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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

I finally bought condoms by the way! And they fit!

Club game is great and I highly recommend it for people in the college age range. Especially for noobs, it's the fastest way to become acclimated and desensitized to a girls touch and not cream your pants on your first tinder date.

Regarding courage, drink more and you'll be good.

I never gathered my thoughts about club game so I'll write some stuff here and maybe it will benefit you:

1. Talking is optional. I open girls by tapping them on their shoulder, they turn around and see me with a fun smile on my face, and I say "Hi" with that boyish cocky attitude that they die for. Last time I went out I had my tongue down some girls throat and was slamming her against the wall rubbing her tits for 10 minutes before we exchanged names and majors. We danced for maybe 15 seconds before I made out with her. Act like you've been there before and the bitches will follow your lead. I opened her when I saw her walking by me and I stopped her and started dancing.

2. Continuing from number 1, clubs are so fun to do whatever the fuck you want. Lean into your testosterone and be unapologetically male. I bounce from girl to girl like it is nobodies business. If a girl is being boring, I will walk away in the middle of her sentence and go do something else. Two weeks ago some girl wanted to dance with me and get my attention but I was busy making out with another girl, so she got some guy to buy her a drink and gave it to me, lmfao— drinks were expensive that night so I appreciated it. The guy looked at her and then me with his mouth agape, completely speechless.

3. The name of the game in the club is volume. When I want to find a girl, I wander around the club and ask myself "who is the hottest girl here", find her and then walk up and start a conversation. THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCESSSSSSS. I wrote about this recently on someone elses log: if you like yourself, then rejections mean nothing. They don't even subconsciously register because you move on to doing something else more fun like dancing in the mosh pit with the black guys or the next girl.

4. Most important thing is having fun. If your goal is to have fun, then the girls don't matter and there's no pressure on you.

Another club story, some girl was too shy to talk to me so she asked a girl that I came with if she could introduce us lol. We were chilling with my arm around her and some dude was going to town making out with a girl while leaning on my leg. It was hilarious. Some girl was next to me with a cup of alcohol and I told her she was going to spill it, she says "no way", 2 minutes later she spills it and I laugh at her and then proceed to convince her I'm in high school.

5. Oh, and when girls ask you to buy them a drink, there is only one right answer "Fuck no" with a smile. Last time I did that the girls laughed and said "you know i had to try" and then we danced for a bit.
seanconneryfan_ said:
Club game is great and I highly recommend it for people in the college age range. Especially for noobs, it's the fastest way to become acclimated and desensitized to a girls touch and not cream your pants on your first tinder date.

Regarding courage, drink more and you'll be good.

I never gathered my thoughts about club game so I'll write some stuff here and maybe it will benefit you:

1. Talking is optional. I open girls by tapping them on their shoulder, they turn around and see me with a fun smile on my face, and I say "Hi" with that boyish cocky attitude that they die for. Last time I went out I had my tongue down some girls throat and was slamming her against the wall rubbing her tits for 10 minutes before we exchanged names and majors. We danced for maybe 15 seconds before I made out with her. Act like you've been there before and the bitches will follow your lead. I opened her when I saw her walking by me and I stopped her and started dancing.

2. Continuing from number 1, clubs are so fun to do whatever the fuck you want. Lean into your testosterone and be unapologetically male. I bounce from girl to girl like it is nobodies business. If a girl is being boring, I will walk away in the middle of her sentence and go do something else. Two weeks ago some girl wanted to dance with me and get my attention but I was busy making out with another girl, so she got some guy to buy her a drink and gave it to me, lmfao— drinks were expensive that night so I appreciated it. The guy looked at her and then me with his mouth agape, completely speechless.

3. The name of the game in the club is volume. When I want to find a girl, I wander around the club and ask myself "who is the hottest girl here", find her and then walk up and start a conversation. THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCESSSSSSS. I wrote about this recently on someone elses log: if you like yourself, then rejections mean nothing. They don't even subconsciously register because you move on to doing something else more fun like dancing in the mosh pit with the black guys or the next girl.

4. Most important thing is having fun. If your goal is to have fun, then the girls don't matter and there's no pressure on you.

Another club story, some girl was too shy to talk to me so she asked a girl that I came with if she could introduce us lol. We were chilling with my arm around her and some dude was going to town making out with a girl while leaning on my leg. It was hilarious. Some girl was next to me with a cup of alcohol and I told her she was going to spill it, she says "no way", 2 minutes later she spills it and I laugh at her and then proceed to convince her I'm in high school.

5. Oh, and when girls ask you to buy them a drink, there is only one right answer "Fuck no" with a smile. Last time I did that the girls laughed and said "you know i had to try" and then we danced for a bit.

