I want to know how to hold a good conversation.

I consider this a good day.

Tomorrow I return to Venice beach.

I hope to be able to reduce my procrastination and get the exercise done faster.

EDIT: I know the exercise is supposed to be done with any woman, but I wanted to talk to hot girls only. Maybe that was a mistake - definitely contributed to my procrastination today.
michaelho068 said:
Does anyone know how to embed YouTube videos here(vlog)?


I just used this:


Change all the ")" to "]" and that should work.

I'll make my videos public again in probably about a month.

Also seems like just lasting the YouTube url works.
Manganiello said:
michaelho068 said:
Does anyone know how to embed YouTube videos here(vlog)?


I just used this:


Change all the ")" to "]" and that should work.

I'll make my videos public again in probably about a month.

Also seems like just lasting the YouTube url works.

Thanks bro will use this later
Day 5

The past few days I’ve been a wuss. Some of the girls I talked to looked at me weird when I stopped them in the street and asked them for the time.

So I started procrastinating on my AA program. Also I’ve been doing a shit ton of online shopping to improve my edge(clothes, accessories, watch, shoes) so that also took a lot of time.

I am posting this here to keep me accountable.

It is currently 8:13pm and by the time it’s 9:30 pm I will have talked to 10 chicks. Even though the girls will probably be look at me weird since it’s dark out and they think I’m a hobo harassing them, I will do the exercise anyways.

Ah fuck I can’t do it tonight.

I stay at a coworking space(WeWork) usually so I can focus better when I’m studying or working on shit.

I left for dinner for 1 hour and when I came back my shit got stolen($2000 value).

Some dumbass let a homeless person in the coworking space(who I saw on the way out) and this mofo probably got my stuff.

He was carrying a luggage which probably had my stuff in it.

I am going home and gonna see if I can use find my iPhone to track my bag(maybe I left an air tag in it)
Day 5 report:

Asked 4 girls today for the time.

Also made conversation with a lot of people. Cute girl working at the smoothie station in the gym was the most notable - I felt zero social anxiety for once.

I want to be amazing at making conversation not just cold approach. Because after approaching a girl I also want to learn to have an awesome convo. That’s just my idea of fun.

I can only dedicate 1-1.5h to cold approach from now on. Starting a new job and I have to balance AA program with the job.

I tried doing my approaches on Venice boardwalk. It is too fucking hard there as there are big crowds of people and that scares me.

For now I will go to easier locations with less people.

I will still talk to hot girls only though as that is fun for me.

Tomorrow I will repeat day 5 and talk to 10 gorgeous girls.

P.S. got robbed yesterday so I couldn’t complete the program for the night.
michaelho068 said:
Also made conversation with a lot of people. Cute girl working at the smoothie station in the gym was the most notable - I felt zero social anxiety for once.

Way to make progress. Keep it up!

michaelho068 said:
P.S. got robbed yesterday so I couldn’t complete the program for the night.

That's shitty that happened but would be interested in hearing the story.
Bman said:
michaelho068 said:
Also made conversation with a lot of people. Cute girl working at the smoothie station in the gym was the most notable - I felt zero social anxiety for once.

Way to make progress. Keep it up!

michaelho068 said:
P.S. got robbed yesterday so I couldn’t complete the program for the night.

That's shitty that happened but would be interested in hearing the story.

Haha it’s not as interesting as you probably think. I have a WeWork membership because I love the focus I get from working there at night. Nobody around me to bother me.

So at 7pm I left my bags hidden in a cabinet because I was like fuck it, the other people here are all WeWork members who have money and they wouldn’t steal my shit.

So I left my bags there and went out to eat dinner for an hour. When I came back to WeWork, some bum-looking dude was just exiting the door. He was carrying a luggage and looked dirty.

I thought it was weird that a hobo got in because you need a keycard to enter the office.

When I got back up, my shit was gone! Then I made the connection…

Basically one of the WeWork members must have let this hobo in because they thought they were being nice.

This homeless guy then went through the whole place and found my shit that I hid in a cabinet.

I never leave my stuff behind, I just thought it was really safe because I’ve had no trouble in the 3 months I’ve been at WeWork.

And the one time I leave my stuff behind? A homeless person came in while I was eating and stole my shit.

I’ve literally never seen a homeless person enter the WeWork until the one time I left my bags behind lol.

I was literally gone for 1 hour only too lol.

Not too mad though, it’s too funny to me how shit my luck was yesterday. Probably 1/1000 chance of that happening.

Ty for your support btw!
michaelho068 said:
Not too mad though, it’s too funny to me how shit my luck was yesterday. Probably 1/1000 chance of that happening.

That is some shit luck, but these things happen sometimes. Glad you were able to roll it off and keep moving forward.
Day 5 report(third attempt)

Damn I’m making progress. I’m at the mall right now and I’m still only talking to pretty chicks.

I went to Uniqlo and Nike to talk to the pretty staff members there, and I’ve asked 5 girls for the time so far.

I’m writing this report right now because Chris(from GLL) says to take a break after the first 5, then do the next 5 a lot faster.

I’ve always been a socially anxious guy. I actually hate it because my social skills are pretty good. When I’m not in an anxious state, I can make conversations flow quite well and other people seem to enjoy talking to me too.

But everyday there’s like a reset. Even if I had social momentum the previous day, when I wake up the social anxiety comes back. I’m tense as fuck, stiff, super uncomfortable and anxious talking to people… but I find that it kinda goes away as I keep talking to more people.

Also is there anyone else on the spectrum on this forum? My therapist thinks I have Asperger’s and I’d love to hear what other people with ASD’s experiences have been like.

P.S. Will try to do a vlog later in public, while walking, so people will stare at me and I’ll get used to the discomfort even more.
Man you don't have Aspergers at all. Your psychologist is dumb as shit. A lot of absolutely useless people go into psychology, it's a make-work job for basic bitches and ex sorority girls.

Are you in college? "Game" in college isn't cold approach, it's nearly 100% Greek life and house parties, then warm approach in those situations.
klondike said:
Man you don't have Aspergers at all. Your psychologist is dumb as shit. A lot of absolutely useless people go into psychology, it's a make-work job for basic bitches and ex sorority girls.

Are you in college? "Game" in college isn't cold approach, it's nearly 100% Greek life and house parties, then warm approach in those situations.

Hey bro, I am not in college. About to start a car sales job.

I will go to UCLA to hit on some chicks one day though.

I’m curious about the Asperger’s diagnosis myself as I have been to multiple therapists and they’ve all said I might have it.
Funny story from today(day 5) by the way.

After I did my drill, I rode my bike to a burger shop. There was a cute girl sitting outside and I did my best to make eye contact with her while smiling.

As I was walking to the burger restaurant and smiling at her - I FUCKING TRIPPED!

Barely caught myself on the door handle. That was hilarious
One put “Suspected Aspergers” in your chart, the others read it and assume the same. They’re not making independent assessments.

From a random guy on the internet, you’re probably just a normal 20yo kid who might be on the shy side.
klondike said:
One put “Suspected Aspergers” in your chart, the others read it and assume the same. They’re not making independent assessments.

From a random guy on the internet, you’re probably just a normal 20yo kid who might be on the shy side.

Actually it was very discouraging to be slapped with an “Asperger’s” label because it made me feel like that if I wanted to improve my social life, I’d be on hard mode forever.

Hopefully I don’t have Asperger’s and the AA program and car sales job will transform my life