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DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)




DAY 35 :

My volume raise the fuckin' up with my new set of pics what the fuck! I went from 4-5 likes pending on my tinder to some 12-15, which is not a lot I confess but it's a huge increase tho !
On some other app called 'happn" (popular here) I went from 5 likes to 16 likes, it's an insane increase!! Still not a lot but that's a fucking amelioration!

On the topic of the first message, I use 2 messages :
-The Andy template
-And one of mine which is "[girl name] was the name of my first kiss in 6th grade, I hope you won't blame as much as her"

And when I'm inspired, I send a personalized text, and that's the shit that work the most.

On another topic which is kinda linked to this one. The men side of my family have some of an esoteric "gift" idk how to call it. So I know how to read cards and hands, and health skin issues. I'm thinking about mentioning that in my bio, because girls love esoteric shit.

My roommate create a tinder account of a 3/10 girl and damn I was amazed : 80 likes in 20 minutes. Wtf. I was also able to see what my concurrent look like, and how to improve my pics to look like them.
DAY 36:

I feel just talking about OLD stuff here. I don't need accountability going to the gym, eating right, going to work, sleeping or whatever. I can handle that shit myself.

I became so much disciplined into this direction. Getting laid as much as possible had become my fucking main focus. I cannot do nothing. I need to sort that out. It's weird it's not even about getting my balls empty, I've got almost not libido if I'm not thinking or talking dirty to a girl I want to pipe.

I put on the side everything that's not related to getting laid. I'm even anxious when I'm doing nothing more than swiping. I need to get better in every fucking existing way.

But I feel that every step I take further get me closer to failing and put me in this odd feeling. The more I invest myself, the more high I'll fall if I fail. But I can't do nothing I've got to go all in.


-Leaner physic : Yeah, I'm on my way, but why ? Would it lend to a really sensible increase in my matches ? I'm not sure that it will change everything tho

-10 Nice fitting t-shirt

-Player leather jacket

-Tinder Platinum + Boosts

-New jeans

-New pics new pics : Aiming for 6 high-end pics in various locations and outfit :
  • -Outfit/urban pic
  • Candid shirtless pic in some place that's ok to be shirtless
  • Social pic, but this one really hard to get
To add to my last post, I have to confess that I'm actually full of anger and negative feeling against a lot of shit, I just use these feeling as energy to go further. But at the end it's negative energy for sure. I think i'm a basic edgy boy fighting his demon at the gym, I know it's gringe.

Just stubble to this pic so you can see how far i come from :
View attachment 5

Just went in my icloud to see if there are any photos to add rn, I let them here just in case some are usable, but if I understood well : none
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ovnidos said:
Leaner physic : Yeah, I'm on my way, but why ? Would it lend to a really sensible increase in my matches ? I'm not sure that it will change everything tho

it won't make a huge difference but worth it to get the one shirtless pic and never have to worry about it again

ovnidos said:
-10 Nice fitting t-shirt

-Player leather jacket

style will make a significant difference in your portraits. why 10? if money is tight i would get 2-3 outfits as maxed out as you can and do laundry more often

ovnidos said:
Social pic, but this one really hard to get

yea you will most likely have to ask people to pose specifically. a dog would help in the meantime

there is some messaging optimization you can do to increase conversions but obv pics are 90% of focus. you're on the right track
ovnidos said:
I'm actually full of anger and negative feeling against a lot of shit,

As long as you are not beating yourself up, and using this energy positively, then it's all good. The bad part is when all this anger is aimed toward you, then it's destructive and not that useful.

You came a long way man, there's room for improvement but your physique is quite good!

I would explore different glasses or get lenses. Don't think yours are stylish enough
Rags2Bitches said:
style will make a significant difference in your portraits. why 10? if money is tight i would get 2-3 outfits as maxed out as you can and do laundry more often

Yeah you’re right but I think I can afford 7-10 plain t shirt from uniqlo or something + maxed out outfit. Because I feel like I’m always doing laundry lmao.

Rags2Bitches said:
there is some messaging optimization you can do to increase conversions but obv pics are 90% of focus. you're on the right track

I saw you mention this on the SpongeBob thread, when you have the time could you go in further details ? But experience told me that give compliments about something the girl choose work well.
SpongeBob said:
energy positively, then it's all good.

