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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

Manly Cockfellow said:

Crimson said:
I gave it my best to make her have a good time.

What if you stopped worrying so much about her having a good time and made your enjoyment the main focus?

By focusing so much on her and her pleasure you're robbing her of a role most women love to play, which is to be the sexy girl who gives the hot guy exactly what he wants.

Let her focus on making you feel as good as possible (you can even tell her before you get together again that you'd like to focus on your pleasure next time, because you know she feels really good when she makes you feel good) and see if that doesn't lead to a better experience for both of you!

Manly Cockfellow Wow, just watched the full video. So eye-opening. I was mad initially, because I was like “why didn’t I know this before!?”, but as the video went on, I understood everything.

I was so focused on her (physical) pleasure, but I wasn’t even enjoying myself. I’m gonna do as you said and tell her that I’d like to focus on what I want to do.

I now know EXACTLY what I’m gonna do the next time I see her😏


Date #5: Chocolate Girl

Calling her chocolate girl because she’s black , lol. Second date from OLD, both black girls haha, coincidence? This is the girl that flaked last time, btw. My best date yet.

Met up, wasn’t really into her (she’s chubby, but not fat at all, just not “slim“) and she was kinda annoying at first (she talks A LOT).

I knew I had to stay to get experience though. We go to a small bar and she buys both of us a drink because I didn’t have any money, lol.

She tells me stuff about her life that I only half-listened to, because I was so focused on the fact that she was not as attractive as I’d hoped.

(I actually do remember some stuff though, born in Nigeria, went to Ukraine for studies, came to Germany because of the war)

But then she takes off her jacket. “Oh? Her tits are actually kinda big” I repeat Andy’s mantra in my head “I want you”. She becomes sexier and sexier.

Get out of the store after an hour and walk around. Push her against a fence in a dark alley and make out with her.

Walk around some more, goof around etc. It’s very cold outside, so we go in a grocerie store. (Lead her there while grabbing her neck, lol)

We split up for a sec and I reflect on how the date went so far: “What are you doing, Brandon? Why are you in a grocerie store with her? And do you really want to hear another story of her life? Is this what you want to do?”


Take her outside, look for a private spot. On the way we talk about body counts (she slept with 3 guys, all boyfriends) “Why do you not want anything serious, Brandon?” etc. Basically, we talk about sex.

Find private spot. Grab her by the neck and make out with her again. Then I pause and look her in the eyes: I tell her to say “I love being sexy for you daddy”, she chuckles and says it. Magical moment.

For the first time in my life I made a girl call me daddy. No turning back, this awakened something in me that I can’t wait to explore further.

We kept this daddy-good girl dynamic up the rest of the date, with regular conversations in between.

Found another semi-private spot where we can actually sit down. Make her caress my dick casually and make her give me a lap dance.

Here it gets really nice. I’m making out with her and really incorporate dominance and psychological play. This is something that I barely do with Basketball Girl, which is probably a big part of why the sex with her is so mediocre/ repetitive.

Make her say a bunch of things like “I love pleasuring you daddy” “I love your cock daddy” etc. I encourage her sexiness: “ You’re doing so good for me right now”, “I love the way you moan” “Who’s my sexy little slut?”, oh my god it was so hot.

Also made her use her imagination: “Imagine I was inside of you rn…”, “My dick slowly going in and out and then faster…” etc. etc., I wanna spare you the details, lol.

She could literally not control herself. She was moaning loudly, in a public place. Her legs were getting weak, so she had to sit down. “Im so wet for you right now daddy”, she says.

She also gives me a bunch of compliments, telling me that my cock is so big and I have a beautiful face and smile ect. Felt good :)

After we’re done she says that I made her cum. JUST BY MAKING OUT WITH HER. She says that she never even got wet for the 3 guys from just making out and that they always had to eat her out etc. before she even got a little wet.

I asked her why she thinks they weren’t able to pleasure her the way she wanted to. She did not know. Very interesting.


I focused on my pleasure and did what I wanted to do (make her my little good girl) + incorporated psychological play and as a response she was INCREDIBLY turned on.

This is the first time I’ve incorporated psychological play and dominance like this and I was able to clearly see the effects. Make the girls MIND travel into a completely different world where she’s the sexiest girl in the universe, solely created to pleasure YOU.

I was able to completely let go with her because I wasn’t worried about losing her, whereas Basketball Girl is the objectively cutest girl I’ve dated (I don’t really “rate” girls but HB7) so I’m more hesitant.

