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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

2022 Review

A little late, haha.

What a year, man. Ups and downs but the journey has started. I made my first post in this log August 7th 2022. Exactly a month after losing my virginity (to a prostitute, always feel like I have to mention that so newbies or lurkers don’t think I lost it „normally“ [My logic: „I lost it to a prostitute and it didn’t matter at all, look what I’ve already achieved! Now join the forums you pussy!“).

That is the day 2022 started for me. I honestly don’t really remember anything last year that happened before that day (except losing my virginity and my trip to the USA).

Within a week I got my first number from CA. Then I got my first date (First date ever was a CA date!). Then my first kiss. Then my first time seeing a „normal“ girl naked (First pull ever was from CA as well ;))

I pulled 3 girls into my house. Not bad at all for a newbie.

Pushed myself to approach, went to the club for the first time, made out and/or fooled around with a bunch of girls and even got 2 dates from OLD which I didnt think was possible.

Plus, I’m still dating Basketball Girl. Approached her in the beginning of september, so I’ve been able to retain her for 4 months and still ongoing. And we haven’t even had sex yet, lol.

I learned so much about what it means to be a man and owning your sexuality. Learned a whole lot more about girls too. All the girls I’ve dated so far were generally cool people. Not the arrogant sluts who just want to fuck me over that I perceived them to be before I started dating.

I feel like a completely different person compared to 6 months ago. 6 months ago I was hopeless and thought I would be a virgin forever. Now I’m fairly certain (at least in theory, haha) that I can have whatever I want if I just work hard enough to get it.

Longest. 6 months. Ever. Honestly felt like a full year.

Huge thanks to everyone in this community! Let’s achieve great things this year.


Lays: 0

Dates: 6

Pulls: 3

Retained: 2


great red shirt y̶e̶a̶r̶ 4 months!

Crimson said:
Exactly a month after losing my virginity (to a prostitute, always feel like I have to mention that so newbies or lurkers don’t think I lost it „normally“ [My logic: „I lost it to a prostitute and it didn’t matter at all, look what I’ve already achieved! Now join the forums you pussy!“).
lol i just didn't personally consider my escorts to be "losing my virginity", it was just practice

was about to be like "you still had to go out there and earn your '''real''' lays" but then
Crimson said:
wait really??????

istg you actually fucked basketball girl and i reread the reports but it seems like you just fooled around + hj?

honestly it's really good that you're focusing on actually trying to have a good time and focus on the experience. i also remember the report you had where you made that girl come just from making out with her. it's like in either situation you probably could have fucked either girl lol

Crimson said:
I learned so much about what it means to be a man and owning your sexuality.
as you said, it's clear that this is your focus, and i think guys (especially myself) should focus on this instead of being weirdly tiptoe and indirect about it

can't wait for the epic stories you'll have this year
colgate said:
great red shirt y̶e̶a̶r̶ 4 months!

Crimson said:
Exactly a month after losing my virginity (to a prostitute, always feel like I have to mention that so newbies or lurkers don’t think I lost it „normally“ [My logic: „I lost it to a prostitute and it didn’t matter at all, look what I’ve already achieved! Now join the forums you pussy!“).
lol i just didn't personally consider my escorts to be "losing my virginity", it was just practice

was about to be like "you still had to go out there and earn your '''real''' lays" but then
Crimson said:
wait really??????

istg you actually fucked basketball girl and i reread the reports but it seems like you just fooled around + hj?

honestly it's really good that you're focusing on actually trying to have a good time and focus on the experience. i also remember the report you had where you made that girl come just from making out with her. it's like in either situation you probably could have fucked either girl lol

Crimson said:
I learned so much about what it means to be a man and owning your sexuality.
as you said, it's clear that this is your focus, and i think guys (especially myself) should focus on this instead of being weirdly tiptoe and indirect about it

can't wait for the epic stories you'll have this year

I feel you on the escort thing, I think it’s still a big step to take though.

Haha yeah man, no actual penetration yet.

Looking forward to seeing how your 2023 plays out as well! Now go and build your anime harem, oh Colgate, slayer of the Asian population😤
This stuff takes time to build up.

It's year after year of growth, goal achievement, and then........

You become a High Level Man.

That is the absolute pinnacle of biology, the absolute cutting-edge of all of life, creation, the known cosmos.

I predict within 5 years, you will achieve greatness.

I believe that, I believe in you fully and completely.


Another person who will do the same is King Colgate, above.

Both of you, if you ever want my help with anything, tag me, I am there. I have got your back. I'll succeed in my life and get to a high level with this shit, as well as biz, and whatever else - my door will always be open to you two.

Keep working my kings.

MakingAComeback said:
This stuff takes time to build up.

It's year after year of growth, goal achievement, and then........

You become a High Level Man.

That is the absolute pinnacle of biology, the absolute cutting-edge of all of life, creation, the known cosmos.

I predict within 5 years, you will achieve greatness.

I believe that, I believe in you fully and completely.


Another person who will do the same is King Colgate, above.

