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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

Crimson said:
OLD Reflection:

My OLD profile is… not good (See: This logs page 11 without the BDSM pic) I need to take new pics. I read Mangas guide and it’s eye opening, I need a whole new profile ASAP.

I’m genuinely thinking about paying my cousin 100€-200€ so he’ll be properly motivated to take pics with me. He’s the one that took my current profile pic on here as well btw.

I know he’s not a professional photographer, but he has a very good IPhone camera, plus we’re cousins, we’ll figure it out together.

Thoughts on this?

I think this is better than paying a pro, as I can take pics with him whenever I want.


If you have a good connection with your cousin, he should probably do it for free. Maybe you can help him with something as a favour for taking photos?
Crimson said:
I’m genuinely thinking about paying my cousin 100€-200€ so he’ll be properly motivated to take pics with me. He’s the one that took my current profile pic on here as well btw.

I know he’s not a professional photographer, but he has a very good IPhone camera, plus we’re cousins, we’ll figure it out together.

You shouldn't be paying anyone who doesn't have previous experience. There are pro photographers that charge only a bit more than that.
FormalBox said:
Good job on setting up the photoshoot!

What type of photos will you be taking? Are you using any photos/ people / instagrammers as inspiration?

Given you're using an iphone, maybe you can also slightly blur the background for some of the shots to see how it looks? ie set a lower aperture?

I actually haven't set the photoshoot up yet, but I will.

I getting inspiration from Mangas guide (9 lays in 6 weeks) and Andy's photo inspiration article. I specifically am going for "fuckboy" vibes like Manga suggested.

Pics I want to take:

-fuckboy pic, me shirtless but with jean jacket and chain

-hobby pic, me playing basketball

-social pic, me with friends at bar

-dog pic, me petting a dog

-silly pic, me playing pink princess guitar

And yes I can blur the background, the Iphone also has "portrait mode" where the background is automatically blurry.
kratjeuh said:
Crimson said:
OLD Reflection:

My OLD profile is… not good (See: This logs page 11 without the BDSM pic) I need to take new pics. I read Mangas guide and it’s eye opening, I need a whole new profile ASAP.

I’m genuinely thinking about paying my cousin 100€-200€ so he’ll be properly motivated to take pics with me. He’s the one that took my current profile pic on here as well btw.

I know he’s not a professional photographer, but he has a very good IPhone camera, plus we’re cousins, we’ll figure it out together.

Thoughts on this?

I think this is better than paying a pro, as I can take pics with him whenever I want.


If you have a good connection with your cousin, he should probably do it for free. Maybe you can help him with something as a favour for taking photos?

Yeah I feel that and we do, I'll ask him if there's something I can do for him in exchange.
pancakemouse said:
Crimson said:
I’m genuinely thinking about paying my cousin 100€-200€ so he’ll be properly motivated to take pics with me. He’s the one that took my current profile pic on here as well btw.

I know he’s not a professional photographer, but he has a very good IPhone camera, plus we’re cousins, we’ll figure it out together.

You shouldn't be paying anyone who doesn't have previous experience. There are pro photographers that charge only a bit more than that.

Ok thanks I won't, I might have to look into some pro photographers in my area instead.
Cold Approach

Approached one girl today, she wasn't interested though.

Date update:

Date with Lovoo girl scheduled for Sunday. This will be my first date from online, so that's cool.

She might flake though.

Crimson said:
Cold Approach

Approached one girl today, she wasn't interested though.


What is stopping you from approaching more? 5? How about 10?
pancakemouse said:
Crimson said:
Cold Approach

Approached one girl today, she wasn't interested though.


What is stopping you from approaching more? 5? How about 10?

It’s really frightening for me, but yeah fear is not an excuse. I pussy out on a
lot of girls, it took me 6 hours last time to talk to just 7.

My biggest fear is people seeing me approach and seeing me get rejected.
Crimson said:
My biggest fear is people seeing me approach and seeing me get rejected.

