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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

Just got approached by two girls in my school that said their friend liked me. I had to politely decline. She was cute but chubby and since Lovoo Girl I kind of have a trauma around girls with belly rolls, lol (or I guess disgust would be more fitting). Im also kinda opposed to Date new girls in my school because it’s already two now lol (First Date Girl and CA Girl, but let’s be real I would said yes if she was slim).

I knew that she was into me because she always smiled at me and made it pretty clear. Grateful for the validation, but no.

This is something to reflect on, though. This is the 2nd time I got approached by a girl in my school who was interested in me. They were both chubby, but I guess it’s validating nonetheless.

Note: I feel kinda bad for rejecting her, but I have to give myself praise for being upfront and honest about my disinterest in her.

Note 2: Like I said First Date Girl and CA Girl go to my school as well, it’s tough to run into a girl everyday that had my dick in her mouth. I do think about First Date girl quite a lot.
The girl I was supposed to meet tomorrow flaked today, she said she’s sick (flu). There’s no point in not believing her, Andy said to look at things from a stoic perspective: Girl told Boy she’s sick. That’s all that happened.

She also made it really clear that she wants to meet me and also said that next week will be better because her period will be over. We’ll reschedule it to someday next week.


•Went to the gym again today. I’ve been going regularly for two weeks now and I feel a lot better. Great outlet for negative emotions.

(“I’m so mad that I don’t have girls to have sex with right now!”—>go to gym—> release the anger and improve your looks at the same time—> 2 Wins!)

Apart from that, a quite lazy day, I don’t think I did anything else.


Volleyball game= 50 kp

Asked classmate for advice= 20 kp

Focused pretty hard during two exams= 50 kp

Went to gym= 30 kp

Told my mum the truth about a lie I told her= 100 kp

Showed empathy towards Basketball Girl (update coming once we meet up again)= 50 kp

Kept it real about my disinterest in that girl from my school= 45 kp

Made classmate smile= 5 kp

Cut my own hair + grooming= 50 kp

49.900 kp - 400 kp= 49.500 kp

New karmic debt: 49.500 kp
Great effort at basketball practice= 50 kp

Great conversation with old friend= 50 kp

Finally send out my job application= 50 kp

49.500 kp - 150 kp= 49.350 kp

New karmic debt: 49.350 kp

Note: Finally starting to drive tomorrow! As in practicing for my practical drivers license exam at my drivers school. It’s been a long time coming, I’m feeling quite excited but also scared haha

Told classmates „bless you“ after sneezing= 15 kp

Made joke to old classmates= 20 kp

Forum contributions= 60 kp

Cool conversation with classmates= 20 kp

Joke to classmate= 20 kp

Jokes during sports class= 50 kp

Conversation with old friend= 20 kp

Told old classmate who’s currently in the hospital to get well soon= 15 kp

49.350 kp - 220 kp= 49.130 kp

New karmic debt: 49.130 kp
Posted Ig story which made people smile= 100 kp

Forum contributions= 40 kp

Finished the EasyPeasy method on quitting porn (Shoutout september, he recommended it, I genuinely have no desire to watch porn anymore)= 20 kp

49.130 kp - 160 kp= 48.970 kp

New total karmic debt: 48.970 kp

Joked about fluffy hand shoes of classmate, she hit me and smiled= 20 kp

Teased classmate about being cross-eyed (not in a mean way obviously), she smiled= 20 kp

Told classmate to walk faster, she says “you walk faster!” and smiles= 20 kp

Joked with a teammate= 20 kp

Basketball game performance = 30 kp

48.970 kp - 110 kp= 48.860 kp

New total karmic debt. 48.860 kp

Note: Basketball Girl is coming over tomorrow. My goal right now is to give as much value to people as possible (and in return gain karma points), so this will be a good opportunity to do so.

So the question is: What can I do for this girl so that she walks away from our date better off than she was before our date?

And when I say better off I mean ACTUALLY better off, not me being a nice guy cathering to her every need. This would just be selfish and wouldn’t actually be a good experience for her or for me.