Both of you, if you ever want my help with anything, tag me, I am there. I have got your back. I'll succeed in my life and get to a high level with this shit, as well as biz, and whatever else - my door will always be open to you two.

Keep working my kings.


Handed in Job Application

Handed in my job application. Would be cool to get it, the job is sorting out groceries in a supermarket, 15 min. walk from my home.

Plan is to start saving money for moving out (preferably ASAP, though it will most likely take time).


Building Cornerstone Habits:

MakingAComeback made a post in my mental health log regarding wellness. I think it could help me, I need structure. So I’d like to build some cornerstone habits to build a good foundation.

I’ll start with 3 habits, too much may be overwhelming.

•Go to sleep at 10 PM, wake up at 6 AM
•Meditate 10 min. a day
•Gym or boxing everyday

I’ll try it out for a week and will make some tweaks if it’s too much.



I didn’t meditate, but I did go to the gym though. Also didn’t go to sleep at 10, but at 11.05 PM.

This is still a huge success, it’s been months since I went to sleep this early (literally!). I didn’t have school today so I woke up at 8.30 AM.

On a day like this I would normally wake up at 10 or later, so it’s an improvement.


I would like to stick to the plan today. It’s rest day for the gym, so I will do some shadowboxing instead. I want to join an actual boxing gym, I’ve already asked my friend who boxes about the opening hours of his.


Progress on developing healthy habits:


Did it today for 10 min. It’s so interesting how my mind kept wandering without me noticing. I was like „IN and OUT…“ in my mind (per colgate‘s advice) and then a random story would pop up that I would get lost in.

Then I would be like „OH! I’m supposed to be meditating!“ and I’d go back to focusing on my breath.


Did some light shadowboxing in my room. I like this sport a lot, I would love to actually fight somebody in the ring one day. And it’s really exhausting!


I‘m going to sleep now and it’s currently 10:53 PM. So better than yesterday (11:05 PM).


I even did my homework today! I don’t even remember the last time I completed an assignment for school, haha.


Crimson said:
Progress on developing healthy habits:


Did it today for 10 min. It’s so interesting how my mind kept wandering without me noticing. I was like „IN and OUT…“ in my mind (per @colgate‘s advice) and then a random story would pop up that I would get lost in.

Then I would be like „OH! I’m supposed to be meditating!“ and I’d go back to focusing on my breath.


Did some light shadowboxing in my room. I like this sport a lot, I would love to actually fight somebody in the ring one day. And it’s really exhausting!


I‘m going to sleep now and it’s currently 10:53 PM. So better than yesterday (11:05 PM).


I even did my homework today! I don’t even remember the last time I completed an assignment for school, haha.



Does self care count towards your karmic debt?
natedawg said:
Crimson said:
Progress on developing healthy habits:


Did it today for 10 min. It’s so interesting how my mind kept wandering without me noticing. I was like „IN and OUT…“ in my mind (per @colgate‘s advice) and then a random story would pop up that I would get lost in.

Then I would be like „OH! I’m supposed to be meditating!“ and I’d go back to focusing on my breath.


Did some light shadowboxing in my room. I like this sport a lot, I would love to actually fight somebody in the ring one day. And it’s really exhausting!


I‘m going to sleep now and it’s currently 10:53 PM. So better than yesterday (11:05 PM).


I even did my homework today! I don’t even remember the last time I completed an assignment for school, haha.



Does self care count towards your karmic debt?

Yes, it does! You’re right, I have to update it accordingly.
12th January 2023:


Meditated first thing in the morning for 10 min. , felt good.


Good session, had good form. Muscle mass starting to come in.


Went to sleep at 11:06 PM. Felt a little tired in the morning, could’ve went a little earlier but watched YouTube for a little longer than necessary. All good, I’m still sleeping way longer than I’m used to.


Productive day, starting to feel more stable. Starting to realize how important a routine is for good mental health. Feeling the soreness of the muscles the day after going to the gym feels good in a weird way. It shows that you did something.

I did eat like 4.200 kcal though, which is 1000 kcal above what I’m supposed to be eating.

Also still working on my school assignments and working on nailing those.


Karmic debt update:

Joke (x8)= 180 kp

Told lady she dropped her bus ticket= 50 kp

Helped classmate= 10 kp

Meditation (x3)= 60 kp

Gym (x3)= 60kp

Good sleep (x3)= 70 kp

Boxing (x1)= 20 kp

Homework done (x2)= 40 kp

45.440 kp - 470 kp= 44.970 kp

New total karmic debt: 44.970 kp


13th January 2023


For 10 minutes. Was able to notice when I wandered off pretty quickly and return to my breath.


Light 5 min. shadow boxing just so I did at least something.


Going to sleep now, it’s 0:43 AM. Gonna wake up at 8. The plan is still to sleep from 10 to 6 even on the weekends.

The fact that it’s the weekend made me feel like I could stay up longer.


Not much to say, pretty cool day. I’m glad to have the opportunity to work on this stuff. Met with my school counselor again as well.