It's funny how much our brains lie to us trying to keep us "safe", because instead of people seeing you as some loser who got rejected, in reality they are much more likely to see you as a brave and healthy man who had the courage and confidence to ask for what you wanted!
Manly Cockfellow said:
Crimson said:
My biggest fear is people seeing me approach and seeing me get rejected.

It's funny how much our brains lie to us trying to keep us "safe", because instead of people seeing you as some loser who got rejected, in reality they are much more likely to see you as a brave and healthy man who had the courage and confidence to ask for what you wanted!

Yeah, it’s funny how it works like that. Even if someone saw me as a loser, they would obviously never come up to me and say that. The latter is probably more likely as you said, though.
25.000 Dollar bank loan?

It does sound pretty ridiculous as I’m typing it. I made a video log, but for some reason I can’t attach it.

Anyways it’s just an idea, but I‘m grateful for any feedback on this.

I‘m considering:

1. Taking out a $10.000 bank loan in order to move out and live comfortably for a while.

2. After moving out, taking out another $15.000 to become Andy’s 1-on-one coaching client.

My reasoning behind moving out is obvious. I want to be able to go all-in with getting laid, as trying to do so at my parents house has proven to come with it‘s fair share of difficulties.

As for becoming Andy’s coaching client, I’m convinced that I would eventually figure out how to get laid, even without his help, BUT he would MASSIVELY speed up the process.

Paying the money back and logistics:

•I live in a city with roughly 200.000 people, I have big cities (~600.000 people) right beside me as well.

•I will still go to school for 3 more years, which means I won‘t be moving to another city if I do move out.

•I don’t have a full-time job as I’m still going to school, I’ll have to find a part-time job if I do move out.

•They’re cheaper rents for students. I’m still one for 3 years so that’s good.

•I would obviously be $25.000 in debt.


That’s pretty much it. I have no idea how I would pay that money back, but I’ll just have to chip away at it a bit at a time.

I want to knock out this “getting laid phase” pretty fast (while still enjoying it, of course), because I want to focus on becoming a professional basketball player in the future.

I obviously haven’t worked out any details, but how realistic is this? In my mind, it’s like being $25.000 (or more) in debt after applying to college. All things considered, it’s an investment that I think makes a lot of sense, despite it’s loftiness.

Crimson said:
Taking out a $10.000 bank loan in order to move out and live comfortably for a while

this is literally what andy did as you know and one of my personal inspirations for even being here on this site.

one thing i had when i started that some guys don't was "unlimited" money (i ended up spending around $35,000 over the course of a year moving around, paying double rent, on fashion, eye surgery, escorts, plane tickets, increased living expenses, tinder platinum, unforeseen circumstances as a result of this lifestyle etc etc etc etc).

having already figured out money, i was able to go all in with getting laid and making the required life changes without having to ever say "oh this is too expensive..."

if taking a $10,000 bank loan will allow you to get your own place and focus on going all-in with getting laid and not potentially make "this is too expensive..." excuses then freakin do it

you'll figure out a way to pay back the loan

strongly recommend the $10,000 moving out loan, if you're serious.


regarding the additional $15,000 loan for coaching, i think moving out alone should drastically improve your results, given that you won't have to manage parent logistics. it's a larger improvement than you might realize right now. i would do this incrementally and see what results you can get and then consider it
Crimson said:
25.000 Dollar bank loan?

It does sound pretty ridiculous as I’m typing it. I made a video log, but for some reason I can’t attach it.

Anyways it’s just an idea, but I‘m grateful for any feedback on this.

I‘m considering:

1. Taking out a $10.000 bank loan in order to move out and live comfortably for a while.

2. After moving out, taking out another $15.000 to become Andy’s 1-on-one coaching client.

My reasoning behind moving out is obvious. I want to be able to go all-in with getting laid, as trying to do so at my parents house has proven to come with it‘s fair share of difficulties.

As for becoming Andy’s coaching client, I’m convinced that I would eventually figure out how to get laid, even without his help, BUT he would MASSIVELY speed up the process.

Paying the money back and logistics:

•I live in a city with roughly 200.000 people, I have big cities (~600.000 people) right beside me as well.