Thanks for the detailed advice, I will try to apply this next time. It was hard to give myself permission to act in the way you described above.
Date update:

I have the 2nd date with Basketball Girl coming up in 2 hours but it will probably be raining during that time.

I usually bring my dates to a park near my parents house but now the benches might be wet.

So my question:

What do y’all do during a date when it’s raining?

If your parents aren't home you can suggest drinks at your place (don't call it netflix and chill), playing some silly video game like mario kart, ...

If your place is unavaillable and your goal is to get laid, I would cancel today and suggest another day. Otherwise there are enough indoor spots to grab a smoothie, coffee, drink or something else
kratjeuh said:
If your parents aren't home you can suggest drinks at your place (don't call it netflix and chill), playing some silly video game like mario kart, ...

If your place is unavaillable and your goal is to get laid, I would cancel today and suggest another day. Otherwise there are enough indoor spots to grab a smoothie, coffee, drink or something else

Shoutout kratjeuh! I did what you said and invited her over to watch a movie and she agreed ;)
Update on Basketball Girl:

She will be coming over to watch a movie in an hour. My mum is luckily not home, but my dad is (Yikes) I’ll ask if he’ll go in the apartment downstairs though, so that we have the apartment upstairs to ourselves.

Quick Update:

It’s time boys I’m leaving to get Basketball Girl now. My dad is still here, but he also leaves shortly (Thank you, God!). We will be all to ourselves in the apartment upstairs and my sisters in the apartment downstairs.

Just like with First Date Girl, only this time I have condoms that fit. Wish me luck boys!

Basketball Girl came over but I didn’t fuck her. I couldn’t stay hard.

Alright so we meet in the park and chill for a bit. It starts raining so we walk to my parents house. We chill in my room and watch Haikyuu (Amazing Anime, watch it), fool around and after my dad leaves we go in the apartment upstairs.

We start making out, clothes come off, the usual. She had a very soft body, she was not chubby at all but had a little fat around the stomach, I loved this for some reason. I‘m making my way to her tits and ask if she wants her nipples licked. She says yes, I tell her if she wants me to she has to explicitly say: “Brandon, please lick my nipples.”. I love making girls say stuff.
She says no with a cheeky smile, so I lick every part of her except her nipples, lol.

I blindfold her and tease her (She absolutely loved this), lick her pussy etc. I spanked her as well but she didn’t like that too much.

It kinda felt like I was doing all the work, though. I told her to blow me and she did, but stopped after like 2 minutes, so I made her do it again. Made her give me a handjob (and footjob colgate) too. Maybe she was nervous about wether she was doing a good job or not.

We do foreplay for ages (2+ hours) and I then pull out the condoms. I then realize that I won’t be able to stay hard if I put them on as I was struggling to stay hard sporadically. I blindfold her again and lick her pussy to get myself hard, it works for a bit but the erection quickly fades.

Then my dad calls my phone and says he’ll be back soon. So we put our clothes on and I walk her half of the way to her parents house, we kiss goodbye, the end.

Note: The ED might be because of my porn consumption. I jerk off a whole lot.

2nd note: I forgot to ask her to let me take pictures of her body goddammit! I find the idea of that so hot.

3rd note: Shoutout Crisis_Overcomer, I poked her belly and squeezed her leg (“Proof to me that you really have basketball legs”) like you told me too. Shoutout Manly Cockfellow as well, there was no handholding [except in the bedroom ;)] this time. Arms around her shoulders the whole time.

4th Note: This time, I’ll tell her I’m seeing other girls AFTER we have sex😤

Couple things:

- Two hours of foreplay is a MEGA lot. I find that often I lose an erection if I do too much foreplay. Keep it to like... 10 minutes.

- If you feel like you will lose an erection if you put a condom on, have her suck your dick while you're opening (why do they make the damn things so hard to open?) and prepping the condom, then pull out and roll it on as quickly as possible, then quickly insert it into her.
pancakemouse said:
Couple things:

- Two hours of foreplay is a MEGA lot. I find that often I lose an erection if I do too much foreplay. Keep it to like... 10 minutes.

- If you feel like you will lose an erection if you put a condom on, have her suck her dick while you're opening (why do they make the damn things so hard to open?) and prepping the condom, then pull out and roll it on as quickly as possible, then quickly insert it into her.

Ok, I will keep it to ten minutes next time. And you‘re 2nd point makes a lot of sense, that will definitely work, thanks.
Yeiii, all good man. You'll get it in next time. Live and learn

pancakemouse said:
have her suck her dick while you're opening

Pancake just accidentally revealed his 100+ lays were super-flexible trans girls that could suck their own dicks.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Yeiii, all good man. You'll get it in next time. Live and learn

pancakemouse said:
have her suck her dick while you're opening

Pancake just accidentally revealed his 100+ lays were super-flexible trans girls that could suck their own dicks.