But after seeing this, I have to try it with her.

Note 1: I have to thank Manly Cockfellow here🙏🏾 He was the one that encouraged me to focus on MY PLEASURE INSTEAD OF HERS (or better-worded to focus on my pleasure and then share it with her) and I’ve had one of the best sexual experiences I’ve had so far as a result, without even taking my clothes off (probably the same for her, from what she’s said).

Note 2: God damn, she left me with blue balls… KINDA HURTS LOL. She lives like 1h away but I’m definitely planning on seeing her again.

Note 3: I also opened up to her about how I lost my virginity to a prostitute after she asked me. I don’t really have a problem with telling girls this. In fact, I kinda take pride in it because I took initiative to turn my sex life around.

Note 4: Date with Basketball Girl scheduled for tomorrow. Both of my parents will probably be there, so freedom will be restrained. Eitherway, I want to focus on my pleasure and psychological play as well and see what happens.


Crimson said:
Make the girls MIND travel into a completely different world where she’s the sexiest girl in the universe, solely created to pleasure YOU.

Beautifully put.

I was smiling like an idiot the whole time I was reading your post.

Excellent, excellent, excellent work man!

And this is just the beginning! :)
Manly Cockfellow said:
Crimson said:
Make the girls MIND travel into a completely different world where she’s the sexiest girl in the universe, solely created to pleasure YOU.

Beautifully put.

I was smiling like an idiot the whole time I was reading your post.

Excellent, excellent, excellent work man!

And this is just the beginning! :)

I’m very excited to see what’s ahead on my journey, thank you for your continued advice🙏🏾
Saw Basketball Girl again:

Had a really great time with Basketball Girl. Spent like 5 hours together.

My parents were at home so we couldn’t do much in terms of sex, but it was still a great time nonetheless.

We’re in my room and we’re just talking. Honestly, there’s always a little bit of a lack of sexual enthusiasm from both of us when we’re together, like it’s a drag to do anything sexual (Pretty interesting considering the fact that she’s so sexually attractive).

On the flipside, the conversations with her are amazing. She’s a really interesting person and I like listening to her stories. Just spending time with her and hanging out is a lot of fun and it really lifts my soul.

I took some steps in terms of honesty and retention with her today (By following Andy’s retention guide). On the way to my house I told her that my parents will be there (because she’s always uncomfortable introducing herself to them). I then told her that I hope it doesn’t bother her that I still live with my parents (which is reasonable considering I’m 20), she said: “Of course not, I also still live with my mum” (she’s 18). So that’s sorted.

While we were in my room, I also initiated the “It’s ok to catch feelings” conversation. I told her that I feel like she sometimes keeps an arms-length. She agreed and said it’s because she differentiates between serious and casual relationships and that she won’t catch feelings. I really like her though, all good. In addition, I made it really clear that I want to keep seeing her.

She also saw me get a notification from a dating app, lol. She took my hand and made me show myself the middle finger, haha. I pretended like I didn’t know what happened, which was “meh” on my part. All good, honesty is an ideal you work towards. (Put your phone on dnd next time, Brandon)

While she was caressing my dick I noticed her awkwardness so I asked her wether she’s shy about sexual stuff. She said yes, I told her it’s normal. She comes off as really confident and cool, so it was surprising and cute to see her shy and awkward like that.

I also incorporated psychological play, which was quite hot and she definitely enjoyed it too.

The fact that I talked a lot more made it way better, because usually we both rarely talk during sex, which makes it feel more like a performance rather than an experience.

But this time I talked. A lot. Lots and lots of compliments. Told her how hot she looked and how I can’t control myself around her. I could feel her getting hornier and hornier with each word.

Made her close her eyes and painted a picture in her mind about my parents not being home, both of us losing control and fucking each other hard. She was so horny and sexy. The stimulation of the mind is a powerful thing, man.

Went upstairs for more privacy. Put on Netflix, but we ended up making out, me fingering her and her giving me a handjob. I made her say “I love when you put your fingers inside me, Brandon” and some other stuff. Making a girl say stuff is like the ultimate act of submission, so hot. Didn’t make her call me Daddy, was pretty afraid of rejection. She also didn’t want to say “I’m your little good girl”, all good. I do want to make her call me daddy next time though, haha.


I’m kind of confused as to what she likes sexually. She seems pretty shy about sex, which is understandable since she’s inexperienced with fucking new people (1 ex-bf for 1 yr and a couple months I think), which probably makes her more closed off.

