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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

Sprained my ankle:

Haven’t posted in 2 days. Sprained my ankle during basketball practice on Monday.

Went to the hospital yesterday to get a x-ray, nothing dramatic. Just a matter of cooling it and stuff. Kinda hurts to walk and I’m walking slow, so I’m using crutches for assistance for now.

Cancelled my driving school appointments and no basketball for at least two weeks. I will still go to the gym (I went yesterday), the only exercises I see myself not being able to do is squats and maybe rows. We’ll see.

I let the sprain get to my mood and I haven’t meditated or went to sleep on time for the past 2 days, just the gym.

I can do better than this, will get back on it today.


Haven’t posted in a week. I want to get a 10.000€ loan in order to move out. I have to find out wether that’s possible though, considering the fact that I have no consistent proof of income. I wrote down some other practical questions I’ll have to answer as well in order to get it done.

•Apart from that, Basketball Girl has declined meeting up 3 times in a row now saying she’s busy. If she declines again, I’ll send her the copy and paste text in Andys Tinder guide about this.

•Wanted to meet chocolate girl last week as well, but she flaked. Granted, I flaked a couple times too.

•The gym and hitting my calories is the only thing I’m doing consistently right now.

•Ankle sprain is way better, on the first day I was on crutches now I can walk normally again. Still no basketball and squats for now, will most likely start taking driving lessons again next week though.


•Answered the questions I had about my bank account. Tomorrow I’ll go and ask the bank wether a 10.000€ loan without a job is possible.

•Went to the gym

•Blocked first date girl on ig. Part of me still hopes she’ll reach out at some point. For my own peace of mind I blocked her.

•I have an appointment with an urologist tomorrow about my ED. If nothings physically wrong, I can get a prescription for sex pills (not sure if I’m allowed to choose, if I can then Cialis).

•Trying to set up dates with Chocolate and Basketball Girl. Chocolate Girl invited me over to her aunties house to watch movies tomorrow but their would be kids around so nothing would be possible. Told her let’s reschedule.

•Not sure what’s up with Basketball Girl, I’ve invited her to come over this Saturday. Last week I tried to schedule a meetup, but she didn’t reply. As the day approached I texted her: „Sorry, can’t do today anymore“ and she just liked the message. If she declines again, I’ll do as I said in the post above. It hurts a little, but it happens.


Crimson said:
Chocolate Girl invited me over to her aunties house to watch movies tomorrow but their would be kids around so nothing would be possible.
Hey dawg good to see you getting stuff done.

I haven’t read your whole log so if you’ve met chocolate girl before disregard. But if you haven’t spending some time with her even an hour is good. Sure you might not be able to get some with the logistics but it opens up opportunities in meeting up with her. Who knows you could be watching tv and everyone leaves for dinner or something. If you have more important things to do, make money, gym, approaching fine but if the same time is going to be spent fucking about better to see her.
Crimson said:
•Answered the questions I had about my bank account. Tomorrow I’ll go and ask the bank wether a 10.000€ loan without a job is possible.

•Went to the gym

•Blocked first date girl on ig. Part of me still hopes she’ll reach out at some point. For my own peace of mind I blocked her.

•I have an appointment with an urologist tomorrow about my ED. If nothings physically wrong, I can get a prescription for sex pills (not sure if I’m allowed to choose, if I can then Cialis).

•Trying to set up dates with Chocolate and Basketball Girl. Chocolate Girl invited me over to her aunties house to watch movies tomorrow but their would be kids around so nothing would be possible. Told her let’s reschedule.

•Not sure what’s up with Basketball Girl, I’ve invited her to come over this Saturday. Last week I tried to schedule a meetup, but she didn’t reply. As the day approached I texted her: „Sorry, can’t do today anymore“ and she just liked the message. If she declines again, I’ll do as I said in the post above. It hurts a little, but it happens.



Just keep showing up brother.

Worst case on the 10k loan if you can't get it, then you may just have to get a job in the mean time & save for a bit.
Adrizzle said:
Crimson said:
Chocolate Girl invited me over to her aunties house to watch movies tomorrow but their would be kids around so nothing would be possible.
Hey dawg good to see you getting stuff done.

I haven’t read your whole log so if you’ve met chocolate girl before disregard. But if you haven’t spending some time with her even an hour is good. Sure you might not be able to get some with the logistics but it opens up opportunities in meeting up with her. Who knows you could be watching tv and everyone leaves for dinner or something. If you have more important things to do, make money, gym, approaching fine but if the same time is going to be spent fucking about better to see her.

Yeah, I’ve met her before and we did sexual stuff. But I’ll keep this in mind for future first dates, thanks. Spending even little time with them makes sense to increase the chance for future meetups.
natedawg said:
Crimson said:
•Answered the questions I had about my bank account. Tomorrow I’ll go and ask the bank wether a 10.000€ loan without a job is possible.

•Went to the gym

•Blocked first date girl on ig. Part of me still hopes she’ll reach out at some point. For my own peace of mind I blocked her.

•I have an appointment with an urologist tomorrow about my ED. If nothings physically wrong, I can get a prescription for sex pills (not sure if I’m allowed to choose, if I can then Cialis).

•Trying to set up dates with Chocolate and Basketball Girl. Chocolate Girl invited me over to her aunties house to watch movies tomorrow but their would be kids around so nothing would be possible. Told her let’s reschedule.

•Not sure what’s up with Basketball Girl, I’ve invited her to come over this Saturday. Last week I tried to schedule a meetup, but she didn’t reply. As the day approached I texted her: „Sorry, can’t do today anymore“ and she just liked the message. If she declines again, I’ll do as I said in the post above. It hurts a little, but it happens.



