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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

MakingAComeback said:
Crimson said:
What I did today (WED 16/11/22):

•Walked outside for 5min.

•Did a little bit of swiping on OLD

•Read a few pages of a book on learning CBT

•Cleaned my room

Babysteps forward, but I skipped school again. I won’t beat myself up, but it was me who decided not to go to school today, not any perceived mental-illness I may/may not have, or anything/one else.

I might need professional help regarding my mental health though, I don‘t how to go on. At least I’m working on it and figuring it out, but it’s getting out of control.

I will wait until Friday (the day of the coaching call with Andy) and see what he says.



Re. mental health:

I can advise a lot on this, dude.

Keep working, but I'm gonna ping you some thoughts when I have a sec.


Alright, I’m looking forward to the advice.
•Bullied a kid in elementary school (Context:He had ADHD, which I gave him shit for, I remember running after him while he was crying and when he fell down trying to run away from me, I stomped him repeatedly while he was on the ground)= 2,000kp

Alright, I felt a little resistance doing this, but I did it. I apologized to him.

The message is in German, it translates to:

“Hey (victims name), I know this is random but I bullied you in elementary school. I can remember stomping you while you were on the ground. I want to apologize for that.”

Apologize to the guy you bullied= 800 kp

53,000 kp-800 kp= 52,200 kp

New total karmic debt: 52,200 kp

I will update once he responds.
1. What kind of human being do I want to be?

-Write down all the qualities/attributes that that person has

-What can I do to become the person that has this attribute?

(For example: I choose „kind“ as an attribute that I would like to have. I then ask myself what I can do to be kind —> Help strangers with groceries, volunteer, speak to the elderly ect.)

-Assign each positive action I take to become more kind (or any other chosen attribute) „karmic points“ (explained below)

What kind of human being do I want to be?

I’ve never actually taken the time to answer this question. I would like to do so now. I would like to be a human being that is:

•strong (physically & mentally)
•capable of aggression

If I remember new attributes I will add them here. Now, what can I do to become the person that has each attribute?

The way I think I will do it is like this: Every week, I will pick one attribute and make that my focus for the week and try to emulate that attribute as best as I can.

It’s probably best if I set out some challenges to do that week that would represent that attribute so I have something to orient myself towards.

For example: I pick being stoic. Possible challenges for the week: Sleep on the floor for one night, don’t use any cutlery for a day ect.

For this week, I will pick being kind.

I haven’t come up with any challenges yet, I’ll post them once I know.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Love seeing how much action you're taking here mate. Taking action is the only way to move from depression up to joy, happiness, fulfilment, connectedness, excitement, vitality, etc. Keep it up.

And you'll find the more you take action, the more you'll feel connected to God like you said was important for you. God/the universe directly rewards those who take action - it's like God directly giving you a sign (it's funny to me when people ask God/the universe for a sign. Bitch, God/the universe has been giving out signs everywhere, there's an entire reward system built into the fabric of the universe, you've just been ignoring it).

Thank you man, that seems to be the only way. God will reward me, but he won’t do it for free. I don’t have to earn his love, but I do have to earn everything else.
Alright, the guy I bullied accepted my apology.

The conversation translates to:

Me: Hey (victims name), I know this is random but I bullied you in elementary school. I can remember stomping you while you were on the ground. I want to apologize for that.

Him: Hi, oh all good. That was an eternity ago and we all used to fuck up back then. But I really appreciate that bro.

Me: No problem bro. Wish you all the best in life.