•I will still go to school for 3 more years, which means I won‘t be moving to another city if I do move out.

•I don’t have a full-time job as I’m still going to school, I’ll have to find a part-time job if I do move out.

•They’re cheaper rents for students. I’m still one for 3 years so that’s good.

•I would obviously be $25.000 in debt.


That’s pretty much it. I have no idea how I would pay that money back, but I’ll just have to chip away at it a bit at a time.

I want to knock out this “getting laid phase” pretty fast (while still enjoying it, of course), because I want to focus on becoming a professional basketball player in the future.

I obviously haven’t worked out any details, but how realistic is this? In my mind, it’s like being $25.000 (or more) in debt after applying to college. All things considered, it’s an investment that I think makes a lot of sense, despite it’s loftiness.


At first glance is seems absolutely crazy, but when you compare it to the debt that many university students take on to party for four years and then get mostly worthless degrees it seems much more reasonable.

In the end it's obviously your call to make.

At the very least I'd give it several days of consideration and talk it over with some people you trust and that you feel have your best interests at heart.

Looking back on my own life I probably would have gotten much more out of working with someone like Andy than going to college right after high school, but again, that's my life, and you're going to have to decide what's best for you.

One practical question, how sure are you you'll be able to get $25,000 in loans? Are you going to have someone co-sign or is it just easier to get loans in Germany?
colgate said:
Crimson said:
Taking out a $10.000 bank loan in order to move out and live comfortably for a while

this is literally what andy did as you know and one of my personal inspirations for even being here on this site.

one thing i had when i started that some guys don't was "unlimited" money (i ended up spending around $35,000 over the course of a year moving around, paying double rent, on fashion, eye surgery, escorts, plane tickets, increased living expenses, tinder platinum, unforeseen circumstances as a result of this lifestyle etc etc etc etc).

having already figured out money, i was able to go all in with getting laid and making the required life changes without having to ever say "oh this is too expensive..."

if taking a $10,000 bank loan will allow you to get your own place and focus on going all-in with getting laid and not potentially make "this is too expensive..." excuses then freakin do it

you'll figure out a way to pay back the loan

strongly recommend the $10,000 moving out loan, if you're serious.


regarding the additional $15,000 loan for coaching, i think moving out alone should drastically improve your results, given that you won't have to manage parent logistics. it's a larger improvement than you might realize right now. i would do this incrementally and see what results you can get and then consider it

Yeah it’s definitely smarter to do this incrementally if I’m gonna do it, thanks for your feedback. Moving out would definitely come with lots of benefits, it’s seems like a worthwhile decision.
Manly Cockfellow said:
Crimson said:
25.000 Dollar bank loan?

It does sound pretty ridiculous as I’m typing it. I made a video log, but for some reason I can’t attach it.

Anyways it’s just an idea, but I‘m grateful for any feedback on this.

I‘m considering:

1. Taking out a $10.000 bank loan in order to move out and live comfortably for a while.

2. After moving out, taking out another $15.000 to become Andy’s 1-on-one coaching client.

My reasoning behind moving out is obvious. I want to be able to go all-in with getting laid, as trying to do so at my parents house has proven to come with it‘s fair share of difficulties.

As for becoming Andy’s coaching client, I’m convinced that I would eventually figure out how to get laid, even without his help, BUT he would MASSIVELY speed up the process.

Paying the money back and logistics:

•I live in a city with roughly 200.000 people, I have big cities (~600.000 people) right beside me as well.

•I will still go to school for 3 more years, which means I won‘t be moving to another city if I do move out.

•I don’t have a full-time job as I’m still going to school, I’ll have to find a part-time job if I do move out.

•They’re cheaper rents for students. I’m still one for 3 years so that’s good.

•I would obviously be $25.000 in debt.


That’s pretty much it. I have no idea how I would pay that money back, but I’ll just have to chip away at it a bit at a time.

I want to knock out this “getting laid phase” pretty fast (while still enjoying it, of course), because I want to focus on becoming a professional basketball player in the future.

