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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

Update on basketball girl:

She just texted me and said:

“I’m sorry for being so held back today, I’m always kinda shy when I first meet someone.”

This translates to something like:

“On the 2nd date I will let you kiss me and depending on if I’m DTF or not, I will gladly come over and have sex with you.”

Manly Cockfellow said:
Good work boss!

Going for a kiss four times shows great courage, and so does inviting her back to your place and being honest about why you wanted her to come over.

Did you put your hand on her leg or around her shoulders while you were sitting next to her in the park?

I actually find this kind of touching to be much more effective at creating sexual tension, and strangely enough much less awkward than hand holding... it's almost like hands are TOO intimate to be touched for more than a few seconds on a first date.

Or maybe it's that hand-holding makes me think of marriage or at least long-term relationships, while putting your hand on her leg/shoulder can be more purely sexual.

I'd be interested to hear other guys thoughts on this.

Now go buy some damn condoms! 😆

Thanks oh Manly Cockfellow, Slayer of ladybits.

Yes, I had my arm around her shoulders for most of the date. And I see what you mean about hand holding, it’s quite awkward to hold hands for too long.

And yes I will buy condoms😂 It’s so embarrassing for me, though. I will buy them during the morning, when people aren’t out yet.
Bman said:
Mimbe393939 said:
Some resources that helped me start off we're https://web.archive.org/web/20200809180 ... -dq16ldatn Don't take everything in that article to heart, there are somethings to not to do. Like waiting to respond days after getting a number, etc. You will start figuring it out.

I'll second that this has really helped my text game, in addition to Krauser's Daygame Mastery. My flake rate has significantly decreased and filling up most of my calendar.

Take @Mimbe393939 advice to just talk with as many girls as possible. Don't be too worried about the outcome of getting them on a date. Get experience just talking with them and noticing the patterns. Try out different variations of your texts.

The biggest improvement I made was teasing more and introducing more push/pull in my texts. I still try to be efficient as possible and keep it 3-5 volleys back and forth. @Mimbe393939 does more to really get them invested. Doesn't really matter how much you do, as long as you're getting results. Find out what fits your style and keep iterating on it.

Thank you for the advice, I will work on my text game and try out different things to see what works.
Good job.

And don't worry, CA dates are 424.23% tougher than online dating dates. You can mess up your vibe when approaching. With online, you control the environment and can set a fuckboyish vibe without an issue. It's why some dudes confuse girls with their "nice guy" vibe when they eventually meet (they come off as too fuckboyish on apps but fail to transfer that vibe on the date)

Crimson said:
I use one of the awkward silences to initiate a kiss and turn her head towards me and go for it.

A little bit uncalibrated on your part but it's OK. I personally like physically escalating before going for the kiss. Typical escalation:

1) Lightly touch shoulder
2) Lightly touch leg
3) Poke belly in a teasing way (usually she says something like she needs to lose weight and I say nah you're good while either poking or placing my hand and lightly "massaging" her belly)
4) Tell her to flex quad. Poke quad for 3-4 times and then let hand rest on top of quaq. I then lightly stroke it again, we'll talk about working out and I'll segway to this)
5) <optional step> find excuse to lightly massage her shoulders
5) p̶u̶t̶ d̶i̶c̶k̶ i̶n̶ m̶o̶u̶t̶h̶ Kiss
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Good job.

And don't worry, CA dates are 424.23% tougher than online dating dates. You can mess up your vibe when approaching. With online, you control the environment and can set a fuckboyish vibe without an issue. It's why some dudes confuse girls with their "nice guy" vibe when they eventually meet (they come off as too fuckboyish on apps but fail to transfer that vibe on the date)

Crimson said:
I use one of the awkward silences to initiate a kiss and turn her head towards me and go for it.