Him: Thank you, you too.
Alright, this is from yesterday:

•Made female classmate smile/laugh= 20kp

•Made class laugh while giving a presentation= 50kp

•Complimented classmate on his shoes= 20kp

•Had funny conversation with another classmate= 20kp

•Made a joke to another female classmate (This is a joke I use all the time, lol: It was time for group work and she had to choose between working with me and another guy or two girls. She chose the girls and I said: “You don’t want to work with me because I’m black right?😔

She’s heard it a million times but we still smile/laugh everytime, lol.)= 20 kp

•Told a girl “bless you” after sneezing= 10 kp

I‘m also adding this:

•Wishing Basketball Girl all the best in life= 10 kp

•Wishing the guy I bullied all the best in life= 10 kp

•Talked to God= 20 kp

52,200 kp – 180 kp= 52,020 kp

New total karmic debt: 52,020 kp
•Being mean to my siblings (across lifetime)= 1,500 kp

Cleaned up my sisters room= 400 kp

52,020 kp – 400 kp= 51,620 kp

New total karmic debt: 51,620 kp
All the times I beat myself up (not literally, across lifetime)= 3,000 kp

Paying this one off by taking care of myself:

•groomed myself=50 kp

•Went to the gym (I skipped for 3 weeks)= 500 kp (Because I made it fun and gave it my all)

•Tried to talk to girls (10 min.)= 50 kp

•Talked to God (Which was the catalyst for taking action today)= 50 kp

•Took baby step towards studying= 20 kp

•Bought hygiene essential= 50 kp

•Took baby step in applying for a job= 20 kp


•Cleaned the kitchen= 20 kp

•Made a girl laugh through my Ig story= 20 kp

51,620 kp - 780= 50,840 kp

New total karmic debt: 50.840 kp
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Crimson said:
God will reward me, but he won’t do it for free

The Drowning Man
A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.

Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, “Jump in, I can save you.”

The stranded fellow shouted back, “No, it’s OK, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me.”

So the rowboat went on.

Then a motorboat came by. “The fellow in the motorboat shouted, “Jump in, I can save you.”

To this the stranded man said, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.”

So the motorboat went on.

Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, “Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety.”

To this the stranded man again replied, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.”

So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.

Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, “I had faith in you but you didn’t save me, you let me drown. I don’t understand why!”

To this God replied, “I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?”

This. A very important lesson.
Will update karmic debt counter tomorrow, currently studying for an exam.
Encounter with God (and demons?):

Literally just now had a HUGE encounter with god. I don’t even know how to describe what happened. I was watching videos on deliverance (casting demons out of a body) and I tried to do it on myself.

I didn’t even believe in demons, but I think I do now? I know that sounds like I’m going insane, I don’t even know anymore.

I asked god to bring the demons forth. I also asked the demons directly to show themselves. They didn’t come out at first and resisted until one of them finally came out.

I started jumping around hysterically and screaming silently. I act this exact same way when I’m harming myself, especially the very first time I did it. It really felt like I was possessed at that moment, by something resembling the feeling of anger and revenge. Just consumed with hatred for myself and others.

I asked them how many they were, they said 5. For the next like 15 min. I was just going insane in my room, confessing all my sins to God and asking to be forgiven, telling the demons to go away, accepting Jesus as my lord and savior ect.

I told the demons: “The Holy Spirit is in me now, you have to leave! Why are you closing you’re eyes?! (I had my eyes shut while being possessed) Yeah, the light of the Holy Spirit is too bright for you is it?!”

By the end of it all I still had my eyes shut and was sitting at the edge of the bed. After I opened my eyes, I was literally not able to speak. No words would come out for like a good couple minutes, until I could finally muster up the courage to speak again.

After that I laid down on my bed. I asked the demons who they were (I may have done that before laying down, I’m not sure) and they said demons of lust, self-hatred, anger, self-harm ect. , basically all the things that I’m struggling with.

I then asked them: “What is your agenda?” (They resisted again but I just kept asking) and it felt like I became possessed again, and “I” answered back in a demonic voice (that typical demonic deep voice, See: Tom Hardy’s Venom): I want to kill you, I don’t want you to go to heaven, I want you to perish in hell you pathetic scum (insert evil giggle here)”. While I was saying this my whole face and body was very tense. Did the Joker smile at some point.

That was the end of it. My spirit felt “cleansed” and a lot lighter after. I feel like I was able to get rid of 2 of the demons and there are still 3 left, but I literally cannot explain why I feel that way.