I obviously haven’t worked out any details, but how realistic is this? In my mind, it’s like being $25.000 (or more) in debt after applying to college. All things considered, it’s an investment that I think makes a lot of sense, despite it’s loftiness.


At first glance is seems absolutely crazy, but when you compare it to the debt that many university students take on to party for four years and then get mostly worthless degrees it seems much more reasonable.

In the end it's obviously your call to make.

At the very least I'd give it several days of consideration and talk it over with some people you trust and that you feel have your best interests at heart.

Looking back on my own life I probably would have gotten much more out of working with someone like Andy than going to college right after high school, but again, that's my life, and you're going to have to decide what's best for you.

One practical question, how sure are you you'll be able to get $25,000 in loans? Are you going to have someone co-sign or is it just easier to get loans in Germany?

I would first get the $10,000 bank loan anyway, but I’m actually not sure if I’ll be able to get the extra $15,000 after, I have to find out.

Compared to going to college this seems like a reasonable investment though, like you said.
What I will do today:

-Go to gym

-Approach 5 girls

-1 hour OLD grind

-1 hour studying for drivers license exam
Date update:

•Basketball Girl coming over tomorrow

•Date with Lovoo Girl scheduled for Sunday

Thoughts on:

Basketball Girl:
I already had Baksteball Girl naked in my bed but couldn't get that lay #1 because of ED.

I have to drill in to my head how important it is to get laid with her tomorrow. My parents will probably be there, but we'll have the upper apartment to ourselves.

Lovoo Girl:
She might flake, but she seemed into me. If she doesn't, same thing with her, I NEED that lay (ethically).

I have a goal to achieve here, I'll do everything I can to make ot happen, everything else is outside of my control.

Crimson said:
Date update:

Basketball Girl:
I already had Baksteball Girl naked in my bed but couldn't get that lay #1 because of ED.

I have to drill in to my head how important it is to get laid with her tomorrow. My parents will probably be there, but we'll have the upper apartment to ourselves.


You shouldn’t drill how important this lay is. She was into you so that’s proof you can get her. No need to be outcome dependent
Crimson said:
Basketball Girl:
I already had Baksteball Girl naked in my bed but couldn't get that lay #1 because of ED.

kratjeuh said:
Lovoo Girl:
She might flake, but she seemed into me. If she doesn't, same thing with her, I NEED that lay (ethically).

I'm worried you're focusing way too much on the negatives (didn't get the lay) and not enough on the positives: you had an attractive young woman naked in your bed who you did tons of fun sexual stuff with!

Give yourself some credit man!

Even non-penatrative sex is a beautiful, beautiful thing and with the right perspective it should be a cherished memory (especially if it was your first organic sexual experience like I believe it was) instead of some failure that you're beating yourself up about.

Do you see what I'm saying?

Also, quit treating your dick like a voluntary muscle that you should be able to control. It's way more like your heart, and if you ever heard someone complain about how they couldn't get their heart to beat faster or slower you'd probably think they were a little nuts.

Just set yourself up for success by laying off the porn, doing some LISS cardio every other day (google it), doing PE or whatever else works for you instead of masturbating yourself to numbness, and try to enjoy your partner's body and beauty and pleasure more than you worry about whether your damn dick is working.

Because I guarantee however nervous you are about performing, she's gonna be ten times more nervous, and worried about whether she looks fat and whether what she's doing is sexy and making you feel good and turning you on, so try to have fun and don't be afraid to show your enjoyment and tell her how hot she is and how good what she's doing feels, because she'll have a way better time if you do!

Last thing is stop focusing so much on your number of lays!

I know number one is a big deal for everyone, but if you can I really hope you'll just focus on having as many beautiful, mutually awesome sexual experiences as you can with women who are excited to sleep with you, and not on some completely arbitrary number

(I know some guys list number of lays as a way of quickly establishing credibility or quickly saying where they are in terms of experience, and fair enough, but it's far better to aim for quality sex, because once you get to the point where you have great sex almost every time you'll honestly be getting more sex than you can handle, because women will be almost desperate to sleep with you!).