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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

MakingAComeback said:
We gotta keep working bro, I myself am working on cutting (following the keto approach, signed up with a great mentor Dr Hunt, doing their live calls daily) and when I have dropped 20lbs I am gonna spend some money on a killer photoshoot.

We need to push you to keep building your Tinder and approaching man.

Also listen to Andy and READ HIS ARTICLES.

If we can install all of Andy's framework in your young impressionable brain, you will be a god. Perhaps you could read these materials every Sunday? Andy read all of GLL I think 5 times.


Yes bro, the fact that I’m still so young is crazy. I have to take advantage of this.

I will read at least 5 of Andy‘s articles everyday Sunday from now on and write down my thoughts about each one here.
Adam said:
For a dog pic, get close to the dog. See if you can recreate one of the dog pics from Andy's tinder inspiration article. https://killyourinnerloser.com/inspiration/

Here's the dog pic I'm using in my profile. It's far from perfect but I'm close to the dog and it's a bit silly became the dog has a big goofy expression.

Yeah, I read that article, I will just recreate on of the dog pics. And you’re dog pic is really good and quite goofy like you said, haha.

Thank you for your advice.
Squilliam said:
Ok so here's the thing about animal pics. You have to make it look like the animal actually loves you. If you're just forcing it into a picture with you, then it won't be well received.

In other words, the photo has to look pretty natural. For example, A short video of a dog licking your face would be very difficult to fake.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I guess it should look like you’re actually the dogs owner, thanks.
Review for today:

-Approach 1 girl ✅ (Bus approach, could only muster „Can I have your number?“, she gave me a weird look and said no)

-Call driving school about the exam date (✅) (They didn’t pick up)

-Go on the date with girl from Lovoo (✅) (She ghosted me)

-Make new Tinder account with my own number (✅) (I tried, but turns out my current number is banned)

-Make an appointment to get my braces fixed (✅) (I called but the mailbox said they’re only available for calls from Monday to Thursday)

-Watch Andy‘s Tattoo guide ✅ (Takeaways: Tattoo should be meaningful, pay extra to see the design beforehand)

-Do 3 exam simulations ✅ (Failed all 3 [*sighs*])

-Buy condoms ❌ (Was too scared to buy them during day time, I usually buy all sex-related stuff early in the morning)

If she flakes, these are the things I will add:

-Play basketball for 1 hour ✅ (Had basketball practice, it went really well, I’m taller than everybody else, so I was pretty unstoppable)

-draw a Sketch of the main character of the manga I’m working on ✅ (Only drew a rough sketch of what I want him to look like)


I crushed the to-do list yet again (apart from the condoms). What motivates me the most to want to complete it, is the urge to make y’all proud.

It seems like y’all actually believe in me and want me to succeed and for that I can only thank you by taking massive action (Shoutout to Crisis_Overcomer , you’re compliment about my “2-step system” meant a lot to me).

Note regarding my cold approach ability:

They’re are days when I feel great and can talk to 6 girls in a day (my current record) and days where I’m so in my head and nervous I can’t even approach one.

Girls can blatantly smile at me and show me they’re interested (this happens quite often, no bragging) and I will still assume they’re not interested and pussy out on approaching them.

I find it quite interesting that I’m like that. I seem to underestimate myself a lot. I just gotta push through the doubt ,I guess.

To-do list for today:

-Take basketball pics with my cousin

-Complete 2 exam simulations

-Go to gym

-Approach 1 girl

-Read 10 pages of "You Can't Afford The Luxury of Negative Thought"

-1 hour OLD grind
MakingAComeback said:
I tried my best to edit the shitty dog pic:

Is it good enough for Tinder? (The picture under the first one is the after-picture)

Definitely not.

If you need an example of a decent dog photo to copy, I've noticed a significant increase in matches after adding this one (minus the blue
blindfold of course) and making it my main photo:

Bonus points if you can borrow a puppy and have it on your shoulder/head for your pic!
Crimson said:
To-do list for today:

-1 hour OLD grind

Only giving advice because I've gotten complements on my texting from notable veterans, I have a 90%+ show rate on scheduled dates. I've personally got my texts reviewed, and they've come a long way.

Consider posting your OLD texts for feedback/review

I don't think anyone has given you good text advice, just correcting you from boring soup/screening bs. So I'll give you a few tips/resources.

A lot of guys started to give me good pointers when I started posting them on my log early on, it's such an underrated skill that a LOT of people overlook.

Some resources that helped me start off we're https://web.archive.org/web/20200809180203/http://authorcloud.co/MrVs-Guide-To-Texting-Girls-dq16ldatn Don't take everything in that article to heart, there are somethings to not to do. Like waiting to respond days after getting a number, etc. You will start figuring it out.