The fact of the matter is I like this girl (quite a lot actually) and I want her to feel good. So here it goes:

1. Talk about what led to us unfollowing each other for a couple of weeks

2. Open up about what we both actually want (Manly Cockfellow pointed out that it sounded like she wants something more serious, so I would like to find out if this is true [I told her I want something casual, which is the truth. When I told her this she responded really quickly and said “Yeah me too”, which was odd, it felt like she waited for what I would say and responded accordingly]). Only way to find out is to ask her.

3. Actually LISTEN to her. I’ve noticed that I often listen half-heartedly when she’s talking to me, quickly redirecting the topics she’s talking about to myself. Granted, I often only noticed this upon reflection (like right now) and was pretty oblivious to it during the actual dates.

4. Tell her that I like her & give her compliments (that I actually mean, not just compliment her for karma points)

5. Potentially open up about my self-harm issues (Followed up by me telling her that I’m working on solving it through coaching and perhaps this karmic debt “project”. See Andy’s Yt video: “How to be vulnerable but MASCULINE”

6. Dance with her (that slow dance you see in the high school movies, I want to do that with her)

These are just some ideas, obviously dates can be quite spontaneous.

Andy says to not talk about what you’re going to do but about what you’ve actually done, but I’m typing this out on here so I don’t forget and I can perhaps even refer back to it during the date.

What are you doing right now with all this is awesome man.

Keep it up!

Red said:
What are you doing right now with all this is awesome man.

Keep it up!


Thank you!🙏🏾 I see you killing it as well, new lays every week!
This is excellent progress Crimson.

Love that you're trying to understand what she wants and not just focusing on yourself.

One thing to keep in mind is sometimes what a girl wants most is to feel she's giving you what you want, so don't be afraid to tell her exactly what you want and then let yourself enjoy her giving it to you!

Obviously this applies to sex -if you want her to talk dirty to you or touch you a certain way, tell her exactly what to say or do (for example lately I've been telling my partner to say "I love your cock" and "your cock is perfect" and "I love choking on your big cock" while she gives me head, which is amazing, largely because she loves it so much too!)-, but don't be afraid to tell her what you want anytime you think of something that she could do for you.

As a semi-nonsexual example I like it when a girl plays with my cock or places her hand on/around it even when we're just laying/sitting there and not planning to have sex anytime soon, because it makes me feel loved and accepted even when my cock isn't hard, which decreases the pressure to perform and makes me feel like more than just a sex robot.

Again, women who like you really love knowing they are giving you exactly what you want.

Last thing I'll say is if want to really lower the pressure to perform, you and any girl you're with could try something like this:


just remember to tell her that while having an orgasm is fine, but the only goal is to focus on how your touch feels
Manly Cockfellow said:
This is excellent progress @Crimson.

Love that you're trying to understand what she wants and not just focusing on yourself.

One thing to keep in mind is sometimes what a girl wants most is to feel she's giving you what you want, so don't be afraid to tell her exactly what you want and then let yourself enjoy her giving it to you!

Obviously this applies to sex -if you want her to talk dirty to you or touch you a certain way, tell her exactly what to say or do (for example lately I've been telling my partner to say "I love your cock" and "your cock is perfect" and "I love choking on your big cock" while she gives me head, which is amazing, largely because she loves it so much too!)-, but don't be afraid to tell her what you want anytime you think of something that she could do for you.

As a semi-nonsexual example I like it when a girl plays with my cock or places her hand on/around it even when we're just laying/sitting there and not planning to have sex anytime soon, because it makes me feel loved and accepted even when my cock isn't hard, which decreases the pressure to perform and makes me feel like more than just a sex robot.

Again, women who like you really love knowing they are giving you exactly what you want.

Last thing I'll say is if want to really lower the pressure to perform, you and any girl you're with could try something like this:


just remember to tell her that having an orgasm is fine, but the only goal is to focus on how your touch feels

Thank you very much, I followed your advice about telling her exactly what I want. Will have to try the 15 min. Orgasm as well!
Return of Basketball Girl:

Long post ahead. I will calculate all the karmic points in a second post.