Just keep showing up brother.

Worst case on the 10k loan if you can't get it, then you may just have to get a job in the mean time & save for a bit.

Exactly, thank you. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if that was the case.
Jokes (23x)= 1.230 kp

Laughing on my own (5x)= 100 kp

Poem and Songwriting= 60 kp

Gym (5x)= 100 kp

List of things I like about myself= 100 kp

Therapy session= 20 kp

Meditation (x3)= 60

Boxing (x2)= 40

Good Sleep (x3)= 60

Reframing living situation positively= 20 kp

44.970 kp - 1.790 kp= 43.180 kp

New total karmic debt: 43.180 kp
•Went to the urologist today. Explained my ED issues and got 20mg of Tadalafil😎

•Didn’t go to the bank, will do tomorrow

•Baby-Step towards studying for exam

•Basketball Girl still hasn’t responded. She probably ghosted.

Feeling alright, not much to say. If I stop seeing Basketball Girl I can reframe it positively as now having time for other things on Saturdays.

Feels good to have the sex pills now. It’ll be good to show myself that I can actually have sex haha.


tdan187 said:
What makes you think you have ED just curious?

I thought I had ED when I was 22 and had my first fuck buddy. It took me 2 or 3 months to even have my first orgasm during sex. And I couldn't even fuck any my first pulls other than the very first girl for some reason (and didn't cum with her). My dick wouldn't even get hard.

I got a script for viagra and it helped some.

Looking back though, it was all totally fixable I just didn't know what the fuck I was doing at the time.

I can get hard when I’m with a girl, it’s just the staying hard part that doesn’t work.

Seems to be purely psychological, which is why the pills will help, because I’ll be hard regardless of how worried I am about my ability to get/stay hard.
•Went to the gym

•Went to the bank, unfortunately getting a loan without income is not possible

•Basketball Girl unfollowed me

•Sleep: It’s 0:45 AM and I’m still not sleeping


•Slow day, but baby-steps. Since I can’t get a loan, I’ll have to get a job and start saving money in order to move out.

•Regarding Basketball Girl, I saw that she unfollowed me today. I asked her (politely) for feedback on why she ghosted me, but she hasn’t answered yet.

I’ll wait another day, if she doesn’t answer, I’ll block her. I’d rather end things amicably but hey, it’s outside of my control. I do feel pretty down about her leaving though.

•Regarding sleep it’s 0:45 AM and I still have two meals to eat. Stayed in bed too long doing nothing and now it’s this late.


•Blocked Basketball Girl

•Going to sleep now: 1:59 AM


•Lazy day tbh. It’s 1:59 AM, spent too long on YouTube and also still had to hit my calories (shoved down two avocados+banana+nuts lol). Gotta wake up at 6 tomorrow, so only 4 hours of sleep (yikes).

•Basketball Girl: Gave her two days to reply and she didn’t. It is what it is, I blocked her now. It was very fun and I learned a lot. Retained her for 4 months like a champ😎. Not bad for a newbie. I’m very grateful to her for the time she spent with me and I hope she’s better off than she would’ve been if she never met me.

Saying that her leaving doesn’t suck would be a lie though. At least I still got Chocolate Girl.

Note: I would like to write a reflection post on what I learned during my time with Basketball Girl, since I can definitely benefit from the insight that I would gain if I look a little closer at the relationship that we had👍🏾


•Hit my calories

Going to sleep now: 2:45 AM


•Could’ve done better. Nothing productive really except the above (minus the sleep, of course).

•Sleep: Watched YouTube for too long again and still had calories to eat. I waited too long to eat.

My appetite is not the highest so I often wait until end of the day and then realize I still gotta eat like 1.500 kcal and start stuffing my face. I gotta gain muscle, you know😎

Jokes aside, I gotta get my sleep in order.


Updated sleeping time from the post above: I stayed up until 6 AM last night watching YouTube.

•Went to gym

•Hit calories

•Going to sleep now: 11:09 PM


•Don’t be fooled by me going to sleep this early lol, gotta wake up at 4 AM, school trip to Belgium tomorrow.

•I’m seeing the muscle growth which is motivating me further to keep the gym grind consistent.

•The lack of sleep last night definitely messed with my productivity.


natedawg said:
Good shit. KEEP GOING.

I also feel those actions should be worth some karmic points.

You’re right, I’m not generous enough. I will update accordingly.
•Hit my calories

•Going to sleep now: 2 AM


Was in Belgium the whole day, so nothing else to say. It was a pretty nice trip, my classmates are all really cool.


•Went to gym
•Going to sleep soon, it’s currently 0:25 AM


Staying consistent on the gym grind, still need to update the karmic debt.

Considering joining the military. I don’t really care about finishing school tbh. I like kids but becoming a kindergarten teacher… meh.

I don’t know how it’s in other countries but here in Germany we have volunteer groups for the military where you can serve 7 to 23 months. I’d earn around 1.500 € a month. If I joined I would serve max. 1 year, which is quite some time to save money. The housing would be free and pretty far away from home (still in Germany of course) so I’ll see new things.

Plus, it would provide a lot of structure for me, which is something that I struggle with. I’m around masculine men and I’ll be able to just be away from my usual environment for some time.

Either that or joining a boxing gym, I feel like getting my ass beat.


lol this would be an excellent decision, having the structure + masculine influences for a prolonged period of time
I dislike the military
But 12 months is not a huge chunk of life, you’ll get paid, gain skills and they will make you have discipline