A good rule of thumb when it comes to OLD texting/texting in general, you have to have the mindset of kind of going 3rd person, how are you presenting yourself, what would this person think of how I am presenting myself through text? Girls from OLD don't know who you are, all they know are your texts + pictures. Texting is a direct reflection of you, what kind of experience are you painting for this woman? A screening/boring texter? Fuck no. All guys are doing that, BORING. GAY.

Experiences are some of the greatest things we can offer another human being, let alone a woman. Being playful,teasing,challenging,displaying higher value,roleplay,humor are good starting points with some general chit chat/get to know you boring shit so she is investing.

Eventually once your volume picks up, you will start to see what works/what doesn't, fast. Talk to literally fucking everyone on that app, think of this as some experiment.

Start noticing patterns and be mindful of them, what gets girls hooked, what doesn't. Be mindful of everything, every time you burn a lead think of what you did wrong, what you did right

Some things you say to certain archetypes of girls will weed them out as well, you will learn how to calibrate with time

For example I'd use some lines I thought we're good, and I would burn leads, I stopped using them. I see girls react good to x thing, so I start using that and just formulate my own little stack, while doing stuff on the fly of course.

Keep killing it, a lot of guys here are rooting for you. Keep it up, don't let them down.
Manly Cockfellow said:
MakingAComeback said:
I tried my best to edit the shitty dog pic:

Is it good enough for Tinder? (The picture under the first one is the after-picture)

Definitely not.

If you need an example of a decent dog photo to copy, I've noticed a significant increase in matches after adding this one (minus the blue
blindfold of course) and making it my main photo:

Bonus points if you can borrow a puppy and have it on your shoulder/head for your pic!

Got it, thanks for showing your picture! I might have to ask a friend if I could use their dog for pics.
Mimbe393939 said:
Crimson said:
To-do list for today:

-1 hour OLD grind

Only giving advice because I've gotten complements on my texting from notable veterans, I have a 90%+ show rate on scheduled dates. I've personally got my texts reviewed, and they've come a long way.

Consider posting your OLD texts for feedback/review

I don't think anyone has given you good text advice, just correcting you from boring soup/screening bs. So I'll give you a few tips/resources.

A lot of guys started to give me good pointers when I started posting them on my log early on, it's such an underrated skill that a LOT of people overlook.

Some resources that helped me start off we're https://web.archive.org/web/20200809180203/http://authorcloud.co/MrVs-Guide-To-Texting-Girls-dq16ldatn Don't take everything in that article to heart, there are somethings to not to do. Like waiting to respond days after getting a number, etc. You will start figuring it out.

A good rule of thumb when it comes to OLD texting/texting in general, you have to have the mindset of kind of going 3rd person, how are you presenting yourself, what would this person think of how I am presenting myself through text? Girls from OLD don't know who you are, all they know are your texts + pictures. Texting is a direct reflection of you, what kind of experience are you painting for this woman? A screening/boring texter? Fuck no. All guys are doing that, BORING. GAY.

Experiences are some of the greatest things we can offer another human being, let alone a woman. Being playful,teasing,challenging,displaying higher value,roleplay,humor are good starting points with some general chit chat/get to know you boring shit so she is investing.

Eventually once your volume picks up, you will start to see what works/what doesn't, fast. Talk to literally fucking everyone on that app, think of this as some experiment.

Start noticing patterns and be mindful of them, what gets girls hooked, what doesn't. Be mindful of everything, every time you burn a lead think of what you did wrong, what you did right

Some things you say to certain archetypes of girls will weed them out as well, you will learn how to calibrate with time

For example I'd use some lines I thought we're good, and I would burn leads, I stopped using them. I see girls react good to x thing, so I start using that and just formulate my own little stack, while doing stuff on the fly of course.

Keep killing it, a lot of guys here are rooting for you. Keep it up, don't let them down.

Wow, thanks so much for the detailed advice. I will read the article you linked above and I will implement the things you've written out.

As for my texts, I follow Andy's Tinder guide template. I could see how his template could come across as boring though.

I will gladly share my OLD texts, I'll have to translate them first though, since they're in german.
Review for today:

-Take basketball pics with my cousin ✅ (All of them turned out shit though)

-Complete 2 exam simulations ✅ (Failed both, but better than yesterday)

-Go to gym ✅ (Could only do 50% of the workout though, I felt like shit)

-Approach 1 girl ❌ (I tried, but pussied out on all of them)

-Read 10 pages of "You Can't Afford The Luxury of Negative Thought" ✅ (Read way more than that, this book is absolutely amazing)

-1 hour OLD grind ✅ (Just finished, no replies yet [it's currently 2 A.M. here])


I felt like shit the whole day, resentful, depressed and hopeless all at once. Still tried my best I feel like, about 85% of my capability.

Update on scheduled date:

The date with the girl I cold approached is still lined up for today. To my surprise it’s actually not raining right now, so maybe God is on my side today.