I hope it’s aimed toward personal development tho it’s not the healthiest mood. But I’ll work that out

SpongeBob said:
physique is quite good!
Thanks man, I’m in the weird stage where I really like my fizeek but as there’s not that much room for significant improvement which make me sad.
SpongeBob said:
I would explore different glasses or get lenses. Don't think yours are stylish enough

Changing glasses are out of the question for now. Because of heathcare stuff. But I see kinda well without them so, All my pics are gonna be taken without and going to date without it too.
Holy shit you have made SO MUCH PROGRESS!!!

Bro, you are looking GOOD in your pics.

We all experience dark emotions, trust me, we all do.

This game is hard. But you will stay the course, and we will sit at the winners table together.

MakingAComeback said:
Bro, you are looking GOOD in your pics.

Thanks for cheering me up bro! But you know that here looking good doesn't lead to significant result, that's why we all go the way of photoshoot or getting a dslr cam. I don't need to look good I need to be in the top 1% for getting that pipeline. I hope the factors that I can't change won't stop me in that quest
DAY 36:

On my way to press buy, guys, but first let me hear your point of view on these :
The Jean and The double rider "fake" leather jacket. And yes I know my size it's always the smallest, it's pretty simple lmao.

Tomorrow I'll also buy nice fitting plain t-shirts and I should be set up.
As I've already got the shoes (which won't appear in any pics tho), the double chains on my neck, 2 "rock" style rings, and a wristlace.

I think a lot today at what type of life I want to depict in my OLD profile. Which is in fact very much linked to the type of girl I want to attract. Let me explain:

I want to fuck the basic insta/fit/nice ass girls. The kind of girls that like to feed their instagram with "pretty pics" blah-blah : you know the story. Which is cool with that is that if I aim toward these girls, I won't screen out potential non-insta girl that much. It's not like if go full gothic to attract gothic girls, you feel me?

So I know I talk every day about what I'm going to do without doing much ahah, BUT a plan is emerging in my head so I take time.
So the plan :

For all the set-ups I'll take smiley and non-smiling one to test the difference in the results.

First: Rooftop of a car park with an edgy style : double biker leather jacket + white shirt + jeans. I can occasionnaly remove the jacket/play with it to display the tattoo or the muscles.

Second: Shirtless at the street workout park. I'll try to get some candid ones and some badass ones. Good thing is that I can get pumped because I'm at the park.

Third: I need to go spend a weekend at my uncle in Biarritz, France on the atlantic see side, one of the most expensive place in France. I'll get try to get high status and aesthetics pics over her. Like the famous casino or on the beach. It will tho come a little later than the other pics.

Then come the more questionable ones. The most hard to get right, but perhaps the best ones.

Optional fourth: I live in an "aesthetic" apparent downtown of my city, Parisian style if you will. I would like to get a shot with an HIGHLY aesthetic breakfast in my bed with me shirtless. But I need to get the scenery really right for this one.

Optional Fifth:
I do a lot of construction work on my spare-time for extra money. I can perhaps do a "sexy" construction worker pic.

Optional Sixth:
Same as above, but with chopping wood in the countryside.

I'll need to wait for my wing for that, we've got the same objective and about the same fizzeek. We'll give each other the cam and have the same shot.
DAY 38:

Ok, it's clear I've got a new issue, rn. Basically when I match a girl we chit-chat for a few messages, then I always say something like "Lets go on a date, give me your Instagram, so we can organize that".

She gives her instagram and agree on having a date. Then the conversation go down so quickly ! And they stop answering. Which, I won't consider this an issue if this happens a few time. But right now it's a streak. My ig isn't as curated as my OLD profile, but still it's weird. I think it's because my OLD profile give me +1 or +2 point on attractiveness or smth. I'll try for getting the number next time.

If any French-speaking guy want to read, I can send screenshots.

I made a mad ass excel table about where to emigrate. With a few parameters :

-Pop density and the age pyramid in the city for OLD.
-Job prospect
-Lack of C19 restrictions
-Distance from home
-Good weather

The grading system goes like this : My city got a 1 and for example Paris got 3, which basically mean that Paris is 3 times better than my current city.

It stunts out that giving all these parameters,
-Manilla, Philippines is 8 times better than my current city
-Paris, France is 3 times better
-Barcelona, Spain is 2,4 times better
-Mexico DC, Mexico is 2 times better
-Contrary to Miami, which is 0.5 times worse than my city. I attribute this to the very low density of American city and the age distribution, which is very bad.