Just woke up, this is the morning after the date, I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. Love? Gratefulness? Joy? Sadness? A bunch of stuff at once. Felt pretty shit after the date, but much better now.

I will try to have empathy with myself while typing this.

We met, hugged and walked to my parents house. I told her it’s nice to see her again and we made a bunch of small-talk after. In my room, we talk some more. I couldn’t bring myself to talk about the unfollowing of each other in detail, all I could ask her was “How did it make you feel when I unfollowed you?”, to which she said “I just thought ok, that’s what it is” and “So no heavy feelings anymore”, to which she responded “No, all good”.

I didn’t bring up the “are you actually looking for something more serious” conversation either, because I just forgot, all good. Also didn’t open up about my self-harming because I was quite nervous about that, all good as well.

I was quite shy/nervous in the beginning before relaxing and told her so. Eventually we both got comfortable, sitting at the edge of the bed looking into each other’s eyes. She has shifty eye contact and I tell her: “You’re allowed to look me in the eyes”, she says she always automatically looks away, so I make her lock eyes for 10 seconds. Eventually I kiss her, not for a long time at all. After we’re done still looking each other deep in the eyes, I say: “I missed you”, which makes her smile. Very heart-warming moment.

What I did really well was that I gave her a bunch of compliments. I called her cute, told her she has nice hair ect. I also told her she has BUNDA (this is a meme reference for having a big ass here in Germany, so this made her laugh). Eventually I tell her that I like her while holding deep eye contact. She says she likes me too, smiling.

I ask her what her worst date ever was, she kept it vague and said “you know, when it’s just a mismatch”, I told her about the date with CA Girl.

Also followed what Manly Cockfellow told me and made her do stuff I liked. Made her caress my dick casually (took a lot of courage), made her sit on my lap (which she couldn’t do too long because she has fucked up knees) as well.

She always knew when I wanted to say something but was scared to say it. She often asked what I wanted to say.

My parents finally leave and I invite her upstairs (took a lot of courage again, you would think it would get easier after having seen her like 6 times now, but nope, still scared of that rejection😂).

Now comes the sex part.

We’re in the bed room, I make her play her playlist. Ask her to dance, she says it’s uncomfortable “because we don’t know each other like that”. I push for it a little (gently) as in “you really don’t want to?”, she’s shy and and says no so I tell her all good.

I go for the makeout, clothes come off, the regular. Make her blow me, I eat her out, massage her, lots of compliments ect. Props to me for telling her what I want as well. This goes on for… 1h, 1.30 h? Very long foreplay, again.

After about an hour she says:

Her: “Don’t you wanna…, you know?”

Me: “Huh?” *genuinely confused*

Her: “Isn’t this supposed to… lead somewhere?”

Me: *remembers that sex exists* “Oh yeah, I don’t know wether I’ll be able to get it up or not”

Her: “You know, sometimes if you just try it comes by itself”

Me: “We can try, I do wanna have sex with you. It will be hard to put the condom on if I’m not hard though”

Her: “What can I do to help you?”

Me: “I don’t think it has anything to do with what we’re doing, someday when we meet I’ll be able to get hard”

Her: “Yeah, but… I’m just thinking when, you know? It seems like we always do the same thing, when me and my ex-boyfriend did it, we never did foreplay for so long”

At this point I remember what pancakemouse told me: “2+ hours foreplay is way too long”. I didn’t remember that I could make her blow me and then put the condom on quickly, though.

Me: “So… you would like less foreplay?”

Her: “Well yeah, if we take so long it’ll be hard for me to have sex after some time as well you know?”

Me: “Yeah, I understand”

The truth is, I wasn’t even thinking about having sex, I was just enjoying the moment and thinking of new stuff to try out and the pleasure I could give her. I wasn’t even completely sure wether I wanted to have sex or not (although I said I was).

She wasn’t saying anything bad, she was just explaining how she felt. Bringing her ex-boyfriend up wasn’t done to hurt me either, she was just explaining her point. It boils down to something like:

“Brandon, I really like you and I really want to have sex with you. I understand that you have trouble getting hard, maybe it’ll work if we just try?”