Like I said I don’t even know man, never felt or experienced anything like this before. It did feel very real though. This has to be worth some karmic points haha.

•Teased a girl= 20kp

•Made some girls smile= 20 kp

•Claps (don’t remember what I did unfortunately)= 50 kp

•Joke/teased a girl (This was funny: She’s a classmate and she said that I looked like I was on drugs (because I didn’t get enough sleep), I said:“I’m just gonna be quiet and not say anything about the way YOU look“. This made her smile and another girl laugh)= 40 kp

•Joked to another girl= 20 kp

•Did group work with another girl (had a fun and good time together)= 100 kp

•Wrote a poem= 20 kp

•Spiritual experience (the one above this post)= 100 kp (Maybe I’m just delusional, I don’t know.)

•Read the Bible (for the first time in months, proverbs to be specific)= 20 kp

•Went out to talk to girls= 50 kp

•Hard Focus during exam= 30 kp

•Prayed (as in had a conversation with god)= 30

50.840 kp – 500 kp= 50.340 kp

New total karmic debt: 50.340 kp

Note: It’s important that I write each positive action down immediately, otherwise I’m going to forget. There’s a bunch of stuff that I did that I don’t know anymore, so I can’t write it down.


sundleboro said:
Hey crimson, you have a really captivating way of writing. I'm rooting for you

Thank you very much, I love to write stories, poetry and songs. Rooting for you as well, get that coaching call with Andy, it helped me a lot.
Posted this in my mental-health log already:

Had a rest day today. Andy advocates for that, having one day of the week where you just chill out. Mine will be Sunday (God rested on the 7th day as well, so I’d like to do the same thing). There’s a difference between „chilling out“ and being unproductive though, which is what I did (as in just laying on the couch watching YouTube).
Crimson said:
Quick update:

Lined up a date with a girl from Tantan (dating app) for Friday. First ever date from online, cute black girl.

Shitty logistics though, I’ll have to go there by train (it takes 1h 30 min) and she doesn’t even have her own apartment (she lives with her aunty). It is what it is though, as newbie, all experience is good experience. I need to do everything in my power to get laid.

This girl just texted me out of nowhere, lol. As you can see we were supposed to go on a date months ago, but she ended up flaking. She was actually my first flake ever.

I told her to hit me up when she’s free but she never did, so I deleted her number and forgot about her. When she hit me up I actually didn’t recognize her profile pic until she told me who she was.

I still gotta travel to her city because she doesn’t have a ticket and doesn’t have her residence yet. It’s 1h and 30 min., but I’m not really in the position to reject any date experience, so I’ll obviously go.

Date scheduled for Saturday.

Will write what I did today and update the karmic debt counter tomorrow, since I’m quite tired right now. This is just a filler post.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Go on the date and just focus having a good time, enjoying the experience, and use it as a good opportunity to build up some karma. Every time you're kind to her = 20 karma points. Every time you come out of your shell and share something personal = 10 karma points. etc etc

Exactly, that’s the best thing to do for her and me. We both have a good time and I get some karma points as well.
This is the kp I accumulated over the last couple of days. Again, I forgot a bunch of stuff but it’s fine. I’ve started to type out everything on my phone since I always have it with me.

•Telling someone “bless you” after sneezing (3X)= 15 kp

•Jokes I’ve told (7X)= 150 kp

•Raising my hand in class (3X)= 30 kp

•Short conversation with cute classmate= 10 kp

•Waved at friend= 5 kp

•Went to gym (2X)= 100 kp

•Said hello to the babies of relatives= 10 kp

•Family time (watching World Cup)= 30 kp

•Fun conversation with teammate= 30 kp

•Made appointment with school counselor= 20 kp

•Forum interactions= 40 kp

50.340 kp-440 kp= 49.900 kp

New total karmic debt: 49.900 kp

Note: Germany is officially out of the World Cup, which is quite disappointing and Cameroons chances are not looking good either.