We’ll see if she flakes. I texted her: “Looking forward to today😉” as a confirmation text this morning.
To-do list for today:

-1 hour OLD grind

-Go on date

-3 exam simulations

-Read 20 Pages of “You Can’t Afford The Luxury of A Negative Thought”

-Read 5 of Andy’s articles

If she flakes I will add:

-play basketball for 1 hour

-draw 2 pages of the manga I’m working on

-Approach 1 girl
Tracking my short-term goals:

-Sign up for theoretical drivers license exam by September 15 (Will do so on September 13)

-Finish drivers license app (theoretical part) by September 15 (90% done)

-Take 2 new Tinder pics by September 30 (1/2)

-Approach 15 girls by September 15 (6/15)


I’m on track. The only goal I’m a little worried about is approaching 15 girls in total. I have to approach 9 girls in the next 4 days.

Approaching just 1 girl is hell for me. I’ll have to go all-in to achieve that one.
Update on scheduled date:

She replied to my confirmation text: “Looking forward to today😉” with a “Same, I’m excited”.

A part of me wished she would flake, I‘m nervous now. I’ll go through Andy’s “Date & Sex” section in his Tinder guide again.

Wish me luck!

Sex-checklist for today:

-Condoms ❌ (You heard that right, I don’t have the most important thing. I could have bought them yesterday morning but I chose to wake up late [This might be self-sabotaging, idk])

-clean sheets ✅

-room is cleaned and organized ✅

-bottles of water ✅

-a few towels ✅

-blindfold ✅

-tissues ✅

-Bluetooth speaker ✅

-water based lube ✅

-2 sets of sheets ✅

-snacks ✅ ([I have bananas ;) Manly Cockfellow colgate])

-dimmed lighting ❌

-sex playlist ✅

-scissors ✅ (Maybe she brings condoms? [The girl I almost fucked did])

Now she just has to agree to come over. My parents will be there, so I don’t know if we’ll be able to have sex even if she does come over AND has condoms.

Mimbe393939 said:
Some resources that helped me start off we're https://web.archive.org/web/20200809180 ... -dq16ldatn Don't take everything in that article to heart, there are somethings to not to do. Like waiting to respond days after getting a number, etc. You will start figuring it out.

I'll second that this has really helped my text game, in addition to Krauser's Daygame Mastery. My flake rate has significantly decreased and filling up most of my calendar.

Take Mimbe393939 advice to just talk with as many girls as possible. Don't be too worried about the outcome of getting them on a date. Get experience just talking with them and noticing the patterns. Try out different variations of your texts.

The biggest improvement I made was teasing more and introducing more push/pull in my texts. I still try to be efficient as possible and keep it 3-5 volleys back and forth. Mimbe393939 does more to really get them invested. Doesn't really matter how much you do, as long as you're getting results. Find out what fits your style and keep iterating on it.
Date #3: Basketball girl

I’ll refer to her as basketball girl, because she plays basketball, just like me.

Duration of the date: 1 hour and 20 minutes

We meet and hug, but I again pussy out on holding her hand immediately. I walk her to my usual spot for dates (a park near my parents house that I love), we sit down on a bench and we’re just talking.

At this point I should have touched her more but I didn’t because I was scared. Soon enough, I grab her hand and she let’s me hold it.

A lot of “awkward silences” overall, but it doesn’t matter. I use one of the awkward silences to initiate a kiss and turn her head towards me and go for it.

I was already getting ready to feel her soft lips on mine, but she pulls away! She says: “Not like this”, I laugh it off. Over the duration of the date this happens a total of 4 times, lol! I tried to kiss her 4 times she pulled away for each one.

After a little more than an hour I ask her if she wants to come to over and she asks why, I’m honest and tell her she’s hot and I want to fool around with her, which makes her chuckle.

But she says “Not today”, so I end the date politely.


It might not seem like it from what I’ve written but she seemed receptive. Overall I feel like I was way too “boyfriendish”, I’m not really giving those fuckboy vibes. It seems like I’m scared to offend girls in any way. Gave her a few compliments but could have touched her a little more.


Turns out she goes to the same driving school as me (like I said, this city is way too damn small).

Good work boss!

Going for a kiss four times shows great courage, and so does inviting her back to your place and being honest about why you wanted her to come over.

Did you put your hand on her leg or around her shoulders while you were sitting next to her in the park?

I actually find this kind of touching to be much more effective at creating sexual tension, and strangely enough much less awkward than hand holding... it's almost like hands are TOO intimate to be touched for more than a few seconds on a first date.

Or maybe it's that hand-holding makes me think of marriage or at least long-term relationships, while putting your hand on her leg/shoulder can be more purely sexual.

I'd be interested to hear other guys thoughts on this.

Now go buy some damn condoms! 😆