Only way to find out is to ask her, obviously.


We won’t be meeting for a few weeks since the holidays are coming around. Funnily enough we’ll both be on vacation in England at the same time, but in different cities.

What I want to do:

•Ask her about her sexual history and what she likes in the bedroom.

•Open up more about my sex life and what I like in the bedroom

•Buy BDSM starter-kit

•Buy Doxy

•See my doctor about ED issues so I can get Cialis or Viagra😎


Crimson said:
I do want to make her call me daddy next time though, haha.

Man i love you becoming dom with girls. So much fun to read:D

I realized that girls will obey this sort of stuff much more when you are fucking them hard and they are just gone in theirs world.

Good luck I think you will succeed with that.

I also love to tease chicks with my dick and rub it against their pussy. Making them say "Please" to put it inside of them. Usually will tell them that it is not enough and make them say "Pretty pleaseee" before fucking them. Stole that from someone, maybe Andy.

I also had ED when I was younger and it was 100% caused by regular porn consuption. Also helps to take L-Citruline & salt 1h before sex to increase blood flow into your dick.

Keep working Young gun;)

Red said:
Crimson said:
I do want to make her call me daddy next time though, haha.

Man i love you becoming dom with girls. So much fun to read:D

I realized that girls will obey this sort of stuff much more when you are fucking them hard and they are just gone in theirs world.

Good luck I think you will succeed with that.

I also love to tease chicks with my dick and rub it against their pussy. Making them say "Please" to put it inside of them. Usually will tell them that it is not enough and make them say "Pretty pleaseee" before fucking them. Stole that from someone, maybe Andy.

I also had ED when I was younger and it was 100% caused by regular porn consuption. Also helps to take L-Citruline & salt 1h before sex to increase blood flow into your dick.

Keep working Young gun;)


Thank you, it’s very fun to take control. I understand your point as well, it definitely makes sense that girls are more obedient when they’re super horny. I would love to make girls beg as well ;)

Regarding porn, I’ve quit. I quit 10 days ago and I’m not planning on ever watching again, so it should fix itself in time. I always hear you mention L-Citruline & salt, I’ll have to try it out.
Too much work to mention every single detail, so I’m just gonna summarize.

•Times I made people smile (10 x 20 kp each)= 200 kp

•Return date with BG (lots of compliments, mediocre sex)= 500 kp

•Date #5 (lots of psychological stimulation and dominance + AMAZING sexual experience)= 800 kp

•Saw BG again (chill convo, lots of compliments, lots of honesty and some retention work+ psychological stimulation, some dominance and really hot sexual experience)= 700 kp

48.860 kp - 2.200 kp= 46.660 kp

New total karmic debt: 46.660 kp

I didn’t actually count each time I gave the girls value (compliments, sexual actions etc., it’s too much to keep up with) so I’m going based more off of a feeling on how much value I think I gave them (and myself).

Probably also basing it off of how well I personally think the date went, so the kp I assigned might not be accurate.

Let me know if you think it isn’t!


Hallelujah, lol. Finally approached again. Approached two girls, both had boyfriends, all good. Proud of myself.

The last time I approached was like 2 months ago, she gave me a fake number, which discouraged me, I guess.


Faked like I was on a phone call both times before approaching, to build up courage and be able to get kinda close. Kind off a safety net. As long as it helps me approach, it’s good.

It was nighttime so there weren’t many people around. I always care a lot about other people seeing me approach, so that helped. Less people around also means less girls around, though.

Gonna try daygame tomorrow.


Crimson said:
Red said:
Man i love you becoming dom with girls. So much fun to read:D

I realized that girls will obey this sort of stuff much more when you are fucking them hard and they are just gone in theirs world.

Good luck I think you will succeed with that.

I also love to tease chicks with my dick and rub it against their pussy. Making them say "Please" to put it inside of them. Usually will tell them that it is not enough and make them say "Pretty pleaseee" before fucking them. Stole that from someone, maybe Andy.

I also had ED when I was younger and it was 100% caused by regular porn consuption. Also helps to take L-Citruline & salt 1h before sex to increase blood flow into your dick.