A little bit uncalibrated on your part but it's OK. I personally like physically escalating before going for the kiss. Typical escalation:

1) Lightly touch shoulder
2) Lightly touch leg
3) Poke belly in a teasing way (usually she says something like she needs to lose weight and I say nah you're good while either poking or placing my hand and lightly "massaging" her belly)
4) Tell her to flex quad. Poke quad for 3-4 times and then let hand rest on top of quaq. I then lightly stroke it again, we'll talk about working out and I'll segway to this)
5) <optional step> find excuse to lightly massage her shoulders
5) p̶u̶t̶ d̶i̶c̶k̶ i̶n̶ m̶o̶u̶t̶h̶ Kiss

Your escalation looks quite fun, I wanna do that on the next date.

I looked up what “uncalibrated” means and I still didn’t get it😂 You mind explaining what that means? Crisis_Overcomer
Been gone for two days.

Tracking my short-term goals:

-Sign up for theoretical drivers license exam by September 15 ✅ (Scheduled for October 10, I have a month to study, easy)

-Finish drivers license app (theoretical part) by September 15 (90% done, 2 days left)

-Take 2 new Tinder pics by September 30 (1/2)

-Approach 15 girls by September 15 (8/15)


I will probably have to spend 3+ hours on the app to get to 100% in time and I have 7 more girls to approach. Both goals are possible to achieve in time, but will take a lot of effort.

Not worried about the Tinder pic.

Note: The upcoming deadlines are set for September 15, 23:59 P.M.

Dude you’re fucking killing it. One note I’ll make on escalation: I’ve found that it’s counterproductive to kiss a girl when you aren’t close to a location where you can have sex.

I’ve never kissed a girl and the gotten her to agree to go back to mine. I’ve gotten her to agree to come back and then kissed her while walking to my car but that’s a bit different, I also only do it if it feels REALLY on, and even then it’s not necessary it’s just fun.

I still go through other “escalations”, especially hand on leg. I’ve heard it explained before as kissing actually relieving sexual tension more than building it, because there’s more satisfaction in kissing than other, even more intimate actions.
ytlord said:
Dude you’re fucking killing it. One note I’ll make on escalation: I’ve found that it’s counterproductive to kiss a girl when you aren’t close to a location where you can have sex.

I’ve never kissed a girl and the gotten her to agree to go back to mine. I’ve gotten her to agree to come back and then kissed her while walking to my car but that’s a bit different, I also only do it if it feels REALLY on, and even then it’s not necessary it’s just fun.

I still go through other “escalations”, especially hand on leg. I’ve heard it explained before as kissing actually relieving sexual tension more than building it, because there’s more satisfaction in kissing than other, even more intimate actions.

Oh that’s very interesting, I’ve never heard that before. Andy did say that you don’t have to fool around with a girl in public to get her back to yours, I see what you’re saying. And thanks!

Note: The park is 5 min. walking distance from my parents house.
-Approach 15 girls by September 15, 11:59 P.M.

I set this goal on August 29. This was one of my short term goals. And I’ve just achieved it. I went all-in.

Today was the last day and I had 7 girls left to approach. It took me 6 hours and 10 minutes of walking around to do it. I left the house at 11 A.M. today and approached the 7th girl just now at 5.10 P.M. I pussied out on a lot of girls but I just kept going and didn’t quit.

At one point, I even somehow approached 3 girls in under 5 minutes!

I have no fucking idea how I was able to do this. Unreal. My legs are so tired and I’m hungry, lol.

Stats: 2/7

The first number I got was a cute Ukrainian girl that’s been here half a year because of the war. She was the 2nd girl I approached. She couldn’t speak German or understand my English, so we had to use Google translator to communicate, lol.

The second number I got was from the 7th girl I approached just now, blonde and chubby, but cute.


Crazy shit, I’m so proud of myself. CROWN ME MakingAComeback ! KING CRIMSON IN THIS BITCH!

Note: I broke my personal record for most approaches in a day, my previous record was 6.

Date update:

•2nd date with basketball girl scheduled for Saturday

•Will schedule date with one of the girls from today for Sunday

So a girl that I got the number from on Lovoo just invited me to party with her in a club.

Cute chubby black girl. I invited her on a date two weeks ago and she flaked on me last second. Now she just hit me up and asked if I want to go clubbing with her (Celebrating her graduation).