But that’s not what I heard. What I heard was:

“Brandon, you’re truly pathetic. You’re 20 and you can’t get hard? How can you take so long to fuck me? We always do the same thing, lick pussy, compliment bla bla. Don’t you get bored of this shit? Ughh… My ex-boyfriend always fucked me real good after 10 min. of foreplay.”

We lay besides each other. She can tell I’m lost in thought and asks what’s up.

Me: “I’m just thinking about what you’ve said”

Her: “There’s really nothing to think about, sometimes you can just say yeah, ok”

Me: “Yeah…” *gets lost again*

Her: “What’s up?”

Me: *takes a while to build up the courage to say it, perhaps accelerated by her gentle encouragement* “I hope that it doesn’t bother you that I can’t get hard sometimes”

Her: “No, of course it doesn’t”

I ask her questions: What’s the hardest thing about being a girl?”, “What would you do if you were a man for a day?” ect., we get dressed, I walk with her for a bit and ask if I can kiss her goodbye (she rejected me just going for it). She says: “I mean it’s not like we’re together, you know…”, so I hug her goodbye.

It could be that she truly doesn’t wasn’t to kiss a FWB-guy goodbye, or she thinks we “shouldn’t” because we’re casual. I should have that conversation about “It’s ok for both of us to catch feelings even if we’re casual, you don’t have to hold back” with her in the near future. I can tell that she’s holding back a bit, because it’s clear that she likes me a lot, but maybe I’m projecting.

Alright, back to me. This is all I have in my head:

“Brandon, you’re truly pathetic. You’re 20 and you can’t get hard? How can you take so long to fuck me? We always do the same thing, lick pussy, compliment bla bla. Don’t you get bored of this shit? Ughh… Me ex-boyfriend always fucked me real good after 10 min. of foreplay.”

It felt like I was dying on the way home. Arrive, horrible self-talk, cry, look for blades, too tired, go to sleep without hurting myself.

Before going to sleep I text her:

Me: “It’s always great with you, looking forward to the next time”

Her: “Yes, until next time :)

How was the date from her perspective?

I will try to be as unbiased as possible in writing a review of the date from her perspective:

Today I hung out with a guy that I’ve been seeing for a little longer than a month now, called Brandon. He’s really cool and I really like him. We hadn’t seen each other for a while, because we unfollowed each other without good reason, so I was really nervous about seeing him again after so long.

First we talked about a bunch of stuff that I can’t even remember anymore, haha. He told me he was nervous, which I was surprised to hear but appreciated, because like I said, I was nervous too.

After a while he kissed me. I loved it, because I wanted to feel his lips again. He also told me that he had missed me, which made me very happy (I wanted to say that I missed him too, but wouldn’t that be weird? We’re not even together!). I always feel comfortable around him, because he makes it clear that he likes me and cares about me.
He always gives me so many compliments as well, I just get shy and say: “Thank you”. I love when he does it, because it makes me feel beautiful.

It often seemed like he wanted to say something but was too scared to say it, so I encouraged him to speak, because I wanted to know what was on his mind.

Eventually he invites me upstairs. I get excited and tell him I need to pee, because I know what’s about to happen. We make out and undress each other and do the usual “stuff” ;) He makes me feel really good and I love his body.

He stops and I ask what’s up. He says: “I’m thinking about what to do next”. At this point almost a hour has passed and I’m confused because I thought that he wanted to fuck me, but he hasn’t even tried to yet?

Later he asks me what time I have to leave. I think: “Gosh, don’t worry about it! Why are you asking me this? Don’t you want to fuck me?” I just tell him “Soon”.

Eventually I ask him about having sex. He says he doesn’t know wether he’ll be able to get it up or not, which I completely understand. But maybe we could at least try? I really want to have sex with him.

I tell him that me and my ex always did it pretty quickly, so it’ll maybe work if we just get in the passion of things instead of taking it so slow. He gets a little quiet after I say this and I ask what’s wrong. He says that he’s just thinking about what I said.