Feeling emotionally empty, but it’s better than a mental health crisis. The routine (or a routine in general) seems to work for emotional stability.

Regarding sleep, I got like 6.30h of sleep last night, but was still pretty tired today. So tired in fact, that I fell asleep during English class and was woken up by the teacher, haha.

(Made up for it by immediately raising my hand to answer a question)

First Date Girl:

She’s still in my mind. It would be easier if I didn’t run into her in school most days.

What can I do? All I can do is keep going. Just wanted to vent a little.

Gotta embrace those feelings, they’re normal. I miss her, it’s okay.


14th January 2023

Didn’t post this yesterday.


For 10 min. before going to sleep. Was a little chaotic mentally but tried my best.


Went and completed my workout. Progressive overload, I’m getting stronger. Better sleep and caloric surplus are contributing to this, no doubt.


Went to sleep at like 2AM, woke up at 9. Way over what I intended, I just kept watching YouTube until deep into the night. All good, I can do better.


Everything is good. Learning to embrace the slight edge. If I keep this up I’ll be in a way better headspace in a year.


Crimson said:
Everything is good. Learning to embrace the slight edge. If I keep this up I’ll be in a way better headspace in a year.

Yes you will, but you also enter a better head space every single day you work on it. This work compounds.

Keep going.
natedawg said:
Crimson said:
Everything is good. Learning to embrace the slight edge. If I keep this up I’ll be in a way better headspace in a year.

Yes you will, but you also enter a better head space every single day you work on it. This work compounds.

Keep going.

Thank you for your continued support.
15th January 2023:

Slow day, but I did my best.


For 10 min. again. I feel more at peace when my mind is still.


Shadowboxed for 5 min. I think my jab is pretty fast. Really scared to go to a actual boxing gym, but I know it’s something I want to do. I was also scared to start Basketball, but I still did.


It’s currently 1:32 AM, going to sleep now. I want to figure out why I’m going to sleep so late.


I’m very grateful to be on this journey. To be part of a community of hardworking individuals who are doing their best each day to become the best versions of themselves, is a blessing.

•Hit my calories as well


50 things I like about myself:

Watched a video on Andy’s channel in which he talked about making a list of 50 things you like about yourself, so I did just that.

1. My height
2. My athleticism
3. My race
4. My hair
5. My empathy for people
6. My ambitiousness
7. My creativity
8. My courageousness
9. My inner child
10. My love for God
11. My beard
12. My resilience
13. My body in general
14. My deep voice
15. My dominant side
16. My scars
17. My style
18. My sense of humor
19. My dick
20. My ability to listen
21. My intelligence
22. My smile
23. My laugh
24. My kindness
25. My desire for freedom/independence
26. My love for art
27. My love for music
28. My love for beauty
29. My earrings
30. My literacy
31. My orderliness
32. My curiosity
33. My speed (sprinting)
34. My drawing ability
35. My relentlessness
36. My basketball skills
37. My observation skills
38. My willingness to learn
39. My humility
40. My eyebrow cuts
41. My story writing ability
42. My rapping ability
43. My nationality
44. My muscles
45. My religion
46. My poetry writing ability
47. My sexuality
48. My calmness
49. My apprenticeship
50. My consistency regarding self improvement


Very cool that I was able to come up with 50 things. I wasn’t sure I could, haha. It shows that there’s at least 50 things I like about myself, maybe there’s more? :)

It felt good writing this, I feel a little bit more love for myself.

P.S.: Took me like 3 days in total to write this (over a 3 week span).


Crimson said:
50 things I like about myself:

Watched a video on Andy’s channel in which he talked about making a list of 50 things you like about yourself, so I did just that.

1. My height
2. My athleticism
3. My race
4. My hair
5. My empathy for people
6. My ambitiousness
7. My creativity
8. My courageousness
9. My inner child
10. My love for God
11. My beard
12. My resilience
13. My body in general
14. My deep voice
15. My dominant side
16. My scars
17. My style
18. My sense of humor
19. My dick
20. My ability to listen
21. My intelligence
22. My smile
23. My laugh
24. My kindness
25. My desire for freedom/independence
26. My love for art
27. My love for music
28. My love for beauty
29. My earrings
30. My literacy
31. My orderliness
32. My curiosity
33. My speed (sprinting)
34. My drawing ability
35. My relentlessness
36. My basketball skills
37. My observation skills
38. My willingness to learn
39. My humility
40. My eyebrow cuts
41. My story writing ability
42. My rapping ability
43. My nationality
44. My muscles
45. My religion
46. My poetry writing ability
47. My sexuality
48. My calmness
49. My apprenticeship
50. My consistency regarding self improvement


Very cool that I was able to come up with 50 things. I wasn’t sure I could, haha. It shows that there’s at least 50 things I like about myself, maybe there’s more? :)

It felt good writing this, I feel a little bit more love for myself.

P.S.: Took me like 3 days in total to write this (over a 3 week span).



I may do this later today. Good stuff man.