Keep working Young gun;)


Thank you, it’s very fun to take control. I understand your point as well, it definitely makes sense that girls are more obedient when they’re super horny. I would love to make girls beg as well ;)

Regarding porn, I’ve quit. I quit 10 days ago and I’m not planning on ever watching again, so it should fix itself in time. I always hear you mention L-Citruline & salt, I’ll have to try it out.
Crimson said:
Crimson said:
Thank you, it’s very fun to take control. I understand your point as well, it definitely makes sense that girls are more obedient when they’re super horny. I would love to make girls beg as well ;)

Regarding porn, I’ve quit. I quit 10 days ago and I’m not planning on ever watching again,
so it should fix itself in time. I always hear you mention L-Citruline & salt, I’ll have to try it out.

Regarding porn, I’ve quit. I quit 10 days ago and I’m not planning on ever watching again,

Regarding that I just relapsed, got the urge and couldn’t hold back. The author of the EasyPeasy method did say that the book requires multiple reads…

Watched try not to laugh (kid edition)= 50 kp

Laughter (x4)= 80 kp

Meditation= 20 kp

Watched soothing painting videos= 100 kp

Watched try not to laugh (baby edition)= 50 kp

Watched other funny vids= 50 kp

Jokes (x11)= 220 kp

Burning exercise= 50 kp

Mirror Therapy (x2)= 100 kp

46.660 kp - 720 kp = 45.940 kp

New total karmic debt: 45.940 kp

Note: Incorporated an exercise from YCATLOANT which was to laugh. Kids and babies doing dumb stuff always makes me laugh so I watched that, felt good.

Watching the painting videos was extremely relaxing, took a nap at some point.

Also been more aware of negative thinking today. Kept saying „stop“ in my head when they popped up.

The burning exercise was me writing all the hate I felt for myself out on paper and then burning it in the toilet.


Not much action today, spent the day traveling (I’m currently in England). The intention was there though.

Made effort focusing on the positive and practiced gratitude.


Mirror Therapy (x2)= 50 kp

Played with cousin= 20 kp

Played with baby cousin= 50 kp

Jokes (x3)= 60 kp

Approaches (x2)= 40 kp (put a smile on their face)

45.940 kp - 220 kp= 45.720 kp

New total karmic debt: 45.720 kp

Note: Still on vacation in England. Will be back in Germany in a couple days. Excited to go back.


I‘m back from my vacation in England. From now on I will write down a to-do list for each day and document what I’ve achieved and haven’t achieved.

Mental health

•Read YCATLOANT to page 430✅
•Make list of 10 therapists + their numbers✅
•Ask friend about boxing gym opening time✅
•Lengthen library duration of CBT book✅


•Write down EVERYTHING I have to do to catch up on my studies✅


•Write resumee❌


•Go to gym✅
•Eat 3250 kcal (currently bulking)✅


•Spent 5 min. Messaging on OLD✅

Used my anger to take some action today. Helped, especially in the gym. Probably gonna write a review on 2022 as well. Will also make a post in my mental health log about how I’m doing.


Mental health

•Do 3 YCATLOANT exercises✅
•Call 10 therapists✅
•Mirror Therapy (x2)✅


•Watch 3 videos on presentation subject and document what you’ve learned✅
•Look up what papers you have to give to the kindergarten✅
•Find papers you have to give to your teacher✅


•Write resumee❌

Fitness (Rest day today so only diet)

•Eat 3250 kcal✅
•Eat 3 different fruits✅


•Spent 5 min. Messaging on OLD✅
•Text girl to get my hair retwisted✅


Regarding my resumee, I’ll have to break it down into a smaller task, since „update your entire resumee“ seems to be to big of a task which is why I keep avoiding it.

Out of the 10 therapist only one answered. They’re all still on holidays, but most will open back up tomorrow, so I’ll call them again tomorrow.

Overall, this to-do list stuff is good for me because I it keeps me organized which is something I struggle with.

I also like that I pay attention to each area of my life since I have a tendency to greatly neglect certain areas of my life and pay great attention to others.


Focus redirection to the positive= 20 kp

Wrote a song= 20 kp

Appreciated beauty= 20 kp

Joke (x1)= 20 kp

Said goodbye to worker= 20 kp

Mirror Therapy (x4)= 80 kp

Inner child work= 20 kp

45.660 kp - 220 kp= 45.440 kp

New total karmic debt: 45.440 kp


Finally finished writing my resumee, so I can apply for a job. My mom will review it and print it out and I will go to the store and give it to the owner.

My currently not optimal living situation (See: My mental health log) gave me the motivation to finish it. I would like to move out of my parents house as quickly as possible, so I have to get a job and start saving money.

One of my parents cut the internet off in our house (most likely as a response to me running away), so I‘m currently in the library.