“I hope I didn’t hurt him? I was just trying to explain my point of view, you know?” I assure him that there’s nothing wrong, to which he says that he hopes that it doesn’t bother me that his dick doesn’t work sometimes.

“It doesn’t bother me at all, I just want to feel connected to you on a way deeper level!” I tell him that it doesn’t at all. We talk some more, he asks me questions about being a girl. Other guys have never asked me questions like this so I’m excited to explain. I ask him what it’s like to be a guy, because I want to know way more about guys as well.

We get dressed and he walks me back. It’s a rather quiet walk, but I always appreciate the fact that he’s willing to walk with me. But it also makes me feel quite self-conscious because I don’t want him to walk too far and then have to walk all the way back to his house, so I always tell him he can just walk back at a certain spot.

He asks to kiss me goodbye. Of course I want to kiss him, but we’re not even together… Aren’t we acting like a couple at that point? I reject and we hug goodbye instead. “Why does he wanna kiss me goodbye when we’re really just casual??”

He sends me a message after the date: “It’s always great with you, looking forward to next time”. Oh my god, why is he like this? I’m really gonna catch feelings at this rate… It’s not supposed to be like this! I tell him that I’m excited for the next time as well.


So, what’s there to say? I gave it my best to make her have a good time. I was sloppy, nervous, awkward and insecure but I gave it my best.

Everything was going really well until the sex part. Even the sex part was only a self-perceived fuckup. It wasn’t bad at all, I guess it just gets pretty repetitive. Could’ve talked more (psychological play/ fucking her mind) and could’ve been more dominant. We always do the physical stuff together, but there’s not a lot of passion (Eventhough we both clearly like each other. I guess we’re both still holding back, like Manly Cockfellow pointed out)

Regarding me not being able to get it up: I didn’t feel guilty or bad about it until she mentioned that she wanted to have sex, in fact it only came up in my mind once or twice and was quickly squashed with thoughts like: “Just relax and enjoy Brandon, it doesn’t matter at all”.

So I guess the question is why her telling me that she wanted to have sex (which is obviously completely understandable, everybody wants to have sex) affected me in such a negative way.

In fact, it made me question my entire existence:

I can’t get it up –> I can’t please her at all –> In fact, I can’t do anything right whatsoever –> I’m such a worthless piece of shit –> I should kill myself

The way I responded seems more like a Me-Problem and not something she had anything to do with. Happy for any feed back on the date, thank you!


natedawg said:
Congrats, brother! Huge takeaways and good job on not beating yourself up.

Thank you very much brother, I tried my best.

Crimson said:
I gave it my best to make her have a good time.

What if you stopped worrying so much about her having a good time and made your enjoyment the main focus?

By focusing so much on her and her pleasure you're robbing her of a role most women love to play, which is to be the sexy girl who gives the hot guy exactly what he wants.

Let her focus on making you feel as good as possible (you can even tell her before you get together again that you'd like to focus on your pleasure next time, because you know she feels really good when she makes you feel good) and see if that doesn't lead to a better experience for both of you!
Manly Cockfellow said:

Crimson said:
I gave it my best to make her have a good time.

What if you stopped worrying so much about her having a good time and made your enjoyment the main focus?

By focusing so much on her and her pleasure you're robbing her of a role most women love to play, which is to be the sexy girl who gives the hot guy exactly what he wants.

Let her focus on making you feel as good as possible (you can even tell her before you get together again that you'd like to focus on your pleasure next time, because you know she feels really good when she makes you feel good) and see if that doesn't lead to a better experience for both of you!

Thank you for your feedback, expressing what I want is definitely something I struggle with and need to work on.
Crimson said:
The girl I was supposed to meet tomorrow flaked today, she said she’s sick (flu). There’s no point in not believing her, Andy said to look at things from a stoic perspective: Girl told Boy she’s sick. That’s all that happened.

She also made it really clear that she wants to meet me and also said that next week will be better because her period will be over. We’ll reschedule it to someday next week.



•This date is rescheduled to this Friday. Like I said, I’ll be going to her city.

•Regarding Basketball Girl, I’ll have to find out wether my parents will both leave at some point during the weekend.