I don’t like partying too much and I’m really nervous, I’d rather just go on a normal date. But I’ve never been to the club so it’s a new experience. Not sure yet, but I’ll probably go.

I could also just fuck her in one of the toilets if we get to that point. Plus, as a newbie I need to do whatever I can to get laid.

Crimson said:
I’ve never been to the club so it’s a new experience

For this reason alone I think you should go.

New experiences often teach us a lot about ourselves and where we still have room to grow, and if you're nervous it's an opportunity to practice being brave as well.

That being said, don't forget to have fun!
Crimson said:
I don’t like partying too much and I’m really nervous, I’d rather just go on a normal date. But I’ve never been to the club so it’s a new experience. Not sure yet, but I’ll probably go.

Believe it or not, I used to be like this, now, you could argue I only really do night game/gutter game.

That's also what MakingAComeback used to say but now look at him. I take him out once and now he's planning nights out without me 😤
Damn man, I was about to cancel on her Manly Cockfellow TimmyTurner

Since y’all said I should go, I’ll go. This is an opportunity for growth like y’all said even if it’s scary.

Update on the girls I approached:

Ukraine girl turned out to be too young and blonde chubby girl is 26. Wtf?😭

I hustle for hours and now this.

Ukraine girl is obviously too young and I asked blonde chubby girl if she minds the age difference, she hasn't replied yet.
Crimson said:
I asked blonde chubby girl if she minds the age difference, she hasn't replied yet.

Next time, don't do this.

Let her decide. Given that she already gave you her number and she's already had a chance to see you in the flesh, it seems she already has.

Don't screen yourself out on her behalf. It belays a lack of confidence.
pancakemouse said:
Crimson said:
I asked blonde chubby girl if she minds the age difference, she hasn't replied yet.

Next time, don't do this.

Let her decide. Given that she already gave you her number and she's already had a chance to see you in the flesh, it seems she already has.

Don't screen yourself out on her behalf. It belays a lack of confidence.

Thanks for the advice, cockblocking myself.
Update on blonde chubby girl:

She ghosted me. It happens, on to the next.

Crimson goes to a club for the first time

Yeah, clubbing is fun. Not something that I'm ever gonna do on the regular, but it's very exciting.

I get there before Lovoo girl and the first thing I do is buy a drink.

I proceed to basically spent the whole time I was there on the dance floor. I didn't know it was this easy for me to be the life of the party.

I'm dancing and random dudes are walking up to me and hyping me up, lol. I have a dance off with a bunch of black guys my age, we get hella sturdy (Pop smoke dance) and I'm literally drenched from sweating.

I couldn't muster up the courage to talk to ANY girls, though. At some point the hoe of the club (she was doing this specifically to all the black guys haha) walks up to me and starts dancing with and then twerking on me. That was pretty cool.

Then finally, Lovoo girl arrives. She greets me and we are immediately super physical. But she came with her bestfriend who was a HUGE cockblock.

They were both dancing together and I kept being physical with her while trying to figure out a way to seperate her from her friend. I told her she was hot and she said I am too. She jokingly asked me to marry her, lol.

I told her friend that I'll borrow her for a minute, she says no. I tell Lovoo girl to convince her, she still says no. I then offer bestfriend a deal, I find a guy for her (lol) and she let's me stay with her, and you guessed it: no.

I probably shouldn't have taken no for an answer and should've kept escalating until Lovoo girls stopped me herself, it is what it is though.

I soon after decide to leave. As I'm getting my jacket a fight breaks out (of course, lol), guys punching each other but it gets broken up quickly.

Things I've learned:

-How horny girls can get. Girls twerking and making out with guys left and right, it was crazy. Made me pretty jealous haha.

-I need to upgrade my style to the "black rapper" archetype. All the girls seemed to be flocking to the guys that were dressed like that.

-Getting twerked on/making out with a girl is not the same as getting laid (obviously). It's cool to have a girl twerk on you or make out with you in the club but either you get laid or you don't.

Note: I will invite Lovoo girl on a date for Sunday.