I'm thinking about moving my ass to Barcelona first, it's a 5 hours car ride, before doing the big step to MEXICO
If she agrees on the date (time and place) then the conversation doesn't need to keep going. Are you scheduling these dates long in advance? You should aim to see girls as soon as possible.

Then it doesn't matter if the convo dies. Just show a sign of life in between the agreement and the day of the date. Personally, I send them a picture of my arm holding a bottle of wine with the text "the wine is ready" or something like that.

You shouldn't be texting girls too much. Spike some attraction, keep their attention long enough to agree on a date, show a sign of life (send a confirmation text) and that's it.
Holden i mean is that they agreed on the concept of going on a date together. Before planning the logistics
ovnidos said:
MakingAComeback said:
Bro, you are looking GOOD in your pics.

Thanks for cheering me up bro! But you know that here looking good doesn't lead to significant result, that's why we all go the way of photoshoot or getting a dslr cam. I don't need to look good I need to be in the top 1% for getting that pipeline. I hope the factors that I can't change won't stop me in that quest

Yep, that is the truth brother man. It's a journey. Maxxing oneself out is real. Make no mistake about it. We have to really outshine so many men to get the outcomes we want. It takes brutal effort day in, day out, sometimes for years. Success in life can be a lonely road of slow, incremental, 0.01% gain every week made over time.

It is a grinder for sure, but that is the case for success in life. We will both get there.

No factor will hold you back, be reassured, you got your 1st lay, the rest will come the same way.

Always go for phone number and set the date ASAP. Girls get bombarded with messages on insta everytime they upload a new story.
TacoLover said:
Always go for phone number and set the date ASAP. Girls get bombarded with messages on insta everytime they upload a new story.

Strategy is uploaded, I'll always go for the number now.

DAY 39 :

I wanted to log but nothing under the radar calm day today.

But last night I was at some party for a bday, and the girl which was the bday of, let call her "Hill" because in french her name is Hill.

I know this girl because she is a friend of a friend. She went to one of my party once.

In my room I've made a "memento mori". A "memento mori" is a chart where each dot indicates the remaining weeks you've got to live. It's pretty creepy, but i find it cool.

And she finds it cool too, so she contacted so I can make her a custom one for her. So I did because i'm a very nice boy but is she trying to hit on me ? Idk

And at the last saturday party, I think she sent me some IOIs but I can be wrong. Like she laugh very loudly at my jokes, she took my hand to get me somewhere, she draws a muscle man on my glass before I was coming to the party so i knew which drink was mine. But idk fr, I'll investigate

Also, it's been 2 party in a row that i throw up, I don't know what happened, it normally pretty rare I'm getting weaker and older by the years it seems lol. Manage to get it very discreetly, so no ones knows, eheh...
DAY 40:

Fr I don't know what i can't do more except the pics I talked above. I wait for my wing, we'll take theses, and then I'll take tinder platinum, and buy boost for Saturday and Sunday.

A lead from before keep sexting me, I always re-direct the convo thought seeing each other irl. But this girl never avaible so I get bored.

And the girl to which i printed the memento mori, went to take it. I don't know if she's flirty or not still... Even if nothing happen, it's always cool to develop my social circle either way.


I almost passed out for the second time doing dumbbells rows. I do 4*12@50kg (110lbs) and if I don't use the belt my back doesn't feel good at all, but when I use the belt it's near the aneurysm rupture. But I don't want to go down in weight because I'm at 12 reps, so it's not considered as a heavy weight, more like an average weight. Either way, I'll continue because it was never about health at the end. And if some shits happen, I can say that I really pushed myself thought the limits.

Mental heath:

All day everyday I've got to fight the nihilism that try to take control of myself. I really feel like there's a shadow that's waiting for every fails or rejections to take control of myself. As I always say, thanks god I've got the gym as the foundation of my mental health.

It's crazy but like the Thebastard mentioned so many times in the GEP, I can't give up, it's impossible to give up. "Get some pussies or die tryin'". I'll change strategies as many times needed, will question myself as many times needed.
Keep at it bro!

Crazy weight on the DB rows! I think I would be tired after 4*12 using 25kg dummies haha