Yessir, can’t wait to get that Lay #1. I noticed that too, pancakemouse lmao
Tracking my short-term goals:

-Sign up for theoretical drivers license exam by September 15 ✅

-Finish drivers license app (theoretical part) by September 15 ❌ (didn’t finish it in time)

-Take 2 new Tinder pics by September 30 (1/2) (Still working on this one)

-Approach 15 girls by September 15 ✅
Crimson said:
The ED might be because of my porn consumption. I jerk off a whole lot.

Too much porn/jerking off is kryptonite for your dick, but it's also almost impossible to just quit cold turkey, so what can a man do?

The only thing that has worked for me has been doing a simple PE exercise every time I feel like masturbating (see pics below for description of exercise I do, which is for added girth - just be careful, be patient, ease into it, and stop and take a few days off if you feel anything more than a very slight pain; also although the pic below says daily, I wouldn't do it more often than every other day).

View attachment 1
Not only does this dramatically decrease my ED, it has the added benefit of slowly making my dick even bigger, so I've replaced a self-harming habit with a self-improving one!

If I really can't overcome the urge to watch something sexual while I do the above exercise I try to make sure what I watch is at least something healthy where the woman is actually experiencing pleasure, which has the awesome benefit of me learning new ways to pleasure to my partners!

For healthier examples of porn I recommend something like what you'll find on r/chickflixxx or r/nsfwtalking on Reddit, or anything else where the focus is on the woman experiencing genuine pleasure (most of the stuff made by Bellesa.com or with Owen Gray or Manuel Ferrara is pretty good too)
Manly Cockfellow said:
Crimson said:
The ED might be because of my porn consumption. I jerk off a whole lot.

Too much porn/jerking off is kryptonite for your dick, but it's also almost impossible to just quit cold turkey, so what can a man do?

The only thing that has worked for me has been doing a simple PE exercise every time I feel like masturbating (see pics below for description of exercise I do, which is for added girth - just be careful, be patient, ease into it, and stop and take a few days off if you feel anything more than a very slight pain; also although the pic below says daily, I wouldn't do it more often than every other day).

Not only does this dramatically decrease my ED, it has the added benefit of slowly making my dick even bigger, so I've replaced a self-harming habit with a self-improving one!

If I really can't overcome the urge to watch something sexual while I do the above exercise I try to make sure what I watch is at least something healthy where the woman is actually experiencing pleasure, which has the awesome benefit of me learning new ways to pleasure to my partners!

For healthier examples of porn I recommend something like what you'll find on r/chickflixxx or r/nsfwtalking on Reddit, or anything else where the focus is on the woman experiencing genuine pleasure (most of the stuff made by Bellesa.com or with Owen Gray or Manuel Ferrara is pretty good too)

Yes, it’s definitely hard to stop. Thanks for sending the exercise, I’ll try it! And I’ve checked out the subreddits as well.
2 Cold approaches today, 0/2 numbers

1. Approached a cute girl this morning, she said she doesn’t speak German, so I tell her that she’s hot in English but she doesn’t get that either.

So I just say “sexy” while pointing at her. She finally gets the message, says “oh” and runs off, lol.

2. Cute chubby girl. Seemed receptive, we conversate but said she doesn’t give out her number. I ask for her insta, she says she doesn’t have that. “Is there any other way I can reach you?” “No”. So I leave.

colgate said:
Crimson said:
I tell her that that one time I had sex was with a prostitute, she laughs her ass off.
lmao respect, i haven't even been able to do that

Crimson said:
I lick her feet
i thought @goldfish was the most degenerate guy here with eating ass but he has competition now lmaoooo

Crimson said:
But the condoms don’t fit.
haha looks like we know what you'll be researching now

great story hopefully you get the lay soon.
OLD Reflection:

My OLD profile is… not good (See: This logs page 11 without the BDSM pic) I need to take new pics. I read Mangas guide and it’s eye opening, I need a whole new profile ASAP.

I’m genuinely thinking about paying my cousin 100€-200€ so he’ll be properly motivated to take pics with me. He’s the one that took my current profile pic on here as well btw.

I know he’s not a professional photographer, but he has a very good IPhone camera, plus we’re cousins, we’ll figure it out together.

Thoughts on this?

I think this is better than paying a pro, as I can take pics with him whenever I want.

Drivers License Update:

My theoretical drivers license exam is scheduled for October 10, so I have exactly 20 days to study. More than enough if I study a little each day.

Probably gonna study for 1 hour a day.
